Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


He lifted her with ease, plopping her onto the counter as he stepped between her legs, pulling her to the edge of the granite top as he kissed her.

Listening to his words, she grimaced at Xael's name, "I sure hope he doesn't notice that. He's my sister's mate."

Her arms wove around his neck, leaning her forehead into his as her breath tickled his chin.

But his words sunk into her brain, making her smile, "So your saying I'm unique?"

“None the less, you know what I mean.” Jay chuckled, sinking into her further when her arms wrapped around him.

“One of a kind.” He breathed, his lips brushing hers. “I think any guy would give their left leg to get even a look from you Kayden.”

Kayden giggled, unable to hold back the joke, "Kai almost gave up his head to get a look from me."

His lips brushed hers and she pushed into them, enjoying the taste of his mouth on hers. Her body responded in earnest, pressing against him even as she pulled her face away, knowing they were already being risky.

"You really think I'm that special?" Kayden couldn't help the smile he drawed out of her, the blush only intensing as she played along with his words, "You've gotten plenty of looks from me so what are you giving up?"

Jay couldn’t help the laugh that left his mouth, rumbling within his chest.

“Well he’s going to get a black eye next time I see him.” He stated, his lips pressing hungrily into Kaydens, his teeth nipping at her bottom lip as she pulled away.

“I do.” He nodded, his golden eyes staring into Kayden’s soul snatching smoky eyes.

“Well more than likely, my man hood, my hands, and probably my head knowing our Alpha.” He breathed.

She giggled, "Not if we don't get caught. Which means your wandering hands have to behave."

She caught one of his hand holding her chin, kissing his palm, "You talk all these smooth words about me, but you have no idea what you're doing to me?"

Her eyes wandered to the window in the kitchen, knowing if anyone passed by they could see them. Wiggling free, she kissed his cheek and wandered out of the room, letting her words hang in the air.

Jay’s hands only moved as Kayden’s hands forced them too.

“It’s worth it if we do.” He breathed. “Hopefully making you understand just how beautiful you really are.”

Stepping back reluctantly, Jays hands moved to slide around her waist, pressing against her as he pranced out of the kitchen and upstairs with her.

The exhaustion gnawing at her faded quickly as his arms slide around her waist, following her upstairs. Kayden couldn't even wait till they closed the door, slamming him against the door frame as she tore his shirt off, her lips crashing into his.

'Quick session Jay. Xael and Luna could be back any minute.'

A soft moan left the man’s lips, his hands brushing along her beautiful hourglass shape figure.

They said an hour or two… We got a while.’ The wolf thought back, his fingers quickly ripping off Kayden’s shirt.

We’re wolves anyways, being naked is our natural thing.’ He chuckled inwardly, his lips pressing deeply against hers while his fingers slid down her perfect white skin, moving down to loop around the waist of her pants, tugging at them before ripping them off.

Freed of her clothes she bounced up off her feet, quickly wrapping herself around Jay's muscular body as a moan escaped her. Her nails dug into his shoulders, keeping herself from falling while he pushed her back into the door, her tongue slipping along his lips.

'Bed?' she thought, and he responded, tossing her on the bed as a giggle left her. But as he sauntered towards her, climbing on top so that her mouth could return to his perfect lips her ears picked up the smallest creak downstairs. Her hat had fallen free in their lust and her ears perked and swiveled, catching the nose of the softest door click.

'Someone's here!' she panicked, tossing him over the side of the bed as she lunged up and grabbed her hat and clothes from the door way, throwing the ripped jeans in the corner and pulling her hat and plaid shirt on halfway before realizing Jay's clothes were in a pile near the door too. She tip toed to them, bending down to grab them as someone hit the second floor landing, making her curse silently.

Jay’s body flung over to the side, the beginning of a complaint forming on his lips until the sound hit his ears. Holding his hands up, he watched Kayden’s body fling back across the room, her hands scrambling to gather his clothes as another body poked around the door.


Huffing, Eli placed his now sleeping daughter beside his sleeping siren, cautiously stepping out of the room and up the stairs. He could hear them scrambling, having noticed his presence. Stepping up to the opened bedroom door, Eli’s body stood before Kayden’s scrambling body.

“If you two Siblings don’t mind. My wife and my daughter as sleeping. It’s not easy to sleep to wolves going at it so I will ask you very kindly, to either quiet you’re heaving, or to simply stop. Either way, if I ask something of you in the future, you will do so.” Eli stated blandly, lifting a brow at them. “Or I can tell you’re alpha how her siblings have been having fun under the sheets.”

Kaydens mouth opened and shut then opened again. She had completely forgot they weren't staying in the guest house. She continued to gawk, eventually nodding her head at him as she stood half naked before the halfling.

"We...uh, didn't know. Please...please Eli don't tell Luna."

The thought of her sister learning this from Eli made her cringe, "Just don't tell them please. Please."

Eli couldn’t contain the laugh that bubbled out of his lips, his amused eyes looking back and fourth between both of the wolves.

“That’s a given.” He stated, lifting a brow. “Well then… When I need a favor just remember that the answer is only yes. Otherwise it’ll be our secret.” He nodded, an undeniable smile on his lips while his body turned. “And keep your plaything on a leash around my wife.”

With that, the Halfling began to wonder back down the hallway.

Kayden gaped as the halfling yet, feeling her head continue to nod, completely in shock. As his steps pounded down the steps only one thought came to mind that she could think to ask out loud.

"D-did he say wife?"

Turning, she looked at the shirtless wolf, trying to wrap her head around just how fast they'd already been caught. If they slipped up with Eli, how long was it till they slipped up with Ash or Brax, or someone who would tell Luna and Xael immediately.

Crossing around her queen sized bed she sat down beside him, the brunette wolf still kneeling on the floor where she'd thrown him. Her hand reached out, touching his shoulder. 'Are you okay Jay? I'll deal with it's my favor he wants, not yours. If this...if you want this to stop before we go any further I'll understand.'

She felt bad, having ears like hers and not paying more enough attention to realize sooner there was still three people in the house. She had gotten caught up in the gorgeous wolf before her.

Shock pulled over him, his golden pools staring widely at the door while his jaw hung ajar. Kayden’s voice rung in the background, her face pulling into view, forcing a nod from him. Sinking into Kayden’s touch, the wolf sighed, his muscles liquefying.

This is Eli we’re speaking of… ’ Jay looked up, pulling the girl into him. ‘We’ll deal with it together when they find out…

Jays head sunk into her shoulder, taking a deep breath before his head shot up.

“Wait… Wife. He said Wife.” He breathed, pulling Kayden further into his lap.

"Yes, wife," her head turned to look at the door, "Guess there's more to the story we missed. Never thought he'd tie himself down.'s not our business. Good for them."

'And you didn't answer my question Jay,' she pursed her lips as his thoughts circled around the siren, her gut churning unexpectedly, 'Do you want us to stop?'

Shaking his head, the wolf shot the thought of those two, the most unlikely out of them all, to call it official. Moving his head back up to look at Kayden, Jays eyes softened.

I did answer your question.’ He thought, his lips pressing together for a second.

“No. No I don’t. We’ll deal with it together when they find out.” He nodded, watching her to note her reaction.

Kayden sunk further into his lap, her back leaning against the edge of the bed as he sat on the floor. His words didn't surprise her, but they did warm her heart, knowing that he was choosing to risk Luna's wrath for more time with her.

A smile grew on her lips, her arms wrapping around his neck. Leaning forward, she pressed her lips to his, purring against them. Then she got up, crossing the room to her wardrobe to pull out a pair of black silk pajama shorts and yanking them on. Tossing Jay his jeans, she proceeded to her bookshelf, finding the current one she was reading. She'd snagged it earlier when she had invited Kyli for dinner, than snuck along with two others into her room before the meal.

"Since we can't have any fun naked, I thought we could cuddle," she smiled waving the book at the bed, "I got a bookcase here full if you want to take your pick. How about...this one."

Picking out one of her favorites -a fictional novel on werewolves that she found hilariously inaccurate- she waited till he was half dressed, pushing him onto the bed and snuggling up to his side. They propped pillows behind Jay so that he could lean back in a sitting position, while she curled into his side, her head resting on his stomach. Handing him the book she chose for him, she pulled hers open to the first page, blushing as Jay caught sight of the title.

'Yes I'm reading a book with tips on how to please your man. Stop laughing at me Jay.'

She whacked him playfully at his response, glaring mockingly up at him, "Shhhh, I'm trying to read."

Jay’s head leaned down, breathing her scent in until her lips pressed against his, his head leaning into her. Golden orbs watched as the girl moved up to change into something more comfortable. Curiosity bit into the wolf as the girl moved to a book case, grasping several books after poking around at the different titles. Moving up onto the bed, Jay helped readjust some of the pillows before sitting down and curling up with Kayden in his arms.

“Sound’s like an interesting title.” He chuckled, looking at the book before opening it to the first page. Looking over, Jay’s head twisted in a curious manner, the book cover giving him a good chuckle.

Oh… I’m not laughing. Not at all. I was… Choking on air.’ The wolf grinned, nudging her playfully. ‘Well… You pick up fine on your own.

With that, the wolf tilted his head down, nipping at Kayden’s ear playfully.

Fiiiine” The wolf howled.

"Jay!" she hissed as his teeth caught the tip of her ear, sending shivers through the sensitive nerves, "Gentle."

Kicking her bare legs out she flipped to the first page, diving into the book, despite the playful wolf trying to bug her. She knew he could teach her, and he was doing amazing at it, but Kayden felt almost at a loss, like there was too much she didn't know. She simply wanted to have some sort of education, anything to fall back on when she felt lost.

Jay couldn’t help the laugh that rumbled within his broad chest, his lips pressing down into her hair to allow her to sink into the book she seemed oddly interested in.

“’Like that, the man dropped, his bones growing, fur spurting from his pours while a howl of pleasure left the mans throat.’ Well… This is interesting already.” Jay chuckled, slowly reading the already inaccurate book.

"Skip to page 34 if you want it to get better," Kayden smiled as she quoted her favorite page, "Only the full moon could transform him. Otherwise he was a normal man, only with wolfish...urges. The need to eat meat was strong, and only the bloodiest would do. Other foods tasted like cardboard, boring and stale...It's a great read."

Turning to her own book, she read the table of contents, noticing an index at the back of the book. Skipping to it, she went down the list of words, most of them self explaining, others not.

"What's a climax?" she asked, tilting her head to look at them, "And this word...feet...feta-ish?"

“Oh well that sounds interesting. I didn’t know stuff tasted like cardboard.” He laughed, his eyes continuing to move over the words printed on the page before him.

Tilting his head, Jay chuckled.

“You know that amazing build up, and then that release when I’ve touched you?” He breathed quietly, his breath within her silky hair.

“That’s a climax. And a fetish? That’s when you find something that really gets you off. Some people enjoy being tied up, others enjoy doing it in public, some like it up the ass. It’s really a preference.”

Her cheeks flamed, her words tiny, "...up the...uh...anyways..."

Trying and failing to hide her blush, her face snapped back to the book, "W-why would people want to be tied up? Isn't that kind of scary?"

I've had my share of being tied or chained down. Why would someone choose that?

Jay’s laugh only deepened, his body quaking at her adorable response.

“Yes, up the ass. And no actually, because essentially you trust the person you’re playing with.” He nodded, “Plus most people don’t have terrible experiences, But the entire point is to allow your partner all the control.”

I’ll let you tie me up some time… You’ll enjoy it.’ The wolf thought, nuzzling her gently.

“Continue asking.”

Her fingers skimmed the index, looking for another word. She sat up and shimmied back, crossing her legs into a pretzel beside him so she could face him as she read the index.

"Hm...what's french kissing?"
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