Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


She moved a few paces from him then dropped to her knees, allowing the Change to take over. Normally she hid in the bush, wanting her privacy, but somehow she felt more comfortable near him then moving too far. His Change was faster than hers, her body already exhausted as she pushed herself through the painful bone snapping process. At one point she had to stop, halfway through as a wolfish whine left her mouth, her eyes scrunched up. Then she pushed through the last half, a low cry escaping her lips as her body fell into the dirt, her wolf form drenched in sweat.

It was why she always hid, why she didn't like others see her Change. She still felt more pain then the others, still cried out as her bones snapped and reformed. It always took her longer, making her sweat by the time she had finished. At least she could Change now, but she still wasn't as fast or experienced as Jay or Luna.

'I'm sorry...I will be ready in a second,' her voice echoed to his thoughts, her muzzle lying in the cold dirt as her chest heaved up and down, catching her breath.

He nodded, "I can fix something raw up for you love. I'll also make some stew, it will be easy on her stomach but filling. And I can make a giant pot of it. Remember, Jay and Kay said they'd be back by tonight. I'm sure they'll be ravished. What do you think they've been like with each other? Hopefully getting along well all week on their contract, otherwise they'd be bickering like siblings."

Standing, the wolf moved over to Kayden’s side, half way through her transformation. Licking her face, the wolf laid down next to her side, wining sympathetically for the small wolf.

It’s alright, take your time. It’s no rush.’ Jay spoke, licking her muzzle when she finally got through it.

Lunar nodded.

“That sounds fabulous Babe.” The wolf spoke gently, the small child’s arms slowly dropping to her sides, Lunars finger still held tightly, sleep starting to take over her tiny body.

“I’m sure they’re fine. They know that if I find them misbehaving that they get in trouble… Which is funny, because they’ve been on their best behavior around me lately… Kinda odd.” She spoke, looking up thoughtfully.

She crept forward on her belly till her nose touched his, her breath blowing out in a soft whistle. After a minute or two she pushed up on shaky legs, the deer getting further away.

'C'mon...we can catch one.'


Half an hour later the two dragged a deer onto the porch of the house, Kayden letting out a soft howl as they dropped the stag, calling to her Alpha's.

'We brought dinner!

"They know your pregnant love. It's hard to hide things with our pack mentality. They are just trying to make life easier on you, because they do certainly know not to get into trouble."


Half an hour later, Xael was on his way down the stares with a sleeping Nya, ready to hand her off to Eli and Reyn before starting dinner when a familiar howl caught his ears.

"They're home baby," he called to his mate in the bedroom.

Jay’s tongue flopped out, staring down at the large buck before them. His head tilted back, a howl leaving his lips to call to his alphas, wanting to declare that they had hunted for dinner. Jays head dropped, nipping at Kayden playfully before sitting back with a slight wiggle.

“This is true… They don’t need to make things easier, I’m not frail and dying.” The wolf sighed.


Lunars head dropped into the pillows.

“Love you.” The wolf spoke before her mate left, her eyes closing tiredly. Slowly sifting off, the call of the pack hit her, pulling her out of the hands of the sandman.

“Tell them I love them too! But I’m not getting out of bed till dinner!” She called, drawing the blankets in around her, drifting off into a small nap.

Gently knocking, Xael entered the guest room and handed the sleeping baby to her half awake father, her mother fast asleep in his arms. Whispering that dinner would be in an hour at most he left, walking towards the front door.

"Impressive," Xael smiled at the them at the sight of the buck they had caught, "I got the rest guys. Can one of you go over and ask the other house if they want to join for dinner or not? And I can't wait to hear how to contract was."

Returning inside, he got a large pot with broth and vegetables started before returning to the buck, picking it up his strength alone and carrying it around the left side of the house to a shed. Inside was a workbench with all the tools needed to skin the beast and pull the meat off, as well as a freezer to store extras and a tanner to make leather. Most of the blankets in their house and Braxton's were made by Xael, having made it quite the hobby with how much his pack ate.

Half an hour later he stepped out of the shed, bloodied but finished as he carried a platter full of raw meat. The rest lay in the deep freezer, a rare commodity that they had found luckily. And with Ashlin's spell on the generator connected to the whole property giving off electricity, he didn't need to worry about them spoiling.

Returning to the his house and into the kitchen, he finished making stew, keeping a side plate or raw for his mate. As Jay slipped in to say hello he instructed him to set up the dining room they had, one they only used when they did bring company to eat with them. Kayden came in a few moments later and he asked the young wolf to wake her sister.

"And someone please knock on the closed guest room door so Eli knows dinner is ready. Ask him if he wants it delivered, or if he thinks Reyn is up to sitting with people."

Confusion hit both of them, wondering why Eli was sleeping in their home. He had forgotten they'd missed the entire week Reyn was gone, and bit his lip as he already had a feeling Jayson would be upset that he wasn't there to help.

'Kayden...just go wake up Luna. Jay you need to go wake up Reyn and Eli. There's probably something you want to find out before dinner, not during.'

Kayden' exhausted body could barely register her moving back into the trees to Change. Lying there, she let the transformation take over, half asleep as her bones crunched and snapped, releasing soft mewls of pain from her throat. As she settled in the dirt to catch her breath her mind pulled at her to sleep. Fighting it, she stood up and wandered to where she had left her clothes. After they had caught the buck she had retrieved hers and Jay's clothing, bringing them to the edge of the clearing at the bottom of the clifface, then returning to help drag the buck home. Now she dressed, only half aware of the forest around as she sleepily got dressed.

Two arms wrapped around her suddenly and she jumped before smelling Jay, the wolf sneaking up on her sleepy form with ease.

"I just have to make it through dinner," she sighed, leaning into his body as her eyes fluttered shut, "I can do that."

After a few minutes of resting in his embrace she moved away, telling him she'd talk to the other house if he wanted to go see what the Alpha's also needed. Wandering up, she knocked on the front door before slipping in, smiling warmly at Kyli.

"We're back!" she greeted, stuffing her hands in her jean pockets, "And I got an invite for anyone who wants dinner. Xael's making stew."

After that she returned to her house, taking her instructions and wandering upstairs. Slipping inside the familiar master bedroom, she flopped down beside her sister as a had snaked out to rub her shoulder.

"Lunaaaaaaa," she whispered gently, grinning as her sister woke, "Hey sis. Did ya miss me?"

Jay’s wolfish head dropped heavily, looking at Kayden’s slinking form before she crawled off into the forest. Turning back towards the forest, Jays body slid into it with ease, dropping down and changing.


Quickly pushing his sweat ridden body up, the male wandered through the trees, following his keen sense of smell towards Kaydens tired body well hidden throughout the brush. Her body shaking, and exhausted, the wolf bit his lip, knowing he’d pushed her too far. Stepping up behind her, Jay’s arms wound around her, bringing Kaydens surprised body into his.

“Almost done for the day.” Jay reassured the shaking wolf. “Dinner will help.”

Allowing her to take a needed break, Jay tracked back to his clothing, slipping on his worn jeans and a button up shirt, leaving the thin fabric unbuttoned to allow his upper torso to breath. Moving back towards the house, the wolf slipped in, wandering to the lower guest room to gently knock on the heavy wooden material.

Opening the door, Jays mouth opened to speak but simply hung open at the sight before him. Reyn’s body was covered in a combination of dirt, blood, and other ungodly things, making his nose hairs curl painfully. The wolf’s mouth simply hung open, words becoming absent at the siren’s cruel state.

“..Di-“ Swallowing a painful lump, Jay tried again. “D-Dinner.” He finally stumbled out, Eli nodding. It took a second to gather the words.

“Is she ok?” He asked with a broken voice, the Halfling shaking his head with an iffy response. “D-do you guys want dinner in here, or with everyone?” Jays voice stuttered, shock still wrapping around his cooling body.

“We’ll take it in here for now… If she decides she wants to join we’ll come out.” The Halfling responded, his grip around her tightening a notch.


Kyli’s body remained at the bar, her hand around a beautifully carved crystal glass. Her hazel eyes examined the tendrils of attention, all carved into the cup holding a shining amber liquid in the dulling light of the house. Her hand grasped the glass gracefully pulling it to her lips when a body promptly arrived through the main door.

“Hi” She breathed, looking over her shoulder curiously at the girl. She’d spent little time with this girl, fully wrapped up in her brothers and his wife’s life, then spending time with their friends.

“Thank you Sweetheart.” She breathed with a nod, spinning the comfortable chair to push herself upright. “I’ll go double check on the others quickly, I know my brothers sleeping with his wife, but I’ll go check on Kai.”

Flying up the stairs, Kyli stepped off into one of the seemingly endless guest room’s her brother had supplied his house with, rapping on the door softly.

“Kai, Dinner is ready.” Kyli’s airy, yet mystic and haunted voice called gently. “If you want it, there’s an invite at the other house.”

With that, her sleek body turned and moved back down stairs, intrigued to look at the other house, several trees over.


Lunar’s beautiful golden pool’s opened, her body turning to stare lovingly up at her sister.

“I did. How was your trip?” She grinned, her tired eyes examining her younger sister. “You look tired and hungry.” Lunar concluded.

Kayden smiled, "Just a little. We traveled all day since dawn to get here. No breaks. I'm okay though. Food will help I'm sure. Actually Xael sent me up to wake you for dinner."

Jumping up she pulled at Luna's hand, getting her sister to her feet as she dragged her out of the room, excited for dinner, "I missed you sis. How is everything going?"

As they descended the stairs she caught sight of Reyn through the half open door, covered in grim and blood. Kay's heart went out to the girl, unsure what happened but still sympathetic. Her mouth opened to ask, then shut knowing it wasn't her place to pry. Half listening to Luna's words, they walked into the dining room. Quietly Kayden reached out to Jay's thoughts, wanting to ask if he knew what was happening with Reyn. She recoiled back though as she caught his thoughts, all trained on Reyn. His heart was stuttering for her, his mind spiraling about what could of happened to her in a week and a half. There was obvious emotions there, some part of him still caring for the siren. She had almost forgotten their fling a year back. Biting her lip, she turned her attention to Luna, ignoring the biting sting of unwanted jealously in her stomach.


Reyn woke to the sound of voices, her sleepy eyes slowly opening to catch Jay at the door. Her body curled in more, feeling Eli's arms tightened protectively around her. She listened mutely as they discussed dinner, the smell of stew wafting through the door. Her stomach rumbled louder, her body shivering at the thought of food, having not eaten in at least three days. As Jay turned to leave Reyn whispered to Eli, her voice no more than a husky breath.


Seeing Nya in Eli's arms she stole her daughter away, her aching body sitting up slowly to cradle the sleeping child. Her shoulders relaxed as Nya sighed in calm content. Craning her head, her eyes implored her halfling to find her clothes, unwilling to let her baby go.

As Jay came back to set the table, Xael moved the pot of stew into the dining room, as well as the platter of raw meat for Luna and the other wolves if they wanted it. Next he pulled out a bag of bread, slicing and buttering it. Adding that to the table, people began trickling in as he set a pitcher of water and another of lemonade at the table.

"Thanks Jay," he murmured to the oddly quiet wolf, "You okay man?"


Kai got up, hearing Kyli's soft voice through the door. Redressing he slipped out, strolling over to the other house and letting himself in minutes after Kyli. Wandering around, he found himself in the dining room, standing next to the colorful woman as they watched Jay and Xael set the table.

"Looks yummy," Kai grinned.

“Well, we should pump some food into you.” Lunar purred, her sliding under her sisters jaw, a loving smile pulling at the wolf’s lips. “It sound’s like you’ve had a pretty full on day.”

The alpha took a deep breath while rolling up, her free hand moving to rest on her growing belly. The alpha looked down at the bloated stomach, upon inspection, it was becoming more and more obvious. Wandering down the stairs on her sisters heel, Lunar found her spot beside’s Xael’s usual spot at the head of the table.

Yawning, she rubbed at her eyes, trying to ignore the tired ache that continued to bite down at her. Looking over at her sister, Lunar’s head tilted, curiosity floating over her golden eyes.

“You alright Kayden?” She breathed, her hand reaching out to rest over one of her sisters.


Feeling the woman shift within his arms, Eli looked down into the blue eyes he so adored. Nodding simply, Eli handed Nya over to Reyn and gently placed her down, moving around the room quickly to pick out something comfortable for Reyn. Pulling out a nice set of jeans and a elegant loose black top. Stepping over to the bed, the man sat next to his beautiful siren.

“Would you like help dressing love?” He breathed, leaning in to kiss her forehead gently.


Finishing up with the rest of the table, Jay sat beside Kayden, his hand sliding to rest on her other hand below the table.

Sorry…’ The wolf thought, gently throwing his apology Kaydens way while still keeping it generalized. Looking over at Xael, the wolf took a breath.

“Yeah, sorry. Just tired from the long trip.” He dismissed, unwilling to fully accept his confusion on the whole situation, while an odd sense sunk in, knowing Kayden could fee his confusion and worry over a past fling, even if he had long moved on.


Wandering into the home, Kyli looked around with wide curious eyes. Moving forwards into the house, her eyes hit the main table, pulling her forward to sit with the group. Sinking into a well-padded chair, Kyli eyed up the food as Kai wandered in.

“Looks delicious.” Her mystic voice replied, complementing the chief.

While Xael sat at the end of the table with Luna to his right, Kyli chose the spot to his immediate right, and Kai sunk down beside her, grinning at the white wolf across from him. Jayson had chosen the seat to Kaydens right leaving two open spots. Wondering briefly who else was joining, two more people quickly walked through the archway.

"Here," Kai jumped up, pulling the chair out beside him to help the siren sit as Eli guided her, "How are you feeling Reyn?"


Nodding to Elijah's question, she let him help her dress, her arms never setting Nya down. The pants were slightly loose on her hips both because they weren't hers and the amount of weight she had lost. Nereyda hadn't noticed how skinny she had become, but looking down she could see her rib with every breath, and her hip bones were beginning to protrude. A quick look in the mirror showed haunted, weary eyes with hollowed cheeks. There was still grim and caked blood across her sickly pale skin, reminding her she hadn't bathed in a week.

Bristling, Reyn turned away from the reflection in the mirror, depressed at the loss of her beautiful form. Crossing the room, she fell into his arms letting him hold her for a few more seconds with Nya between them before she gave him their sleeping child and shuffled slowly into the ensuite bathroom. Grabbing a towel she tried with shaking fingers to clean her face, scrubbing until it hurt. She knew he was behind her, watching, but she couldn't stop scrubbing till the filth was gone, her skin red from rubbing. Moving on to her torso and arms, she scrubbed and scrubbed, her skin turning raw as she desperately cleaned herself. Finally with a shudder, she dropped the towel to the floor as her skin crawled, her body raw from rubbing. With exhausted and newly sore arms she pulled her gritty and stringy hair into a messy bun then took and dressed her upper half in a loose soft black button up.

Elijah remained in the doorway, watching her struggle but not interfering unless she needed him. Looking up, she could see the pain and worry in his eyes though, wanting to do everything possible to make her life easy. Calmly she took his hand and nodded that he was ready, letting him lead her out. Moving out into the rest of the house, she let him guide her into a seat beside Kai, the man instantly asking how she was. Her eyes shot up to Eli's, emploring him to speak on her behave, her voice still barely usable.

Kayden nodded to her sister, smiling tiredly.

"Sleepy. I overspent myself with running back here then hunting that deer. I'll be okay Lune."

Her face remained tilted to Luna's, doing her best to ignore Jays hand on hers under the table and his jealous inducing thoughts.

As Reyn and Eli stepped in though she pulled her hands quickly from both wolves, half standing in her spot. She ignored Jays thoughts completely then, knowing his worry would only lengthen being in Reyn's vicinity and wanting no part listening to it or being childish and getting upset over it. I'm an adult. He's an adult. He's allowed to worry. Stop feeling jealous Kayden. C'mon.

"I'll serve," she stated quickly, grabbing the ladle to the stew pot, "Who's first?"

Eli quietly pulled Reyns cloth’s on, humming an old tune that he’d learned from the siren when their daughter had been born. Moving back to allow her to stand and move around, he watched her darkening eyes overlook herself in the mirror, disgust moving over her features. He stayed quiet, unwilling to worsen anything or step out of bounds.

Eli’s arms wound around her beautiful form, his face burying into the side of her head while his lips pressed against her cheek. Taking Nya as Reyn stepped off to the side, attempting to clean herself raw while he stood helpless off to the side.

Extending his arm, Eli guided Reyn into the main room, being not only her lover, but her protector. Sitting her down at the table, Eli looked over at Kai.

“Tired and hungry.” Eli interrupted, staring the male down before sitting down, naturally curling his arm around the back of Reyns chair while he held his daughter with the other, bouncing her slightly on his leg.

“Reyn please.” Eli nodded to Kayden, holding the ladle out while offering to dish out.


Lunar’s eyes looked over her sister curiously, something off.

“Well, get some food into you sweetheart.” She nodded, still eyeing her. Lunar’s hand slipped under the table, resting on her mates knee.

"Course," Kayden stole the bowl in front of Reyn, filling it and passing it back to the siren. Her dull blue eye's caught Kayden's, silently saying thank you. Nodding, Kayden turned to her sister, ladelling a bowl out for her as well as passing the platter of raw meat.

"Can you put one of those chunks on my plate too Lune?" she asked, stealing Xael's bowl, then Kyli's. Next was Kai, then Eli and finally Jay before herself.

"Here Jay. Want some raw too?" she asked the brunette wolf, handing his full bowl back and stealing the plate from Luna.

Finishing with her own bowl, Kayden took her seat once more and tucked into her food, the hot stew sliding down her dry throat, erasing the bitter taste still in her mouth from before the hunt. Catching Jay's eye she grinned, sending her thoughts his way.

'Gets rid of that aftertaste from snack we had, doesn't it?'


Reyn watched and listened, her shoulders relaxing as conversation grew around the table, no one staring awkwardly at her. Taking a spoonful of stew, Reyn sipped it into her mouth, swallowing it greedily. Her face turned to Eli and that ghost of a smile returned, taking a second spoonful. Each gulp hit her empty stomach, reminding her of how little she had actually eaten. the last week she'd survived mainly on water and the bread and cold soup the witch had provided twice during her entire time captured.

Halfway through the bowl Reyn had to stop, already feeling full even though she'd eaten so little. Sipping her water, her hand reached out for Eli's, her attention moving to the conversations around the table, listening calmly.

Jay watched as Lunar nodded, slapping several strips of meat down on her own plate before sliding it before Kaydens and his own plates.

“Thanks Lune.” He nodded, before grinning up at Kayden.

“Nah, the wolf in me says to go vegetarian.” He laughed, stealing a chunk himself while his other hand snaked out to grab the bowl. “Thanks Kay.”

Gobbling back the meat, Jay couldn’t help the soft chuckle within his chest.

Definitely. Although, that snack did taste pretty damn good at the time.


Sitting back in his chair, Eli nodded a soft thank you as he reached for the bowl, placing it in front of him then slipping his arm to reach around the back of Reyns chair. While his stomach bit at him, asking for the steaming hot food before him, only to be ignored as he found the needs of Reyn and Nya more important.

Reaching over the table, Eli grabbed the lemonade, pouring a glass full of it for the siren.

“This will be better than water love.” He advised, his knee continuing to bounce their daughter, her giggles filling the room. Eli’s hand slid under Reyns, his thumb rubbing the side of her hand reassuringly. Looking over at the siren, Eli leaned in, kissing her forehead gently before leaning down to her ear.

“When you’re ready to leave, you just motion and we’re gone.” He breathed quietly to her.

Reyn's head turned to her man, feeling his lips on her forehead as her eyes closed momentarily. Opening them again, she noticed his food untouched...and both his hands full. Arms outstretched, she stole her daughter from him once more, giving him a chance to eat while she played with Nya on her lap. The baby reached her tiny fingers out, stealing the spoon out of Reyn's half eaten bowl and plopping it into her mouth before Reyn could stop it.

The mother froze for a second, unsure if she could handle a mood swing in Nya if she didn't like the taste. But her child only cooed, pulling the spoon that was too big for her mouth out and trying to scoop more stew up.

Relaxing once more, Nereyda grew calm as she found something to do with her hands, taking the spoon and scooping a small bite, then feeding it to Nya. Her eyes moved up to Elijah, knowing this was their little one's first solid food, having only had milk till now. Seeing him watching them both, she returned to feeding Nya one tiny bite at a time.


Everyone ate in earnest, many moving on to seconds. As they ate, Xael turned to the two wolves who had been gone for the week, asking how the contract had gone. Kayden was the first to pipe up, going into a long tale of the contract they'd gotten, excited to explain her week. The young wolf's face looked exhausted and worn, even as her voice was chipper and excited. Xael's hand slipped under the table to rub Luna's on his leg, listening intently as the white-haired woman spoke, her hands animated as she waved them around.

Eli’s lips turned up in a gentle smile towards the siren, her arms scooping up their daughter in which allowed him to drop his other hand to rest on his leg. Watching Nya, Eli couldn’t help the pride swelling in his chest, seeing his daughter’s first solid food.

“Well, looks like we have a winner.” He grinned, reaching forward to grab a pitcher of water, filling a cup off to the side to take a sip of. Putting the glass down, Eli kept his other hand free, ready if Reyn or Nya needed anything.


Lunar took a bloodied bite, her eyes rolling back as the blood and fleshy meat slid down her throat.

“Thank you love.” She nodded, her hand moving to rest on Xaels knee to allow her arm to rest against his. Looking over at the small family, she squeezed Xaels knee reassuringly, knowing that one day, that would be them. Moving her attention back to her sister, the wolf grinned at the adventure her sister foretold, her moving limbs seemingly bringing the tale to life.

'Except ours will be cuter, right?' Xael heard her thoughts, knowing she was thinking about when they'd have two little ones in their laps.

"Love you," he whispered, kissing her cheek before turning back to his food.


Reyn fell into her own little world, feeding her daughter and ignoring all else. She only lifted her head when she felt Eli's eyes on her, noticing his food untouched still. Her brows knitted, cocking her head at him then his food, mutely asking him to eat something. Not only would it be rude to ignore his meal, but she would be upset if he didn't eat. After a week of having nothing given to her, she just felt grateful to be given food, not to mention eat it in peace.

Her smile faded, staring him down until he took a bite, Nya bouncing on her lap as she played with the spoon.

Kai listened to Kayden's adventure's, helping himself to a second plate. It was nice being able to sit around a table, drama-free, and eat without the stress that had been glooming over all of them for over a week now.

As his second bowl emptied he reached for a third, quietly asking Kyli if she wanted more as he caught her empty bowl and filled his own.

Lunar couldn’t contain the soft laugh that left her beautiful pink lips.

Very much. Easily twice as cute.’ She thought, squeezing his hand.

“Love you my Sun.” Lunar’s musical tinkling tone replied, her free hand stirring her stew.


Eli smiled lovingly at the two, happy to see his girls feelingly slightly uplifted, and safe. Then her eyes looked over him, and the disapproval shone through her facial expression. Leaning forward, the Halfling took a bite and moved back to watching her, his hand pulling her dish forward slightly before handing her a drink.

Kyli’s hand raised a cool glass of lemonade to her lips, sipping at the sweet liquid while sitting quietly at the table, listening to the chit chat. Turning to Kai, her large bright eyes peered over at him innocently.

“Oh no, I’m good. Thank you Kai.” She smiled, her light and airy words hovering within the air.

“The stew is delicious isn’t it?”
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