Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


"Are you making it a competition," Xael grinned, kissing her cheek, "Whose baby is prettier?"


Sat lay into him, listening to him speak as she drifted in and out, his voice keeping her calm.

His hand wrapped in her hair, guiding her as his moans filled her head, encouraging her. Her own orgasm was building, her body on edge as her stuffed mouth kept her from moaning out loud. She worked faster, moaning his name in her head as his hips bucked.

'I love my name on your lips,' she purred, 'Louder for me louder for me...'

His member struck the back of her throat, sliding almost out as her tongue licked the tip then back in till the base hit her pink lips, taking every inch of him in.

Lunar’s grin mischievously beamed up at her mate.

“Noo, Not at all love.” She giggled. “But we don’t even know the gender either. Maybe we’ll end up with two boys.”


“While we’re at it, we could get someone to watch over Nya for the day and we could find you some new clothes.” He continued, kissing her forehead as she began to drift off.


Jay’s lips moaned louder against her warmth.

“Kaayden.” Jay moaned, bucking his hips further, his breath ragged against her. Jays fingers pulled out and pushed in, repeating that several times to try and hit deeper within her. His breath caught in his throat as his member pushed down Kaydens throat, his hand pushing her head down for a second before pulling her up, guiding her back down as something within him began to build quickly.

"Boy or girl, any child with a mother as gorgeous as you will come out adorable," Xael whispered, grinning ear to ear.


She shook her head at the thought of being without Nya for more than an hour or two. She had just got her baby back, and there was nothing that could pull her away from her daughter for more than the few minutes she was enduring now. As he spoke about clothes she changed to a nod of the head, knowing she could use a new wardrobe. The three of them could spend the day together shopping, maybe have a nice dinner. The thought of it made her tiny hint of a smile come back as she looked up at him. I'd like that.

His hand pushed her head down until he slid into the back of her throat then brought it back up to let her breath. Her name on his lips made her quiver, the tension in her stomach building higher. His tension was building too, growing as she took all of him in her mouth again, feeling his shiver as his tip ran along the back wall of her throat, then bobbing up for another breath. His hand remained in her hair, dominant and guiding her. She barely registered it though, her mind wrapped in his pleasure only, barely registering her own as she deep throated him over and over.

Lunar kissed her mate, one hand snaking around her side to reach up and entwine her fingers through his hand resting on her side.

“I won’t deny though… I’m curious what gender my alpha will be.” She breathed.


Eli nodded to her response.

“Or maybe we can bring Nya, we’ll make a day of it. I’ll treat my two beautiful girls to clothes, food, toys, jewelry, Anything you want. It’s yours.” He breathed, kissing her hair gently.


Jays hips bucked, a louder moan leaving his throat as his hand continued to guide her down.

“Fuck Kayden.” He growled, his breath catching in his throat. Jays fingers only quickened, determined to get another orgasm from her while his stomach knotted up, second’s from cumming himself.

"I forgot about that," he kissed her hair, "Like you and Kayden, one will be Alpha."

Meaning she will have a successor, like a real pack. I can give her that finally. A family, a pack, and a home.

His smile only grew, nuzzling her ear, "How's it feel running your very own pack my queen?"


Her smile grew another fraction, his love for her in his voice. It would be just them...just her little family.

He was moments from release, his thought's mirroring her own as she tried to hold out, wanting to finish him before she exploded. His words pushed her teetering to the edge, her hips lifting as his fingers pumped even harder.

'Jay...fuck Jay you're going to make me explode...dammit cum for me already!'

Kai wandered back to Ashlin’s house after Jay and Kayden disappeared. Slipping in, he remained quiet as to not disturb Braxton and Kyli’s conversation, knowing they were catching up. Instead he snuck upstairs, stopping at Ashlin’s open bedroom door as she sighed. From the length of journey her teleportation spell had traveled, Braxton had guessed she’d sleep well into the next day. Moving on to the guest room he’d taken over, Malakai retired for the night, bored and feeling left out.


Ashlin swam in her dreams, flitting from one to the next as her body slept. Her thoughts moved to six months ago, when she had met Malakai and he’d explained so much. Around her the void shimmered and swirled like smoke, then lifted as she stood in a ratty bedroom, recognizing it as the one in the inn she had taken Kai to that first day.

He’d explained who he was. A prince from a long bloodline of royalty. Royalty was a relative term though, as he explained that his royalty was within his species. He went on to explain shape shifters. Then it came to her turn, and she opted for honesty, explaining how she had acquired Tamara’s body, grimacing as she explained what had happened to Tamara’s soul.

The dream fast forwarded through most of this, as if she was watching a recording. It slowed then, the voices getting louder as Kai stole the conversation again, asking her if she wanted to know more about Tamara.

“Not sure,” Ash pursed her lips, “I already regret what happened. I’ll only feel worse if I knew I stole her away from a perfect life.”

“You didn’t,” he shook his head, “Shortly before you must have run into her, she was exiled.”

“From what?”

“My family owns a castle, a mansion of sorts out by the coastline. Royalty all lives there, and we’ve slowly been building and growing a small town beside it for shifters who want to live near us. She was exiled from all of it, banished into the forest.”


“What was she like in your head? Was she nice, or cruel?”

“Uh…cruel honestly. She tried to kill my lover. She…she attacked a village, well more than one.”

“Do I look surprised,” he leaned back in his chair, shaking his head, “It started around her sixteenth birthday. She was always spoiled and maybe it stemmed from that. Or maybe it was my doing. I did try to help her, but she pushed me away.”

He seemed lost in his thoughts, speaking them out loud but not focused on what he was saying.

“First it was little things, like wanting to execute her handmaiden for buying the wrong dress from the shop. She wanted blue, and her maid had come back with pink. She told her parents to execute her for disobeying direct orders. Of course they didn’t, it was only a dress and we don’t treat our people that way. It infuriated her. Then I found her in the dungeon months later, mocking the few we had locked up for good reasons. She shouldn’t have been down there. She was mocking them, pushing their nerves till they started yelling and she’d laugh. I dragged her upstairs, and we both got in trouble for being down there. She started pushing me away then, not telling me where she was going, or what she’d done for the day. Close to her eighteenth…we found her seven year old baby brother dead in the courtyard, having fallen from many floors. From what the guards could project, he had fallen from the tower, but I knew…he was terrified of heights. The towers scared him, so he’d never go up willingly, let alone lean out of the window. His parents agreed with me, and soon enough we found evidence pointing to Tamara. She…she said to the court that he got all the attention, that she wanted him gone. She was raving and ranting like a mad woman, scaring her parents. The court, they wanted to execute her, but I pleaded to simply exile her.”

“So you loved her,” Ash murmured, piping up, “Despite the horrors she had done, you protected her. You knew her for quite some time, making her either family or a lover, but that look in your eye tells me she wasn’t family.”

“It wasn’t that kind of love,” his head turned up, “When it comes to royalty, we only are allowed to marry other shifters. Non-royalty may marry and love who they please, but we cannot. We must carry on the pure bloodline. Her uncle married my aunt, so her family moved into the richer part of the village. She was born after her parents moved, her mother being very close with her brother. He kept them wealthy and supported, and due to both of her parents being shifters, she was eligible to marry into my family too, as long as it wasn’t her cousins of course. Before you think I was to marry her, I wasn’t. We met in school –we think highly on education- and became fast friends. We did everything together, often with my younger brother, Daniel. If I had any love for her, it was as a sister.”

“She didn’t feel the same though,” Ash crossed her arms, seeing this story more than once as Malakai nodded and grimaced.

“Which is why I partly blame myself for what became of her. Another girl in our schoolhouse, Elizabeth, she and I started seeing each other. It was around my fifteenth birthday, when my parent’s started reminding me that I was to marry at eighteen.”

“That early?”

“All royalty marries on their eighteenth birthday. It’s a custom we’ve had for generations. At least our parents don’t arrange our marriages too. They show us candidates that they approve of, but in the end let us choose. Elizabeth became my choice, after a year with her. It’s why I think I may have triggered Tamara’s aggression. She had seemed slightly distant when Eliza and me had started dating, but when I told her my plans to propose she lost it. Called me daft and rude, then stormed off. Daniel explained her affections for me, being my wise little brother. I tried to make amends, explain that I didn’t see her in that way, but she refused to speak to me.”

“So she kept pushing you away until she got exiled. And you? Did you marry Eliza?”

Kai looked at his hands, his brow furrowed, “No. I proposed and she said yes. And then…close to my seventeenth birthday and the truth came out that she was pregnant. My cousin was the one to state it, having had a child recently herself with her own husband and recognizing the signs. We brought a sorcerer in to test her, and sure enough. But…it wasn’t mine.”


“My species are cousins to werewolves, did you know? Like them, we have that bonded connection. There are strict rules governing royals, that we may not lie in bed with another till we are wed. Once we do, we have chosen our mate for life. Our bond does not work with outside species though, so if a shifter falls in love with a human or another supernatural that bond never exists. Which is fine for most of us. But you can see the issue with Eliza being pregnant. It couldn’t be mine, because we were not married yet, and if she did sleep with another shifter then she committed treason by not only cheating on me, but bonding with another. The third option, loving an outsider, was also considered but it would still be punishable for cheating and breaking her engagement.

It only got worse from there. It was Daniel she had slept with. The two had been secretly seeing each other for months, throwing caution to the wind. They were given a choice: marry each other young and give up the right to the throne entirely, or both be exiled. They, of course, chose the former and were moved into the town. Daniel was stripped from all his titles, but he didn’t care. I, of course felt betrayed.”

“As you should,” Ash’s eyes looked sadly upon the man, “What did all of this do to Tamara?”

He shuddered, “The night Eliza and Daniel left I was drowning in my own despair. I got drunk in my room, I was an absolute wreck. Tamara came to my side, to try and comfort me and I kissed her. It was a drunken mistake, but she tried to take it too far and I had to send her away. The next time I saw her was in court, do to her brother’s murder. I was able to save her life and that was the last time I saw her till today, when I saw you in the streets.”

“Ten years later,” Ash shrugged, “That’s a long time.”

The dream swirled and faded, Ash tossing and turning as a nightmare took its place, a foul beast chasing her through the forest. Ahead of her she could see Braxton and she cried out his name just as the world around her grew dark again, spiraling her into yet another new dream.

“So why aren’t you at home with your family?” Ashlin’s voice tinkled through the darkness, nothing around her but darkness as she heard Kai’s voice surround her, replying happily.

“I don’t need to be. I never married.”

“Why not?”

“Eliza was my proposed. After all of that, I couldn’t find myself to love again, or find someone within the span of a year. I didn’t want to. I appeased to the court and they eventually agreed, understanding the circumstances were less than ideal. I’m not in direct line for the throne anyways. Once my grandfather passes on, it goes to my father, and if he passes then to my aunt. After that, it goes to my cousin, Addison, and then me if she and her husband pass away.”

“So you just wander the countryside?”

“I travel. I like to see all life can offer. And it keeps me away from the constant reminder of betrayal living near my home. As long as I visit once in a while, no one comes after me.”

“So I’m stuck with you following me around?”

“Basically. You are very intriguing.”

“Don’t flirt with me! I’m engaged!”

Ash could hear the smile in his voice, even though she couldn’t see it in the pitch darkness she swam in, “It was a compliment. And I know your engaged, you’ve told me every time I compliment you.”

“Then stop complimenting me!”

“Cute girls deserve compliments,” his voice was airy and light, “Doesn’t mean I’m interested. Only means I’m nice.”

“Ha,” Ash laughed, her voice growing quieter as the fog swirled, switching dreams once more. On and on her dreams shifted and changed, some memories, others less so. At one point she could feel arms wrapping around her, even as the dream tugged her deeper into sleep, knowing Braxton held her. Sighing, she relented to her next dream, sinking into an endless stream of dreams.

“Yes, but no matter what, they will be loved.” Lunars tinkling voice replied. She listened to his words, nodding at him softly.

“I don’t need a successor love. But it’ll be interesting to raise one.” Lunars hand moved above Nya, the girl giggling. “I don’t know. It’s hard to comprehend.”


Jay listened, but part of him wanted to allow her to finish before him. Inserting a third finger, Jay moaned louder, his hips thrusting faster while his hand continued to push her down onto him.

Fuck… Your mouth Kayden… Fuuck.’ He groaned internally.


Braxton excused himself from his sister, her head nodding in understanding, his need to check on Ashlin finally rising as he heard his name lowly leaving her mouth. Rushing into the room, his shoulders relaxed to see her stirring, sleeping body. Entering the room, he picked up his wife gently, placing her in his lap to keep an eye on her, while getting the excuse to cuddle with her while she slept.

Her toes curled, her body tensing as she held back her orgasm stubbornly. 'Stop holding back Jay...oooooh...oh my god Jay! It's too much...ahhh...'

She exploded, his member pulling out half way out just as she screamed his warbled name to the sky, racked with exploding bliss. She took him in one more time, taking ever last inch into her mouth as she shook with orgasm, wanting him to climax with her.

"Of course they will both be loved. We will not be cruel to our children as your parents were to you and Kay."

His fingers rubbed her belly, feeling the two tiny heartbeats that filled him with joy.

"What's hard to comprehend love?"

Jay’s body flowed with hers, his member quivering, releasing himself within her mouth. Jays tongue lapped her up, purring as he did so.

You taste bloody amazing’ The wolf thought, his muscles relaxing before flipping her position on him, curling her small body up within his limbs.


“Good… Our children will only know love…” Lunar whispered, grinning down at the small child as she fiddled with Lunars hand. Looking down at his hand, her other hand slid down to rest on top of his, the girl going quiet as she listened.

“Being pregnant, having a family with the most amazing man, being a true alpha…. Everything.”

His cum hit the back of her throat, warm and sticky, and she reflexively swallowed, leaving her mouth with a sweet but bitter taste. As he turned her she curled into him, her eyes closing softly as exhaustion pulled at her.

"How'd I do?" She whispered, nestling her head under his neck. Her body melted to him, completely relaxed.

'We hunt...deer...' her thoughts were choppy in her sleepy state, trying to stay awake.


"It's a lot to swallow all at once baby," he replied, "but your doing great so far. I'm so proud of you my moon."

Jay took in a relaxed breath, tilting his head down to kiss her before she melted down into him.

“Breath taking babe.” He responded. “We’ll hunt soon. Sleep.”


“What if I’m a bad mother…? What if I can’t do my job…? I don’t know what I’m doing Xael. Not for right now, and not for then.” Her tinkling voice shook, her eyes watching Nya. “Or what if I’m too harsh?”

"Sweetheart relax," he replied softly, snuggling her tighter, "Look at you right now, making Nya giggle. You will be an astounding mom. Think about Kayden, about all you've done in the last year with her. She's grown up so much, and that's partly your doing.

Moon of my life. We are a team. When either of us lose our heads, the other one is there to pull us back. Will we be perfect? Of course not. But I have faith in you, and I hope you have some in me."

His lips pressed tiny kisses down her neck, trying to sooth her.

"Aaand...we do have six months to learn. I'm sure Reyn and Eli have some secret book, or something. For a couple who never liked children, they are doing well. And there is always Ashlin. She helped them through the whole pregnancy, she can help you when your ready to tell everyone."

She pressed her bare body on top of his, kissing his nose and giggling, "That good? Well I have the best of teachers."

Running fingers through her white hair to pull out the knots, she yawned wide, showing off her canines. Her ears swiveled as a noise interested her to the left, several paces away. Listening, she could hear the soft sound of hooves walking across twigs and leaves.

"I can sleep later," she yawned again, kissing him gently, 'There's two deer to our left. The only advantage to my ears is my hypersensitive hearing. Want to hunt?'

Lunar took a deep breath, unsuccessfully soothing herself.

“But Nya isn’t ours. And Kayden came at a much later age. She didn’t come from me. These.. They’re in me, and will be needing diaper changes, and need to be fed and need to be weaned… And whatever else it is that parents do.” The wolf ranted. “You’re father material Xael. I’m not motherly. I don’t have a bone in my body that can care consistently for a tiny creature that can’t even talk.”

“Keep in mind… They were in a tiny remote village with more than enough help… I…” Lunar’s words stopped as she tried to find the words.

I’m not about to ask.

Jay’s eyebrows wiggled, pulling the girl in deeper to his chest.

“The best.” He breathed. His eyes flickered up to her ears, curiosity sparking within them until her words answered his inner questions.

If your awake enough, who knew those ears were more than adorable.’ The wolf teased with a soft chuckle, reluctant to let her go just yet.

"We have time to learn about whatever they will need," he soothed, rocking her slowly, "And you can be motherly. Kayden may have come to us a lot older, but you did amazing with her nonetheless. And Nya isn't ours, but you've kept her happy for twenty minutes now baby. We will get through this. Please remember, these will be your babies...tiny little wolf cubs. They'll be adorable, and all ours."

He couldn't help the grin growing again on his face, overexcited, "You've made me the happiest man alive, you know that?"

'I'll ask then my love. When your ready for everyone to know, I'll ask for her help. It will help you to have someone who can ease our worries.'

She rested her head back into his neck, listening to him breath while her ears twitched and moved, following the deer. Kayden could feel Jay's eyes on them, watching her wolf ears with curiosity.

"I'm still getting used to someone finding them adorable," she whispered, "I have wolf hearing 24/7. No way to turn it off ever. You know how your senses heighten when you change into a wolf? My ear's keep my sense of hearing always heightened. And the deer have moved south of us now...about half a mile off."

She wiggled in his arms, snuggling in closer, 'I don't want to move Jay, but I'll lose track of them after a mile. If your okay with rabbit tonight, I'll stay wrapped in your arms.'

Lunar listened, her mind beginning to race further.

“Last time I held her she made our ears bleed. She’s just happy because she knows her parents are a floor below us.” The red head replied. “Our babies Xael. Not just mine.”

The wolf bit her lip, looking down at her belly while her hand groped her belly ever so slightly. With Xaels excited words, Lunar looked up, nodding.

“I’m glad I can give you the one thing you’ve wanted love.” Lunar replied, her canine sinking back into her lip.

No… No asking… We’ll figure it out…

He pulled her further into her lap, one hand remaining on her tummy, rubbing the soft skin, and the other moving to play with Nya. He didn't push the topic of asking Ashlin for advice, knowing Luna would change her mind and ask if it was needed. He trusted her, and that was that.

"I'll start dinner in half an hour," he exclaimed, changing topics, "Any suggestions?"

Jay couldn’t help but laugh at her response.

Well, that must suck sleeping in a room next to two horny alphas.’ Jay breathed quietly.

Sighing, the wolf let go of her, watching her with a wolfish grin. Sitting up, the man willed his body to change, accepting the pain that flourished throughout his bones, snapping them while ripping his muscles to reform.

Gratitude waved through her, the alpha letting it wave over the threshold to her mate, allowing him to understand her feelings.

“Hmmm… Something food like. You know? Something edible?” The wolf grinned, trying to ease the uncertainty that tainted her ever waving emotions. “Something easy for Reyn, I can’t imagine she’s had the best diet this last week… I feel like I need something bloody though.”
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