Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


Eli looked down at her with kind eyes.

“Do you want me to run you a bath after dinner? To help wind down?” He asked kissing her forehead lovingly. Eli could see she didn’t want to speak, while not trying to push her, he still wanted to offer her as much comfort as what he could possibly offer.


Jay could barely contain a laugh at Kais words on their seemingly sibling relationship. Biting at the air, Jay watched Kai’s uncomfortable shifting before moving over to another seat. The wolf grinned at Kayden, her thoughts reaching him for a split second before splintering off to other things.

“Much.” He stated, more of a growl to his tone than intended. Jay nodded, inputting little things here and there about their contract. Looking over at Kayden, he noticed her stomach’s desperate cries that demanded food, her attention shifting to him quickly.

“Would love to.” He grinned, standing quickly with the invite. “And you know how much Xael will appreciate it. Luna doesn’t make it easy for him to step out, and it’s not like she can really hunt.”

Even the idea of any water made her shudder, Reyn's normal handle on her Thalassophobia that kept her from lakes and the ocean all but gone. Bath's annoyed her, but had never scared her like the sea did, but then she had spent a week trapped on that god awful island. Any escape she had hoped for had been dashed at the sight of the ocean.

Curling more into his arms, she shook her head softly, scared of not just submerging herself in water, but being away from him or Nya for more than a few seconds.

They said goodbye to Kai, who seemed content to hang out on the porch and relax. As they wandered towards the trees, Kayden chirped back, "We'll get them something big and juicy then, right Jay."

The further they got from the house the more her shoulders relax, eventually even pulling hat off and letting her ears free as she played with the rim in her fingers. She followed his lead, keeping a step behind him so she could stare.

Finally when they were deep enough she stopped, looking around, "If we are going to hunt, I'll need to strip."

His hand slid up to rest on her head, stroking her hair gently as he nodded.

“That’s alright love.” He cooed, his other arm around her pulling her into him further. “But I’ll make sure you get all the food you want.”

While he wished he could get her cleaned up, hoping it would help her feel better, he wasn’t about to push anything.


Disappearing into the forest, Jays hand looped around Kaydens waist, pulling her into him with a grin.

“We’ll find a big buck to bring back.” He nodded as they continued to walk further into the green. Noting her relaxing state, Jay pulled her forward in an attempt to ease her further.

“I love those ears of yours.” He nodded, tilting his head down to kiss the tips of them.

As she stopped, Jay lifted a brow playfully, looping his hands around the bottom of her top.

“Well, I can help with that.” He offered, winking at her.

Kayden giggled, both nervously and excited as his fingers skimmed the skin on her stomach, pulling at her shirt. Tossing her hat to the side, she shoved him playfully back into a tree, pulling her shirt off with little effort. Tossing it on top of her hat she pressed into him, her eyes gazing up at him.

"Want to help me with the rest?" she batted her lashes, biting her lip.

One of her heads detached from her baby girl and snaked up, touching his chin as he spoke. It was a soft touch, her finger tip running along his jaw then down his neck. He looked different, a week old beard clinging to his face, and she rubbed it, feeling the rough stubble. Her eye caught him watching and the knot in her stomach loosened.

I'm safe. He really came.

Her hand snaked behind his neck slowly, pulling at it to bend down, asking without words for a kiss.

The grin along Jays face only grew at Kayden’s enthusiasm about stripping. Her body pressing into him, exciting part of his body.

“Yes.” He breathed, his head lowering to her neck as his lips sought out her skin, kissing and nipping downwards. Jays hands slid to rest on the edges of her jeans until his lips finally found the waist line of her jeans, gripping them with his teeth before sliding her pants down. Looking up at Kayden, Jay removed her pants, kissing back upwards until his lips found her lower regions, kissing them before his hand gently caressed the skin up her leg, his fingers caressing the skin upwards until they rested on her hips, his head beginning to rise slowly.

His eyes remained on her, watching her hands trace his jaw line.

“I’ve been too busy to shave it down.” He breathed, her hand moving around his neck to beckon him in. His head leaned in, kissing her lips hungrily, his breath returning to him as she brought the life back to him. Eli’s hand slid up her back, his teeth nipping at her bottom lip, asking for entrance to her mouth.

His lips enticed a purr from her lips, her hands slipping over his as he rested them on her hips.

"Jay..." she breathed, her heart beat racing.

Her knees buckled and she landed slowly and softly in the dirt, her arms wrapping around his neck as she dragged him down to lay over her, her mouth crashing into his.

'Touch me,' her thoughts begged him, a hum in the back of her throat growing with anticipation.

Jays body moved with hers, gliding to rest above her as she guided him where she wanted him. Sinking his lips against hers, his hands caressed the skin along her hips, allowing one hand to move down between her legs. Allowing his hand to move within her warmth, a finger wiggling into her walls. Jay allowed his hand to stop for a second, his thumb teasing her while he allowed her to adjust. After several seconds, the wolf allowed his hand to begin to pump within her, slowly and gently enticing her inner walls.

Her tongue flashed out, wrestling with his as a spark ignited in her heart, a crackle of warmth sparking through her. They needed each other like they needed air; Reyn could feel his chest move against hers, realizing only now that they had both been holding their breath. For her, his touch was more than just a sign of attraction; it was a need that she had been without for what felt like years. Her body began to respond, each kiss stoking the fire growing in her heart that kept the cold at bay.

She kissed him once more, grasping for that warmth but feeling Nya tossing in her arm, annoyed that she was trapped tightly between her parents. Pulling away, Reyn stared numbly at her daughter, already feeling that heat fading. She couldn't bear to put Nya down, scared she'd disappear if she wasn't in her arms. But she wanted that fire desperately, needing that warmth to cast away the chill in her bones. Her eyes jumped back and forth between her man and her daughter, lost.

Rolling her eyes back, Kayden let out a loud sigh past his lips, turning to jelly at his touch. Her teeth nipped at his bottom lip, her body pressing up to his.

'Yessssss...' her thoughts sighed as he answered her demands, pleasing her with his fingers. Her nails raked into his back, that same feeling building in her lower stomach.

"More," Kayden huffed as she pulled her head back and let it fall into the dirt, sighing loudly.

Jay took in a shaky breath, his tongue sliding into her mouth, his free hand sliding up to grope at her breast, trying to cap his temptations.

Then her words hit him and he pulled up slightly, looking down at her.

“Are you sure…? It’s not something that can e undone…” He breathed, staring down at her.

His hand grasped at her, his lips pressing against her as his needs began to come into play, disappointment filling him as she pulled back, knowing it was for good reason. Eli’s head leaned in, kissing her lost lips as she tried to grip what was more important.

“Maybe we’ll employ a baby sitter.” He grinned, nuzzling her affectionately. “Then we’ll have all night.” He breathed.

The chill settling back into her was enough for Reyn to consider his word's, her eyes moving to the closed door then back to her daughter, and up to Eli, imploring him to make the decision. While she was tired and sore, and still terrified, all of that had slipped away at the touch of his lips...and she desperately wanted more.

“She won’t disappear love. She will be in the next room over.” He breathed as his head leaned in, nipping at her ear lobe. “Any second you want her, she’ll be there.”

Kissing the dimple in her head, she released her grasp, letting Eli scoop her up and whisk her away. The bed became cold as he left, and her heart froze for the seconds she couldn't see either of them, alone in the room.

Seconds turned into minutes as the fear grew, and Reyn forced herself off the bed, wrapping the blankets tight around her naked body as she bolted out of the room, terrified.

"E...Ee...Eli..." she forced out, shaking uncontrollably as her eyes looked wildly for him in the living room, tears already building up and threatening to spill over.

A groan escaped her lips as his free hand squeezed her breast, his tongue sliding in and out of her mouth. It didn't last long though as his head pulled back at her thoughts, misjudging them.

Popping her eyes back open she stared up at him plainly, cocking her head, "Not...that."

"Show me something new," she whispered, explaining what she had meant with a toothy grin, "Teach me."

Eli leaned in to kiss Reyn again, scooping up the bundle between them.

“I’ll be right back love.” He whispered, taking the bundle up stairs before knocking on the door to the master. Letting himself in, he looked at the cuddle duo.

“You two mind taking Nya for a bit?” He asked, the pair looking up at him widely. The wolf sighed softly, sitting up and opening her arms to accept the small bundle. Quickly nodding and handing the sleeping child off, Eli stepped back out, Reyns distressed cries making his feet hit the ground faster, allowing his body to sweep into the living room, his arms picking her up.

“It’s alright my beautiful wife.” He breathed, sweeping her back into the bedroom. Rolling her onto the bed, Eli’s lips pressed against Reyns while his body laid on top of hers, the sirens touch unwinding his muscles.

Jay tilted his head slightly, unsure what else he could show her. Biting his bottom lip, Jayson’s hand moved to hers, grasping it gently as he led her to his stiffened member. Guiding her hand along him, his mouth moved back to hers, nipping hungrily at her bottom lip before his head moved down, greedily nipping at the skin before his lips found her breasts, his teeth nipping at her nipple gently.

Before she could cry out again he was there, in her midst, holding her as he swept her up and into the room once more. Her body sunk into his, her breath heavy as the fear died. He pulled them both onto the bed, letting her back sink into the soft mattress as he leaned over her, his kiss pushing the last tendrils of fear from her.

Her heavy breathing became panting as her body awoke, his touch rekindling that fire. As a siren she knew she had needs, ones that hadn't been met for over a week. A part of her was disturbed that after the torture she'd endured she could still feel a want for him, still feel the need for sex. But it was there, growing louder inside her the longer his lips touched her. Elijah was all she needed, all she could ever want to cast away the pain.

She followed his guidance, purring as his mouth moved down her neck. A groan escaped her as his mouth took in her nipple, another new sensation rocking her.

'Oh Jay! she sighed internally, feeling the build up growing once more, 'That...I like that...'

Her hand tightened its grip as he sent shivers through her body, pumping back and forth as he showed her. Kayden was unsure if she was doing it right, or if it was even pleasurable for him. Pushing at the edge of his mind, she curiously poked at his thoughts, wanting to know how this all felt for him.

Eli’s hands slowly slid down her perfect body, being careful and making sure to stop at an hesitation he sensed from her side. Much like his need, her could feel her need, her desire. Eli’s breath shook against her lips, his whitish-green eyes staring down at her .

Her breathing grew ragged as she pushed into him more, her hands snaking up his chest to pull at the buttons, releasing his perfect toned abs to her. Her breath caught as she pushed him up to get the shirt off, everything else slipping away for a perfect second as he made her forget it all. Intertwining her fingers in his, she pulled him back down, her eyes begging him to continue, to help her remain forgetful for a few more perfect moments.

The wolf’s teeth nipped harder, his tongue caressing her soft pink nipple before moving over to her other breast.

Faster…’ Jay groaned, bucking his hips to her touch. Her moans made him shiver, allowing a soft groan to pass her breast as his mouth suckled on the soft flesh, while his hand within her continued to pump, quickening his speed within her.
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