Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


Peace washed over her as the realization sunk into her heart that she was safe, and Nya was alive. Her arms hugged her precious daughter like a lifeline as her eyes closed. A final shaky breath released out her cracked lips before she passed out in his arms, falling into a deep, restful sleep.

They had been walking for hours, Kayden even falling asleep and napping for a few hours on his back. She walked beside him now, skipping as she whistled.

"Hey I recognize the area," she piped up, looking around, "We are only an hour away from home!"


Xael curled around Luna on their bed, a giant plate of fresh cookies already half eaten beside them.

"How about Tiffany?" he teased, watching her nose scrunch, "Or Felicia. Deana?"

He laughed as she shook her head, "Well what names do you like?"

Time had passed quickly before Kayden’s voice piped up about their area, the wolf’s tongue hanging out happily in response as he licked at her.

Think they’ll have dinner ready?’ Jay thought excitedly, bouncing alongside the small girl.


Shoving yet another cookie into her mouth, the wolf growled at her mates name choices.

“How do you know there’s going to be a girl? How do you know that we aren’t going to have two boys?” She asked as names came to mind.

“Dakota. Or Eden or Harlyn though. I like those.” She breathed thoughtfully.

Eli’s eyes opened, his body entwined around Reyns and Nya’s along the bed. Both of his girls asleep in his arms. Breathing in her scent, Eli sighed, burying his face within Reyns shoulder.

“Good evening love.” He breathed into her shoulder, knowing she still slept.

"I like all three of those," he admitted, stealing a cookie, "And can't I have at least one daughter? A mini you."


"Maybe," she grinned, "But we might miss out if we don't speed up."

She ruffled the hair on top of his head, then winked as she skipped ahead, "Keep up Jay!"

An hour later she was running full out, trying to keep ahead of Jay as she burst into the house, laughing.

"We're home!"

Lunar’s large puppy eyes looked up at Xael, her bottom lip puffing out as her eyes moved to the crime scene… The cookie plate. Now missing one less member of her dwindling glorious colony.

“Baaaabbbbyyyy…. That was Jimmy! He was to be last!” She pointed, the last marble cookie making a quick dash down into Xaels stomach.

“But I don’t have any say over this. It’s your seed, you should know better than me.” She replied with a wiggle of her eyebrows. “I’m just saying, what if they’re both boys?”

“I also like all three of those… Chance, Dante, Gabriel, Marshal, Trey?” She asked, lifting her hand to count with her fingers, chewing on the names that came to mind.


With Kayden’s words, the wolf sped up, his limp beginning to show as his legs pushed him forward. With ease he sped up to the girl, her thin two limbs having nothing on his wolf form. Slamming to a halt, the wolf stayed outside the house, allowing his body to drop so his form could change.

The main floor was quiet, so Kayden moved to the kitchen, finding a lack of dinner. Shrugging she began to search the fridge for food, prepared to make her and Jay something quick.

She hunted through the fridge, finding little that would go together well. I guess I can settle for snacks.

Scooping up two bags of chips, two beers, a left over cracker and cheese platter, and a bowl of peanuts she made her way out of the kitchen, thrusting the beers in Jay's direction as he caught up.

"No dinner. Seems the Alpha's are MIA too, so its just you and me," she smiled, "Where'd you like to eat?"

"He made a neccessary sacrifice," Xael chuckled, rubbing his stomach.

Listening to her list he shrugged, "I only like Dante out of those. Don't worry though love, we have plenty of time to choose names. And soon I'll have to start on a nursery."

Standing, the naked wolf looked up as Kayden shoved both beers into his hands. Grinning, he looked at the back patio and then the living room.

“Either the patio or living room. One has more privacy from the alpha’s then the other. Knowlingly they’re in the bedroom.” Jay chuckled, giving her the option.

“What’s with the half eaten cracker and cheese platter? They really running that low on food?” He asked curiously.

“But… He was the colony mayor. Otherwise they’ve lost their marbles without him!” She giggled, her body twirling over as she forced him onto his back.

“Gah… Names are hard.” She disagreed. “I don’t like the naming process. It takes allot to make them, not enough there to name them. As for the Nursery we have ton’s of time to worry about that… It’s not like it’ll take allot of time.”

"Patio," she chose leading him back outside, "And it seems so, but chances are they haven't had time to make a grocery run. I'll probably go tomorrow...your always welcome to come with."

As they sat down she stole her beer back, chugging half of it as she watched him, "Going to put any clothes on?"

Her voice lowered so that only he could hear, "Not that I mind the view."

"Well if I build a nursery it might take some time," he disagreed, kissing her nose, "Unless you want to kick your little sister out of her room up here."

Jay nodded, quickly turning on his heel to head back outside and onto the beautiful patio.

“Well sounds like we shall have a good run then.” He grinned, taking a sip of his beer as he sat back into the cushioned seats. Looking between Kayden and his lower half, Jay shrugged.

“I prefer being natural. Clothes seem like a waste of time.” He chuckled, grabbing a handful of peanuts as Kayden laid the left overs on the table before them.

“Well we wouldn’t be kicking anyone out of their room, we do have four guest rooms love. Plus the guest house for anyone who needs the privacy.” She shrugged, not really overly thinking about it.

"Downstairs we have the guest rooms love. We only have our room and Kayden's up here. And I don't think either of us would be comfortable with our twins a floor below us."

He snuggled her closer, kissing her gently, "I love that we are talking about this Luna."


"Am I the only wolf who prefers clothes than?" she asked, throwing a peanut from her own handful at his face, "I feel like I am."

Popping a few nuts in her mouth, she chewed while she thought it over, "I don't act like a wolf, do I?"

Her mind woke first and before her eyes opened she panicked, for a split second thinking she was back in that cell, that it had all been a dream. Her eyes flashed open as she jolted,her head swiveling wildly as she looked around in alarm.

A pair of emerald eyes suddenly came into her vision, reminding her everything was alright as her thundering heart beat began to slow.

Lunar bit her lip, his words making sense.

“But if we were to do an addition, that’s extra construction up here love. I’m gonna tell ya now love how hard that’s going to be and how much effort there’s going to need to be to seal off dust and any extra particles.” She spoke softly, raising her hand with her palm up to gesture towards their bedroom door.

“I’m still getting used to talking about this…” She spoke, her canine sinking into her bottom lip nervously.


“You act like a wolf when you’re used to it, but I find clothes unnecessary.” He chuckled, catching the flying peanut within his mouth. “I was raised always being naked though, so that helps.”

She nodded along, knowing she had nothing that could relate to him, and bringing up her own childhood was less than pleasant. Silently she ate some of the food, draining the beer rather quickly as she watched him. Her thoughts began to stray to the night before but she quickly dashed them, catching an amused look from the brunette wolf as she filled her mouth with chips.

"What?" she muttered, feigning innocence as she popped another chip in her mouth.


"We'll move Kayden downstairs," he compromised, "I'm sure she won't mind all that much. And I know you are, my moon. You are getting better with each day."

His arms remained tight around her, securing her as his siren awoke, her heart beat racing.

“You’re alright love.” He breathed, kissing her sweetly. “You, and Nya are safe, with dinner on the way.”

Jay bit his tongue, trying not to go back to their child hoods. Grabbing a cracker, he flicked it over to her, a grin on his face.

“Oh nothing.” He chuckled, his hand moving out to rest gently on her knee. His eyes flicked over to the door as his body leaned over to hers. “I’ll help those thoughts tonight… When the alpha’s have disappeared.”


Lunar shook her head softly at Xael’s response.

“Kayden is like a daughter, I’m not kicking her downstairs. I’d rather have her on the same floor to keep an eye on her.” Lunar’s soft musical voice replied, stopping to bite at her lip. “Doesn’t always feel like I’m adjusting, but I suppose that’s the influx in hormones.”

Dropping her head on top of Xaels chest, Lunar took in a deep breath, welcoming Xaels comforting scent to ease her tensing muscles.

Xael didn't want to push the topic, but he knew Kayden would eventually be moved downstairs, so that they could have a nursery close to their bedroom. He'd have to bring it up again later, perhaps around Kayden herself to help sway his mate's decision.

Letting the topic slide, he curled his arms tighter around her, sighing happily, "My favorite part of the day: holding you."

Kissing her red hair softly, he breathed in her scents as they relaxed.

"When would you like dinner love?"


She caught the cracker with her hand, popping it into her mouth and chewing happily. She stopped mid-chew though as his hand moved to her knee, quickening her heart rate. Swallowing in a loud gulp, her smoky eyes watched him lean in, making her grin devilishly at his words. Leaning in herself so that they're faces were only inches away her eyes strayed to his lips then snapped back to the brown pools watching her.

"I'll hold you to that," she whispered, biting her lip.

Arms tightened around her, and the familiar scent of Elijah washed over her, soothing her fear. Little Nya was wrapped in her blankie, sleeping in Reyn's arms. The mother held her closer, fighting back tears of joy to know her baby was not dead. Turning them both, she snuggled Nya between her chest and Eli's, her dull blue eyes looking up at him. There was still little life in her, little hope or emotion, but Reyn had been to hell and back. What had happened would not leave her mind, seared into her memory. There was nothing her man, nor her child could fix with that.

What they did do was lift her heart, mending those cracks in her soul Searrinna had placed when she had convinced Nereyda her daughter was dead, and her soul had abandoned her. Already she felt less cold in his arms, her muscles relaxing for the first time in a week as the idea of safety washed over her.

Silently she watched him, nodding as he spoke but not speaking a word. She felt like there was nothing to say, nothing worth using her broken vocals for. Placing her head on his arm she stared at his chest, feeling Nya's breath tickle her neck. How can I begin to describe what happened? How can I move on from that...that horrible place.

Braxton and Kyli sat in the living room chatting, Ashlin still asleep. She hadn't woken since they'd arrived back at home, her lean frame wrapped deep in blankets in her room, fast asleep. Malakai wandered up to check on her, tucking her in and pushing a strand of hair out of her face before moving out of the room. Bored, he decided to take a walk outside and enjoy the dusk settling around them.

As he walked he spotted the light on the porch of the other house on. As he got closer he could see two bodies, and the white-haired on one perked him up. Picking up his pace, he grinned lazily as he got to the edge of the porch, missing some kind of interaction as the two leaned forward, almost nose-to-nose.

"Hey Kay," he breathed, stepping onto the porch as the little wolf's face snapped towards him, a flicker of surprise and then relaxing as she saw who it was.

"Hey Kai," she grinned, leaning into her chair, "Sneaking around?"

He shook his head, plopping down at the end of her lounge chair and stealing a peanut, "Was out for a walk. Kyli and Braxton are having some brother sister moment. Kind of like you two just were...aaaand I interrupted. Sorry."

He caught a small blush rise on her pale cheeks, making her smoky eyes pop more in the light. Grinning widely, Kai stole another peanut, making sure to lean his body over her legs.

"Blushing for me now?" he laughed lightly as he chewed the peanut, resting a hand on her leg warmly before catching Jay's reaction and removing it quickly, "Guess Luna isn't the only protective one of you Kayden."

The wolf felt a small annoyed puff leave her throat, his intentions ringing through the back of her mind.

Pushing away her annoyance, Lunar nestled further into Xaels arms.

“My favorite part of the day…” She thought, allowing her words to die off as she grinned up at her mate. “Spending time with you.”

“Hmmm… Soon probably. I know everyone else is more than likely hungry.”


Jay couldn’t help the grin that pulled at his lips, his eyes looking down at her lips in temptation before running back up to her beautiful eyes. As he begun to lean in, a familiar voice pulled him back.

“Sup Kai.” He nodded, withdrawing his hand to move to his bouncing knee. His golden pools watched the man, annoyance ripping through him as Kai sat on Kaydens chair, carelessly leaning on her. With each movement and flirtatious word, the growl in his chest built, unable to keep it to himself.

“Very protective. There’s a third chair that has your name on it.” Jay stated, glaring at the man in annoyance.

Kayden jumped at the sound of Kai's voice, startled. Trying to feign normalcy she sat back slowly, greeting Malakai. As he sat down he mentioned something about being siblings and Kayden couldn't help the blush that flourished, knowing at this point there was nothing brotherly about Jay to her.

He leaned over her legs to steal a peanut, leaving his hand on her shin. Before she had gone out on a contract with Jay, Kai and her had been getting along swimmingly. She liked the attention and he liked to flirt. There hasn't been much in the way of attraction for her, and looking back now she realized it was because she had already grown a crush on Jay. She stamped out the thought quickly though before the Alphas caught it, knowing Jay had probably heard it as soon as she thought it.

"Everyone's protective of me," she smiled, "Best be careful with Jay though. He bites harder than Luna."

It was a joking threat and Kai knew it but he did move away, taking the seat next to hers.

"So how was your contract?"

Kayden fell into the story, trying her best to ignore Jays enticing naked figure to her left. Kai ignored it, used to seeing naked bodies as a shifter. When her story ended her stomach growled loudly, reminding her chips and peanuts wouldn't fill her.

"Want to hunt for dinner?" She turned to Jay, "We still got an hour before dinner is normally. Maybe we can catch a deer."
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