Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


Reyn's eyes opened after what felt like a year of sleeping, her stiff and aching bones numb. Her dull blue eyes watched Eli heal the bruises and scraps she had acquired, and her thighs pressed together as he over passed them, unsure how to explain the torture she'd received.

Her voice was still lost as she watched him, close-lipped and shaking with the horror filling her heart.

His eyes saw all, his heart sinking as his hands moved over her lower torso, where most of the damage was internal. Eli could feel her eyes open, and the fear showed through her body’s response. He opened his mouth to say something, but found himself unable to speak, his chest killing him at the damage that had been done to her.

“It’s alright love.” His shaky voice breathed out, one hand moving to hers to help offer her support. Gently taking her hand within his, Eli’s thumb gently rubbed along her smooth skin while his other hand remained to heal and work on her lower torso, allowing his inner being to heal the damage.

"You're beautiful," he corrected, placing a hand on hers, feeling the movement in her belly as his thumb stroked her skin.

"You are my gorgeous wolf queen. A little weight gain won't change that. This is all a good thing my Alpha."

Jay couldn’t help but laugh as Kayden read his mind. While he wanted to be walking side by side with her on two legs, he preferred all four.

“You read minds now?” He asked with a tilt of his head, his body slowly dropping to the ground as he willed his bones to snap and reform. After several short minutes, Jay’s furred shoulders pushed him up, his body shaking out before he pranced up to the small girl, licking her facing in appreciation.

Lucky for me, this means you can ride me today.’ The wolf laughed.

Her eyes scrunched close as pain flourished in her cauterized nether regions, her mouth finally falling open but nothing higher than a whisper of a squeak coming out. Tears burst forward as the pain grew worse, Eli trying to heal the pain but instead causing it to reopen before his magic worked on stitching her back together. She had no voice, no way to scream stop as she lay there, numb and defeated.

Watching his hand on her belly, the wolf sighed softly, his touch exciting the nerves under her delicate skin.

Just feels odd… Mind you the whole process feels odd, and like a roller coaster.’ She thought, nuzzling Xaels legs softly. ‘And we’re out of cookies…’ She thought with a soft whine.

"Good because that's what I had planned."

She threw his pile of clothes onto his back before hoisting herself up, getting comfortable in the messy fur that caressed her skin. She lay down in it, wrapping her arms around his neck as she buried her nose in his fur.

"Now onwards majestic steed!" she kicked his sides softly, laughing at her own joke.

'I'm waiting on those dirty secrets,' she teased as they moved along, her skin soaking in the morning rays.

Squeezing her hand, Eli’s eyes looked over at her, the pain evident across her face. He could feel it, how badly wounded they had left the poor woman.

“It’s almost over love. I promise.” He breathed, his light emerald eyes watching her sadly. His hand lowered onto her skin, allowing the magic to work more deeply at a quicker rate, hoping to end her pain as soon as possible. The beads of sweat dripped down his head and neck, small droplets forming along his bare shoulders while wetting the back of the dirtied grey muscle shirt that covered his upper torso. His eyes closed as he concentrated harder, feeling the wounds begin to close up, hopefully easing her pain as he could finally begin to move his hand slowly further down her skin.

Jay chuckled as Kayden threw herself up on him, allowing him to growl playfully at her while he nipped at a stray leg, enforcing her to tuck into him further. Lowering his head ever so slightly, the wolf began forward, leading them towards their alphas.

Well I can begin with how I’m going to eat you out tonight, lap up your beautiful juices.’ The wolf replied slyly, a large wolfish grin on his face as he continued with his thoughts.

After what felt like hours the pain subsided to nothingness, the ache gone in her stomach. His hands moved along, taking more time to heal her. When all was said and done Reyn remained motionless, still untrusting after what they'd done, worried it was all a trap. Her lips closed once again, the blue tinge behind them only due to the frost in her.

Reyn's body continued to shiver, now due to the cold seeping in her, sticking to her bones.

'I know it feels odd, I'm here every step of the way experiencing this with you. We will get through the next six months and we will have two beautiful children to call our own. Our pack will become six.'

He chuckled quietly at her disappointment in the empty cookie box, "I'll run and grab more when I get a moment. There should be one more box in the pantry for you though."

Double checking her, Eli made sure to heal any cuts or wounds, leaving her skin flawless as it had once been. Slowly sliding his arms under her, Eli pulled her in gently.

“Shhhhh.” He soothed, sitting back on the bed as he pulled her cold, shivering body into his lap, his arms encasing her protectively, allowing her icy skin to soak up the heat from his golden skin.

“Your safe.” He breathed, kissing her forehead.

Good… Because this… Morning sickness, that really is at any point during the day sucks… And cravings. That six months better pass quickly.’ The wolf groaned softly, licking her finger to get the cookie crumbs to stick to her finger in an attempt to fully finish off the small plastic bag with a flimsy cookie container within it’s folds.

“But it’s cuddle day, not leave me for anything day.” She groaned, tilting her head back to look at him upside down.

“And that really doesn’t sound like very many cookies…” She stated, blinking innocently up at her mate.

The tears dried up as she stared off at the wall, listening to his cooing words, his arms rocking her.

Am I really safe? Do I deserve freedom?

Her cheek lay gently on his shoulder, her face expressionless as he tried to warm her soul.

Reaching over, the Halfling grabbed a blanket, wrapping her cold body within its furry folds. Slowly pushing them forward, Eli moved to the door, making sure to cover her from the neck fully down before opening the door to the main room.

“Xael?” Eli breathed, sliding out into the living room.

“Can we have her back?” Eli asked, in hopes it would bring Reyns spirits up.

"I'm enjoying the cravings so far," Xael smiled, "Yesterday was particularly a highlight. Although...this cookie craving might break our bank."

His free hand rubbed her chin, watching her lovingly, "How about we move the cuddle fest to the kitchen and we bake some more cookies? We don't have any chocolate, but I was able to snag some sugar last time I was in town."

Xael's head popped up at the sound of his name and Luna moved her head so he could rise, still keeping Nya safely tucked in his right arm.

"Sure," Xael nodded towards the door, "Your arms are full, let me bring her into the room for you."

They moved back into the bedroom, and Xael handed Nya over once Reyn was tucked back into the bed, the siren never leaving the sight of the halfling. Xael couldn't blame him; if he had lost Luna for a week he'd be glued to her too.

"Here's Nya, Elijah. Safe and warm. And I'll bring in dinner later," he murmured, seeing the exhaustion in all three of them, "We always make extras."

Returning out to his mate, he scooped her up in his arms, twirling her as Savannah popped her head back in, clean and dressed. Damion was at her heels, looking less than impressed but his mouth remained shut.

"Just forgot a necklace of mine upstairs," she explained as she hopped up the staircase two at a time, "Don't mind me."

Xael shrugged, greeting Damion than returning his attention fully to the wolf in his arms and setting off to the kitchen, "Let's make cookies."

Her brain grew numb as she was lifted, moved, set down, wrapped up. She didn't want to function, didn't want to try and be present, or even speak. Her skin grew warm from the soft blankets, but her bones still ached with a chill she thought she'd never rid of.

As her head fell into the pillows for a second time, she tested her body by turning over, lying on her side. Nothing ached but her heart, nothing felt broken but her soul. Nereyda curled into herself, wrapped up in the fur blankets as her eyes stared off at nothing, her brain unable to find a reason to even think. She could hear them talking, hear another voice planning dinner. Dinner. When had she eaten last? Did it matter? No.

Then she heard the one name that brought tears to her eyes, bringing a whole new fresh hell to her. Reyn's body shook violently, rolling quickly over so she didn't have to face whoever was taunting her, reminding her of what she'd done. She's dead. My baby girl is dead.

Lunars nose scrunched up as she watched him playfully.

“Well you know we don’t have to worry about the bank. But the cravings really take over everything.” She replied, her head moving back slightly to expose more of her chin as her mate rubbed the soft flesh.

“Don’t you remember our last time we tried to have a cuddle fest in the kitchen? We were cleaning up flower, sugar, and butter for a week. There are parts of the ceiling that never even got cleaned.” She giggled. Lifting her head up, Lunar watched her mate walk away with a soft inner sigh, curling up on the ground as she waited for Xael to come back. As her mate rounded the corner, Lunar held her arms up for her mate, pouting while he twirled her around.

“Good Morning Savannah and Damion.” She nodded, her arms twirling around her mates neck. Waiting for her mate to take her to the kitchen, the wolf thought about what ingredients they had.

“We have cocoa. We could do marble cookies?” She asked, a grin on her face.


Eli watched the silent siren, her body withdrawing from him the second he’d laid her down. Nodding at Xael, Eli wrapped his arm around his daughter, who’s eyes opened as she slid into his arms.

“Thank you Xael.” Eli responded, closing the door after the man. Sliding his hand up, Nya’s hand grasped his as she began to move within his arms, a soft giggle forming within her mouth as she held her fathers finger.

“Reyn?” He asked, sitting on the edge of the bed, his eyes moving to his beautiful siren. With examination, Nya’s hand quickly let go of Elis to fly out in the direction of Reyns shuddering body. As the moments passed, Nya’s face scrunched up and a soft cry left her mouth as she demanded her mothers attention.

It's not real. She's dead, it isn't real. They are mocking me, they want me to fall for it again. I won't. She's dead. My poor baby is dead. Because of me. All because of me.

Her body curled up more, Reyn refusing to acknowledge the cries sounding off in the room. Nakaylia was dead. She had seen it with her own eyes, held her limp body in her arms. And it was all her fault; she had brought death onto her child.

"You have two choices siren. Obey, or suffer the consequences."

Reyn stood in the middle of the room, defiant and unwilling to give in. Blood dripped from a gash on her shoulder but she cared little.

"Eli will come for me," Reyn snapped back, "He will find me. And your ass is going back to hell when he does."

"You so sure that he'll find you," the old woman, Magetha laughed, "How will he child when he has no idea where you are. You or your daughter."

"You bitches," she snarled, stepping forward, "You touch a hair on her head and I will fucking-"

"You'll what? Shout at us? Scream? Child I can kill you from this distance," the red head spoke emotionlessly, unfazed by Reyns outburst, "And her safety relies on you. Disobey me again and she dies."

"You wouldn't kill a child," Nereyda scoffed, trying to call her bluff, praying it was a lie, "You'd be better off killing me than her."

"She's bargaining now," Magetha laughed, "She has fire in her spirit."

"We'll break that," the demon purred, sending Reyn back to her cell with a single order.

She could still remember the blood on her hands, the smell of fear on her tiny limp body as she kissed it one last time. Why had she tried to escape? Why had she believed Searrinna was lying? And now they taunted her mercilessly, reminding her of the mistake she made. The one she couldn't fix.


She swayed, the memories of Reyn hitting her like a brick. They screamed out, lashing and throwing themselves into the demons head.

"I'll be right back," she whispered to Damion, slipping into the guest room alone.

"Eli," she breathed, stepping up to him as she smiled at the very much alive child, "You should know..."

She touched his temple before he could respond, letting him into Reyn's memory as tears swam in Savannah's eyes, the pain in the sirens heart overwhelming.

"Marble cookies it is," he agreed, setting her on the edge of the counter as he disappeared into the pantry to grab ingredients as he laughed, "and as long as you keep your shirt on we won't have a repeat of last time. We might actually make a full batch of cookies."

He couldn't see her with the pantry door in the way but he could feel her smile, warming up his heart.

Eli’s hand slid out to rest on Reyns side, his saddened eyes staring at her back. Turning with the open door, Eli looked up as Savannah’s body quickly found her way over to him. Her hand touching his temple released the memories to him, making him shudder.

“Thank you Savannah..” He breathed, taking a sharp breath as he turned to look at Reyn.

‘She thinks I’m a lie… That Nya is a lie…’ He thought, as little Nya’s eyes began to water, a cry building within her body as her hands continued to reach out, her body leaning forward with all her might.

"I can see everything they done to her," Savannah whispered, crossing her arms over her chest as she shuddered, "I'll spare you the details Eli, it will only hurt you more. But if I'd known what I can see now...I would really like to strangle Searrinna with my own hands. She wasn't only tortured physically, but most of that bitch's games were mental."

She strolled to the door, her brow creased as she turned and looked at her, "In a week Reyn soul, heart, and body was broken. They convinced her that Nya was killed, that you would never come...and that she didn't have a voice."

“Yummy!” She grinned, wiggling on the edge of the counter while her feet kicked back and forth within the air. Her smile lit up the air around her as she waited for her mate to emerge from the pantry.

“But maybe I don’t want my shirt on.” She giggled, throwing her button up top to the side as she continued to wiggle onto of the counter.

“Baby? Can we have sugar cookies too? OH! And pie! Definitely pie!” She grinned, leaning to the side slightly to try and peak into the pantry.

"Yes we can," he replied, scooping up the last of the ingredients and coming out. Dropping them on the island he looked up, his head nodding forward as he sighed dramatically, "And where did your shirt go?"

Eli’s eyes remained on Reyn, their daughter beginning to cry as his wife continued to ignore her.

“Well luckily you know I already got the ability to do so.” He breathed, shaking slightly. Eli’s hand rubbed Reyns side softly, trying to offer comfort even if she thought he was a cruel joke.

“Well I’m here… I’m here to unbreak her and show her how perfect our life can be…” He spoke, the air lightening with his determination. Eli’s arm moved, bouncing their child within his grasp as he tried to soothe her cries, only to hear her pitch heighten with her need for her mother.
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