Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


Three days in a row. Three days of the same torture.

Three agonizing days of wanting death.

Reyn's neck could barely hold up her heavy head, the metal feeling like a part of her skin having worn it for almost three full days. Her eyes remained shut, trying to desperately find solace in sleep, although none came.

“Shhhhh, we’re not doing anything.” He breathed, kissing her hair as his arms wrapped around her while his eyes scanned the area, keeping an eye out.


Noting Savannah close behind him, Eli slowed, looking around oddly. Eli’s strides continued still as he listened.

“We’ve got an audience.” He breathed under his breath.

" should...heleep...eep..." Ash's eyes rolled shut, her body sagging in defeat.


"Well they haven't attacked yet," Savannah prodded him along, "C'mon, let's get inside. If they want a fight, they can come to us."

Walking beside her, Eli could feel the determination building within him, his stride becoming longer, being quick to slide into the castle.

The castle's grande entrance was nothing short of grande...and ruined. The tiles were cracked, the rugs moth eaten and any decorations either stolen or pulled to the ground. Up the wide staircase the hallways branched out left and right, leaving them with a decision.

"We should split up," Savannah whispered, "We both can handle ourselves, and cover more ground. I'll come get you if I find her first."

Nodding to the left, Savannah snuck off into the right hallway, checking each door as she went.

The Halfling stopped to listen, his eyes closing as he focused around him. Turning left, the Halfling wandered past various beaten doors, his uninterested face looking forward as he wound throughout the old dusty hallways. Suddenly, something within him stopped, his feet coming to a halt as a large staircase wound down, the bricks crumbling within the winding circular staircase as he stiffly wandered down. The hairs on the back of his neck began to rise as the stench of death and dirt hit him, his feet finally hitting a solid level ground, various hallways branching off, all lined with metal doors leading into private and secluded cells. Focusing in again, Eli turned right, his pace picking up with each racing though. Finally, something within him screamed to stop, his hands grabbing at a rusty metal latch to pull open the screeching door, allowing the low light from the hallway to flood into the rat ridden room.

Within the middle of the back wall, his eyes recognized her, his heart sank as his eyes took in her poor shape.

Something touched her face, waking her. Her eyes remained puffy and closed as she felt a mind-numbing light burn through her closed eyelids. Reflexively she flinched away, disgusted with her torturer. Already? She’s back already?

Her body shook as she pressed against the cold stone wall, her head rocking back and forth trying to stay conscious through the pain. Blood pooled around her, a mix of old and new as it caked the floor. Fresh blood coated her inner thighs, warm and wet. Tiny trickles of blood dripped down her neck as well, trailing down her naked form from the biting metal in her jaw.

Please…please leave me be.

Elis blackened orbs stared down at her quivering form in horror. Taking each step slowly, Eli crouched in front of her, blocking the light from her face as he leaned forward.

"You're going to be alright love." He breathed. "I'm sorry I took so long to find you."

His hands slipped around her face gently, his eyes inspecting the mask to find a small key hole. Lifting up, he looked around the room and then quickly slid out, finding a tiny hook with several old keys hanging. Snatching up the key, Eli stepped silently back into the room. Kneeling before her, he slipped the key into the hole, hearing the soft click as he turned it. Peeling the heavy metal from her beautiful face, Eli disguarded it into the opposite corner of the room. From there, his shaking hands moved to her beaten wrists, allowing the heavy metal shackles to release her wrists.

With that, his strong arms slid under her, picking her delicate body up with care.

"Let's go home love." He breathed, his voice shaking with regret.

That's another's always another trick...

Her eyes remained squeezed shut as the mask peeled off, revealing the ripped open scabs along her cheek and jaw. Three on each cheek...matching the three along each side of her jaw. How many times had she counted them? Or the stones in the walls?

Two arms lifted her, and her trembling body tensed more. The old hag could never carry her, but the demon could. And if the demon wanted her...

With the little strength she had in her body she shoved at her kidnappers chest, pushing so hard she forced herself right out of their arms before they could stop it. Her head hit the floor as the rest of her body came crashing down, her ears bursting with a shrill ringing sound. It was all that she could do to stay conscious as she scrambled back, her heels bleeding as they cut on the rough stone, her head shaking frantically as her cracked blue lips refused to move.

She'll kill me...oh god, she's going to kill me.

Eli’s eyes opened widely, his arms scrambling to try and catch her frail flailing body.

“Reyn.” He whispered, his voice unable to come out any higher while a tear slid down his cheek. Crouching beside her, Eli slipped a hand to rest under her head as another pushed a matted blood stained strand of hair behind her ear.

“My beautiful life. I’m so sorry.” He breathed, his voice shaking with his whole body.

Savannah slipped inside of a room, keeping low and in the shadows. Bustling around the opposite end of the room was an old woman, her grey hair falling in waves down her back. There was a large bookshelf in front of her, the woman labeling and organizing bottles and jars full of various ingredients. Savannah's lip curled back, recognizing black magic immediately. While she couldn't judge those who used it, she definitely didn't like the labels on some of the jars.

Her set of fangs popped out as she stepped forward, eyes growing dark with the thought of feeding. Suddenly the room exploded with light as the woman twisted towards her, hurling an energy bolt her way. Dodging, Savannah growled and swore, moving into a taller stance.

"It's about time someone came looking for her," she snapped, readying another spell, "Too bad you won't get her off this island."

Another energy bolt zapped where her feet had been seconds before, Savannah lunging right then feigning running to the left before leaping forward. Her hands reached out to grab the witch but caught her robes instead as the woman bounced backwards, quicker than her age would tell.

"This is sick," Savannah spat, seeing the jar she was labeling on the table, the words reading 'Werewolf fangs' and the one beside it 'Human tongue'.

"It's an art," she hissed back, sharpened talons flashing out as she batted at the demon, another energy bolt building in her other hand.

"I'm going to enjoy draining you dry," Savannah snarled, her eyes bloodred with thirst, adrenaline coursing through her.

"Bring it bitch."

Pain flourished in her body from moving, growing into a biting ache in her bones. Reyn's shoulders sag as she gave up fighting, her back already against a wall, not sure what more they could do to her. They'd already stripped her of everything she held valuable, beaten her till she couldn't feel her muscles, and left her to freeze until her bones were brittle. Her head turned sideways, grimy blood soaked hair falling into her face. A hand touched her sore jaw and cheek, pulling her head back up as two fingers pushed her hair out of her face. It was unusually gentle, almost caring.

As the ringing died in her ears she heard shaking breathing, and then his voice again.

It's a trick...not real...

But Nereyda couldn't help but try to pry her eyes open, wanting to confront the lie. As her eyelids fluttered, dull empty blue eyes slowly adjusted to the light, looking up at the face she'd thought she never see again.

Elijah. Tears blurred her vision, the knot in her chest releasing at the thought of escape, Where have you been?

Another tear slid down his cheek, his thumb moving forward to gently brush a tear away from her cheek.

“I’m so sorry Reyn… So Sorry…” He spoke. “I’m going to take you home… Take you somewhere safe.”

“I love you.” Eli breathed, his arms slowly sliding under her again, holding her gently as they walking out of the cell.

She couldn't curl into him, the effort too much. Her head fell back as he lifted her, Reyn's eyes closing once again as she let sleep take her, finally free of the horror. Her one arm was pinned between his chest and her, but her other hung loosely down, blood dripping from her jaw down her pale arm, her fingers dripping slowly with it.


Her neck snapped gloriously, and her blood tasted even sweeter. Savannah drained every last drop, then trashed the room, breaking every bottle and jar she got her hands on. Finished with the chaos, she stepped back into the hall, in search for the second kidnapper, fresh blood still dripping from her face.

It didn't take long for Savannah to find the red head, stepping inside the lush master bedroom with a cold look around.

"Living in luxury are we?" she snapped, locking the door, "Nice to see you again Searrinna."

His body felt heavy with regret, knowing he could have prevented this if he’d just stayed home. Finding his way to the staircase, Eli slowly brought her upstairs.

“We’ll go somewhere safe…” He breathed. Rising up to the main floor, Eli took it slow down the hallway, finally coming to the main entrance after several minutes of winding through the halls.

Taking her outside, Eli began to descend towards where Braxton and Ashlin remained.


Blood red orbs stared intensely at the demon before her. Claws dragged across the large thrown arms and back as she twisted around it’s large wooden frame. Her head popped out before her body followed, each step precise and calculated.

“Hello Savannah” She purred, her vicious, skin peeling voice replied while her head tilted. Red dreads slid around her face, her head moving in the opposite angle.

Savannah stepped forward, her shoulders relaxed, "I'm not here to fight you before you ask. I'm more of a...distraction. While Eli saves his partner."

Walking to the small bar, she poured two drinks, offering one to the demon, "Want to tell me where Nya is?"

Searrinna rolled her eyes.

“Of course.” She purred again, her red eyes remaining on the woman before her.

“Well the babys gone for all you care.” Searrinna spat, unwilling to reveal the childs ware abouts.

Savannah laughed, "I could least try asking right?"

She tossed her hand up, whiskey flying into the other demon's eyes as Savannah cracked down the glass, shattering it into Searrinna's head. Grabbing a fistful of dreadlocks, the Alpha demon threw her knee up, winding the red-head before dragging her out of the room.

"I should thank my father more often for my strength," she smiled, dragging the woman along down the hallway towards the front door, "It does wonders in times like these. C'mon already!"

Kicking the ceiling high oak doors open as they reached the main entrance, Savannah dragged the other demon outside into the light.

"Hey Eli," she called, seeing his backside, "Got you an early Christmas present. Enjoy."

The halflings head turned to look apon Savannah dragging a certain red headed demon.

“Well look who’s come to play.” He grinned. The woman’s hand remained embedded within Savannahs, the other holding below her chest with her palm facing upwards and claws extended. Stepping backwards, the Halfling looked back down at Reyn.

“I’m sorry love… But I need to…” He breathed, placing her within the cushioned grass off to the side with a kiss to her forehead.

Turning back to look at Savannah, Eli nodded, allowing her to drop the woman and move to his lifes side. Stepping up, he watched the red head stand with her claws extended and pointed teeth exposed. Leaping forward, the demon jumped to the side, dancing with him as they leapt back and forth for several minutes. But as Eli faked a jump to the right, Searrinna jumped left, falling into his plans as his feet redirected himself into her path. Quickly winding his hands around the womans throat, claws dug into his side, allowing blood to stream down his side.

“Which portal is it Searrinna? I know where she is.” He growled, watching the twisted smile form on her lips as a laugh bubbled out of her mouth.

“Only you wish to know.” She grinned, the halflings hand tightening around her throat. “Go ahead. Kill me. Much like you’re going to kill your daughter!”

Like that, the girls hand slashed out, catching his face. Pulling back, the woman stood and Eli’s hand lashed out, the sound of breaking bones ringing through the air, leaving the demon to gargle out a laugh. Rolling his eyes, Eli’s foot forced up, the demon leaping upwards to dodge it with grace as her hand flew out, slicing off several strands of hair when his body dropped backwards.

The demon before him laughed.

“Hard to find your precious little daughter when she’s in a place only one of the millions of portals leads to.” Searrinna beamed.

The Halfling felt it. There and then. His blood dropped, boiling black along with his eyes. A growl pulled at his lips as the air around him seemed to drop in temperature, Eli’s body straightening out with his hand out, grasping the demon’s throat again before he dropped her to the ground. The ground dented with the force, making the demon cough up blood onto his cheek as his body hovered over her again. As he stared down, the halfling’s aura changed, sending a pulsating beat out within the air as his inner being began to shine out around him.

You will do as commanded. I own you. I own all.” He stated, echoing throughout the air as Eli’s aged voice weighed the life around them down. The demon before him twitched, trying to defy his word. The demon continued to twitch, Eli’s eyes beaming down on her, his word forcing the veins to stand out as every part of her being tried to defend him.

A sweat broke out over her pale skin, the air weighing down more as Eli’s being continued to seep out around him.

“I… Lucifers cage… She’s through the pink door in Lucifers cage.” She spat. The air exploded around them, the demon within his grasp busting into ash’s within Eli’s grasp as he stood.

“Watch over her.” He commanded, turning as the air rippled and split, allowing the demon to step inside without hesitation, determination beating over his face as the portal quickly closed.

"Um what about-" Savannah started as Eli left through the portal, "-us."

Picking up the sleeping siren, she made her way to Braxton and Ashlin. Ash was fast asleep in Braxton's arm, her face looking exhausted.

"We probably traveled a month," Savannah calculated, "She won't wake up anytime soon to take us back, and even if she did, opening another portal could kill her."

She turned sideways, looking out over the ocean, then back to the castle. Eli could be minutes...or days.

"Can you carry your wife lover boy?" she asked, looking down, "I'm going to do something extremely risky here, but the alternative is waiting on our asses for Eli to make his return."

Staring at a space in front of them, the air rippled then split open as she opened a portal, "It's a quick detour, and it will take us home. But it means walking through Hell."

Braxton looked up as Savannah’s body, along with Reyns, made a quick appearance.

“We must have… She ate enough food to cover it.” He agreed, whisking a piece of hair away from Ashlin’s face. Looking back up at her, he chewed on Savannah’s words.

“I can carry her… I’d rather just get her back to our bed.” He breathed, standing up with his wife in his arms. Walking up behind her, he watched the air ripple as she opened a portal. Biting his tongue, the man wasn’t about to say anything about hell, as it seemed like their only viable option.

"Good," she breathed, "Two rules before we enter. One, follow my orders at all costs. Please. It's for your safety."

"And two," she sank a fang into her index finger, smearing some of her blood on Reyn's pale lips, then on Ash's and finally holding it up for Braxton, "Yes it's gross, and on normal circumstances I don't share blood but this way you're marked as mine, and no one touches my marks."

The portal opened wider as Savannah smeared her blood on his lips, then sucked her finger clean, "Alright. C'mon."


The sun was rising as Savannah lunged out of the portal into a familiar living room, covered in sweat and grim. Reyn remained untouched in her arms, sleeping peacefully. Behind her Braxton and Ashlin emerged just before the portal closed, Braxton looking similar to Savannah.

"Uh..." Xael's voice surprised her, his head popping up over the backside of the couch, "Welcome back. I think."

The wolf’s head dropped, her arms wrapped around her mates neck as frustration built within her.

“Really?” She growled, annoyed that the time with her mate had been interrupted.


Braxton took in a deep breath, whipping away the blood from his lips with his shirt.

“Well that sucked.” He responded, as Braxton walked further into the room.

The sounds of birds chirping and whistling woke Kayden, her limbs stretching out as she yawned. Something heavy lay on her waist and her grey eyes opened slowly, peering down at a tanned arm.

His breath tickled her neck as Jay let out a peaceful sigh, still asleep. His arm hugged her body to him, his other arm under her head like a pillow. Turning ever so gently, Kay flipped so she was facing him, his breath now tickling her nose.

Last night came back to her as she watched him sleep, rising a flush on his delicate cheeks. It almost felt like a dream now, something she had never thought she wanted or fathomed that she'd like. Her mind raced as she thought about the lust that had consumed both of them, yet another new emotion Kayden was experiencing with Jay.

Kayden lay still for over an hour, watching him sleep as she gathered her thoughts, sorting through any left over confusion in her brain. Do I tell him how I feel when he wakes? Maybe he'll think it was a mistake. I know he's done this with other women...what if it meant nothing to him? Did I make the mistake?

Jay’s breath was even, even with her beautiful body pressed against him, huddled within his arms. He listened quietly to her thoughts, still not used to pack mentality.

I think you’re breath taking, and that I’m lucky you let me give you that pleasure.’ He thought, a smile on his lips as they pressed into her perfect white hair. “Good Morning Princess.”
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