Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


"She's a wolf," Savannah replied, watching as Luna stomped off with Xael on her heels.

Turning she looked at the remaining three, "Would you like two of us to escort you back to the city Tyriah? My mate and I can take you."

Say yes, and when we get to the city you will feel like you've been there before, Savannah ordered the dragon, still somewhat connected to her thoughts.

"Kai? Kyli? I'm sure you both want to retire for the night. Damion and I can handle this."


Ash pulled him upstairs into their bedroom, calling Zeus to come cuddle with them, "I'm just glad it's all over. You have nothing to be sad about. Remember when you first met me? You had to deal with Eli? Well now you've tackled my crazy and I've tackled yours."

She grinned as she flopped down on the bed, beckoning him to join her and Zeus, "i think that makes us even."

Jay wiggled his brows at the small wolf within his arms. His head leaned forward as his lips pressed to hers, a large smile pulling at his lips.

“Only if you want.” He breathed. “Because it does, we’ll see next time.”

His eyes looked up at her ears, quickly looking back down as Kayden gave him the approval. Reaching up, his fingers rested along the back, his thumbs brushing the front of them with the utmost care.

Even you’re perfect little ears are adorable.’ He thought, his eyes looking back down at her, large with excitement.

"I see no reason why there shouldn't be a next time," she replied playfully back, nipping his chin with her teeth as they moved on to her ears.

His fingers were gentle, his eyes excited as he reached up and stroked them, feeling the soft white fur on their backs. His thoughts uplifted her further, making her nose wrinkle as she smiled, "That's the first time someone's called them perfect...or adorable."

As he continued massaging them her eyes rolled back and a stupid grin pulled at her lips, her body melting to his, "That...that actually feels really good."

The dragon looked at the demon oddly, simply standing as she nodded. Blue locks fluttered around her face as her head moved, her lean body simply twisting away from the group as she awaited the demon.


Kyli’s large eyes looked at the dragon and demon, quickly moving back to look at the house before them.

“Well that would be our que.” Her beaming voice excused, stepping away gracefully as her body tried to find an escape route from the ordeal.


Braxton’s white eyes stared at her, her figure dropping to the bed as she beckoned to him. Stepping over and dropping onto the bed, the man smiled at her, pulling his wife into his lap as Zeus happily jumped up on them, laying on their laps.

Jayson leaned in again, kissing her, something in which felt different, something he didn’t want to stop.

“But they are. They’re both.” His deep voice replied, his fingers still massaging her soft white ears. “Well I’m glad to pleasure you two times tonight.” He laughed.

He locked the door behind him as he entered, watching his mate stomp into the living room. Coming up behind her his fingers pulled the hair away from her neck as he kissed the soft flesh there, 'Where were we baby?'

His teeth sunk in gently, blood pooling into his mouth as a feeling of euphoric lust rushed through them. One of his hands moved to squeeze and tug at her breasts, the other running down between her thighs and his fingers playing with her soft folds.

'I wasn't done making you scream,' his thoughts growled, holding her prisoner to him in the middle of the room, uncaring if anyone saw.


Following Kyli inside Ash and Braxton's house, the shifter offered her a drink, quickly slipping behind the bar. With all the couples, and Jay and Kayden off doing a contract, the man was left with only Kyli for company after hours, if she wanted to socialize. Malakai didn't mind her one bit, always enjoying the company of a beautiful woman in his midst.

"What will it be for you tonight?" he asked, pulling out a shaker and a tall bottle of vodka.

His feet hit the ground like solid rock, his body having plummeted from above the clouds. His brows furrowed and breathing rather hard, the demon sauntered forward, shoulders heavy as cuts raked his perfect body. His broken in and dirty jeans smothered in blood, dirt, weeds, and bits of grass, weighed him down as his body stopped, looking over at the entrance of the broken in apartment, yet to be fixed. The Halfling growled with a shake of his head, his hand reaching up to tug at his matted, sweaty, and mud ridden short hair in frustration. Getting his mind straight, the Halfling took a weighted step away from the wreckage, unable to get over the situation still. A week of tracking, and all he’d found was several open gates leading to no were, various lakes, shore lines, and eventually, a certain red dreaded demon.

Continuing forward, the Halfling found a familiar house and plucked himself down on the porch, his head moving to rest within his hands as he tried to shake the rancid thoughts out of his head.

She sighed in contentment, her eyes closed, "That feel amazing. Right, right there Jay."

Her breathing slowed, his massage putting her spent body into a state of complete relaxation, making her sleepy.

"We get up...or I'll...fall...asleep..." she whispered, her words choppy as she fought sleep.

She had dozed off, having some odd dream about her village when Ash's eyes snapped open and she jolted upwards, waking Braxton and Zeus curled around her. Sudden realization rocked Ash like a slap in the face, her heart pounding with the thoughts coursing through her mind.

“We’ve been going about this all wrong,” she breathed, her mouth hanging open in dumb shock.

Don’t just sit here thinking about it! Go!

Ash launched herself forward, practically falling off the bed in her haste to get downstairs. Pounding down the staircase, she crossed into the main room towards the book case, grabbing a crystal globe sitting in its stand beside a number of books. Turning it over in her hands, fog began to swirl as she poured energy into it, not wasting any time to explain her actions.

“You calling someone?” Kai muttered as his head popped out from the kitchen where the bar was, Kyli right behind him,“I saw her do it once with one of those crystals.”

Her eyes closed, focusing on the face of the person she wanted to talk to. It was a two-way communication system, only being able to contact others with the globe, but the energy spending was minimal and it could cross seas as long as each person had a sister orb.

The fog settled as a face appeared, many wrinkles set on a tired face, dark eyes looking up at her bored.

“Don’t tell me,” Dr. Hall sighed, “Another one of your friends is pregnant.”

“Uh no,” Ash frowned, “Hello to you too Arthur.”

He waved at the orb, “What is it Ashlin? You caught me just before I retired for the night.”

“I’m sorry, this couldn’t wait,” she spoke quickly, holding the orb up to eye level, “Reyn and Nya are in trouble. Someone’s taken them.”

“What?” Dr. Hall looked alarmed, “Where’s Elijah?”

“MIA,” she replied, “He went looking for them and we still haven’t gotten any word back. But Arthur please listen. Someone knew about Reyn and Nya, where they were –for that matter that they existed.”

“Elijah has many enemies, as you’ve told me and the village. She was safe here, but now she’s out in the open. We cannot provide assistance here Ashlin.”

“Yeah, I don’t need assistance. We are trying to find who took them for a week now Arthur, and there has been no leads. I finally figured out why tonight. We’ve been going tracking down people who hate or know Eli, anyone connected to him.”


“And none of them would know about Reyn or Nya,” she sighed, “Both of them have been in hiding for a year, and before that Reyn wasn’t exactly a native around here.”

She could see he was catching on, his fingers pinching the bridge of his nose, “The only people who knew about them lived here, in our village. Are you actually accusing someone here of kidnapping a mother and her daughter?”

“No,” Ash shook her head, “I’m accusing someone of ratting them out. Someone there must have been paid off for information, or worse went looking for the highest bidder. I want to know who, and I want to know who they gave the information to.”

The room had gone eerily quiet, but Ash’s focus was solely on her crystal orb, “Please Arthur. They’re lives are at risk the longer we cannot find them. It’ll take me three days to get there, three more days of those girl’s missing.”

He sighed, resigning, “Call me back tomorrow night. No earlier than eight pm.”

“Thank you.”

Breaking the connection, she returned the orb to the bookshelf, letting a shiver crawl down her spine. I took them to that village to be safe. If someone did that to Reyn and Nya…

Lunar’s head tilted as Xael’s hands made the fury wash away, his solid hands her answer to everything.

‘Waking up the woods.’ He thoughts mischievously reminded him, her body melting into him while his teeth worked their magic. Lunar’s hand quickly flew up, one resting behind his neck and the other tangling itself within his brown hair, her eyes rolling back as Xael’s fangs caressed her veins, lighting the room around her in pure bliss.


As they entered the house, Kyli wandered to the stools at the bar, tilting her head curiously towards all the different bottles and concoctions displayed before her.

“Something colorful. I’m feeling the bright vibe tonight.” She smiled, pearly white teeth gleaming within the dim light.

“Trust me now?” He breathed, resting his head back.

“Sleep. You’re safe to.” The wolf spoke, nuzzling her as his hands moved down to her back, massaging the skin to help relax her further.

"I need to do something," Ash sighed, pacing the room, "I'm just...I need fresh air."

Kissing Braxton gently, she promised to be back in a bit, "I won't stray far. I'll just walk around the property."

It wasn't till she was out the front door that her feet moved her toward's the ruined guest house, needing something to occupy her mind. I should have cleaned it a week ago. Better now than never.

Making her way down the trail, Ash sucked up her breath as she stepped in, staring at all the damage.

"This is my fault," she whispered, despair in her heart as she began waving her hands around, letting her magic clean the destroyed apartment.

"I've never doubted my trust in you."

Kayden's head turned so her cheek lay against his chest, his arms massaging her back. Soon her delicate breathing slowed as she fell into a deep sleep, an easiness in her heart she hadn't felt before.

Braxton launched up with Ashlin, Zeus flying across the room with a soft yelp as Ashlin scampered off the bed, attempting to collect herself as something connected within her mind. Getting up with her, Braxton followed behind, watching her thoughts unravel. Sitting quietly through her call, Braxton looked up at his sister, who’s bright eyes watched them from around the corner, concern raking her much alike it coursed through his body.

As Ashlin finished up and began to pace, Braxton kissed his wife, watching her body disappear in a huff. Shrinking back into a chair, Braxton sighed, focusing on the wood grain of the floor.

Ashlin followed the trail back up to her house, somehow sated with cleaning the apartment. As she stepped into the small clearing between the two houses she caught sight of Eli hanging off her porch, head in his hands. Even from her distance she could smell the saltwater on him, familiar with it from Kai and his shore side home his parents lived in.

"Eli?" Ash whispered, coming up to the man, seeing the exhaustion in his hunched shoulders, "C'mon Eli. Let's go inside. We have hot water, and warm food."

She pulled him up, looping her arm through his as he led the numb halfling inside, surprised he couldn't even rack up the energy to complain. Passing the three of them, she mouthed the word dinner as she led Eli upstairs towards the bathroom, hoping one of the three would get the hint to make food for the poor man.

Eli’s hands slowly dropped, his head hanging as black eyes stared up, red veins and pitch black bags under his eyes highlighting his week. He couldn’t even argue as Ashlin pushed him up, forcing his body into the house. He shouldn’t be sitting or resting under a roof, in a warm bath or even eating. As far as he knew, he had two lives depending on him, in which he’d sworn to protect and couldn’t even do that.

As Ashlin brought his heavy frame upstairs, he simply stared at the bath, reminding him once more of his life that he had lost and was yet to find.

“I need to be back looking for her Ashlin.” He spoke, his voice dull and brittle with the lack of sustenance in his body. Not a lick of food, a smoke, a drink, or even sleep. “I shouldn’t be bathing or caring for myself until I know they’re safe.”

"Killing yourself won't help either," she argued, turning the water on, "If you keep pushing yourself, you'll eventually get hurt. How are you going to find them then? We have a lead Eli, but it won't be confirmed till tomorrow. Please wash up. I'll send Kai out to grab your cigarettes, and there will be a drink and a meal downstairs."

She stepped towards the door, watching him from the corner of his eye, "I'm doing this as much for you as I'm doing it for my best friend who's missing and my god daughter. They need full strength."

Eli’s exhausted eyes looked at Ashlin, drained and void of any life.

“I won’t die. I can’t die. So that’s redundant.” He stated blandly. Taking Ashlin’s words with a grain of salt, the Halfling simply watched the sorceress scold him before leaving him. Allowing his hollow eyes to stare at the steaming hot water, Eli’s hands balling up into fists as he fought the rage building within his veins. Stripping with resistance, the man stepped into the water, his arms draping around the sides of the tub while one hand moved to support his head. Huffing, his eyes stared off, unable to move off the topic he’d been trained on for a week.

After half an hour, Ashlin had to retrieve Eli from the tub, ignoring his naked body and dragging him into the free guest room. On the nightstand was a plate of food, his lighter and a fresh pack of cigarettes.

"I expect you to sleep, put at least a damn cigarette in your mouth, and hopefully eat something. Good night Eli."

With that she left him alone, closing the door with a soft click and retiring to bed.


The next day Ash refused to stray far from her house, in case Dr. Hall called early. Her decision was a wise one, as at three o'clock her crystal began humming loudly with an incoming call.

“Arthur,” she greeted, trying to hide the impatience in her voice.

“You were right in your suspicions,” his voice was hard and annoyed, “I brought it to the elders and they aided me. One of our newest sorcerers has been feeding information to an exiled sorceress, not just about Eli and his girl’s, but on you too.”

“What? Who?”

“The man’s name is Silo. The woman paying him off goes by Magetha.”

Ash’s heart jumped into her throat, her eye growing wide.

“You know her?” Dr. Hall asked, seeing her reaction.

“I’ve…heard of her,” Ash lied, her hands shaking, “Thank you Arthur for your help. I…need to go now.”

“Good luck Ashlin.”

As soon as the crystal globe was back on its stand, Ash sunk into the carpet, her arms shaking.

“What is it?” Kai asked, watching her from the couch, “Who’s Magetha?”

“That bitch,” was all that came out, harsh and cold, “That’s…that’s the hag who gave me that god awful book.”

“You mean the one that-“he stopped for a second, choosing his words, “-that had the possession spell in it.”

“Yes! And she’s hated me for a while now. Every time I ran into her after she’s tried to kill me. Even offering her back the book didn’t do anything. She’s fucking crazy, like really crazy. It’s why she was exiled.”

“So does this mean you know how to find her?” Kai asked, getting up.

“Better,” Ash breathed, her resolve returning as she stood up, “I know where she lives.”


“Don’t you think more enforcements are better?” Kai asked, following Ash down to the field outside the guest house.

“No more enforcement means more noise. The only people coming are Eli and me, and Braxton and Savannah.”


“You are staying behind,” Ash wasn’t having any debate, her words set, “I’m not having friend’s hurt because of this bitch. This is personal Kai, not just for Eli anymore, but for me too.”

“So why did Savannah and Brax make the pick?” he moped as the two entered the scene.

“Braxton goes where I go. And Savannah volunteered to help before you.”

They stood over the end of Reyn's blood trail, where Ash had finally hoped she cracked the portal. After explaining Kai’s hunch on the portal, they had checked the area out but the scent still wasn’t there. But Savannah had offered another suggestion, that they may have used a spell to confuse of distort the scent of their magic. After many failed test runs, Ash had finally caught a hold of a signature of the last portal, reopening it with much effort. Closing it once more, they collected what they needed and planned to meet back in two hours, giving Ash a chance to recover some of her energy.

"Where’s Elijah?” Ash asked as Savannah and Braxton closed in, “We should go now while the sun is still down.”

His eyes opened, standing mechanically as he got ready and escorting himself outside, following his scenes, the Halfling wandered up to the group.

“Ready?” He asked roughly.

"I hate these things," Ash sighed as she turned and began the spell, concentration on the rip in the air that the first portal had left. Slowly the rip cracked open, growing into a tall open archway that glowed blue.

"After you," Ash let Savannah step through first, then Elijah, followed by Braxton and finally her.

As she went to step in she heard Kai whispering "Be safe."

"I'll try," she strained a smile, knowing as she stepped into the portal that she over everyone would come out worse for wear.

Suddenly her knees hit rock, the portal closing with a snap as Ash knelt on the ground, her body shaking with exhaustion. She could feel the pull of unconciousness, her throat raw with thirst as her stomach screamed in pain for food.

"B-B..." she couldn't speak, her tongue numb as her eyes rolled and glazed over.

How far did we travel?! It's never been so bad.

Like that, Braxton stepped over to her, handing her a bottle of water in a small pack her had brought, knowing Ashlin would need it to help with not only her strength, but her energy.

“Drink.” He commanded, ignoring the Halfling in which had already started off. Grabbing a couple granola bars, Braxton unwrapped them, handing them to his wife.

She took the water and food graciously, her body still unable to move more than to eat and sip at the bottle. She lay uncomfortably on her side, the rocks biting into her.

"W-we need to m-move," she choked out, seeing Eli moving ahead.

"I'll keep tabs on Eli," Savannah stated moving forward, "Be careful guys."

"M-more rest," Ash gasped, taking another bite of food as it fell into her empty stomach.

Braxton looked up at Savannah, nodding at her words as his arms picked his wife up carefully before sitting and setting her down in his lap, giving her something more comfortable to rest on as she focused on eating and drinking.

“I got more than enough food love, so eat up.” He soothed. “You’re not moving anywhere.” He grinned.


Eli simply ventured forward, his rough face shifting as he looked around, scanning the scenery as he followed his intuition. Finding a path, the Halfling began to follow alongside it. Unwilling to walk directly on the path to stay out of sight as it lead up to a large castle.

Savannah followed the halfling at a distance, her eyes and ears scanning for any detection of life. As the got closer she stuck more to the trees, trying to remain concealed.


As she ate and drank a portion of her strength came back, but the exhaustion wouldn't ebb away.

"We need to help them," she murmured, her eyes half closed, "We should help."
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