Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


Jay pulled back, laying down in front of the girl as her memories flooded back to her, reminding him that he should be more sensitive.

I’m sorry… I should have stayed back.’ The wolf sulked, regretting bringing back those thoughts and confusing her worse.

I didn’t mean to confuse you…

Kayden let out her breath, a small sweat breaking out on her forehead.

I thought I was done with this shit...with this fear. But I'm still shaking and crying from a few memories.

She wiped away the couple tears that had fallen, looking at Jay with dull eyes, 'There's still a lot of me that hates myself Jay.'

She heard his words, her breath coming out in one long sigh, 'You didn't confuse me...I don't know I just, confused myself I guess. I'm not sure. You totally don't want to hear all this do you? You came out for contracts, not to listen to me rant about how I don't even understand my own self.'

Jay scooched up slightly, his large body shimmying.

A year isn’t going to undo fifty. But I’m here to support you.’ The wolf countered, his golden eyes looking up at the small girl.

Well we got enough love for ya Kay.’ Jay spoke. ‘Sounds confusing. Why don’t we surpass the confusion and run it out?’ He offered with a wiggle of his wolfish brows, his tone playful as he tried to lighten Kaydens mood.

She blew out her breath again, but the idea of a run didn't sound awful. And Jay looked hopeful.

"Fine," she caved, getting up, "I'll put the fire out."

Walking back to the camp, she kicked dirt at the fire till it died out. Dropping her hat on the log, she began stripping, folding her clothes neatly beside her hat.

"Almost ready," she muttered as she passed Jay once again, walking deeper into the forest to Change in private.


Her tiny body danced out of the bushes, her belly skimming the ground as she lay down in front of him, whining to go.

Jay watched the girl finally cave, his ears perking up as a goofy grin spread across his muzzle. Waiting, the wolf gave the girl her privacy. Kaydens perfect little white body pranced out, licking her affirmatively, Jays tail wagged as he stood and waited for her to stand with him.

Kayden followed him as they broke into a run, racing into the forest.


They ran for a good couple hours, until Kayden's breath was ragged. As they slowed Kayden playfully ran under his legs, rolling on her back and kicking at his stomach as she nipped his throat, asking him to wrestle.

The wolf couldn’t contain the wolfish chuckle within his mind, nipping the wolf back as Kayden’s body began to show signs of exhaustion while his leg began to bother him. His head lowered, as he playfully muzzled past her paws, and nipped softly at her chest.

Kayden stared up at him upside down, a wolfish laugh escaping her as his muzzle tickled her chest.

'Jay! Jay that tickles!'

Her legs swatted at him playfully, her body wiggling on the ground as she nipped at his closest shoulder.

Jays nose continued to tickle the wolf as her giggles lifted his heart. His head pulled back to reveal a toothy smile as her paws continued to dash through the air, making the wolf chuckle.

You’re adorable.’ He laughed.

'Am I?' her eyes widened, rolling onto her belly so she lay under him as she stretched her head up and back to nip at him. She caught a tuff of hair between her teeth and pulled too hard, taking the fur with her.

'Sorry Jay!' she yipped, licking the sore spot tenderly, 'Fuck I'm clutzy. I didn't mean to hurt you.'

Jay chuckled, nodding her head softly. His body quickly plopping down on her body as she yanked out a tuff of fur.

Shhhh, It’s alright.’ He spoke, licking her muzzle tenderly.

'Stop trying to comfort me when I'm comforting you,' she chuffed, shaking her snout and trying to nuzzle him. Instead she bumped his nose with hers, making her laugh internally.

'I'm bad at this wolf thing,' she giggled, pushing away from him, 'I'm going to Change before I do something else klutzy.'

Disappearing into the trees, she bent down and let the Change consume her, returning to her human form.

Dunno what your talkin bout’ The wolf laughed, twitching his nose as she quickly dismissed herself.

You’ll learn… I’ve had years with help from the elders, so you’re still learning little one.’ The wolf soothed, allowing his body to drop again and let the change consume him. After several minutes, the man sat up, quickly moving to stand and gather various different twigs, starting a fire just before Kayden arrived.

Kayden slipped out of the trees nude, blushing as he looked up. He'd seen her a handful of times naked after or before a Change but for some reason she felt different as she sat down beside him, pulling her knees up. While he got the fire going she snuck a look at him, never noticing how toned he was or that his skin was a tone darker than hers. Her blush deepened and she snapped her head forward, trying to calm the heat on her cheeks.

"We should have gone back for our clothes," she shivered, laughing nervously as she scratched one of her ears, "I feel odd with these...just out in the open."

Jay looked up at Kayden, noting her beauty before he went back to prepping the fire for them. Out of the corner of his vision, he could see her inspecting him, the beautiful blush spreading across her cheeks. Forcing his eyes back to the fire, the wolf struggled to concentrate on the fire before him, more worried to give the small wolf the warmth of a fire over anything.

“Well, clothes aren’t a need. We’re fine without them.” Jay commented, watching the fire slowly rise before his body plopped back down next to Kaydens. Naturally, the wolf curled his arm around the small girl, gently rubbing her arm again to help keep her warm.

“No need to, When you’re wolves, being nude is a natural thing. Plus you got me, I’ll ward off any creeps.” He grinned, giving the girl a toothy smile.

"And what if your the creep?" she teased, raising her brow as his arm wove around her, "For all I know, you like seeing me naked."

A breeze picked up and she shivered again, wiggling closer to him, "Okay joking aside, I'm freezing Jay. Tiny wolf, tiny body. Come here."

She pulled herself in right beside him, hip to hip as she gently lay her head on his shoulder, soaking in his heat, "Thank god one of us has a hot body."

“Well then, you’d have to deal with it.” He laughed, wiggling his butt to tease the small creature. Tightening his grip around her, the wolf leaned his head on top of hers.

“Do you want me to turn back into a wolf? My fur is just as warm.” Jay spoke, trying to help. “Luckily though, I’m a portable heater.”

“I don’t know, you’re a pretty hot little thing yourself though.” He grinned, watching the fire while he held the small wolf tightly.

"Don't worry, you are warm enough."

His grip was steady as Jay complimented her, and her eyes got wide and round as she looked up at him, "That's not what I meant, but I won't deny the compliment. Worked hard to tone the muscles I have."

Tilting her head she kissed him softly on the cheek, "Thank you Jay."

Jay lifted his head as Kayden looked up, her wide eyes pulling his focus.

“I can tell, you’ve done a good job.” He spoke, a soft and unnoticeable blush spread across his face as Ja’s head tilted back on top of hers.

“I love being able to get up to trouble with you.” Jay breathed as he leaned into the small girl slightly.

"We aren't getting into any trouble right now," Kayden whispered back, her tone upbeat and soft, "We should definitely change that."


"What do we do with her?" Ash's voice rung out through the group, "I don't condone killing her, but if Luna lets her go she'll just reattach to my husband."

"Can't we just let her free in the wild?" Kai joked, his arm's crossed loosely.

"Anything we do she'll come back," Ash sighed, Braxton having explained how determined Tyriah could be the other night, "Even if we put her on a boat, she'll find her way back. And yes. We are talking about you Tyriah."

"Can I help?" a voice called out, Savannah appearing at Kyli's side without a trace of being there before, "I got a trick similar to Eli's."

Jay lifted a brow at the small wolf.

“What kind of trouble do you have in mind?” He laughed, a mischievous grin pulling at his lips.


Lunar’s stilled silver eyes glared down at the dragon, gripped tight within her grasp as the wolf held her by her blue tendrils of hair.

“I vote she dies.” The wolf growled, her extended canines flashing. “She’s ruined two glorious things already.”

She listened to the others chat, unable to look away from the target locked within her grasp.

Nereyda tried to scream but her voice was trapped within the mask they made her wear, a contraption that strapped around the back of her head tightly, wide enough to cover her mouth, chin and nose making it hard to breath. The entire thing was metal, sitting heavily on her skin as it stretched along her jawline, digging into her soft flesh just underneath. Every time they put it on the pain got worse, the metal hooks that cut into her skin opening healing scabs from the last time they put it on.

“Pretty girls shouldn’t talk,” the old one lectured, checking the leather straps holding the siren’s wrists and ankles to the hard bed, “Talking makes pretty girl’s ugly.”

Reyn slapped her head back and forth, tears welling in her eyes as she suffocated inside the mask, her mouth unable to open, her voice unused for days now. She felt exposed and violated, her naked body open to the cold air in the room. A finger traced along the stretch marks on her stomach, bringing fresh tears to her eyes at the constant reminder of her loss.

“Do you miss her?” the old hag crooned, her sharp nail digging into the stretch marks, “Do you remember your daughter?”

Reyn nodded, knowing ignoring any question would be punishable. The hag laughed, her hand slapping down on one of Reyn’s breasts hard, making her wince in pain.

“It’s your fault she’s gone,” she whispered, as Reyn shook her head violently, “You didn’t listen to the rules. You cast your daughter away.”

No! No no NO!

“-You broke your family. You broke Elijah’s heart-“

I didn’t mean to. I’m sorry Eli. I’M SORRY!

“-you made him hate you. Despise you-“

No! Please god no! It was a mistake! Don’t leave me here Eli! PLEASE!

“-He’ll never come for you,” she hissed, Reyn’s body racked with sobs, “He could never love a filthy slut like you.”

Reyn’s whole body tensed at the word slut then exploded in agony as a wide steel rod rammed inside her, piping hot and scorching.

“He could never love something so lowly. So selfish.”

Reyn tried in vain to fight the mask, her screams caught in her throat as she twisted and turned, desperate to get away from the agonizing torture of her lower regions. Salty tears blurred her vision and she could feel a cold jar against her cheek, collecting the siren’s tears as her torture continued, her thoughts a stream of endless suffering.

The searing pain only stopped when the croon pulled the thick red-hot metal piece from inside her, setting it back against the fireplace in the room. Reyn bled openly, her cauterized groin a reminder of the filthy slut they told her she was. A part of her believed them, believed every word they said as she heard it over and over, the torture growing only worse when she refused their truths. The bottle moved away from her face, Reyn blinking away tears to see it full. On the side was a tiny white labelled named ‘Siren’s Tears’. Closing her eyes, Nereyda tried not to move an inch as she cried, her hands shaking with the effort to not pass out.

“Get up,” a second voice demanded from across the room as the hag undid the leather binds. Nereyda wanted to refuse, to never leave her spot but the hag grabbed a fistful of hair and yanked, pulling her quickly off the bed as more pain exploded through her hips.

“I’ll throw her back in her cell m’lady,” the old woman bowed, pulling Reyn down with her before pushing the siren, forcing her to walk, “Get moving siren.”

Each step with a fresh Hell all of her own, each stair she descended another ripple of the torment. As they reached her cell the woman let go of her blonde hair, shoving her ahead.

“Arm’s up,” she instructed as Reyn sat routinely against the wall, the instructions engraved in her memory.

Lifting her feeble arms, she felt the cold metal bite as her wrists were shackled to the stone wall once more, and the woman moved away, leaving the cruel voice killing contraption on. The door to her cell shut roughly, the noise ringing loud in her ears before silence consumed her, leaving her to the pain and tears all her own. Her body slummed, unwilling to move any longer. Every lick of torture from her nether regions was nothing compared to the anguish in her heart over Nya.

I deserve this, she thought despairingly, They’re right. I destroyed everything.

Savannah had only minutes, sneaking the first clothes she could find from her bag in Luna's house. It turned out to be a black two piece, with a low neck line. Flashing outside, she stopped beside Kyli, quickly masking any guilt on her face.

"I can help," she piped up, surprising all of them as she walked towards the annoyed dragon and pissed off wolf, "We don't have to kill her. I can do what Eli did though, and order her to stop. I could also erase memories if that is what you'd like Braxton. The latter might mess her up more though, since that's a chunk of her life I'd be blacking out."


She laughed at his question, rolling her eyes, "The kind that Luna would frown on of course. Hmm...I don't know. Aren't you supposed to be the experienced one? Surprise me."

Lunar looked up from the dragon, the foul scent smacking her out of her complete and utter hatred to look up at the demon.


Braxton looked at Savannah hopefully, her words lifting his spirit as he looked at the struggling dragon.

“Please… I’m not running from my family to get away from someone who doesn’t understand that it’s been over for over three decades.” Braxton cringed, his arms sliding around Ashlin’s waist to help calm himself.


As her words left her mouth, Jay chewed on them for a second, his head turning and tilting down with the moment. His lips connected to hers, and his hand slid up to rest along her jaw.

Her breath stuck, her heart doing that skip again as she caught his eyes just before he closed in the distance, his mouth soft against hers. Kayden froze, her brain exploding into a million thoughts as she tried to grasp what was happening, even as her body responded to him, melting to his touch.

The rollar coaster of emotions continued as her brain veered back to those days in the cell, trapped to that bed. But the demons had never held her tenderly, never felt safe. This is different. He wouldn't hurt me...Jay would never hurt me.

Her realization snapped her mind back to the present, her lips pushing back into his with earnest as her heart pounded, the confusion clearing finally as she understood. Her arms moved up and around his neck, following cues she had only seen from other couples.

I've never kissed anyone, her thoughts rang out, knowing he could hear them if he wanted to, I sure hope I'm doing this right.

His lips were like fire on hers, shooting off fireworks in her brain as she hungrily kissed him, feeling more than alive.
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