Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


He couldn't help the grin at her scream, thrusting quicker to hear it all over again.

'Scream to the heavens my angel.'


The portal opened and Savannah danced through, landing inside of Ash and Braxton’s home. Blood and sweat covered her body, as long as a floor length skirt cut up the sides to her hips where the cloth was knotted to a golden belt. Quietly she moved up the stairs to the bathroom, needing to wash herself of Hell before she saw the others.

Before she made it to the room though she stopped outside the wide open door, eyes locking with Tyriah.

“You’re still here?” she asked quietly, “I thought they would have sent you packing by now.”

Wrinkling her brow, her ears picked up the sound of approaching people, able to hear Ash’s raised voice and Kai’s chuckle getting nearer by the second. I can’t be caught like this. Even Damion wouldn’t understand what I had to do.

Walking into the room, she caught the dragon’s chin with her hand, tilting it so their eye’s locked. Her mind was muddled, walls half up but easily penetrable. She didn’t linger or try to sift through, instead leaving a lasting message that would counteract whatever Eli had commanded of the poor woman.

’You are free of this room. You will go outside and create a distraction however you see fit. You may not harm anyone. Find another way to keep them from entering the house until you see me again.

Letting the woman go, Savannah bolted from the room, her body only a shimmer in the air as she moved. Locking herself in the bathroom she turned the shower on and stepped in without stripping from her skirt, wanting to clean herself from the gore.

Jays big golden eyes stared up at the girl, confusion filling his head.

“Uh, Okay.” Jays confused voice agreed, unsure of her words with her sudden abruptness. “Just be safe, Just call if you find anything.”

The wolf watched her, wishing she wouldn’t leave, but knowing Kayden, Jay wasn’t about to force her to stay sitting with him if she wanted to go look around the area.

Lunar’s claws dug in deeper to Xaels chest, a fulfilling scream leaving her mouth as pleasure waved over her body.


Tyriah’s wild brown eyes stared up at the hell bent creature before her. Her flimsy words lightened the room, allowing her joints to openly move out of the room. Quickly leaving the oh too familiar wooden walls, allowing her lean legs to quickly dash down the stairs and out of the house. Finding the wandering group with ease, thhe dragon’s arms quickly wound around Braxton’s neck, her body having leapt through the air to quickly launch through the air, onto the man.

“Braxy! My lovely! I’m so sorry I couldn’t grace you with my touch for so long!” Tyriah squealed.

Kayden stepped into the trees, lowering the hat on her head. he only got a few steps in before she stopped, unsure if she wanted to be away from camp. What am I doing? What is wrong with me? This is Jay. Same old Jay as always. He's just never gotten that close. And it never that.

She pulled at her hat, tugging off and freeing her ears as she scratched at them, trying to understand the odd emotion coursing through her. While the rest of the pack knew about her history -even Jay after Kayden gave her sister permission to fill him in- none of them knew about her ears yet. There had been plenty of times to tell them, but she never found the courage. Instead she had opted to wear a lot of hats, or pull her hair into messy buns that hid her fluffy ears. She'd grown tired of the pigtails.

As she stood just within the tree line, Kayden scratched at both her ears, trying to understand why she was acting oddly.

Jay bit his bottom lip, Kayden’s confusion boiling up around the edges of his mind. Standing up, the man quickly stripped, allowing his body to drop for several minutes before his golden legs pushed him up. Big beaming eyes looked around the area as the wolf followed the small girl with ease, finally catching up to the confused wolf. Nuzzling the back of her head, the playful wolf licked the small white wolf’s ears, eyeing them curiously.

"Hell!" Ash snapped, jumping back as something whipped at them before recognizing the blue hair two seconds too late as Tyriah lunged, wrapping her arms and legs around him as she squealed.

"Who let her out?!" Ash yelled, her hands gripping fistfuls of her blonde hair, "Seriously?"

"You okay in there Brax?" Kai piped up, looking at the trapped man, "Sheesh dragon lady, ease up on the grip or you'll suffocate him."

Kayden jumped out of her skin, shrieking at the sudden wet tongue on her ears as she jumped forward, scrambling away and whipping around all at once. In her shock Kayden eyes missed an root sticking out and her foot caught, sending her roughly to the ground.

"What the hell?" her chest rose and fell heavily, her eyes staring terrified into the dark as she pulled her hat back on roughly, clipping the edge of her ear in her haste, "Fuck! Ow!"

It took him a second to realize the situation at hand, Tyriah’s voice catching him off guard as suddenly, the dragon’s lips pressed against his. Braxton’s hands flew out, trying desperately to pry her off as her lips consumed his.

Andre thrusted harder, wrapped in her pleasure.

"Cum for my baby," he growled into her lips, pulling his head back as his fingers gripped her hips, filling his mate.

Something flashed at the corner of his eye and he turned his head slightly as a head of blue-hair flashed past the window.

"Shit," he swore, his eyes dancing back to his mate, "Tyriah's free Luna."

Jay stepped carefully forward, Kayden’s frightened eyes softening him and his playfulness.

Sorry Kayden, I wasn’t really thinking there.’ The wolf nuzzled Kayden’s face gently, his body dropping before her, his large head dropping into her lap as puppy eyes peered up at her apologetically.

"Please take your lips off my husband," Ash's voice was cold and monotone, her eyes blinking rapidly as she continued to try and understand how the dragon got free.

Kai leapt forward, grabbing at the dragon's shoulders to try and pry her off. Finally Ash's feet moved forward and the sorceress grabbed a handful of blue hair, yanking hard.

"I said get off!"

Kayden's heart hammered, a more accustomed feeling coursing through her now.

"I can explain," she breathed, eyes wild as he dropped his head in her lap, "I...I can explain them."

Lunar’s voice died out quickly as Xael’s depth quickly hit a new height. Tilting her head forward into her partner’s shoulder, the wolf’s teeth sunk into her bottom lip, seconds from another wave of sheer pleasure until Xael’s words killed the moment. Like that, the wolfs body slumped with annoyance against her partner.

“I was almost fucking there.” She snapped, the harsh tone in her voice sharp enough to cut metal. “I’m gonna cut a bitch.”

Xael kissed her passionately, "I promise to make it up to you tonight baby."

Pulling out, he set her gently down as he retrieved his pants from the floor and yanked them on, "Stay here Luna, I'll go grab Tyriah and bring her back. I'm not risking you near that crazy woman."

Her claws sank into Braxton’s flesh, her lips pressing further onto his denying lips. The Dragon allowed the man to pull back, disgust filling his face as two other body’s tried to tear her off from her man.

“He’s my boyfriend! Not your husband!” The dragon snapped, her teeth snapping out at the lashing hands.

Jay tilted his head within the small girls lap, licking her hand sweetly.

Explain what? How adorable your ears are?’ The wolf questioned.

Kissing him back, the wolf growled.

“Fuck that shit, I’ma cut a bitch in the fucking face.” She snapped, her pale body storming out of the house as fury bit into her.

"Get off!" Ash yelled again, wrapping her arm around the dragon's neck and pulling with all her strength, "You crazy bitch he isn't yours!"


Xael followed silently, knowing arguing with the pregnant wolf was useless.

She threw the hat to the side as tears pricked her eyes, one hand holding the cut ear.

"They aren't adorable," she snapped, feeling hurt, shocked, and still confused about Jay, "They're a deformity."

She pushed his head away gently, pulling her knees under her chin as she rubbed the bleeding cut, "I hate them."

Her feet hit the ground with an unmatched fury.

“I swear to god! Someone’s going to fucking die!” Lunar’s voice called out, her hand moving up to yank back the dragon’s hair, forcing Braxton to step forward as the girl continued to latch onto the man. Yanking again, the dragon cried out, her hold faltering as Ashlin’s hands finally pried Tyriah’s hands off her man. The wolf growled viciously, pulling her up by her hair as the man stepped back thankfully.


Braxton took a quick breath of fresh air as the woman’s arms unlatched from his muscular body. Taking a deep breath of air, he quickly stepped back in order to stay out of the woman’s reach.

Had it been minutes? Hours? Days? How long had the torture lasted thing time? Did it matter?

He isn't coming. They're right...he is never coming.

The cold bite into her bones as she curled up, defeated.

No one would ever come.

Jay’s head rose as she shoved him away, his tongue lapping at the cut as he tried to help soothe the bleeding cut.

Well… I think they’re adorable and unique. They’re not a deformity.’ The wolf told her, unsure of why she would hate something as beautiful as her perfect little ears.

Ash moved in front of her husband protectively, keeping a barrier between him and Tyriah.

"Wrong person to piss off," Ash breathed, seeing the fury in Luna's face, "What did she do to you anyways Luna?"

The wolf quickly picked the dragon up by the hair, her golden eyes quickly flashing silver.

“Two fucking second’s from god damn Climax and you had to fucking ruin the moment with your crazy ass, obsessive, fucking pre-madonna Bull shit.” The wolf growled, her hands tightened around the womans hair as she coward within the wolf’s grasp.


Kyli’s wide eyes looked at the scene before her.

“Ruining sex could be one of those options..” She chirped, taking a step back from the furious, naked woman.

Her voice died, her body stiff and tense as he licked her ear, "Please stop. You don't understand."

He ignored her, licking the ear again as her vision swam and memories began to filter in, making Kayden cringe as her past returned to her thoughts. Tense, she curled her head into her knees, shutting her eyes. She knew Jay could see each one, hear the hurtful things her parents would say about her deformities throughout her childhood. As the memories died she looked up at Jay and those confused feelings returned along with a new fear of rejection that only her memories could arise in her
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