Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


Ash nodded, thinking out loud "We can try. They knew what they were doing, masking their magic under mine."

As everyone began to branch out, Ash tugged at Braxton, pulling the talisman she had made for him over a year ago out from under his shirt.

"Do not step lightly," she whispered, her eyes locking to his, "Scrutinize everything you see okay? Magic-casters are illusionists. And please...please use this if you find something. I couldn't bear to lose you too."

She let him go, grabbing Kai and moving around to explain to the rest of the group slowly arising. Ash pulled Kyli to the side, asking her to stay behind, not because she didn't trust her but because someone had to watch the dragon still locked in the house.

"Last thing we need is her loose too," Ash muttered, "You may have a fight on your hands soon, if whoever did this decides to create more havoc."

The last two to arrive were Savannah and Damion, both looking reserved. They had stayed even after Kayden and Jay had gone for a contract, claiming they wanted the socialization. Kai was filling them in as Ash walked up, wringing her hands in fear over what was going on.

"Where's Elijah?" Savannah asked finally, her face emotionless, "I'd like to speak to him."

Ash pointed skyward, still shocked he had wings, "Last thing I saw was him rising into the sky...with wings."

Savannah nodded, turning to Damion, "I'll speak with the Halfling, while you help them search."

"C'mon," Kai motioned, nodding his head to the trees, "Everyone has already started with us."

"I need to find Braxton," Ash breathed, her chest tight, "Kai, I just need to keep an eye on him. None of this feels right."


"Think about it," she sighed, following him, "This seemed too planned, too perfect."


"When I woke, I was disoriented. It took me a minute to realize Reyn was in trouble."

"...But you had so many protection spells enacted," Kai began catching on, his eyes widening.

"My head should have been screaming, every spell going off like a dozen alarm bells. This caster knew about the spells, and worse knew how to undo my magic making them stronger then me."

"So then why did they miss one spell? Why undo the rest and not see that last one?"

The blood from Ash's face drained, staring into the trees where her husband had disappeared along with the rest of the split up group, "Because they wanted this. They wanted all of this. They want us to hunt them down, to play their fucking game."

"They planned all of this ," Kai breathed looking around, "It's a bloody trap."

Braxton nodded slightly, his arms wrapping around Ashlin.

“I know to be careful… I need you to be too though. I don’t know what I’d do without you Ashlin.” He breathed, kissing her hair as he buried his face in it. As they agreed to each other, Braxton ventured off with Lunar and Xael, the small red headed girl having shifted with seemingly painful unease.


Kyli’s frightened eyes looked around the clearing as Ashlin had brought her outside into the commotion. Having the situation explained to her, Kyli agreed to stay back at the house and watch over Braxton’s crazy ex.

“I get Zeus though… Just incase.” The Banshee stated, watching Ashlin bounce off with a friend while she redirected her perfect figure back into the house.

Savannah watched Damion disappear into the trees, his thoughts still connected to hers as he went.

'Don't do anything I wouldn't do babe,' she thought, smiling as his thoughts scoffed at her.

Watching Ash and Kai at the edge of the trees, Savannah waited silently until they two disembarked into the woods to help search for more clues. Only once she was completely alone did she allow herself to kneel, feeling the ache in her shoulder blades already. It started small then grew, the pain not enjoyable but tolerable compared to what she'd felt in her many lifetimes. Her wings grew and unfurled out of her back, spanning out well beyond her arm's reach as she stretched them. The golden feathers whistled in the light breeze, singing to be free once more. Finally unfurled, she pulled her wings closer to her body so that they towered behind her like pillars, reaching towards the heavens, whereas the tip of her wings dragged along the ground, pulled down by hell. It was her ying and yang, belonging to both her gods.

Letting her wings span out once more, she pumped them once and lifted a good foot off the ground, her wings strength able to carry more than just her weight. Slowly she flew higher, careful not to startle the Halfling. It had been decades since she had seen another with wings, and she presumed it was the same for him.

Flying up behind the bone winged demon, she let herself hover, watching him scan the trees.

"It took me awhile," she finally spoke, watching his head stop mid-turn as her words caught him off guard but not her presence, "But I finally figured out why I recognized the name. Elijah. The halfling."

Her wings pumped behind her, creating their own breeze that hit his back, "My father spoke of you on occasion. Both my father's did. I actually went looking for you about forty years ago, needing your guidance."

She cocked her head, "By my wings, you've put two and two together that I'm not just a demon. I hide my angelic side well, do I not Uncle?"

Xael remained at his mate's side till her Change was over, then met up with Braxton, his hand never leaving Luna's furry neck.

"We should split up, maybe keep a yard between each other as we search," Xael directed, "There has to be something out here. We can't give up on Reyn or Nya. There has to be a trail."

Turning to his mate, his thoughts tried to calm the pain the Change had caused, 'Will you be alright searching on your own, or would you like me by your side my moon?'


Ash moved silently through the trees, her body effortlessly swivelling and diving. Her golden paws made not a sound in the dirt, her blue eyes contrasting from her golden cat body.

It was the one shift she felt most comfortable in, like Kai and his fox shape. Every shifter had one favorite shift, and Ash had found hers quickly to be that of a golden wild cat. It had become her easiest shape to shift into as well, expelling less energy so she could save her strength for her magic.

It took her no time at all before she spotted him, wandering ahead in the trees. He had yet to ever see her shift, something Ash had only been comfortable so far with Kai to do. But this was her husband, the man she adored. And she wanted to protect him.

Sneaking up behind him, she snuck around to his left then popped up, letting his hand slid down her back as she lunged past, scaring him. Turning around, her lips curled back as she licked her teeth, watching his mind try to process. Finally she couldn't hold back the laugh in her thought, the sound coming out as a deep chuff as she padded towards him, pushing her head into his hand.

He's safe. As long as he stays safe everything can be fixed.

Eli’s head twisted and turned, his massive wings stirring the air aggressively around his being. He could hear them talking from down below, uninteresting him as the need to find both of his girls consumed him.

The Halfling turned his head, looking down at the golden wings as they arose, the air hitting his back not surprising as his attention moved back to the forest below.

“That wouldn’t shock me. Both of my brother’s have interesting points about me.” He grunted, not completely within the topic as the child behind him spoke.

“You do, but not well enough. It’s hard to shock me child.” Eli stated. “What do you need child, because it’s defiantly not about child hood stories of my brothers. Or my father.”

"Call me by my name," she growled, "Or as your brother, Lucifer's daughter. I am no child."

'Easy Savannah. The man is worried for his two girl's.'

'From the stories I've been told, he's normally like this.'

She swooped backwards, giving herself more space from the man as the demon blood rolled off of him in waves, He can't control both sides at the same time.

'Neither can you love, not without becoming...that.'

'And I haven't become that other being since before the outbreak. I was just stating that it isn't just me who chooses one or the other. Both presences inside the body cannot combine it seems. No matter the person.'

"You're not going to find them that way," Savannah snapped after the man continued to ignore her for another five minutes, "They aren't in the skies Eli. For once the rest of the group seem to be ahead of you in finding her. Although, Ash looked bleak about it leading to anything other than a dead end."

She watched him a minute longer, wondering if it had been worth it trying to speak to him.

"I was going to offer you a better way to find them. One that worked much quicker. But as I see it, you care little for what I have to say so I'll go."

The wolf nuzzled her partners leg as the pain of the transformation left, leaving a burning sensation to seap through her muscles, intensifying with each movement. Watching Braxton nod, he agreed to split up. Looking up at her mate, the wolf licked his hand gently.

I’ll be fine… But I can’t do this for long…’ The wolf yawned, her tongue rolling out of her mouth as she began to pant as the pain continued to work through her body. Working her way off, the wolf’s nose pressed to the ground, sniffing around the forest floor to try and find something.


Splitting off from the group, Braxton wandered the trees, his hand readily on the whip on his hip incase he needed it at a moments notice. The trees began to blend in with one another, when something brushed his hand, forcing the man to jump back and withdraw the leather material. Watching the creature carefully, the man eased back as the lioness eased up, her stunning blue eyes brightening his spirit.

“Well hello my beautiful lioness.” Braxton purred, his hand gently sliding behind her ear to scratch it softly. “I love your choice in animal.” He breathed.

The Halfling lifted his brow towards the girl.

“Next to my life time, you are a child. If you spent anytime within the holy light, you would understand that being a child is not a bad thing.” Eli growled, his eyes continuing to look over the trees.

“They aren’t, but there’s a vantage point from the skies.” He snapped, biting his lip as Savannah snapped back. Looking up, Eli looked at her strangely.

“Then spit it out girl. My half has lost blood and my child is missing.” He snapped, his voice deepening as the dark veins within his neck begun to stand out.

She chuffed at his words, nuzzling his side with her snout before turning and running her sleek body against him, knocking him a step over with her sheer weight. Nodding at him to follow, she pressed her nose to the ground and began sniffing, keeping her eye's on the brush for Kai.


Malakai shifted with ease into a small brown fox, able to speed around with little to no detection. Quickly he followed the lioness' scent, running under her feet before looping back and skidding up beside her. Normally he'd jump on her back and annoy her, but there was no time for games.

Looking back, he gave a toothy grin to Braxton, surprised but happy to see Ash finally letting her partner see her animal form for the first time.

"I prefer to avoid heaven when I can," she replied distastefully, "Earth is my home, and Hell was my playground...for a time. Down there, the word child is inferior."

He snapped again and her temper flared, her eyes beginning to turn red as her wings began to glow a soft gold, "Do not anger me when I cannot revoke the angel in me. It would be unwise and unsafe...for all of you."

She dropped a few feet in the sky, putting distance between them as she tried to control her anger, "You know who took them. I heard you blame a 'she', but you gave no name."

She crossed her arms, "When I came looking for my mate, none of you helped me. Please remember that as I offer to help you find yours. I can find this being, if you tell me her name, and bring you to return for a favor I shall cash in later."

Braxton continued to scratch the lioness behind the ear until her weight pressed him backwards. Nodding the man pressed forward with his wife, noting the small fox in which quickly wound around her legs.

“Hello Kai.” The man greeted, continuing to follow the two.

Eli watched the girl with distaste, watching her having a temper tantrum.

“You were not raised in heaven like myself, we come from two different worlds.” The Halfling spoke, trying to swallow the disgust that boiled within his blackened veins.

“You speak of anger, but you’re speaking to one much older than yourself.” His voice deepened, stilling the already cold air as his bone chilling words rung out.

“We’ve run into her before.” The Halfling spat, his blackened eyes staring her down. While he listened, a soft growl escaped his lips. He wasn’t one to do favors. It wasn’t his thing. But this wasn’t about him, this was about Reyn and Nya. Yet part of him felt he could find them himself.

"Do it yourself then," she stated, listening to the words in his head and seeing what he thought of her, "You have people trying to help save you, and your stubborn cockiness will get both your mate and your daughter killed."

Blowing out her breath, Savannah let herself back down to earth, shuddering as her feet hit the grass and her wings began to fold into themselves, once more concealing inside her body.

'So you aren't going to help him then love?' Damion asked.

'No, I'll still search for the girl's, but I'm not giving that ass one second of my help. Where are you my soul?'

She wandered into the trees, following the bond she had made with her soul mate until she found him, their thoughts linked as they spoke silently, searching for a inkling of a clue.


Ashlin thoughts swirled and spiraled as they searched, her mood worsening with each step.

This is my fault. I should have made her stay in the house with me. I should have never suggested Eli leave. Maybe if I had stronger magic, or worked on my protection spells more. God, why can't we find a trail? If we can't find a trail Eli will kill me. I'd kill me. What have I done?

The sun began to rise while they searched, reminding them of the time. After another hour of useless searching she could hear Xael coming near and ducked into a bush with Kai at her heels, hiding while Braxton spoke to their friend.

"Luna has to turn back," Xael explained, "She's not feeling 100% yet. And Damion found us and said he and Savannah are turning back too, supposedly Savannah has her own plan and he has to help her. I don't know where Kai or Ashlin are, but can you pass it along?"

With a pop and a flare of heat she was human again, kneeling amongst the leaves and branches of the bushes around her. Kai took note and pranced away, knowing Braxton's jealousy would flare once more if he knew anyone else saw her naked form.

"Maybe we should turn back too love," she added as Xael got out of hearing distance, stepping from her hiding spot, "Shifting exhausts me and I need my strength for casting. And maybe Savannah has something better."

‘Instead of prancing in my head, watch you’re fucking step around me child.’ The Halfling spat, expelling the girl from his head permanently. Tilting his head, the Halfling saw an odd shimmer within the woods, taking his attention.


Sighing, Braxton pet Ashlin’s lioness head softly. His eyes moved up to Xael’s appearing body, having noted Ashlin’s quick disappearance as the friend approached and spoke of the current situation.

“I’ll let them know when I find them.” He nodded, allowing Xael to quickly move back to his mate as Ashlin popped back into his arms. Naturally molding to her body, Braxton kissed his wife softly.

“We should… This way you can attempt to get a proper rest and we can figure out another action.” He nodded, picking Ashlin up as he began to slide back to the house. Quickly making their way around the back, Braxton silently slid in to excuse both of them upstairs, allowing Ashlin to quickly get dressed before attending back to the group.

Ash dressed quickly before sliding out of her bedroom only to stop in the living room where Kyli was and update her. Then she continued on, finding Braxton in the front doorway.

"We should group together and brainstorm," she sighed, "We got to do something."


"I think this is an awful plan," Damion admitted, following his mate as they dove through the trees, avoiding the rest of the group.

'We have no trail, no solid clues, no evidence. And Eli thinks this is being masterminded by a particular demon.'

They skidded to a halt in a tiny clearing, the grass sloping into a hill.

"So you're hunting the demon down?"

Savannah nodded, "Ash will find the magic-caster, I know she won't stop till she does. But that's only one piece of the puzzle. Who knows how long it will take to follow one lead, and then what?"

Damion pulled her close, "I'm not coming am I?"

She shook her head, "It isn't safe. Stick with this group. I shouldn't be long."

"Last time you said that, you took a month," he whispered, kissing her forehead.

"Then I'll make it a week," she smiled, stepping away from him as the air behind her began to shimmer and glow, "I love you."

"Love you more."

Turning, Savannah stared at the gaping black hole that began to spread in the air, slowly ripping through space and time as it glowed and shimmered, becoming tall enough for her to step through. It looked both inviting and unwelcoming, as the smell of death wafted through it. With a grimace she stepped in, her body swallowed whole by the darkness.

Braxton’s arm wound around her as she finished dressing.

“Lets go put our heads together.” He nodded, sliding his hand into hers as they wandered towards the group.


Kyli nodded as Ashlin filled her in. Following them, Kyli simply listened to the situation unfolding.

There was nothing.

Not a trace. Not a clue. The trail ended cold. Everyone looked exhausted and hungry, and there was plenty more forest to sift through, but so far their day looked bleak. Luna was practically asleep in Xael's arms, Savannah and Damion had disappeared, and Ash couldn't shift again without draining more energy. After regrouping, Ash made the decision to stop for breakfast, sending them all up to the houses to eat.

"You coming?" Kai asked, as Ash remained staring at the broken guest house.

"No," she breathed, "I just want to be alone please. For a few minutes."

Braxton looked down at his wife, a saddened look pulling over his handsome face.

“Please come eat love? I don’t want you stewing over this disaster… Not alone.” He breathed.

Ash begrungingly listened to her husband, her shoulders sinking as she turned away from the disaster she'd caused. Joining the group didn't lift her spirits either, Ash remaining mute and introverted as she sat amongst them, stewing over the events.

By the time breakfast was over she had a better grip on things, but even more questions.

Elijah was returning when I found the guest house...meaning he was gone all night, till almost sunrise. What took him all day and most of the night? Reyn swore he'd be back much sooner...was she lying to me? Did she know where he was? Fuck Reyn, she is still letting him fuck whores. That's why she was agitated yesterday. And why she didn't want to wait for him in our house. Why hasn't she told him yet?

Fuck Eli. He's probably beating himself up right now. He better be. I can't even sympathize with him. How could he spend a night with other women when he has Reyn? And now she's...gone.

Braxton pulled Ashlin into his lap, sitting on the couch.

“We’ll find them love.” He breathed as he leaned in, nipping her ear lobe softly to try and pry her from her thoughts.

It had been an entire week of dead ends, goose chases, and lost trails. Ash stepped out of yet another inn disappointed, joining Kai and Braxton in the street.

"Where's Kyli?" she asked, looking around as she intertwined her fingers with Braxton's, "And my dog?"

A bark caught her attention and she looked down the block to see her pup playing fetch with Kyli, happy to play with someone.

The four of them along with Zeus had been travelling to all the nearby towns in hopes of any lead they could grasp. While Kai's tip on it being a magic-caster had helped, they had found no other trail of magic, leading Ash to believe they were either highly advanced in magic, or clever in hiding their tracks.

The other members of the group had remained at the house. Luna seemed to have caught some flu or cold that bounced back and forth, keeping her house arrested for the most part. Between caring for his mate and watching over Tyriah, Xael's hands were full so Damion had remained behind to help as well. He was tight lipped over where his mate had disappeared off to, but Ash had enough problems to deal with than keeping track of every person around.

And Eli...well Eli was an entirely different case.

"We should start heading back home," Ash sighed, feeling defeated once again, "I don't feel like sleeping in the trees tonight."


Halfway back Kai piped up, having been quiet most of the trip.

“How far can someone teleport?” he asked abruptly, surprising Ash.

“ depends how far you need to go and how close to death you want to be. Teleportation gets the person there in seconds, but you feel like you’ve made the full trip, without sleep food or water. It sucks. The farthest you can normally travel is a week's worth, and your next to unconscious when you come out of that portal."

Kai nodded, "I was thinking about where that trail ended, if it was possible they opened a portal."

"Normally that requires a lot of magic, which means a much heavier imprint. At this point though...I'm ready to try anything. When we get back we can inspect that area. If there was a portal, I might be able to reopen it, but that could take more days."

"Better a few more days and some results, then nothing at all," he whispered, trying to remain optimistic.

"The longer we take, the more I fear for her life," Ash mutter back, leaning into Braxton, "Let's just...we can talk about it when we get home Kai."

Having tried everything possible within the vicinity, things were looking down. Kai’s words intrigued Braxton, him and his sister continuing to be quiet throughout the conversation. While his hand wove through Ashlin’s, their decision to press forward back to the house.

“Lets hope we can find them.” He nodded.

He wasn’t coming. No one was.

No one ever would.

She couldn’t even scream anymore. Couldn’t cry. Couldn’t feel. Everything was numb. Everything was painful.

Her life was meaningless.

Kayden sat beside the fire, poking it with a stick as the night drawed on. It was nice to have a contract, and company...except her company was oddly quiet. Jay spoke when needed and not a word more, leaving Kayden to her own boring thoughts most of the day and night.

Even now he sat on a log near the fire across from her, watching the flames flicker.

"Soooo..." She finally spoke, tired of the silence, "Ever going to tell me the story about your limp? Or how your year away went?"


As they walked down the beaten path, Ash fell behind to walk with Kyli, trying to take her mind off things as she asked her sister-in-law more about her plans.

"Are you staying awhile?" Ash asked, smiling, "Or do you have plans on returning to Australia soon? I don't want to be bias...but I'd love if you stuck around."

"Maybe you can join Ash and Brax on a contract," Kai added smiling, "Once everything dies down."

"Actually," Ash pursed her lips, knowing she'd have to tell everyone sooner or later, "I'm giving up hunting Kai. Braxton supports my decision, but when all of this is over and Reyn and Nya are safe I'm done. Completely."

"Why?" Kai looked confused, and surprised.

Ash tugged Braxton closer to her as she called Zeus who had strayed too far ahead, "I have a dog now to raise, and a husband and a house. I have stuff to live for, not risk losing if I continue hunting. I'm sure one day I'll take another contract. But it's not what I want anymore."
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