Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


Ash couldn't help the blush crawling across her cheeks, feeling his gaze on her. Even from her distance she could see the love in his eyes, the pure excitement that it was finally happening.

There was no music, but she could care less as Luna led her down the aisle arm in arm, before handing her over to Braxton. Reaching up, Ash brushed a tear off his cheek.

"I love you my darling soul mate," she whispered, smiling just for him, "And I finally get to make you mine. Forever."

Braxtons hands slid out, grasping Ashlin’s hands delicately.

“I love you my being.” He breathed, smiling lovingly towards his bride. “I’m the luckiest man alive.”

"Ready you two?" Kai asked, standing straight and formally, "Is everyone ready?"


Xael nodded, his eyes glued to his mate, "I think everyone is definitely ready Kai."

'You look divine my moon.' Xael sent his thoughts to only her grinning, blocking the rest of the pack out, 'Why don't you wear more dresses for me?'

“Can we say I do yet?” He asked with a grin, his eyes never once leaving his beautiful bride.


Lunar looked up at the happy couple, laughing softly at Braxton’s words.

“I think that’s a yes.” Lunar stated, looking back at her mate.

And you look sexy as hell my love. I’ll think about it, I’d rather be naked though.’ She giggled internally.

'I don't mind you naked either. I quite prefer it actually.'


Nereyda fell back into line with Luna, smiling at the couple as Nya cooed and sighed, playing with her mother's blonde locks.

"You look great," she whispered to Luna as Nya's attention turned to the wolf, uncaring that a wedding was in progress as her little hands touched Luna's shoulder.


Pulling Braxton under the altar she nodded at Kai, "Please."

Lunar bit her lip, trying not to giggle.

I’ll let you rip it off afterwards.

As Reyn fell in beside her, Lunar smiled at the siren.

“And you look brilliant” The red head smiled, her warm voice filling the air as she looked down at small child, her hand moving up for the small child’s fingers to wind around.

“And you Nya… You’re the most beautiful baby I’ve ever seen.” Lunar gushed, the child cooing at the wolf’s warm words.


Kylia grinned, her hand lifting to her lips to whistle at Ashlin’s glowing beauty. Stepping off to the side to allow the couple to steal the light, Kylia stood beside the others, grinning brilliantly at the couple.


Jay stood, crossing his hands as he watched Ashlin walked up to the altar, glowing within the bright day light.


Braxton’s hands squeezed Ashlin’s hand.

“Couldn’t be anymore ready.” He breathed.

Kai smiled, nodding to her before he began.

"Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Ashlin and Braxton in matrimony. if any crazy dragon lady's have reason why these two lovebirds shouldn't be together, please hold their peace."

"Isn't it speak now or hold their peace?" Reyn whispered.

"None of us want to hear her speak," Kai hissed back, stifling a chuckle, "Now back to what I was saying..."

"To the wonderful couple before us. May your love be firm, 
and may your dream of life together be a river between two shores - by day bathed in sunlight, and by night illuminated from within. May you never find yourselves back to back 
without love pulling you around 
into each other's arms. May this marriage be long and eternal, lasting both your life time's in eternal bliss. If either of you have written vows, now is the time to speak."

Braxton smiled down on his bride, clearing his throat nervously.

“Ashlin, My beautiful woman. Since the day I walked into you, I knew my life no longer belonged in my hands. For the second you stumbled into me, you took not only my heart and my body, but my being and my place in the world. From there, you made me grow as a lover, and a person, pushing me to beyond what I knew I could be.” He spoke, unable to break eye contact from her. “While my soul belongs to you, I offer you my being for the rest of eternity, to protect you from the bad, to support you amidst the fabulous moments… and to always offer you breath taking sex.” He grinned, wiggling his eyebrows. “From this moment, I vow to love you unconditionally Ashlin, for the rest of eternity as my soul mate and my Goddess.”

Ash sniffed back tears, her heart aching with his words as she mouthed 'I love you'. It took her a minute to collect herself, her throat tight as her heart skipped and her breath all but stopped at his beautiful words.

Finally Kai coughed, giving her a look asking for her vows. She knew them by heart, having memorized them weeks ago. Letting her heart slow to a even pace, she opened her mouth and began, her soft tone filling the clearing.

“Braxton. My world. I remember how I felt since that very first time I laid eyes on you – you were getting kicked out of an inn because of that adorable accent of yours. You offered me a drink, and I couldn’t help wondering where you’ve been all my life. And as that date went on I fell head over heels for you, and suddenly I couldn’t see a world where you didn’t exist. And luckily I haven’t had to.”

She sighed, letting the words sink in before she continued on, trying not to cry as her heart filled with overwhelming joy.

“You have become my best friend, playmate, confidant and my greatest challenge. But most importantly, you are the love of my life and you make me happier than I could ever imagine. You know me better than anyone else in this world and somehow still you manage to love me. There is still a part of me today that cannot believe that I'm the one who gets to marry you.”

There was a small round of chuckles through the group and she paused, smiling up at the man she was marrying.

“So I vow to be at your side, for the good times and the bad. I give you my hand, my heart, and my love, from this day forward for as long as we both shall live. Always and forever my love.”

Kayden giggled into her hand, jumping up as her other hand adjusted her flower crown. She smoothed out her blue and white striped shirt and stepped forward. She wore a cute pair of white shorts that matched the shirt and a pair of chunky heels, refusing to wear a dress after yesterday's fiasco. Kayden was still sour with Luna that she'd been ordered to change, but she couldn't be mad during such a beautiful event.

"Here," she placed a ring in each of their hands, before returning to her seat beside Jay.

Braxton smiled at Kayden, happily taking the ring as he looked at Ashlin.

Gently taking her perfect hand within his.

“I Braxton Gray, take this ring as I give you - Ashlin Valera, my hand and my soul, to love and cherish for the rest of eternity.” Braxton slowly slid the perfect little band onto Ashlin’s finger, gently folding her hand between his.

"I Ashlin Valera give you, my soul mate Braxton Gray, this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you."

Taking his hand within hers she slipped on the rose gold matching band they had chosen, her hands shaking with the pure happiness coursing through her heart.


"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

Braxton couldn’t stop watching her, his love bubbling up within him as she vowed to him.

“For real?” He grinned, his hands slipping around Ashlin as he spun her before dipping her perfect figure within his strong arms, his lips crashing into hers as he lapped up her love. Minutes could have been seconds, as he nipped at her bottom lip, the crowd fading away long by now as his world remained wrapped within his arms.

He dipped her as his lips crashed into hers, her body coming alive in his arms. Her arms wrapping around his neck where they belonged. Their bodies melded together perfectly, the love between them wrapping around them like a bubble as everything else faded.

She kissed him back just as hungrily, sighing in his arms as seconds felt like glorious hours.

"This may be awhile," Xael laughed in the distance.

Braxton’s arms wrapped around her tighter.

“If people don’t clear out quickly, I’m going to rip your dress off in front of everyone.” He growled against her lips, kissing her hungrily again, his arms readjusting her as he picked her up bridal style, only to plant his lips against hers again.

“Mrs.Gray.” He purred.

Kai's eye widened as he grinned and stifled a laugh.

"Well I now present to you Mr. and Mrs. Braxton Gray. Yadda blah blah blah, everyone clear out quick before we see way more than we need to."


She pulled back from the kiss, his teeth pulling at her lip as she gave him a seductive grin.

"If you don't start tearing off my clothes, I'll do it for you," she growled, her lips returning to his in earnest.

His arm wrapped around Luna, trying to round everyone up as the newly weds became more frisky.

"C'mon Kayden," he nudged the woman in the right direction.

'Brax has the right idea...I don't know how long I can wait before ripping your dress off baby.'


As the group moved away, Kayden was the slowest, looking confused.

"C'mon lovely," Kai swept an arm around her waist, leading her away, "You don't want to be seeing this. Any second now-"

The sound of shredding fabric ripped through the clearing and he laughed.

"And there goes the clothing," he laughed, guiding Kayden to follow at Xael and Luna's heels.

Their voice’s were mute, his hands moving to the front of her dress, beginning to shred her dress.


“OKAY, I’m not watching my brother do this!” The girl hollered, hands lifting in the air as she quickly dashed away, the man named Jayon quickly on her heels as well.


The alpha giggled, her hand moving around her sisters hips to help direct her forward right as Kai stepped in, gladly taking her sister.

“Be nice Kai, No flirting with my sister.” She growled, winking up at Xael.

Then chop chop love, show your pregnant mate how much you love her.

Her fingers dug into his collar, ripping his jacket off as a moan left her body, Braxton's fingers exposing the strapless bra she wore.

"Take it all off Mr. Gray," she growled seductively her body arching into his.


'You should already know how much I love you,' his thoughts were ragged, his hand pulling her in tighter, 'Turn left Luna. Now.'

They dove into the trees, leaving the group as he heard Reyn sigh, "Is everyone getting laid today?"

Pulling her behind him, Xael led her deep into the trees. Finally he flung her forward, tearing her dress off with one strong pull so it fell at her feet.

"I want to fuck you, you glorious creature you," he growled, tearing his own clothes off.

Braxton grinned, ripping her clothes off as he picked her up, pressing her into a tree, his lips colliding into hers again.

“Fucking love you.” He grunted, allowing himself to submerge within her beautiful body as the crowd dissipated.


The alpha growled against his lips, the tree biting into her skin as his lips consumed hers. Nipping hungrily, the girls hands slipped his shirt off.

I know how much you love me… But show me Xael.’ Her thoughts moaned, her hands caressing his biceps.

“God I love you Xael.” She growled. “My goddly Alpha.”

Wandering into the guest house, Eli couldn’t contain his smile as Reyn came into view, relaxed with their little Pandora box within her grasp. Sweeping her up, Eli grinned as he leaned in, his lips pressing to hers.

“My flawless soon to be wife.” He purred.

Nereyda curled around her sleeping daughter in the large bed, wrapped in a blanket. She had spent the day with the group hanging in Xael and Luna's living room, keeping Kai's hands off Kayden. After dinner Nya had grown cranky so Reyn excused herself, taking her child away to the guest home where they could nap.

"Daddy will be home soon," she whispered, kissing her darling daughter's blonde head as both thier eye's fluttered shut, "He's coming back with toys for you baby girl."

The soft sound of the door opening made Reyn open one eye, shutting it softly as exhaustion won over her darling fiance.

"You're home," she sighed, feeling his lips on hers, "Heyyyy."

Eli grinned, pulling her gently into his lap. Tilting his head slightly, the man kissed his daughters head softly as he curled up happily into bed with his family. Pulling Reyn against him, Eli closed his eyes with his girls and allowed himself to hover in a light sleep.

It had only been a half a week, but many were growing restless. Most of the guests had returned home, or found contracts and ventured off. The only people to remain were their close group, but even they were getting tired of the same four walls. Kayden and Jay were unused to home living, both of becoming irritable as the week drawed on, wanting to do something more than a run through the trees. Finally Xael proposed the two of them go to the city together and look for a contract, something to keep them occupied.

Other than the werewolves, Elijah was the other restless member. Nereyda being busy with caring for Nya or relaxing with Luna and Ash had little time to grow bored, but her Halfling grew more irritable as the days passed, his mood only pleasant for his two women.

Finally Ash had enough and suggested he go to the city too, find himself a contract or something to occupy his thoughts for a day. She knew he had left the day she got married, and his mood the next day had been pleasant, even bearable. Ash hoped if she sent him off again they'd have a calmer less annoyed Eli for at least a couple days.

"Reyn and Nya are safe here. There are four of us, plus a dog. And I have barriers set around our property so intruders can't sneak past. The most trouble they can get into is Reyn getting a paper cut from the book she'd reading."

The siren's head popped up, lowering the book she was reading out loud to Nya, "Hm?"

"See? Safe. Now go."
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