Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


Kyli bit her lip, the brush’s sliding the light powder’s across the girls eyelids.

“Before I get into it though… You can’t judge him, or tell him that I’m telling you this. Any time I tried to bring it up to tell Braxton it wasn’t his fault he would shut me out and the rest of the world.” Kyli started, feeling nervous at the thought of her brother shutting her out yet again.

“Um… There was an accident when we were kids…” The girl spoke, picking another shade to add to Ashlin’s upper lids. “We used to have a brother named Andrew, but when we were growing up, we didn’t know who we were until we began to grow into ourselves.. Our father having so many different bloodlines while our mother was of several different sorts herself, we had many different things we could be. All of which weren’t very inviting.”

Taking a soft breath, Kyli switched to a third shade, moving the brush further up Ashlin’s orbital bone.

“Our parents tried their best with all four of us, watching for any signs in which could be of the worst.. While Braxton had signs for one thing, the blood within him leaned further to another side. Unfortunately, one night, Braxton woke in a haze really unaware of what was going on…” Kyli stopped for another second, placing the brush down while she pulled out a gel liner, still new in the box.

“We all awoke to Braxton crying over our brother, the child struggling to breathe as the cold from the window had sickened him. With that day and age, really nothing could help.” She breathed.

“By midday, Andrew was dead. Our parents having found out what his blood line was that night, deemed him unruly to belong to our family and swiftly removed him from the home.” She spoke, her voice dying out as she bit her lip again. “It wasn’t Braxton’s fault, he didn’t even know what was happening until afterwards. We would have never known what he was until he’d done that.” She finished.

“But you can’t let that affect the way you see him.” She added, her soft voice dying off as she waited for Ashlin’s reaction, her brush’s continuing to work their magic.

Ash paused, only to decide what to say. It's not like she's going anywhere now...

"I killed six children when I was eight," she replied, staring at her reflection in the mirror, searching for remorse in her eyes and still finding none, "I have no right to ever judge him."

"And his bloodline isn't a curse," she added, now looking at her hands as she remembered the night she could never forget, "Without his power, I'd be dead. He saved my soul. And he knows that."

Braxton graciously took the suit, nodding at he dismissed Reyn to go grab the other couple while he moved to the bathroom, stripping quickly so he could slide into his suit.

Kyli smiled down at the small girl in acceptance.

“I’m sorry sweety… There must have been a reason.” Kyli’s hand rested on Ashlins cheek for a second, offering support.

“He really loves you, you’re his whole world.” She smiled, finishing up with Ashlin’s eyeliner before moving to several tubes of lipstick.

“This is a stainer… Once I apply this, I need you to hold your lips open to allow it to dry… It’s about a thirty second process and then I apply a primer to keep your lips moist and sexy.” Kyli grinned.

“And back on the other topic!” The girl bubbled, applying the darkened stain. “Yes I do consider you a sister. You’re marrying my brother remember? So yes you are my sister!”

Ash held her lips open, waiting for the make-up to dry. After Kyli finished Ash smiled, being able to reply.

"Not reason enough," Ash sighed, her eyes fluttering down, "I don't talk about it much. Any of the death in my past I'd rather forget actually."

"Thank you Kyli," she spoke as she checked her face in the mirror, "For accepting me so easily, just like Braxton did. And don't worry, I've loved this man since the moment I saw him, and nothing will change that."

"You spoke about your parent's having multiple bloodlines. Does that mean you aren't alike Brax in blood?"

Kyli shrugged softly.

“It might not feel or seem like a reason, but everyone has their time sweetheart.” She softly replied. “There is always a reason at their time, it’s nothing to fret sweety.”

Kyli tilted her head slightly as Ashlin thanked her, brightening as Ashlin spoke about her love for Kyli’s brother.

“You can never judge someone on their past, only work with what you can see.” The blonde’s bubbly voice rung out. “I’m glad you love my brother, he’s lucky to have you.”

Kyli’s head tilted slightly as she applied the primer onto Ashlin’s lips, lifting a small mirror up for Ashlin to get a close up of her makeup.

“Correct, Our other sister is the same as Braxton, but I came out different.” She pipped up, handing the mirror to Ashlin so she could inspect Kyli’s makeup job while she moved to grasp several brushes, burettes and ties.

"So can I ask what you are?" she asked, watching Kyli ready herself to do her hair, "Oh and can we keep my hair down? I was hoping for some wavy curls."

Kyli sorted through the different brush’s, looking up at Ashlin.

“I’m a sort of Banshee.” She replied, looking up through long lash’s before picking the correct brush.

“Of course we can, it’s what ever you want to do sweetheart, I’m just here to make sure you look as you wish to.” She grinned as the woman began to weave her fingers through Ashlin’s hair.

Ashlin wasn't sure what a Banshee was, although she'd heard the name before. As Kyli set to work, Ash had to ask.

"I know this will sound bad...what's a Banshee?"

Kyli couldn’t help the soft laugh that tinkled out of her perfect lips.

“Normal banshee’s pertain to tell other peoples death. We see the path that people walk down and how it ends. Really though, it’s just the end that we foretell.” She spoke, pulling out a brush to begin working through her hair.

“When we see their death though… We scream, something that’s not pleasant to hear. Some people say it’s as haunting as the visions we see.” She spoke. “Most bansee’s see these visions with people relevant to them or to certain situations… I’m more involved, I see the end of someone’s path when I have skin contact with someone for a period of time. Or if something becomes relevant to the world around me.” Kyli explained, her beautiful voice filling the room.

“My family is a little screwed up… We all are involved with death in some form or another.” She laughed softly, completely comfortable with what her family involved.

“Luckily once I see someone’s path that first time, unless their plan’s change, I won’t see the vision again until the path nears.”

Kyli couldn’t’ help the laugh that simmered from her lips.

“I wail sweety when I see it. You’ll know if I do.” She spoke, placing an iron off to the side with a small metal dish underneath with a candle to heat up the metal within the dish.

“It has to be for a certain period of time, less than a minute but longer than ten seconds.” She informed Ashlin as she began to section off pieces of hair.

Reyn wandered into Xael and Luna's house, hearing noise from the kitchen. Following the sounds, she opened the swinging door to see food everywhere, smothered in chocolate sauce.

Oh god...I've seen this before.

"Hey Luna," Reyn smiled, eyeing the half naked wolf as she bustled around the kitchen, noting the weight gain, "Hungry much?"

Luna whipped around, staring at the siren and her daughter.

"Don't bite my head off," Reyn took a step back, "The front door was unlocked, and we need you and Xael down at the altar in an hour. And...don't worry, I won't tell anyone."

She nodded to Luna's stomach, "I'm kinda surprised I didn't notice sooner. Welcome to the club."

She stepped back into the door, pushing it open with a smile as she took her leave quickly, "If you need anything, you can lean on me. I'm no expert, but I've been where you are."

Xael got woken by Reyn outside the door, telling him to be at the altar in under an hour. Slowly he got up, realizing his mate wasn't in bed. Getting ready he headed downstairs, locating his beautiful woman in the kitchen.

"Hungry baby?" he asked coming up behind her, his hands exploring her bare skin.

“Hey Reyn!” Lunar grinned, chocolate sauce bottle at hand. Quickly sliding the bottle behind her back, the wolf slid behind the counter to seem semi-appropriate in front of the siren. Her head tilted as Reyn spoke. “Starving actually.”

“I’m not biting any heads off… Only bacon today. And deer…” She giggled. The wolf listened carefully as her eyes looked down, looking at the small lump within her belly.

“I’ve been keeping it quiet… But thank you Reyn… You might be getting several needy calls with that.” Lunar’s beautiful voice echoed within the kitchen, eyes moving to watch the siren as she backed out of the room, allowing her to quickly slide the chocolate sauce back out to give one last shot of chocolate to the bacon, only to hear the bottle declare it’s little remaining contents.

Golden pools peered up happily as Xael’s hands slid up the girls bare legs, making her purr as she shoved a piece of sizzling bacon in her mouth.

“Starving.” She giggled, tilting her head up to kiss underneath his chin. “I would offer some… But this is the last of the bacon and I ate everything else…”

His hands stopped at her hips, playing with the lacy underwear she wore, "And saved me none? Tsk tsk."

His lips trailed kisses up her shoulder, his teeth snapping as he tried to steal the bacon she was eating, "Can I have a piece please baby? Or I might just have to bite something else."

His teeth grazed the skin on her neck, his fangs already exposed.

Lunar grinned up at her man, reaching up and smearing chocolate sauce on Xael’s cheek. As his lips pressed against her neck, the wolf moaned softly while her head tilted to the side, allowing him access to her neck. A petite porecline hand dashed up, stuffing a piece of bacon into her mates laugh with a giggle.

“I’ll only share with you baby.” She grinned.

Chewing the bacon, he kissed her cheek, wiping the chocolate sauce off his cheek and licking his fingers.

"Mmmm, thank you my moon."

His fingers slid up to her waist, softly tickling her bare skin, "Leave dishes to me and go get dressed up. I got clean up okay baby?"

Lunar grinned mischievously at her partner.

"Are you sure love?" She asked, looking up at him. Taking his nod as a confirmation, the wolf quickly dashed up the stairs to diminish the chocolate sauce off of her petite little figure.

Kai sauntered down the aisle, wiggling his fingers at Nya as he passed Reyn. Pausing at Braxton, he fixed the man's shirt, giving him a thumbs up.

"All you ready?" he asked, grinning.

"Uh, where's the priest?"

"Who needs a priest," he waved her off with a grin, "When you got yourself a prince."

Braxton looked at the man, lifting a brow.

“Repeat that?” Braxton replied, tilting his head curiously.


The woman stepped through the forest, quickly finding her way to the altar. Stepping up to the huddling crowd, Kyli found herself beside her brother. Standing quietly, Kyli dismissed Kai’s confidence, knowing such words where only titles now days with little meanings. At least in her books.

Lunar’s body slowly moved with her, arm in arm as the two grinned at each other.

“You look stunning Ashlin.” Lunar’s musical voice stated, her golden pools taking in Ashlin’s stunning hair and makeup. “Ready?”

"A prince," he grinned, turning to the newest member of the group and winking, "I'm royalty beautiful."

"Okay this you gotta elaborate on," Reyn raised an eyebrow, "Kings and queens haven't existed for decades."

"For humans yeah," Kai grinned, "But they aren't they only walking beings on this planet. Think of all the animals with hierarchy. Why can't supernatural races have them too."

"He's a shape shifter for anyone who didn't know," Reyn added, bouncing Nya off her hip.

"I am," Malakai nodded, "And in our world we have royalty. One king, one queen, and their children."

"Like werewolves," he nodded towards Jayson and Kayden sitting in the first row of chairs, "Although you call them Alphas. My species cousins to yours, did you know? We shift bodies too...except without all that bone breaking pain."

Grinning widely he took his place under the altar, "So as a prince I can perform and certify a wedding. Done a couple already. Easy things, not much to them. Now-"



Also have to show off Kai.

She tossed her head at Kai, grinning ear to ear in the gorgeous white and grey dress she had bought months ago and almost forgotten in her wardrobe. Kai's mouth fell open, staring at her in awe as the rest of the head's slowly turned.

Lunar laughed softly, listening to Jay grumble within the back of her mind, obviously not pleased that while they shouldered the burden of their painful shifts, they simply eased through different forms. Shrugging off Jay’s grumbles, Lunar stood proudly next to Ashlin.


Braxton turned slowly, his eyes laying on his breath taking bride. His chest tightened, and his breath left him for what felt like hours.

“Ashlin.” He breathed, a tear slipping down his cheek as he stared at her in unbelief.

She’s mine… She’s really mine…’ He thought.
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