Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


Braxton chuckled softly, kissing his bride back.

“Trusting you.” He chuckled, standing and sliding on a bare of ripped jeans. Quickly sliding out of the room, Braxton walked down the stairs and looked around before stepping outside.


The girls arms leaned on her crossed knees, her beautiful greenish-brown eyes taking in the landscape before her.

“Good Morning Brax” Her voice rung out delicately within the air, her head turning to look at her brother.

“Started the day with a scream did we?” She breathed softly, her eyes going back to look over the landscape. She could hear her brothers chuckle as he moved to sit down next to her.

“It’s beautiful out here Sweetheart.” She stated, watching the life all around them. “Its such a shame that one day this will all be dead.”

Kyli’s breathless voice died, her eyes moving back over to him.

“I’m sorry… I talk too much. I’m assuming we’re doing something, considering you’re coming out to take me back in.” She asked, tilting her head as beautiful blonde and blue locks fluttered around her thin face.

“Well Ashlin wants you to come in with us.” He spoke, his voice uplifting her heart like it always had.

“Inside we go!” She grinned, standing with her brother as they walked inside.

The dragon growled angrily, baring pointed teeth as Ashlin made her way into the door way of the room.

“Braxton is mine, he always has been, he’s just been lost these last few years!” She snapped, her body physically unable to move. Watching the girl turn the dragon huffed.

“You won’t get away with stealing my man!” She snapped to the now empty doorway.

Eli bit his bottom lip as they ran into Ashlin, looking down at Reyn with a skeptical look.

“She was screaming last time Lunar held her.” He stated blandly, already feeling the unwilling want to simply give their plans up for the day.

“And right now, the last thing Xael needs is a kid around the house.” He shrugged, looking down at Reyn.

“Your decision Reyn.” Eli’s deep voice rumbled, his eyes looking down at his woman.

Ashlin excused herself as Kai appeared around the side of the house, leaving Reyn and Eli to talk.

Thinking it over, Reyn bounced Nya off her hip, making the girl giggle. She could see the disappointment in Elijah's eyes, the prospect of their day of freedom dwindling.

"You go," she finally stated, shouldering responsibility as she placed a hand on his chest, "Just bring back our little list and enjoy yourself."

Before he could argue she kissed him gently, "Go handsome. Enjoy the day. I don't want to see that cute ass of yours around here till after dinner."


Kai emerged from the trees, Zeus at his heels panting.

"Good run buddy," Kai pat the dog's head as they neared Ashlin's house, "You kept up almost the whole way."

His eye's moved up as he felt her near, his smile warming for her, "Hey sweetheart. You're pup and I just had a good run, although I think he could sleep for a good few hours."

Ash smiled, "That would be a first. Thanks Kai."

"No worries. Better than staying in the house."

"Ha ha, sorry you had to listen to that. I'll make it up to you, I promise. Buuuuut...I do have a favor to ask first..."

Eli looked at the siren, his arm wrapping around her waist as he leaned down to kiss her.

“You sure?” He asked, making sure before the siren playfully smacked his ass and sent him off. Fully well knowing he was bringing back the list and more.

Kyli smiled at her brother as they entered, seeing Kai and Ashlin speaking just outside the house. Prancing in, Kyli watched as a man left the house, leaving his partner with a deep kiss.

“Who’s this adorable little bundle of life?” She bounced up, wiggling her fingers in the air while keeping her distance. Kyli’s stunning eyes looked up at the blonde with a breath taking smile.

“I’m Kyli by the way.” She added.

Reyn watched Eli leave, ignoring the pit growing in her stomach. She knew it was envy mixed with jealousy; since finding out she was pregnant the siren always got this pit when Eli went to an inn. She knew she had no right to request he stop so she kept it to herself. How could she berate him for something she used to do herself?

"Nakaylia," Reyn breathed, blowing kisses at her darling daughter as her attention turned to the beautiful woman entering with Brax, "And I'm Reyn. Your one of Braxton's guests?"

Kyli’s eyes took in the girls posture as the man had left the vicinity.

“She’s beautiful.” The woman replied, smiling sweetly up at the woman.

“It’s lovely to meet you Reyn, and yes, I’m one of Braxton’s sisters.” Kyli’s airy and musical tone rung through the room.

“Nakaylia, beautiful name for a stunning baby.” She grinned, continuing to wiggle her fingers as she childs hand reached out, wiggling her fingers as a smile brightened the little childs face.

“Where did your husband go?” She asked curiously.

"Oh we aren't married," she replied automatically, then remembered the ring on her finger, "Well...not yet."

"Holy hell," Ash squealed, coming up behind Kyli and grabbing Reyn's hand, "No way...oh my god when?! Braxton, look!"

Kyli grinned, seeing Ashlin’s response to the news.

“That’s a great question, when?” She piped up, her fingers continuing to move with the giggling child.

Kyli watched her brothers relaxed face twist up in confusion, looking at the siren curiously.

“Eli actually…? I didn’t know that was possible.” Braxton whistled, looking up at the girl before inspecting Kyli’s distance between everyone around her.

"Uh..." she giggled, embarrassed by the sudden attention, "Yesterday actually."

Ash gushed over the ring as Kai added himself to the scene, his eye's taking in the familiar blonde.

"Well hello again," he gave her a devilish grin, catching Reyn's surprised look then easy smile.

"Hey Kai," Reyn purred, "Didn't think I'd see you here handsome. How's life treating you?"

"Not as good as you," he laughed, "Congrats."

Braxton’s eyes looked between Reyn and Kai then moving over to Ashlin with a lifted brow.

“So you introduce him to Reyn before your boyfriend?” He asked softly, feeling unimpressed with the situation. Wiping the annoyance from his face, Braxton continued to watch.

Lunar’s golden orbs opened, her body wrapped up within Xaels arms. Nuzzling him softly, the wolf purred as her head shifted to kiss under Xael’s sleeping jaw.

“Good Morning My Sun.” She breathed.

She moved to Braxton, sliding her hands around his waist, and pulling him into the kitchen so they could have some privacy, "Remember when I told you about him months ago, how he'd stalked me to my village and told me that I was a shifter? Well I really was in my village, but uh Eli and Reyn were too. That's how they met.

You can understand right love? They needed confidentiality and secrecy. If word of Reyn got around, she'd be a target to hurt Eli. She still is. That's why I never told you. I swore to Eli I wouldn't breathe their location to a soul. Kai just...stumbled on them."

From the kitchen she could hear Kai and Reyn chatting, and grimaced at the idea of Eli finding Malakai was here. She could still remember that first meet-and-greet. Kai had such an easygoing personality he flirted with practically anything that walked.

Elijah had been less than impressed.

"Shhhhh..." he hushed, pulling her deeper into the embrace.

They had been one of the last couple's dancing, staying up well into the night after most retired. When they had finally crashed onto their bed, Xael had read the clock at three am.

"More sleep."

His hand hovered over the door nob, hearing Reyns voice pipe up as he’d returned home after a long night. Opening the door, Eli wandered into the room to see Reyn’s lash’s batting towards another man. While Ashlin stood next to the man, Eli’s temper began to come apparent as he entered the room.

Stepping around Reyn, Eli’s darkening eyes peered down at the little man, oblivious.

“Dude… Are you fucking kidding me?” He snapped, his hands protectively pulling the siren behind him.

“Get the fuck out.” He snapped, stepping forward while his hand reached behind him, picking the man up by the back of his neck as he escorted him from the house, dumping him on the doorstep.

“If you so much as even think of my girlfriends name, I’ll fucking rip your dick off, mash it up and force feed it to you before I feed you to the beasts. Got it? Cool.” With that, the Halfling slammed the door in his face. Turning back, Eli’s glare redirected to Ashlin.

“You don’t bring smut that flirts with her into the house.” He snapped, turning back around to move to the study, in desperate need of a cigarette.
~~Six months prior~~


"Hey," she whined, opening the door to the confused man again, "He's my guest, he can come in. Kai get back in here. Just don't...don't look at Reyn."

Reyn folded her arms over her chest, letting them rest on her growing belly, "He was just being nice."

"You are too flirty," Ash scolded Reyn, pushing Kai towards her room upstairs, "And he is too nice. I suggest sucking up to Elijah when he gets back."

With that she pulled the shifter upstairs, pushing him into the room she occupied while instructing him to sit, ready to hear his story.

“…But…” Lunar’s beautiful voice complained, looking down at her sleeping mate, the wolf shrugged and slipped out of her mans grasp and out the room, dancing towards the kitchen.

Quickly finding her way into the kitchen, the wolf’s hands dived within the fridge to quickly withdraw a fresh bloodied meat slab. Moving on, she found bacon, frozen hash browns, eggs, and as she skimmed through the pantry, a new bottle of chocolate sauce stopped her eyes. Quickly pulling out various different pans, the wolf began to cook, making sure everything had a perfect layer of chocolate sauce.

Braxton nodded, still feeling unimpressed with the situation.

“I understand.” He agreed. “And with Eli’s past it wouldn’t be shocking someone would go to any means to hurt him.”

"Yeah..." she breathed, "She was just safer that way."

Shrugging her shoulders she pulled him back to the group, looping her arm through Kyli's as she let Braxton go.

"Kai set up?" she asked and he nodded as she pulled the woman along with her, "Brax baby, stay with him. Part of this trust exercise."

Guiding Kyli upstairs to her room, she waved at the crumpled dress on the floor with its blood smears and then at her messy hair, still damp from the bath.

"You did an amazing job yesterday," she smiled, "I was hoping you could whip something quick up?"

As she led Braxton's sister into the bathroom she added, "I'm sorry about my foul mood yesterday. Honestly, on any other day I would have been excited to meet a member of Brax's family. Yesterday was just...just awful."

Kyli watched as Ashlin bounced her upstairs, sweeping her away. As they entered the room, her vision began to flicker, the hazel color flickering between her usual hazel and a haunting white in the process. Pulling her hand away, the scream that had begun to build within her lungs escaped as a soft sigh of relief.

“I can totally whip something up!” The girl grinned, sweeping across the room to gather her various supplies before sitting the girl down.

“I thought you hated me, so I was keeping my distance.” The girl smiled, flashing a sparkling set of pearly white teeth. “Would we like more on the natural side today or shall we try something darling?” The girl beamed, her perfect eye brows playfully wiggling her eyebrows.

“It’s alright, Braxton explained how frustrated you were feeling and how you weren’t in on plan B, because it was meant to be a surprise if such as what had happened, happened.” She gushed, waving her hands around with her words, the golden and black brush wiggling through the air with each movement.

“But it’s lovely to meet you, I’ve been excited to meet you. Braxton never writes about girls or what’s going on in his life… Well actually Braxton never writes.” She giggled. “But when he wrote to me, he was telling me just how amazing you are and how excited he was about having you. So I knew it was good when he started writing.”

“At least today we can make a beautiful day instead of something like yesterday. You should never have an awful wedding day sweetheart.” The girl chirped, her accent continuing to roll heavily off her tongue.

"I don't hate you," Ash's eyes got round, "Do you know how hard I worked to get your brother to send those invites. He was like, 'No, no one will come' and I kept telling him to try."

"I'm really glad you came," she continued, "I wanted to meet his family. I've never had...never had a family."

Her eyes casted down, her heart aching, "Sorry, I just...I get so happy I forget the pain sometimes. How about you surprise me?"

Kyli smiled down at Ashlin.

“Thank you Ashlin, I really appreciate you pushing for it. I like knowing when my little brother is doing well. Braxton still doesn’t feel apart of the family, having been cast out as a young child. While I’ve always expressed to him that he is my brother, and that I love him, I feel like he never really grasped that.” Kyli gushed, her hands moving around various different color pallets as she looked over her different options.

“You have family.” Kyli shrugged, grinning down at the small girl. “You have two sisters. Although the other one lives in the looney bin.” She giggled, continuing to wiggle her professional brush’s around in the air.

“Awesome! I love surprises! Now let’s make Braxton cry when he sees you!” The girl bubbled over, beyond excited as she pulled at several eyeshadow pallets, moving her brush around the color’s before Kyli’s hand softly slipped under Ashlin’s chin, angling her face up as she began to work on Ashlin’s face.

"Why was he cast out?" she asked softly, curious.

Ashlin's heart got lighter, smiling softly at Kyli's kind words, "You've only known me for a day, and your already calling me sister?"

Malakai stole upstairs, sneaking past the women and grabbing the folded suit inside the wardrobe. Returning downstairs he handed Braxton's clothes over to him.

"Okay, you need to change, then make your way down to that altar that's still built. Reyn, is there anyone else in the wedding party that we want?"

"Uh yeah...Luna and Xael. Luna' a bride's maid and Xael's his best man."

"Great," Kai smiled, "Go gather them up, meet us down at the altar too."

"What about a priest?"

"I got that covered!" Kai called over his shoulder, already heading out the front door, "You got an hour!"
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