Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


Eli looked at her skeptically, growing irritable at the thought of leaving both his girls.

“Ashlin, If my girls needed me and I wasn’t there I would never forgive myself.” He growled, pacing as the man pulled out his worn cigarette box. Opening it, the man growled slightly more, half a smoke left. Now he was house bound, and about to be cigarette less. Huffing, the man excused himself to step outside, unwilling to smoke around his girls.

Reyn handed Nya to Luna, her new favorite person to play with as of late. Following Eli out, she grabbed his wrist as he pulled out his smoke.

"Baby," she breathed, "Ash is right. Go do a contract. Or visit the city. You need smokes, look you're almost out. And you've been getting more and more upset with everyone here."

She kissed his cheek, "I can last one night alone. It's up to you love."

Returning inside, she let Luna continue to play with Nya, pulling the book she was reading back into her lap as she sat on the couch.

Ashlin plopped herself down in Braxton's lap as he spoke with Xael, the two men discussing fighting techniques. He looked surprised, and she kissed with with a laugh.

"Love you hubby!" she whispered, wiggling her nose, "That's all."

Eli looked down at Reyn, her words soothing him. Sighing, Eli pulled Reyn into him, kissing her deeply before she moved back inside.

“I’ll be back soon then…” He replied, quickly turning to pull his glamour over himself before launching himself up and into the sky.


Lunar graciously took the small child within her arms, happily playing with her as her giggles filled the room. Even when Reyn returned, the wolf remained wrapped up within the small girl, happily wound around her tiny little fingers.

“He’ll come back happier.” Lunar nodded, continuing to move her arms around the tiny child. As they goofed around, a small foot kicked her belly, forcing a rough puff of air from Lunar’s mouth.

“Reyn? I’m sorry… Can you take Nya?” She spoke, a hand moving to her bloated belly.

Braxton’s arms quickly encircled Ashlin, nipping at her ear as Xael continued his spiel on his favorite techniques.

“I love you my breathtaking Wifey.” He breathed, nipping at her ear again, still involved in his conversation with the other man.

"I'm sorry Luna," Reyn grimaced, catching the kick in the corner of her eye, Nya's has been practicing leg movement the past two days. Luckily she has no force in them yet."

Or that could have been really bad...especially with how her senses are coming in.

After Eli had found that beast on the property all those days ago, it had confirmed that Nya had hypersensitive senses, mainly her hearing so far. Reyn worried once Nya gained some strength in her muscles that she'd be a force to reckon with. Luckily as Eli saw it, that was still months to come.

Picking her daughter back up, she settled her down into her lap again, resuming her reading out loud for the tiny ears to listen.

Ash relaxed in his arm's, content with the life growing around her. Her eyes closed as the smile continued to play on her lips, her body folding in his arm's.

“Thanks Reyn.” Luna spoke, her body getting up to move to the kitchen, grabbing a glass of water. The wolf placed a hand naturally on her belly, sliding back to the small love seat she’d been sitting in. Laying down, the small girl simply relaxed, listening to the group around her.

Kai stepped up the stairs of Ashlin's house, a platter in his arms. Kicking the door open, she set the platter down on the bed, staring at the pacing woman.

"At least you aren't frozen still anymore," Kai shrugged, remembering Eli telling her she could move as long as she remained inside the room.

Leaving her to her lunch, Kai returned to the other house, stealing the long couch as he fell asleep, waiting for the day to pass.

The dragon snorted as the tanned man made another appearance, dropping her food on the bed before quickly disappearing again.

“This is what I get for coming to save my boyfriend from this terrible life…” She growled.

That night Elijah didn't return, and Nereyda slipped into the guest home alone with Nya, Ash hanging by the front door.

"Are you sure you don't want to sleep with us? I know my house is full of guests right now, but with Kayden and Jay gone there is empty guest rooms at Luna and Xael's."

Reyn shook her head, "If he comes back late I want to be here. And Nya sleeps best in her nursery. Which I am grateful for, she's been sleeping through the night all week. It's amazing."

Ash nodded, still hesitating at the door, "I don't like leaving you alone."

Reyn's head turned toward's her closest friend, smiling, "Eli probably found himself a contract. Which is great, because he could use a good monster hunt. And it won't be his only hunt. At some point I have to grow accustomed to night's alone with Nya."

"Yeah but-"

"It's one night Ash. I know you're going to put protection spell's on the guest house, so I'm safe. Now go be with your husband. Before his clingy ex gets her claws in him again."

Ash said her goodnight's, closing the door and preforming the spell's Reyn had guessed she would do. Satisfied the mother and daughter inside were safe, the sorceress returned to her house, catching Kai as he poured himself a drink at their bar.

"Make that two," she grinned, slipping onto a stool.


"Ah!" she yelped, jolting upright in bed, her body drenched in sweat.

Something's wrong, Ashlin blinked rapidly, trying to calm her pounding heart as she wiped sweat away from her face, turning to look at Braxton's sleeping form. Her breathing calmed as she watched his chest rise and fall, trying to remember the dream she had woken from. That gut feeling still told her something wasn't right though, and the sorceress slipped out of the blankets, wrapping herself in her black robe.

Feet padding down the stairs, she stole a look at Kai's sleeping form on the couch, Zeus underneath him on the floor. Continuing on, she felt pulled towards the front door as Ash rubbed sleep from her eyes. Fresh air slapped her skin as she opened the door, feeling her stomach knot more.

Nothing seems wrong. Everyone is asleep here...fuck! Reyn!

Ash slammed the front door closed behind her, finally understand the warning bells going off inside her, her magic warning her of an intruder. Twigs and rocks cut open her bare feet but the witch cared little, terrified of what she might find.

"Reyn!" she called, nearing the guest house as her voice echoed off the rock face.

Her heart plummeted further as she reached the door only to find it broken, hanging open on one hinge, the other torn from the frame. Her shaking finger's pressed against the door frame as she stepped over the door, her breath swallow and forced.

"Reyn?" Ash whispered, fumbling for the light switch, God please be alright Reyn.

Light flooded the room and Ashlin's back hit the wall, hands flying to her mouth as she screamed.

"Ah!" she yelped, jolting upright in bed, her body drenched in sweat.

Something's wrong, Ashlin blinked rapidly, trying to calm her pounding heart as she wiped sweat away from her face, turning to look at Braxton's sleeping form. Her breathing calmed as she watched his chest rise and fall, trying to remember the dream she had woken from. That gut feeling still told her something wasn't right though, and the sorceress slipped out of the blankets, wrapping herself in her black robe.

Feet padding down the stairs, she stole a look at Kai's sleeping form on the couch, Zeus underneath him on the floor. Continuing on, she felt pulled towards the front door as Ash rubbed sleep from her eyes. Fresh air slapped her skin as she opened the door, feeling her stomach knot more.

Nothing seems wrong. Everyone is asleep here...fuck! Reyn!

Ash slammed the front door closed behind her, finally understand the warning bells going off inside her, her magic warning her of an intruder. Twigs and rocks cut open her bare feet but the witch cared little, terrified of what she might find.

"Reyn!" she called, nearing the guest house as her voice echoed off the rock face.

Her heart plummeted further as she reached the door only to find it broken, hanging open on one hinge, the other torn from the frame. Her shaking finger's pressed against the door frame as she stepped over the door, her breath swallow and forced.

"Reyn?" Ash whispered, fumbling for the light switch, God please be alright Reyn.

Light flooded the room and Ashlin's back hit the wall, hands flying to her mouth as she screamed.

"Ah!" she yelped, jolting upright in bed, her body drenched in sweat.

Something's wrong, Ashlin blinked rapidly, trying to calm her pounding heart as she wiped sweat away from her face, turning to look at Braxton's sleeping form. Her breathing calmed as she watched his chest rise and fall, trying to remember the dream she had woken from. That gut feeling still told her something wasn't right though, and the sorceress slipped out of the blankets, wrapping herself in her black robe.

Feet padding down the stairs, she stole a look at Kai's sleeping form on the couch, Zeus underneath him on the floor. Continuing on, she felt pulled towards the front door as Ash rubbed sleep from her eyes. Fresh air slapped her skin as she opened the door, feeling her stomach knot more.

Nothing seems wrong. Everyone is asleep here...fuck! Reyn!

Ash slammed the front door closed behind her, finally understand the warning bells going off inside her, her magic warning her of an intruder. Twigs and rocks cut open her bare feet but the witch cared little, terrified of what she might find.

"Reyn!" she called, nearing the guest house as her voice echoed off the rock face.

Her heart plummeted further as she reached the door only to find it broken, hanging open on one hinge, the other torn from the frame. Her shaking finger's pressed against the door frame as she stepped over the door, her breath swallow and forced.

"Reyn?" Ash whispered, fumbling for the light switch, God please be alright Reyn.

Light flooded the room and Ashlin's back hit the wall, hands flying to her mouth as she screamed.

"Reyn? REYN!" Ash cried, her eyes unable to move from the blood smeared across the bed, covering the sheets then dragged across the floor towards the front door, "Please god no. Reyn!"

Her eyes were wild as she took in other things: the lamp on the nightstand was broken on the floor, a chair at the small dining table tipped over. One of the painting's was crooked, and there was a knife lying on the floor clean and unused.

She fought...she fought hard.

Her eyes finally landed on the nursery door, two bloody handprints pressed against it. Her body finally unfroze, her feet moving directly to the door as she cranked the knob and opened it achingly slow.

Not Nya. Nya has to be safe...please be safe...

A bubbling cry escaped her lips though, as she stared at the empty crib, the room untouched. No blood, nothing broken. Just Nya...gone.

Ash tore out of the room, jumping over the front door as she bolted into the clearing, frantic and scared. Another scream bubbled out of her, Reyn's name on her tongue as she called into the trees.

"Please answer me!" she sobbed, holding her stomach at the horror gripping her, "Please be okay. Reyn! REYN!"

Her frantic voice got loud enough to wake everyone, her hands flying to her hair as she fisted it, shaking, "HELP! Fuck...ELIJAH! ELI! BRAX!...LUNA! Someone HELP!"

Shift. You have to shift. Track her. Track her like the wolves do.

Ash swallowed bile, shaking as she tore her clothes off, quickly feeling the warmth spread through her skin. It only took an instant now, a simple second or two as she burst into smoke and then reformed as a golden furred wolf, racing back to the guest house. She could smell the blood, filling her sensitive nose. Follow it out into the clearing....follow the trail.

But there was no trail to follow. The blood ended in the middle of the clearing, most of it remaining inside the house with only a few droplets in the grass. She could smell Reyn, and nothing more. No second scent, no Nya.

What the fuck is happening?

Shifting back, she reclothed as pounding footsteps came down the trail, her cried for help waking the households.

"She's gone!" Ashlin cried, seeing Braxton and rushing to him in horror, "They are both gone!"

Braxton’s eyes peeled open, Ashlin’s screeching voice shocking him awake. Bolting out of bed, and leaping down from the top of the steps. Quickly finding his way outside, Braxton quickly found his screaming wife, his arms curling around her frantic form.

“Shit… Eli’s going to kill us…” He breathed.


Eli grunted, annoyed as his gut feeling sank in. He knew he shouldn’t of left. He knew it. Landing carelessly, the Halfling folded his wings behind him, landing outside of the guest house door. Pulling his glamour over his wings, the man moved forward, his hands ripping through the shredded door.

“Reyn?!” His deep voice called out, swiftly leaving the bloodied scene as a mixture of panic and rage waved over him. He could hear Ashlin screaming, crying for him and his two little lives.

She caught sight of Eli and her heart lurched than sank, wrenching herself away from the comfort of her husband's arms.

"She's gone!" she cried, "Fuck Eli she's just gone. There's no trail! I tried...I tried to get her to sleep in my house. I'm so sorry...I'm so so sorry...I should have forced her...oh my god Reyn...Nya..."

Eli’s furry continued to build, looking at Ashlin as her words hit him across the face like a bat. His fury dwindled down, the man sinking to his knees. His fist sank into the dirt, trying to release the rage that radiated through his body. Eli opened his mouth to say something, but the only thing that came out was a bone shattering scream.

“I told you to look after them Ashlin!” He cried, continuing to sink his bloodied fist into the dirt.

Ash fell to her knees, feeling Braxton step forward so he was directly behind her if she needed him. Tears flowed freely now, Eli's screaming only breaking her further. She had never seen him like this; no one ever had.

"I did!" Ash cried, getting as close to him as she dared, "I put every protection spell there was! Someone broke through them Eli! I tried. I tried my best! They found a way around every spell...I don't know how...I don't know how."

The wolf’s eyes peeled open, her heart leaping as the bone shattering noise woke her up. Lunar’s hand flattened out against her mates chest, her body leaping off their luxurious bed as she flew out of the house. Following the noise, the bare footed wolf entered a clearing, small droplets of water dropping from the clouded sky as the man in the middle of the clearing screamed, Ashlin’s words sinking into her. While pain hit her heart, a small part of her relished his pain, quietly enjoying his pain for what he had done to her years ago.

Elis head slowly rose, his black eyes staring up at Ashlin. Water began to fall from the sky, quickly soaking him as his mood only seemed to sink past rock bottom. Ashlin’s words triggered something, his heart stopped.

Slowly rising, Elis body hung as he looked around, inspecting the area as something primal within him began to sink through.

She watched him get up, her own body frozzen to the ground.

"Don't look inside," she begged, knowing Eli had only checked breify, " Please don't go in there Eli."

Eli’s cold black eyes looked at Ashlin, visibly looking through the female.

“I’m going to kill her.” His voice deepened, sounding off as a tear slipped down his cheek, the rain, now falling rather heavily hiding his moment of weakness.

“I’ve seen it.” He breathed, his veins visibly pulsing black through his skin.

She knelt there staring at him. She could hear more footsteps as Kai approached, looking confused.

"Eli!" she cried, trying to get him to move, to do something, "Please...just find them. Save them. Please!"

With Ashlin’s words, the glamour dispelled. The scent of rotting flesh quickly killing the plant life within the clearing, black feathers falling to the ground as Eli’s demonic aura only worsened. The protruding bones creaked as the wings expanded their large length, quickly pushing the man up in one graceful motion. Propelling up into the air, Eli’s fully black eyes stared over the forest around him, inspecting each tree.

Ash fell back as her mouth hung open staring at the grotesque wings. As he lifted himself in the air, she could feel arms pulling her up and was surprised to see it was Kai, inspecting her.

"You aren't hurt are you?" he asked, worry in his eyes.

"I'm fine. It's Reyn and...and Nya."

Kai moved towards the wreckage, along with everyone else in the clearing to see the damage done. The first one back to her was the shifter, his face grim.

"There's no trace of Nya."

"And Reyn's trail ended here. I shifted alone...I was trying to find her."

Malakai blinked a few times and suddenly his iris' were slits, his nose flattening in as it looked more cat-like. Kneeling, he sniffed the ground where she sat at the end of the trail. She wasn't at his expert level to be able to change single body parts at will, but she hoped to be one day.

"It doesn't end here," he finally stated looking up, "I can smell magic Ash."

Xael held Luna close, moving up to Kai and Ash as he overheard them.

"How can you smell magic?" Xael asked, confused, "I've known Ashlin for years and never noticed anything."


"Ever noticed how Ash always smells like spearmint and lilacs?" Kai asked, standing up as he nodded to Braxton returning to his newlywed wife, "I'm sure you've noticed it Braxton. It actually becomes more pronounced when she does magic."

"Something Kai noticed," Ash piped up, her voice mono-tone and cold as she remained tensed and upset wanting Braxton's arms around her, "Magic-casters know our magic leave an imprint around us, but we never realized others noticed as well, at least I hadn't a clue till Kai pointed it out."

"I thought it was perfume," Xael shrugged, "So I never brought it up."

Ash's eyes looked back into the grass, "We can chat about it later. Reyn and Nya are my priority here. I need to find them. I have to help Eli. Kai, are you sure it's another magic-caster?"

He nodded, sniffing again, "It took me a second, but yeah. The lilac scent is stronger, but there's a lack of spearmint. It was hard to tell when your spells are still coating the air Ash, but right here someone else performed magic."

"Fuck," Ash tensed further, her hand running through her hair, "You have to be kidding me!"

Braxton quickly found his way over to his wife, arms wrapping around her waist as the sorceress’s panic only continued.

“We’ll find them love.” He whispered, listening to Kai’s words with a nod. “The question is… where do we start.”


The wolf leaned into her mate, biting her lip as she listened.

“I think we can all split up… Most of us can turn into something that can sniff it out… If we follow our sense’s we’ll be able to find something at the least.” Lunar spoke up, looking around at the group.
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