Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


Kyli smiled sweetly at her sister in law, gladly wandering next to her as they chit chatted.

“I’m not too sure honestly, It’s a long trip back home so it’s worth staying here for a while.” She nodded, her brother lifting a brow at her as they walked. “Don’t worry little Brother, I’ll stay out of your hair.” She giggled.

“Maybe, it’s hard to be doing things that involve death though.” Kyli stated, her arms curling around herself. The girl looked over at Ashlin, happy to see the woman giving up something so dangerous as she finally found light in the family she had gained.

“That’s beautiful.” Kyli’s beautiful light voice sung out.

Braxton’s arm curled around Ashlins waist, kissing her hair softly as she called their dog back, speaking about their perfect little family.

Jay’s golden pools looked up from the flames.

“The year was interesting. Hung out with a couple of old pack mates, went to war, the usual crap.” Jay spoke quietly, grabbing a stick to poke at the fire.

“How about yours? You really picked yourself up since I moved off. How were your contracts?” He asked, quickly changing the topic.

"I grew up," she stated calmly, watching him with interest, "Luna and Xael helped me get past a lot of my memories that were holding me back. Don't change the topic though Jay. I heard through Luna about your siren incident, which is bad enough. Now war? What war? Is that where the limp came from? What else happened to you in one year?"

Jay nodded softly, looking deeply into the fires flame.

“You have, I can see that.” He nodded softly, listening to the girl. “It’s good that they took care of you, I’m sorry I didn’t step in as well. I should have.”

“Yes war, War with the clan. We had a pack to the south that was creeping up our territory and Abass didn’t like it, so we moved on to fight for our land. Like usual, I didn’t suffer a scratch though.” Jay spoke. “I challenged Abass over leadership… I know I’m not an alpha, I never will be, but I couldn’t take how he was treating my warriors…”

The wolf shook his head softly, looking down into the dirt as a hand slid up to slide through his short brown hair.

"I was perfectly fine under Luna and Xael's guidance, don't worry. Luna taught me most of what I know, and as you can see I have learnt to fight well too."

"Jay," Kayden breathed, surprised at his admission and fairly impressed in the older wolf as she whispered, "Please...please say you killed him."

Jay smiled warmly as he listened to the small wolf speak of her training with their sister and her mate.

“I had no doubts about the success they could have with you.” He grinned, his worn voice dying off. The wolf’s smile slowly faded as he thought back to the pack.

“Unfortuntely no… As I was ready to take the final blow three wolf’s jumped in on me, Abass left a deep wound when it all finished…” The wolf shook his head, his hand pulling at his short hair in frustration.

“I had him in arms reach…” He growled, the stick snapping within his hand before Jay could catch his temper, forcing himself quiet, the wolf tried to relax and think about other things.

Kayden's lean and sinewy body stood, moving effortlessly around the fire as she found a seat beside the angry wolf. Gently she kissed his cheek, leaned her head on his shoulder in the biggest act of trust she could bare to show yet to anyone aside from Luna.

"You tried," she breathed, her voice hollow and cold at the thought of Abass, "Thank you Jay."

The wolf’s arm looped around the small girl, pulling her in.

“Trying isn’t good enough.” He grumbled, still trying to think off topic.

“What were some of the contracts?” He asked.

A small flush crept along Kay's cheeks as his arm hooked around her waist and pulled her closer to him. She'd normally kept people out of her personal space, and was quick to snap if they touched or frustrated her. But neither happened with Jay, having invited him into her space as she sat down with him. The entire feeling was odd and the sensation weird, but Kayden couldn't help loving every second of it. She had grown to feel safe around him, the same sensation of safety she felt near Xael and Luna.

"All sorts of contracts," she replied to his question, "Easy quick ones, and a few that lasted me days."

Jay smiled softly down at the small wolf, his wise eyes taking in her beauty.

“Sound’s like you’ve been keeping busy.” He grinned, his free hand poking the fire with the stick.

“You’re cold.” He stated, his hand rubbing her arm to help warm her beautiful pale skin.

Adjusting her hat on her head to keep her fur tipped ears hidden she grinned up at the man, nodding in agreeance, "I tried to be. I spent my whole life locked away from the world, and it was quite exhilarating to finally be able to enjoy it. I took whatever contract came my way, explored the forests and the villages."

Her grin grew as a sense of wonderment filled her eyes, "I got to bath in hot springs, and dance under waterfalls. I ate amazing food in a variety of restaurants and saw all kinds of beauty. It was only six months, but its been the best six months of my life. The only thing that I wished for was companionship after a while. After a couple contracts I started missing all of you. I don't know how hunters do it, it can be lonely out here."

Finally she paused for a breath, her grey eyes turning towards the fire as she calmed her excitement down. His hand moved to rub her arm as he spoke, and she felt a sudden shiver through her body as goosebumps covered her bare flesh. She shivered, crossing her arms to try and warm herself as she soaked in his body heat and the fire's.

Jay’s grin grew with each excited word that fled from her mouth, awe filling her eyes as she thought about all the different things she had seen and tried.

“Sometimes six months only seems like a short time… But the amount of things you can do during it and learn is pretty amazing.” He nodded, pulling his arm away to remove the leather jacket he had thrown on only several hours ago, quickly and gently draping it around Kaydens shoulders as the girl shivered.

“We learn… It doesn’t help for us though, no matter what, we have that pack mentality and the need for it. It’s much easier to feel that loneliness when another wolf isn’t around.” He nodded. “But that’s also why we meet so many friends on the road as hunters. We all know that feeling, so banding together sometimes works out well.” The wolf’s arm draped back around the girl, his hand continuing to rub her arm softly.

Kayden's blush grew as he draped his jacket around her slender shoulders, thanking him quietly. Her fingers gripped the edges as she pulled it in around herself, softly leaning her head on his shoulder as her eyes danced with the fires.

"That makes sense. I don't think I'll venture off on my own again for a while though. I've missed being able to do talk to someone."

She shook those thoughts away and plastered a soft grin on her lips, trying to lighten to atmosphere, "Besides, think of all the trouble you'll get yourself into without me Jay."

Jay’s head tilted, kissing the top of the small wolfs hat softly.

“I’ve missed it too. The guys aren’t you, or Luna, or Xael.” Jay shrugged, agitating the fire with the stick further more. “Oh and the trouble… How you keep me in line oh Kayden! Master of the non-trouble making!” He bellowed, laughing at the thought.

She scoffed, grinning ear to ear as one of her hands whacked his chest playfully, her smoky eyes giving him an amused look as she giggled too.

"I never said anything about keeping you out of trouble," she grinned, showing off her dazzling white teeth, "Just that you'd be stuck without me. Where's the fun in stirring trouble when you don't have your partner in crime?"

Xael's back slammed into the granite counter under him, Luna's nails digging into his bare shoulders as she pinned him down.

"I like you on top," he breathed as he bucked his hips against hers, want filling him, "Shall we do it in the kitchen too my love?"

Yesterday she had been insatiably hungry, and their kitchen was almost bare because of it. Today it was sex, the wolf pouncing on her mate whenever the need rose. They'd already conquered the bedroom, bathtub, living room, patio, front entrance and now he was lying pinned under her on the island. Thankfully he was just about finished with cleaning up after dinner, nothing else but a few dishes in the sink that could be left till much later.
The laugh continued to shake his broad chest, his beaming eyes on the small wolf before him.

"Oh so your going to get me in more trouble?" Jay asked with a lift of his brow.

"Well I'm glad your my partner. I couldn't of asked for a better one." The wolf grinned, pulling her into his chest more.

Her nails dug deeper into Xaels shoulders, her hips grinding against him.

"Of course. That's the beauty of it being our house." The wolfs heightened voice sung. Slamming her hips down on his, the wolf moaned, lifting her hips and dropping them on her mates stiffened member.

"God I love you Xael" Her beautiful voice moaned while her head tilted back, her hands moving to rest on his chest to help support her body against his.

Xael let a moan escape, his muscles flexing under her.

"I love you more," he hissed through his teeth as their hips grinded together, reaching up and pulling her face down to kiss her lovingly, "Moon of my life."


"Of course I'm going to get you into more trouble!" she giggled, sticking her tongue out at him, "We got to keep our Alphas on their toes."

He pulled her closer and she relaxed more in his grip, glad that he was returning to normal, goofy Jay.

Listening to his words she tilted her head up to flash him a mischievous grin, her cheeks pink with giggling, "Well I'm sure I could find a better one. My partner in crime smells like dead bunnies!"

Lunar’s lips pressed wildly against his, her body pressing into his, a hand sliding up to rest behind his neck, pulling him into her. Lunar’s hips slammed harder against his, forcing a growl to rumble within her chest, her teeth catching his bottom lip to pull at it, asking for entrance.


Jay kissed the top of Kayden’s hat again, his hand still rubbing her warming arm.

“Definitely. Can’t make shit easy on them.” He chuckled. Jay looked down at Kayden’s glowing smile, his opposite hand quickly moving to rest under her chin, his thumb rubbing one of her rosy cheeks.

“Well, too bad, You’re stuck with me as your partner.” He grinned, wiggling his eyebrows. “And that’s not my fault! They where there… In front of my claws suddenly… Then they just leapt into my jaws!”

His lips parted, his tongue flicking out and running along her lips, sending shivers through them both. His hands wandered to her hips, rocking her. With a push of his elbows they were off the island, Luna's body against the pantry door as he bounced her using only his arms and hips.

'My divine goddess.'

She faltered, her voice failing her for a split second and she felt her heart skip as his thumb rubbed her cheek. Her eyes widened a fraction, her mind scurrying to think of something to say.

"Yeah...golden bunnies...I mean I don't mind being stuck with you...I mean-"

The wolf moaned against her mates lips, her hips rocking quicker as Xael changed their stance, her back now pressing against the pantry door.

My heaven

Lunar’s head tilted back into the door, a loud moan quickly escaping her lips.

“Oh Fuuck Xael!” She screamed.

Jay’s hand slid down to rest at his side.

“Well actually they were brown.” He grinned, continuing to wiggle his brows playfully.

“But I would hope you don’t mind it, sucks when you’re partner in crime doesn’t make the crimes more enjoyable!” Jay chuckled.

Kayden blinked a few times, sitting up abruptly as she turned her smoky eyes to the fire, trying to get her bearings, 'What just happened?'

"Yeah brown, I don't know why I said golden," she murmured, her brow creasing as she steadied her breathing, feeling confused, "I'm going to take a walk Jay. Circle the perimeter. Feeling, uh, too warm now."

She stood, shrugging the jacket off and handing it back to the male wolf before her head turned to look into the trees, her feet yet to move.
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