Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


Savannah nodded, turning to the wolf, "Give her to me."

Taking the dragon by the shoulder's, she stared into her doe brown eyes, feeling the woman fight her, She's learns quick.

"No one question my methods," she breathed, raising an eyebrow at them before her eyes caught sight of her mate joining the crowd.

'There you are my soul.'

'Welcome back beautiful. You smell rancid love.'

'Thanks. Nice to see you too.'

'Erasing memories I heard?'

'Trying. She's adapting, throwing walls up at me. She's smart, I'll give her that.'

'Oh c'mon, you aren't even trying yet.'

Savannah grinned, turning her ocean eyes back on Tyriah, 'No, I guess I should put some effort in.'

Leaning forward Savannah pulled the dragon in, kissing her roughly. She rarely used lip contact, but it shocked Tyriah and gave Savannah an instant access into her brain, the closeness creating an advantage for the demon.

Slowly she filtered through the dragon's memories, working backwards from the present. Each time Braxton's name came forth she erased the memory, dragging it from the dragon's mind and destroying it. Some of her memories she was able to simply warp, distorting them so that she kept the memory but forgot about him. Her lips stayed locked to the dragon, seconds turning into minutes as a sweat broke out on her forehead, the memories spanning over many decades.

They chunk I'm taking out of this woman's life isn't fair, she began to think, erasing yet another memory, It might be easier to replace them with something.

Finally she found the last of the memories, but Savannah didn't stop, wanting to fill in some of the holes she left. With the amount she had taken away, the woman would go crazy if she left her in that state, years suddenly erased and blocked out. There was a good decade she had to erase almost completely and Savannah thought quickly, creating the first memory that came to her mind.

'You were in a coma. You got into an accident and wound up in the hospital. You can't remember anything till you woke a decade later. The coma left you with a, uh, memory loss condition so parts of her memory are forgotten. You took a thought of therapy to remember what you do.'

'You could help her more, Damion spoke softly, his voice distant in her own head, if you helped her get over her attachment complex.'

You used to get attached obessively to people, she continued, throwing all her words deep into Tyriah's subconscious, seeing other men he had grown attached to through the years, After your coma, your therapist helped with that too. You no longer feel that obsession. You feel normal and in control.

Finally Savannah broke the contact, her body shuddering as the effort exhausted her. Bending over, the demon tried to catch her breath, her mate at her side instantly to keep her up right.

"That was the most I've ever done on a person," she whispered, leaning into Damion's arms, "Thank you love."

Her eyes turned to Tyriah, waiting to see how the result from the extensive rewiring she had done inside the dragon's mind.
The wolfs mind listened, easing off as the girls mind splintered into a million different things, the memories then pushed over with new thoughts.

'I'll never harm you Kayden...' he cooed, his lips responding to hers as the girls body melted into his. Jays free hand pulled her on top, giving her control, his member moving to rest against her lower abdomin.

'You tell me if you feel uncomfortable and I'll stop' he thought, nipping her lower lip softly. Jays hand retina on her chin moved to the back of her head, holding it gently while the other hand slid to rest on her outter thigh, rubbing it with the utmost care as he waited for her response.

Kayden stiffened momentarily as he pulled her above him, that inkling of fear returning, 'Not that Jay. Please. I'm not ready.'

She trusted him though, having more faith in him than anyone aside from Luna. Her lips continued to mold to his as she got the hang of it. His teeth grazed her lower lip and a sound bubbled out of her throat, one she heard from Luna's and Xael's room too often.

Her fingers moved to his hair as she allowed him to trail kisses down her neck, her breath sighing out in one loud puff. Her back arched into him, pale breasts pressing against his tanned chest. Nothing felt wrong for once, her mind whirling at the feel of his hand touching her outer thigh, her skin alive against his.
'It's ok Kayden.' He purred, his hand sliding up her thigh, gently caressing the skin as it slowly slid between her legs. His touch slow and hesitant, stopping at any point he sensed her distress.

"Do you trust me?" He asked, his lips against her bare chest as his golden pools stared up at her, wanting to please the girl in a way she'd never experienced.

"I-I do," she replied, trying to ignore the fear growing louder in the back of her mind, threatening to ruin everything.

'I'm scared,' her thoughts hurled as her insides froze, her mind stamping on the brakes even as her body responded to his touch, betraying her.
Jays hands moved to slide around her, softly moving her to the ground. His mind listened to her pained thoughts, his lowering kisses stopping instantly. Sliding his hands back around the girl, his hands moved to grasp hers, offering her support.

'It's not what your thinking of. I won't continue until your comfortable.' His inner voice called to her. His lips kissed her stomach reassuringly as he waited for her fear to slide away.

'It always hurt so much. Will it...will it hurt? she asked, her wide grey eyes locking with his golden pools, gripping his hands tightly.
'This won't hurt. It'll feel great' he cooed, his hands squeezing hers tenderly. 'I promise'

Jays warm lips pressed against her stomach again, allowing his inner barrier to drop for Kayden, allowing her to feel his lust, trust, and compassion for the small girl.

She felt his barrier lower and hesitantly she lowered hers as well, finally letting him peek at those awful memories Luna and Xael had witnessed. After a year she could manage showing herself and him them without becoming overwhelmed, or losing herself to that pain. Instead she remained cut off from the memories, refusing to relive them. But Jay could see every one of them, could immerse himself if he wanted to. She could feel him tense as he took began to peek into one of the last times she'd woken on that awful table.

Her thoughts pulled at his attention, knowing her past would spoil the mood. Over the memories and fear she felt her trust in him, letting it wash through both of them. And Kayden could feel his trust, along with his compassion. Another sensation surged in him as he kissed her stomach, a fiery hot emotion that seemed to swirl and dance within him, reflecting the new emotion coursing through her pounding heart.

"Show me," she sighed breathlessly, her eyes closing softly as she relented, clinging to his words, "Just...go slow."
Jays body tensed, his eyes closing as she allowed him to fully feel her pain and her fear, allowing her memories of the twisted alpha to twirl in his head. With the relief of the ended memories, the man took a breath, breathing in Kaydens floral wooden scent, calming him. Then her words and her trust hit him, allowing his lips to sink down and his perfect glowing eyes to rise to her face. Jays hands parted her legs gently and slowly, allowing her to ease into the feeling with him. His head lowered, a finger sliding into her delicate flower as his lips found her soft pink warmth, picking it tenderly as his finger slowly began to pump within her.

Kayden's head hit the ground with a loud thump as her eyes squeezed shut and her mouth fell open, her body exploding with sensation. Her chest rose and fell heavily as she panted, her toes curling into the dirt.

'What is this? What are you doing?' she implored, both in shock and wonderment, Jay...

Jay purred, his tongue vibrating against her clit, his hand slipping a second finger within her walls as her body purred with pleasure.

Pleasuring you.’ The man moaned within their minds. Jays free hand continued to rub Kayden’s thigh, massaging her skin as his mouth continued to play with her. His mouth slowly slid down, the man withdrawing his fingers from her walls. Looking up at the girl, Jays tongue slid within her walls, lapping up her juices.

Another moan escaped her throat, her fingers digging into the dirt as his tongue entered her, another completely new experience. Pleasure. Pleasure everywhere; all Kayden could feel was pleasure licking her from head to toe.

"Jay," she sighed loudly, then her brow's knitted as something built in her lower stomach, unknown to her, 'What is that?'

Jay felt her pleasure, waving over him in every way possible. His tongue continued to move within her, a finger sliding up to enter her walls again.

‘You’re about to orgasm love.’

Jay’s free hand moved up, softly playing with her breast. ‘Cum for me Kayden.

'I'm going to what-oh my god!'

She cried out his name, her voice echoing in the trees as her back arched, the built up tension in her stomach exploding beautifully, racking her body with what Jay called an orgasm. As the feeling died down her body shivered, sweat beading her forehead. Her right hand lifted from the dirt, reaching and pulling at his hair to bring him up to face height. She pulled him in, kissing his lips hungrily. He tasted sweet now, her arms wrapping around his neck as she shook with pleasure, his hands still on her.

Braxton’s arms pulled Ashlin in tighter, watching Savannah’s body take the dragon from the bare and angered wolf. His body shook as his nerves bit into him, worried if Savannah couldn’t fix the problem. White eyes looked down at the woman within his arms, kissing her hair lovingly.


Tyriah’s body fell back, her vision blacking out as her body spasmed, trying to grip what her mind had just with stood.

After several minutes of laying within the dirt, her large brown eyes opened, taking in the new scene before her. What had happened? Where was she? Her mind scrambled, trying desperately to understand the situation she had awoken to. Claws dug into the ground as she slowly forced herself to sit up, looking curiously at the people before her. She had come to see someone, but why? Tilting her head, the girl stared, unable to say a word.

"Who does she remember?" Ash asked quietly to Savannah as her and her partner fell back.

"None of you," she whispered, "You were all too tied to Braxton. Just follow my lead when she wakes."

As the dragon sat up Savannah stepped forwards once more, putting on a smile, "Hey, are you alright? You were being chased by this pack of beast's, you ran right into our property."

She knelt beside her with an offered hand, "Do you remember that? You hit your head pretty hard when you fell. What's your name sweety?"

Jay’s tongue moved within her, pulling out after swallowing her juices. Following her pull, the wolf slid up her body with sweet kiss’s to follow, moving up to her beautiful lips, Jay moaned softly, kissing her deeply while her euphoria encased him, making his member quiver as it lay stiff against Kayden’s upper thigh.

You’re so beautiful Kayden’ He thought.

Kayden grinned between kisses, a giggle bubbling up, 'You make me feel beautiful.'

Moving her lips she kissed the tip of his nose playfully, her body more relaxed than ever.

"That was...amazing."

“Uh…” She breathed, her voice sounding just as lost as how she felt.

“A pack of wild beasts didn’t make you’re accent different…” She whispered, looking at the woman suspiciously. Something was off, and she knew it.

“Tyriah.” She spoke, her intelligent eyes looking at the group. “Yours?”

"Let's go," Ash whispered, pulling Braxton back into the shadows and around the side of the house so Tyriah couldn't see them, "Last thing we need is to repeat history. I'm sure you feel better off to not introducing ourselves."


"Yeah this used to be America," Savannah smiled, "Your accent says you're from Aussie. Do you know why your so far from home?"

"Savannah," she introduced, "Pleased to meet you Tyriah."

The man grinned at her, kissing her as her world was nothing short of blissful.

Good. Because you deserve to be showered in compliments.

Falling beside her, his arms wound around the girl, pulling her into him.

“It’ll be better next time.” He breathed.

Tyriah looked at her odd, sniffing the air as she picked up the creatures identity.

“Ah…”She spoke, looking at the rest of the group.

“Why are you naked by the way?” She asked, tilting her head as she looked at a rather furious red head. Sniffing again, the dragon took in everyone’s scent, quietly analyzing the creatures before her.

“Because you-“ The wolf quickly shut her mouth, storming off with a flick of her hand, the girls middle finger standing out amidst the motion. Watching her every movement, word, and even thought, the dragon ignored Savannah’s question, unwilling to question it until she was alone.

"So there will be a next time," she stated happily with an arched brow, smiling at the thought, "Why will it be better?"

She pulled herself onto his chest, resting her arms on him comfortably. Her white hair fell in curly waves down to his face tickling his skin as her ears perked forward. His eyes wandered back up to them and Kayden realized she had forgotten all about them, Jay able to get her mind completely off of them. Resting her chin on his chest she stared up at him and let her breath out slowly.

'You can touch them if you like,' she thought, 'I know you want to.'

Allowing Ashlin to drag him off, Braxton took a deep breath. Braxton’s hand moved behind the girls back to rest on her opposite hip, escorting her into the house.

“Much better.” He breathed, taking in a deep breath of fresh air. “I’m sorry about that love.”
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