Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


"I want a shower. And my mate," Savannah sighed, placing Reyn down on the couch gently, "No one touches her. No one leaves her alone. She's...she has a lot of healing to do. We aren't sure when Eli will be back, and he will want to care for her."

Grabbing a throw blanket she gently placed it on Reyn, trying to warm the frozen girl, "Xael, if you and Luna don't want to watch Reyn, can you find Kai? I'm sure he'll keep an eye on her."

She turned to Braxton, smiling softly, "You're one tough nut kid. Ash is lucky to have you Braxton."

She patted his arm as she passed him, "See you all later...much later."

Lunar sighed silently, unhappy with the unexpected company, screwing up her sweet cuddle day. Listening, the wolf nodded at Savannah.

“She’ll more than likely be sleeping… So that’s not an issue.” She piped up, nodding a goodbye to the demon.


Braxton smiled softly at Savannah.

“Thank you Savannah. I really appreciate what you did for us.” He nodded, moving to the door with his wife.

“I’ll see you guys later. I’m going to take my wife home.” He excused himself.

She giggled, her blush growing as he caught her thoughts, 'I thought you were asleep. And you're not too shabby yourself.'

Kissing his nose, her laugh rose as she pushed him onto his back, rolling with him so she was once again on his chest. Without hesitation she pressed her lips to his, her fingers running down his chest.

"Good morning prince," she breathed back, her breath hot against his mouth.

Xael returned to their pile of pillows and blankets on the floor, pulling his mate back into his arms as the room cleared out.

"Guess we are babysitting till Elijah returns," he stated, kissing her cheek, "Luckily we don't have to give up cuddling to watch over her."

I was, but I awoke to your beautiful voice filling my head.’ His mischievous voice replied. The wolf leaned forward, hungrily kissing her back. A hand slipped up, winding within her luxurious hair as his lips continued to press against hers, his teeth catching her bottom lip. Kayden’s voice was music to his ears, making him purr.

“And to answer your thought, you’re not a mistake.” He breathed.

Lunar nuzzled her mate, her head turning sideways to curl into her mates neck. Lunar’s back pressed into Xaels torso as his arms wrapped around her gently.

“I don’t mind that. I just hope when Eli comes back he can fix the poor girl up.” She breathed, taking in her mates scent.

“I love you my Sun.” She breathed.

"Good," she exclaimed, rearing her head back to look at him better, the blush still hot on her cheeks, "I just didn't -I was unsure if things would be"

she pushed her white hair behind her ears, trying to think of something to say.


"Let's hope," he agreed, hearing the siren's soft but ragged breathing from the couch.

"I love you too my moon."

Jay watched the blush spread across her cheeks, widening his grin only more.

“You know just how beautiful you are when you blush?” He asked, kissing her again as he lightened up her unsure words.


Lunar’s body nestled further into her mate, purring gently.

“He’s lucky to have found what he has, he better take care of them.” She spoke, her tone low while still holding a tired sweetness. “But I’m luckier.”

"How are you luckier beautiful?"


The blush only got worse as she laughed, kissing him once more. Sitting up so she rested on his stomach, her eyes scanned the area, instinctually scanning their camp. Content that there was no onlookers or predators she returned to lying on top of him.

"We should head off soon," she whispered, nipping his chin, "As much as I want this moment to last longer, we did promise two certain Alpha's that we'd be back by the end of the week...which is today. Unless you want to explain to Luna all the trouble we got into?"

She winked, her tinkling laugh filling the trees with her words.

“Because I have you. And that’s all I need in life.”


Jays golden pools stared at her, well fully aware of their surroundings.

“Or we could enjoy our little world in the forest. It doesn’t include a very pregnant alpha.” He laughed. “I wouldn’t advise speaking of this to her though… She might rip my dick off… And I quite like that limb.”

Jays heart skipped a beat at her laugh, filling his ears and lifting his spirit at the beautiful sound.

"No I certainly do not want to tell her," Kayden bit her lip, thinking it over, "She might rip you limb for limb, then she'll ground me to that house for the next century. And the lectures, dear god no-"

Kayden mocked a shudder, her grin never fading, "We can keep this one -and the next one- to ourselves."

Stretching out, Kayden pulled her lean, sinewy body up till she stood over him, her feet at either side of his hips. Her arms reached well above her head, stiff bones crackling and adjusting as she stood naked before him, her white hair falling in curly waves down her back.

"There's still going to be a next time, right?" she asked, raising an eyebrow as she glanced down at him.


"And all I need is you," he nuzzled her air, breathing in her earthy tones, "Moon of my life."

Jay couldn’t help the soft nervous laugh that left his mouth at Kaydens words.

“I’m glad we’re on the same page… But what about the time after next? Because I’m not telling her about that either.” He laughed, leaning in to kiss her before her beautiful lean body stood. His golden pools took her in, admiring her body as she stretched.

“Yes Dear. If that’s what you want.” He grinned, wiggling his brows that played with his mischievous grin.


Her head tilted up, adoration in her eyes as she kissed the soft skin under his chin.

I love you.

Finishing with her stretch she stared down at him, biting her nail as his gaze set her heart on fire, "I definitely want a next time."

Moving away from him to let Jay stand, she looked into the trees, "We should either collect our clothes or make the rest of the trip as wolves. Changing won't be easy for me though."

Even though the white wolf had grown more comfortable Changing, her body could not handle the sudden increase in Changing forms. Kayden had gotten to a point that she could handle becoming wolf once a week, possibly twice if she pushed it. To go back and forth twice in the matter of twenty-four hours made her second Change extremely painful, as if her body was still healing from the first one.


Hours past and the couple remained wrapped in their blanket fort, kissing and talking, having a serene moment all on their own. No one disturbed them till finally the front door banged open, Xael already knowing exactly who it could be.

'Stay comfy,' he ordered playfully, pushing a box of cookies towards her, 'I'll deal with this.'

Jay sighed sadly as Kayden’s body relaxed and stepped away, sitting up to stare at her with large puppy eyes.

“Why don’t we go grab our clothes?” He asked sadly. “Shame though, clothes only mask your beauty.”

Pushing himself up, the wolf slid an arm around Kaydens back, slowly beginning their trip back to find their clothes.


The day was wonderful, having wrapped herself up within her blonde world.

Noooooo Staaaaay.’ The wolf whined, allowing a soft wolfish noise to build within her throat.


Brightened emerald eyes stared at the door, his fist pounding on the heavy wooden material. He’d been advised that Reyn had been left here, at the wolf’s house. Looking down at the small nextled bundle within his arms, Eli kissed her head ever so gently. While it had taken time, he had finally managed to find her, afraid and tired.

'I'll be right back,' he popped a cookie in her mouth, stealing one for himself as he strolled to the front door, wearing nothing but his faded and worn jeans. Opening the door, he stepped aside to let the halfling in, a sigh of relief leaving him as he saw the sleeping bundle in his arms.

"She's still sleeping on our couch. I'm glad to see Nya safe too."

They wandered into the living room, Reyn in clear view while Luna was hidden behind the couch.

"Do you want help taking her down to the guest house?" he asked, knowing Ash had repaired the little escape for them, "Or do you want to keep her in here?"

"Don't sound so sad," she elbowed him gently, feeling his arm around her back, "You get to spend the rest of the day mentally undressing me then."

Eli looked at Xael, biting his lip softly as he walked in.

“It’s good she’s still sleeping.” Eli nodded softly. “She is. Can I take her upstairs? I don’t trust the guest house.”

“Would you mind taking Nya for a little while? I can’t care for her and Reyn at the same time…” He breathed, his voice shaking with pain, still grasping that he had allowed such cruelty to his family.


Jay chuckled softly at Kaydens response.

“Does that mean I get to mentally undress myself and share my dirty little secrets?” He grinned.

He pointed at a door almost hidden behind the stair case in its own little hall, "That's our guest room with ensuite bathroom. Jay was using it, but we can kick him into the guest house if you still don't feel uncomfortable tonight. And don't worry about Nya. She looks sound asleep. Easy to watch."

Taking Nya from him, Xael rocked the sleeping babe, waiting till Eli had disappeared with with Reyn before he returned to his mate. Sitting beside her with his back against the couch, he stretched his legs out for Luna to use as a pillow, his arms rocking the tired bundle.

'This is what it will be like when ours are born,' his thoughts sighed, full of joy and contentment, 'I want this more than anything Luna.'

She laughed, pushing her side into his as her tinkling laugh continued into her thoughts.

'Only if you share all your tantalizing thoughts with me.'

Lunar listened to them chatting, popping another cookie into her mouth as she relaxed. As Eli moved over to pick up the Halfling, the red headed woman looked him over, noticing how worn his body looked. Sliding in and out, the Halfling was gone in a blink of an eye, a click of a door signaling his use of the other room.

Xael’s perfect figure quickly came back into view, the wolf picking her head up and dropping it on top of her mates legs.

You already look like a dad.’ A worn smile pulled at her lips, the wolf popping a cookie in between her lips as she nibbled at the tip within her mouth. ‘Although, one will probably be a wolf love. So it won’t be the same in some ways.

'Do I? I never thought I'd be so lucky to not only have the perfect woman, but get a family with her too...

And I know, I remember you explaining Alpha's to me. You haven't explained when they first Change human though.

The Halfling brushed back a stray bloodied strand along her beautiful face, forcing him to take a ragged breath.

“My beautiful Reyn…” He breathed, kneeling next to her resting form on the bed. Taking another breath, the Halfling raised his hands, allowing his blood to chill as something within him waved over his head, chilling not just him, but the air around. Like that, his eyes closed and the air around his hands began to glow, lifting the darkened room. Having drawn the curtains to help keep it dark for the siren, did little to dim the light that emanated from his angelic form. The chill began to warm his fingertips, and the skin under his touch, power flowing freely from his palms.

With minutes turned to what could have been hours, the Halflings skin beading with a thick sweat as he continued to heal her. He wouldn’t allow a single cut on her, with how badly he had done wrong, he couldn’t live with himself if he had found one.

Jays head moved over to nuzzle her small head.

Good… Because I have more then enough to share.’ The wolf laughed, finally finding their clothes after a short walk.

Shame… I really do prefer you without clothes… I also prefer not to wear them.’ Jay laughed softly, simply staring at the fabric piles amidst the forest floor.

She pranced to her clothes, pulling her underwear on and smiling at the soft fabric kissing her skin.

"You don't have to get dressed," she stated to Jay, pulling a bra on, "Why don't I carry your clothes and you can Change. I don't mind."

Wiggling into her tight jeans, Kayden scooped up her worn boots, pulling one on at a time.

A perfect father at that.’ She responded, finishing her cookie as she lined up another one.

A beautiful little family… Who we’ll raise together.’ The wolf purred, her beaming golden pools staring up at her mate.

As long as you know… They’re not easy to accommodate in the beginning… But they change around the age of 4, really depending on the kid. The earlier the change, the stronger the alpha.’ She replied, a hand moving to rest on her bloating belly.

I look so fat. Wolves shouldn’t be fat.’ She groaned softly.
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