Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


The wolf’s grin grew as her mate slid out, ingredients at hand as he dropped them and looked up.

“I don’t know… I just looked down, and poof! It’s gone!” She giggled, continuing to wiggle on top of the counter.

Make it stop! her thoughts screamed at the cries echoing through the room, It's not REAL!

"It is real," a female voice spoke calmly, "It's all real Reyn."

Searrinna. That has to be Searrinna. I knew it.

She turned her body, still questioning why she was healed. Perhaps to lull her into a sense of safety? To torture her all over again? Reyn's dull eyes flashed with momentary anger before returning to their emotionless state, glaring at the man at the end of the bed. There was a bundle in his arms, but she knew they were both figments of her imagination, illusions created from that sorceress.

Not real.


"She hasn't even regarded me," Savannah whispered, watching the siren show a sign of emotion, an inkling of progress, "She is fixated on you."

Opening the door, she slipped out, holding it open a crack to say a last parting word before leaving Eli alone to work with Reyn, "Do something she won't expect, something an illusion wouldn't do. Get her to feel something. You saw it, that anger. Maybe that's the key."

Shutting the door, she returned to her mate, pulling him back outside where she couldn't hear Reyn's thoughts any longer.

"You're going to distract me from making cookies," he growled playfully, pulling out bowls and a mixer while his eyes continued to stray to her, "That means no cookies baby. All because your shirt went poof."

He noticed the anger flash across her face, pulling Nya back instinctively as her cries only worsened. Standing up, Eli sighed as Savannah left.

“Reyn, Our daughter is crying for you. She’s dirty, hungry, and hasn’t had her family in over a week. Get up and do your job as my Wife and Nya’s mother for Christ sake.” He growled, his arm curling around the girl to nestle the child’s head within his shoulder, her tiny hands balling up to slam pitifully against his chest.

He's angry...he's angry because they're angry...they are getting desperate...they are getting desperate because I know...I know he isn't real.

And she'd prove it.

Reyn launched herself across the bed, her teeth grinding as the ball of anger in her stomach only grew. If she could touch him the illusion would break. Her grimy nails flashed as she slashed out at him, ready for her hands to connect with only air, for his body to shimmer and the illusion all around her fade away. They'd lock her up without food for days for her outlash, but she didn't care. She just wanted this sick torture to end.

Eli’s angered eyes watched her, quickly taking on his look of shock as his shoulder shifted, protecting their daughter as Reyns nails dug into his shoulder, removing flesh and allowing thin streams of blood to trickle down his shoulder.

“Jesus Christ Reyn! If I didn’t move you would have gotten Nya!” He growled, his hand holding her tighter to him as her cries only continued to heighten, fear building within the beautiful little girl.

“Well it’s not my fault it went poof! You should go to the shirt police, they might know who stole it!” She grinned, tilting her head. “But if you don’t make cookies, think of how mad the babies will be!”

She flinched back, throwing herself away as the illusion not only bled.

That's...that's not...

Her eyes widened, practically popping out as she raked her own face with her nails, feeling the biting pain as tears streamed down. He can't be real. How can he be real?

She kicked away till she tumbled off the bed, continuing to move back, as far as she could from him until her back hit the corner of the room, her knees curling into herself. Her cheeks hurt where her nails bit in, her fingers still raking at her scalp in absolute shock. Reyn's mouth opened then shut, her voice unused for days now. he continued to stare at the blood trickling down in his shoulder in shock, her mind reeling. If he bled, did that make him real? And if he was real...

"WHERE WERE YOU?" she screamed.

Her voice was husky and broken, no trace of the siren's melodious tone left. Her whole body shook as she screamed at him, the first three words she had been waiting to say for a week now.

"Oh no!" he mocked, pressing a hand to his cheek, "Not the wrath of the babies!"

Chuckling he started measuring ingredients, shaking his head at her, "I best get on these cookies then, before I'm lectured by you three."

Eli pulled back, his back hitting the wall seconds before sliding down it, hitting the ground with a soft thud. Her reaction couldn’t of been any worse as reality sunk in. But then her words hit him, stopping his heart.

“Looking…” He breathed, his muscular body beginning to shake as he stared at her, the sensation of feeling useless sinking in. He had left her there for a week… While he had tried everything possible, he’d still failed her, sinking his heart farther down. He had failed her.

“I…” The words died off as even sorry couldn’t express the regret that hit every point of his body.

Lunar’s grin only brightened as her body moved from wiggling to bouncing excitedly.

“Fear them! For they control everything oh handsome daddy!” She giggled, sticking her tongue out at him as her hands moved to grasp the edge of the counter to contain her bouncing.

“Well it won’t be me lecturing you. It’ll be the children” She grinned. “You will learn to fear them if you haven’t already. But we really should ask those shirt police which little gremlin took my shirt.”

It had been the only three words she had wanted to say to him all week, every day waking up in that cell wondering why he hadn't come for her yet. She had been beaten senseless in the first two days for thinking he'd be there immediately. She had believed in him, trusted him to save her...and when he hadn't come she didn't have anything left to cling onto.

No hope.

Curling up into a ball, her body shuddered as the cold in her grew worse, shutting down once more as his silence stretched on.

Eli tried to find the right word, desperately looking within himself to explain that he had been looking. His hand moved to the ground, his body fumbling to stand as every muscle within him sank, useless. Much like him. Finally making it to his feet, Eli stumbled forward towards her, dropping onto his knees before her as his darkened face showed the distress he’d been through to find her. His breathing stopping for seconds before his body could register the need for air, having no point in life without the woman in front of him, and his daughter within his arms.

I failed you…” He breathed as his head dropped, yet the arm around his daughter still sturdy and unfailing as the rest of his body began to shake before her. It was odd, his whole life he’d never once cared for anyone or anything around him, yet the need of the woman before him over met even the things in his life he’d always seen as his daily needs.

As he moved around her he grabbed her balled up shirt and tossed it to her, grinning, "Nice try sweetheart. And no, I don't fear our children. I only fear you when I don't produce cookies fast enough."

He turned the oven on, preheating it, "Now are you going to mock and tease me, miss mommy, or are you going to help me make these cookies?"

Lunar’s lip pushed out, her eyes looking up at her mate largely.

“Well… That’s a thing to fear too.” She grinned, wiggling her head excitedly. “Cookies Cookies Cookies. Cookies Cookies Cookies. Doo Doo Doo! Cookies!” She sung, watching her mates hands move.

“Well… Mocking is always fun… But if I help, do I get to lick the bowl? And the spoon?” She grinned, her body movement stopping to lean forward excitedly.

She couldn't handle it; after every little thing she had endured through the week, he'd been the one anchor keeping her from death, keeping her from trying to end it all. As angry as she thought she felt she was towards him, it sunk away quicker than water as his presence got closer. His words dashed the last of the angry pit in her stomach, leaving an emptiness in her heart only he could feel.

Desperately her arm stretched out, reaching for him even as the rest of her body remained motionless.

"Of course baby," he pulled her into his arms, kissing her head as he led her to the island counter where he was mixing, "You can have whatever you want. You know that."

"But..." he whispered in her ear, "Helping me mix makes the cookies come faster."

Her hand touched his cheek, his head sinking into her hand as his body started to slump forward. He wanted to say more, but he couldn’t. His lungs were void of air, his mind struggling to gather words, yet the need for them began to fade as her touch cleared it all. Slowly, his hand reached up, gently pressing against the back of her hand as his fingers curled between them.

“My life…” He breathed, the air hitting his lungs like a bat to the gut.

His hands gripped her waist, her body bouncing into him as he pulled her up before allowing her to slowly drop down, bare feet gently touching down.

“Yay!” She squealed, her arms wrapping around her mates lower torso, pulling him into her as she kissed his chest before her hand slid up to pull his head down. Pressing her lips against his as his words sunk into her ears. Pulling him over to the mixing bowl before leaning into him.

His fingers intertwined with hers and her heart thumped, her body coming to life as she pushed towards him more, wanting her soul mate. Her body shook violently as her other hand touched his face, needing him.

Eli took a deep breath, his free hand sliding down her arm, down her side to grasp at her, pulling her body into his as his lips sought out hers.

“My soul.” He gasped as her lips crashed into hers. A small hand moved up to grasp at Reyn, her cries moving to soft sniffles as the small girl finally had her mother within arm’s reach. Eli’s hand slid down, grasping at her still, trying to pull her body in further while giving their daughter her needed space.

Her lips ate at his hungrily then stopped, her head forcing back as she looked down at the small hand on her arm. She couldn't help but shake, her eyes wide with terror and pain as that little hand reminded the siren of what she did. Falling back, her hand slapped over her mouth as she stared at them both.

I...I thought this was real. But she...she's dead. I wanted this to be real...oh my god no.

Life began to flow back to him, fulfilling him until her lips ripped away, distraught filling her eyes. Sighing softly, Eli’s hand reached out to grasp her hand ever so gently.

“This is real love.” He breathed, pulling her hand out towards Nya’s reaching hand. The childs hand grasped as hers, a soft coo leaving her mouth as Eli’s hand held Reyns up, allowing her to feel the touch of their living, breathing daughter.

“Searrinna didn’t harm her… She took her away love. Hid her to a place you would never be able to reach.” He breathed, his lightened green eyes staring at her hopefully.

Her vision swam, the image of her dead daughter still fresh in her mind. But as that little hand grasped hers, Nereyda's breath stopped. it possible?

She couldn't stop shaking as her hand moved from Elijah's cheek to Nya's, touching her pale, soft skin. She pulled at the bundle, opening the blankets as she stole the tiny girl, grasping her to her chest as silent sobs wracked her body. She fell back into the corner, curling around her daughter, overjoyed to feel her tiny heartbeat, to hear her soft cooing.

Eli’s hand slowly slid out, allowing her to take the bundle as recognition finally sunk down into her. His body moved, pulling her perfect body into his lap as his lips pressed into her dirt ridden hair.
His arms slid around her protectively, his body sinking into her while her form sunk around their daughter.

“My beautiful girls…” He breathed.
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