Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


She answered his demands, falling into pace with his hand pleasuring her, making her soft moans turn into all out loud groans that filled the forest.

"Jay," she cried as he moved to her other breast, her back instinctively arching towards him in need.

His stiffen member throbbed in her head, and Kayden enjoyed the pleasure she was giving him, soaking in it as she listened to his thoughts. As his teeth nipped harder his name cried out from her lips as her body exploded marvlously, her stroking pace never slowing as she shivered groaned from the orgasm.

'Again,' her thoughts growled as her free hand slipped into his hair, raking the messy brown curls.

Eli’s lips sunk deeper as he returned down to her, kissing down her neck, exploring her breasts within his mouth before sliding down her stomach. Eyes peaking up at her, his lips lowered down, pressing against her lower half before his tongue snaked out. Moving one hand down, Eli parted her legs with the utmost care. Now allowing him to slide within her while his thumb pressed against her, easing her as his body moved slowly.

A white hot metal rod appeared in her vision as a finger trailed down her trapped naked body, a harsh laugh echoing in her ears.

"Filthy, dirty whore."

The rod slammed up inside her, searing everything, agonizing her.

"Ahhhhh!" Reyn screamed in pain, her voice cracking at the pain, fighting the binds holding her.

Except they weren't binds, they were hands. She flung from them, kicking away until she hit the headboard, her throat raw from the force it took to scream, the pain fresh in her mind, even though she felt none in her body.

"Filthy, dirty whore," she spat, the word echoing in her mind as she turned her head away, pressing it into her shoulder as she shook violently, defeat overcoming her, every last memory returning to her in unwelcoming earnest.

That's what I am. That's what I am.

Jay bit down slightly more, twirling his tongue around her hardened nipple. Jays hand moved faster and harder within her, pressing further into her beautiful warm walls as her mind screamed for him.

Oh god… Faster…’ Jay groaned bucking his hips to her hand. While her hand moved faster, his mind raced to more, wishing to teach her further, yet unsure of the request.

Kayden couldn't bring herself to say the words, a blush already on her cheek's in her modesty. Instead she pushed his head downwards, her hips rolling as she ached for his tongue. Her hand stroked quickly and firmly, wanting to please him.

'Make it come again,' she begged, trying to get her wants across to him, 'Oh Jay...please...'

Eli’s body pulled back as Reyns body reacted negatively. His large eyes looked down in shock, his hands moving out to grasp hers in an attempt to get her to stop flailing.

“Reyn love, it’s just me.” Eli’s husky voice spoke out, her words suddenly hitting him.

“Who are you speaking of Reyn?” He asked, pulling her body up to his to cradle her shivering body. “My beautiful beautiful siren.”

Jay couldn’t help the soft chuckle that left his mouth, his head lowering down to her nether regions, kissing her supply pinkness with a sweet groan. His hand pumped faster as his lips pressed down, hungrily taking her in.

Her hips rose to meet his mouth, craving him. Kayden couldn't help the long growl as she shivered, her hand worked at his throbbing member, pumping it as his thoughts moaned to her. She was determined to finish him, to hear her voice cried into the trees as he did to her. Biting down on her lip hard, she stifled another cry as his expert touch melted her, sending shocks of blissful pleasure racking through her.

While Kaydens hips moved, his tongue slid down, slipping within her as his finger continued to slide within her juice’s, his tongue happily lapping them up. A shiver ran up his spine, her grip growing more intense while the need to teach her more grew within him. Pulling his arms back, Jay slid his arms around her hips, lifting her as he craved something else. Laying back, his head remained between her legs, his tongue sliding around within her as he repositioned her beautiful body over him. Jays hips bucked with her hands, her head now hovering over his quivering member.

Her fingers racked at her chest, blaming herself as she tried to tear the pain out. The memory faded, pushing her back to the present. I ruined it...I ruin everything...

The insult continued to ring in her ears. Even as she settled it remained, making her press her thighs tightly together as she stared down at her feet in shame. They had done this to her, had ruined her happiness. They had taken her daughter, beaten and tortured her until her confidence and spirit broke, and then...

Already disgusted in herself, Reyn couldn't sink any lower as she raised her left hand to his sight, showing the lack of jewelry on her nimble fingers. Her other hand moved to her sore chest, pressing against the skin her necklace used to lay on.

...then they took my future...

Eli’s hands grasped hers, reducing the damage she could do to herself until she calmed down. Raising his hand to her cheek, Eli pressed the soft flesh against her face.

“My beautiful, beautiful wife.” He breathed. Eli took in the pain that emanated from her eyes.

“Well… The rock wasn’t big enough.” He grinned, kissing her gently. “Next one will be bigger, and more stunning.”

Eli’s head lowered, trying to look her in the eye.

“And the moment will be even more beautiful Reyn.” He breathed, smiling at her in hopes to lighten her mood.

“The ring, the necklace, it’s replaceable. You aren’t. What matters is that you’re here, safe within my arms.”

She giggled as he flipped her, then grew confused as he repostioned himself, her eyes blinking as she cocked her head.

'What exactly do I do?' she asked, not trying to deny him, but wanting to understand how to do it properly. A thought swirled in his head, a made up image of her tongue and mouth caressing him like he was doing to her, making her ready to explode a second time.

'This better make you scream,' she laughed to herself, knowing he could hear her.

Tentatively she stuck her tongue out, her hand slowing down as she licked him from base to tip, testing his reaction.

Jay couldn’t help the soft laugh within his head, her confusion adorable. His tongue swirled within him, his mouth opening to groan into her as her tongue graced his stiffened shaft, a pleasurable shiver running through him.

Oh… Shit Kayden… Again…’ He breathed, his mouth moving back to her clit as he added another finger, sinking deeper into her lower regions, his pace quickening further within her.

Her hips bucked up as he inserted another finger, a breathless cry of pleasure escaping. Oh...god Jay...ooooh...

Her mind turned back to his pleasure even as her body was racked with a third orgasm, his name once more cried into the trees. Holding his member with her one hand she licked him again, enjoying his reaction all too much. He tasted earthy, his skin giving off a musky tone that filled her nose. She licked him again, wrapping her tongue around and up, shivering at his moans filling her head.

'Do you want more?' she asked enticingly, her hot breath blowing on his tip, teasing him.

"You aren't..."

She nestled into him, the horrid memory fading the longer he spoke. His words uplifted her heart a fraction, enwrapping her in a love that was still new. In her entire life she had never felt like this, and neither had he. Her hands grasped his shoulders as she pulled closer into him, wanting to feel that love. Her lips sought his out, her soul aching for him. Her legs remained locked, unwanting to relive that terror, but the rest of her body warmed at his touch, begging for him.

Her left hand pulled at his, placing it on her chest as she kissed him passionately, grasping at the warmth growing once more. This I can handle...this I want...

Jays hands moved faster within her, his fingers slightly curling within her beautiful walls. His mind reeled as her tongue licked his quivering member, his hips bucking within her hands, his need pulsing over his body.

Yes… Yes Kayden, a Million times yes.’ He begged, his mouth releasing another moan around her pink soft warmth.


Elis face buried into her hair, whispering sweet nothing’s to her as she nestled into his muscular body. Her hands applying pressure to his shoulders while she pulled herself up him, his head moving slightly to allow his lips to crash into hers. One hand slid up, resting within her hair as his lips pressed to hers, allowing him to breath as her love poured through her. His other hand she redirected, allowing him to roughly grasp her soft breast, his limb playing with it. A soft moan left his mouth, his hand within her hair moving down to her waist, pulling her up further as his body laid back to allow her to call the shots.

Reyn lay half on his chest, her hips off to the side as she kept her legs locked. Her lips left his mouth to kiss the beard, travelling down his throat then back up, nibbling at his bottom lip. Every sigh and caught breath he took made her heart beat that much faster, pumping heat through her veins. His one hand stayed curled in her hair, his fingers massaging her scalp as his other hand played with her breasts, the one area he could touch. Reyn felt slightly surprised at the amount of control he held, not pushing for anything more but her lips, his hands not straying an inch lower unless she guided him.

She was so used to him being rough in bed, always expecting it or begging for it. Their sex was explosive, delicious and mind-numbing. And yet, she couldn't remember the last time he pushed for sex and took it. Sure he had pushed for it, he had needs like hers, but the time's she had said no...he'd respected her.

Nereyda hadn't noticed the changes in him till now, hadn't realized how much he'd been caring for her in the last year. It was more than caring for the mother of his daughter, or respecting his vow to protect her. Eli had been going out of his way to treat her, to bring a smile to her face, without any expectation of reward or gratefulness. It hit her like a train, how true his love was, how selfless he'd become for her.

Looking now she could see the week of stress in his emerald pool's, the bags under his eyes from not sleeping. The lack of cigarette smoke on his skin, and the tiny growls of hunger from his own stomach. She sat up and just stared at him, working through her tidal wave of thoughts as her left hand massaged his chest, feeling the rough skin. He had been looking. Searrinna lied again. He...he was looking for me all this time.

A hint of a smile past her lips, the corners edging up, the first time in a week she had been able to feel anything but fear. Dropping her head to his chest, her breath came out in one enormous sigh, the last sliver of coldness leaving her body. Her body shook as she cried for the millionth time in the week, but her tears were not of pain or fear. They were of relief.

"Y..." she choked on the noise, her throat unused to speaking. When she spoke again her voice remained hoarse, no trace of the siren's beautiful tone.

"You came."

'Begging for me?' her thoughts laughed in her tinkling voice, amused that she had so much control, 'That's just music to my ears.'

Her lips brushed the tip, her tongue snaking out and licking him as she slowly suckled, still not inserting him in her mouth. She could feel the shivers through his body, and every moan he growled made her quiver as her own body was racked with pleasure. When Jay's thoughts sounded like they would burst from waiting she took him in all at once, surprising him. His long member hit the back of her throat and she pulled him out, unused to the feeling.

But his reaction...her whole body quivered in his pleasure, overwhelming hers as he had been building with need since she had first pressed him into the tree. Her teeth grazed his skin as she sucked him again, pulling him all into her mouth. He was long enough to hit the back of her throat, and Kayden was surprised at her lack of gag-reflex, easily able to take his impressive form in.

Finding her rhythm, her head bopped up and down slow at first then speeding up, 'How's this Jay?'

Xael pulled Luna between his stretched out legs, pressing her back to his chest. He was propped up against the headboard, surrounding them with the pile of pillows they both loved sleeping with. Wrapping his muscular arms around her waist, he kissed the back of her head then set his chin on her shoulder, watching Nya with her.

"She looks tired but unharmed," he murmured, "It seems Reyn is in worse condition. And did you see Eli? He looks...awful. I know you hate Eli, but I feel a shred of sympathy for him. The man never gave up looking, not till both his girl's were safe."

"I can't even fathom what I'd do if you went missing," he whispered, snuggling her as his hands massaged her rounded belly.

The wolf released another moan into her, her juice’s flowing into his mouth her body shaking with only more pleasure.

Faster… Fuuck Kayden Faster.’ Jay begged further, bucking his hips as her mouth took him in, pleasing every part of his body.

Less teeth… Oh shit… Perfect Kaden. ’ The wolf moaned internally, his head tilting back as his whole body quivered over her movements.


Elis hand moved to her other breast, playing with it carefully while his lips continued to press against hers until she pulled back. His eyes watching her as her mind reeled, making him curious to what was there. His hand against her breast stopped, unsure if he had crossed something until a shadow of a smile began to pull at her lips, softening his eyes.

“My beautiful woman.” He breathed, sliding his hand from her hair to rest gently on the bottom of her jawline, a smile pulling at his lips. Eli’s hands moved to her back and her hip, stroking the skin to help to try and soothe her tears.

“I did, You know I always will. Anything you want, anything you need, I’m here to do it.” He breathed.

Lunar’s fingers wiggled ever so softly, the girls hand gently moving with it as she laid half asleep with the couple. Her head swiveled to the side slightly to look at her partner.

“Very tired. But what matters is that Eli found them both. And you know Eli will help take care of her, she was worse for ware, but she’ll get better over time…” She breathed.

“I do… But I don’t hate how he treats them… He treats them like goddess’s.” Lunar’s soft musical voice replied. Lunar’s big golden eyes peered up at her mate, her lips pressing against his stubbled chin.

“Well luckily no one’s going missing anytime soon.” She spoke gently as she nuzzled him reassuringly.

"Better not be," he growled his eyes calm, "I'm not losing you. And he does treat them like goddess' doesn't he? At least he found something worth caring for."


She soaked in his words, nodding softly as she knew everything he said was his truth. Her body curled into him as he massaged her skin, relieved to be back in his arms. As he paused her head craned up, looking at him.

"K-keep...talking..." she asked in a soft whisper, just needing his voice to fill her ears as his arms held her close.

Kayden heard his request and was careful to keep her teeth off his senstive skin, smiling as he melted like putty in her hands. Her pace matched his, and soon there was a sheen of sweat on her forehead as exhaustion began to nag at her, along with yet another orgasm. She had already had three, and the night before one had put her to sleep. One more...her thoughts groaned to Jay, 'One more Jay...'

Her hand pumped with her mouth, guiding him in and out as she bobbed up and down. Her pace quickened more, needing to please him, wanting to give him release.

Lunar’s lips smiled gently at him.

“Good. I don’t want to be lost either.” She giggled. “I don’t know what I would do without you love.”

“He has, which is great. How he got so lucky is the question though.” She chuckled. “And his daughter is beautiful… But, I think if we have a daughter, she’ll be even more beautiful.”


Eli looked at her with a grin.

“Well I know I’m the luckiest man in existence.” He breathed. “And the next ring I’m going to get you, will make the last one look tiny.”

Jays hand picked up pace, his tongue continuing to twirl within her, enticed by her moans towards her next orgasm. The mans hips bucked faster, his mind reeling with pleasure as her pace quickened. Sliding his hand into her hair, Jay pressed her down further onto him, making his body quiver further.

Oh Kaayden…
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