Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


Reyn lifted the glass to her lips, taking a sip and grimacing, the sweet taste burning her throat. Returning to her water, she kept her gaze on him, wanting him to eat the whole bowl.


As Kayden's story ended the table fell into a comfortable silence, only Nya slapping the spoon on the table ringing through the room.

Xael waited until Eli and the rest of the table was done their meals before asking Kayden to clean up. As the girl jumped up Kai offered a hand and the two set about the table as Xael nodded to Eli to catch his attention.

"Your girl's seem to be looking much better. I know everyone is relieved to see them both back and safe."

Reyn's head turned, the corners of her lips upturning in a very tired smile, while Nya continued to play.

"We haven't been able to ask how things fared out, with Braxton running off with a sleeping Ashlin earlier today and Savannah disappearing the moment she had a chance. Did everything go smoothly?"

"It is," he smiled, tucking in to his third bowl, "Thank you Xael for dinner."

A everyone finished up, Kayden was asked to clean up and Kai jumped up, offering his help. The white wolf looked tired as it was, and cleaning up was easier with four hands. Plus it gave him a few minutes with her as they pulled all the dishes into the kitchen and he started cleaning them in the sink, her beautiful form sidling up to him to dry.

"Missed you around here," he grinned, "No one to bother when Ash and Brax are being all...coupley."

She laughed, "That's how I felt when it was just me, Luna and Xael. Or when it was the five of us. Find a helps."

Eli lifted his brow at the woman, nodding to her stew before taking another bite. With the lack of food he’d eaten in the week, it all seemed unneeded and unnecessary. Taking several more bites to stop her disapproving look, Eli pushed the plate away while the rest of the group finished up and started cleaning

When everyone cleared away, Eli nodded at Xael.

“You’re not the only ones.” Eli’s husky voice grunted, looking back to his beautiful girls. “Mainly. A couple hitch’s towards the end, but I found Reyn pretty quickly and got Nya’s location out of Searrinna eventually.” He nodded.


Sitting quietly, Jay listened to the group, wanting to know what happened, but unwilling to ask just yet. His ears twitched, half listening to the quiet conversation at the table while also keeping an ear on Kai’s response’s to Kaydens, ready to interrupt at a second’s notice.


Beginning to stand and hands extended, their dishes were promptly swept away, forcing the wolf to sink back into her chair, listening to Eli’s news. Listening, the wolf took in a deep breath towards the news. Needing to bite down the anger that cramped her stomach, her hands balling up and releasing in an attempt to work off the nerves that lit at the name of her own sister.

Kyli nodded at Kai, picking her dish up, she stepped into the kitchen, dish in one hand and the half empty pot of stew in the other arm. Placing her dish off to the side, Kyli scoured around the kitchen, in an attempt to find something to store the remaining stew.

Kayden turned as Kyli joined them, looking at the leftover stew.

"Do you want to take the pot over to the other house? You're brother and Ash might like some."

"Ash is still sleeping," Kai piped up, "I'll catch you up on everything Kayden, but Ash is deep asleep. Brax might be hungry though. Want to take it Kyli, or switch me jobs?"

Kyli chose stew delivery and packed it up quick then left, leaving Kai and Kayden to themselves again.

"So what happened?" she asked quietly, watching the door to the dining room, "Reyn looks roughed up."

Kai nodded, "About a day or two after you left she was kidnapped."


"Yeah, her and Nya. We've all been looking for them since. Ash finally got a lead and her, Eli, Brax and Savannah went on a rescue mission. Luckily it's over now, but from the sounds of it the kidnappers aren't, you know, alive anymore."

Kayden shrugged, "From the looks of Reyn, they probably deserved it. Thanks for catching me up Kai."

"Anytime," he grinned ear-to-ear, bumping her with his hip as the clean dishes piled in front of her, "Hurry up pretty lady, before I run out of space to put dishes."

Kayden giggled, "I'm trying Kai. You're too quick."

Nodding quietly, the banshee packaged up the rest of the food and moved out of the house, happy to take the food to her brother.


Turning his head, the man bit back a growl, hearing Kai’s voice in the next room, followed by Kayden’s giggles. Sitting back in his seat, Jay crossed his arms and curled his fingers in, remaining in his seat while the others spoke of recent events.

Xael nodded, "Well I'm glad they are both back Eli. And safe."

'You okay baby girl? You bristled at your sister's name. I've shown me everything she's done. I'm sure Eli dealt with her accordingly...meaning we hopefully won't have to deal with her for any time soon.'

Turning to Jay, he could see the confusion on his face and quickly filled him in, noting Reyn listening with earnest. The siren was probably interested to know what was going on while she was lost, and he was right as her eyes warmed and turned to Eli, taking his hand with her free one.

"It's been a rough week," Xael finished.

Stifling a yawn, Kayden set to work on the dishes but every movement felt sluggish and slow, her body aching for rest. Ignoring her heavy lids and sleepy thoughts, she fought through the exhaustion to dry dishes. At Kai's flirty words she couldn't help but giggle, giddy from sleepiness.

"Give me some help then," her eyes fluttered, tired.

His wet hands pulled out of the water, spraying her playfully in the face, as the shock woke her up more, "You look sleepy Kay. Want me to finish up?"

She shook her head as he reached for the towel, trying to steal it from her hands. His fingers wrapped in the cloth, his thumb rubbing the back of her palms and he smiled coyishly at her. A blush rose on her pale cheeks, releasing the towel immediately as her face turned from him.

"You can dry if you'd like to. I', put away dishes."

Finally being tuned in, Jay looked back at Reyn, his eyes examining her.

“If there’s anything I can do, let me know.” He nodded, wanting to be of help after such a horrid week for them.

“It sound’s like it has been. Kayden and myself had a cake week next to yours.” He breathed. “I have to ask though… What happened to Searrinna?” He breathed. As he asked, Jays head turned, hearing Kayden’s voice pipe up from the kitchen, forcing a soft growl from his lips as he pushed himself further down into the seat. The wolf’s thoughts began to become disgruntled, struggling with keeping himself down in his seat, even with needing to take in the news from the group.


“She’s dead.” He stated, his head turning at Reyns loving touch, his lips moving to press against her forehead gently. “No one does that to my family and walks away alive.”


Lunar looked at her mate, her hand still resting on top of his.

I’ll live… I can’t see why Eli wouldn’t-’ Lunar’s thoughts where cut off by Eli’s blunt statement, her shoulders dropping to stare at the Halfling in utter shock.

“She’s… She’s actually…” Lunar’s voice was quiet and shaken, her eyes wide as she swallowed the news, allowing relief to wash over her.

"Good," Xael stated, relieved, "One less problem for us."

His head turned as he heard Kayden giggling, his brow knitting knowing Luna was wrapped in her own world but would notice soon enough. And if Kai wanted to keep his hands, he better not enrage the Alpha with his flirting. Xael had noticed before Kayden and Jay had left how comfortable Kai and Kay were growing with each other, and he both wanted to butt out of her business and protect her.

"Jay," his voice was low, nodding toward's the door as the kitchen grew quiet again, "Want to see if they need a hand in the kitchen? I think we are about done here."


As Xael spoke to Jay and the truth settled, Reyn's shoulder sagged, both in relief to here her tormentor was dead, and in exhaustion, her body still not up to full capacity. Standing on shaking legs, she watched Eli jump to his feet, taking her movement as a sign of wanting to leave.

"Kay," his voice was soft, making her turn back to look at him, "If I made you uncomfortable I'm sorry. I just-"

"No," she shook her head, "I'm just tired. And unused to attention."

Kai laughed, "Someone as beautiful as you unused to getting attention? I find that hard to believe."

He moved to drying more dishes and she scooped a few plates and put them away, trying to hide the flush in her cheeks. It wasn't that she hadn't gotten the attention in the last six months. Sure she'd noticed the same kind of pretty words and hand contact as Kai was using, but she hadn't notice any of it, not until recently as she started looking back. the white wolf hadn't ever really thought about romance, or anything in that department till recently. Now, looking back, she started seeing the many signs, amused at how naive she had been for months.

"Maybe I've just never been interested in it," she replied, reflecting her thoughts.

"Well if your noticing it now, means I'm interesting," Kai concluded, giving her a dazzling grin as she stepped up beside him to steal another dish, "You know you look cute when your blushing? It's kind of adorable."

Kayden mouth opened to retort as the dining room door swung open.

With Xael’s confirmation, Jay stood and quickly dismissed himself. Stepping through the kitchen doors, Jayson’s darkened golden pools glared Kai down.

“You’re not as interesting as you think you are. You can stop talking to her and leave now.” The wolf stated, biting his tongue to stop the annoyed growl that felt the need to escape his lips. Looking over at Kayden, his eyes easing up before walking over to help with the last of the dish’s.


Standing with her, Eli nodded back at Xael.

“Thank you for dinner. Really appreciate it.” Eli’s dark and husky voice stated. With that, the Halfling wrapped his arm around Reyns waist before escorting his girls back to their room, happy to whisk them up within his arms.

"We were just chatting," Kai defended himself, hands raised up, "You guys are more protective of her than I thought."

"It's okay Kai," Kayden piped up, trying to diffuse the situation, "It's a pack thing-"

"No it isn't," he retorted, his voice still calm, "They mother you Kayden. I don't see any of you cutting Jay off from interacting with people, or Luna, or Xael. Just you."

"It's complicated," Kayden sighed, putting the plate in her hand down, "Don't take it personally."

He nodded, and she could see that while he hated being blocked off as usual, he understood arguing wouldn't help matters. Handing over the cloth to Jay, he moved back past Kayden. Suddenly he turned his head and dropped a kiss on her cheek, winking as he bolted out of the room before Jay could chase after him.

"Bye Kay!"

Reyn flopped onto the bed as sleep won out, curling around her daughter who remained playful. Turning on her back, she held Nya up to Eli, the mother's eyes fluttering shut. Her father could deal with her excitement, while Reyn passed out, finally able to sleep without worry.

Jay’s glare only darkened towards the shifter. A growl leaving his mouth while the left side of his lips began to part, exposing a sharpened canine.

“We have our reasons. If you would like to argue that, you can so while my canines wrap around your throat.” He snapped, his shoulders squaring out and his frame standing tall to easily lean over the mans meek height.

Reaching out, the wolf narrowly missed the shifter, a growl ripping from his throat. Calming himself, Jay took several deep breaths before looking back at Kayden in which allowed his temper to drop.


Kayden watched Kai leave, her mouth slightly open in shock at his braveness, her cheek's flushed hot. Her eyes only turned as Jay's attention turned to her. With them being in such close proximity to the Alpha's she couldn't say anything openly. Quickly she tossed the rest of the dishes away in the cupboard, blowing past him as she directed her thoughts only to him.

'Is that jealously I just saw? You just went slightly overboard, threatening his life over a bit of harmless flirting. And I never said I found him interesting, per say, just that I never noticed advances until, well now.

Quickly turning a corner around the island, her tired brain forgot the water that had dropped on the floor during dishes, and she felt both her legs go out, slipping backwards.

Jay lifted a brow, reaching forward to close the small space between them as his fingers brushed along her jawline.

“You’re blushing.” He stated with an unimpressed voice. Finishing drying the rest of the dishs, Jay turned, Kayden’s body language uninterested in him.

Jealous? Over that brat..? Pfft Yeah right. But he’s not aloud to touch you.’ The wolf growled internally, stepping to the side with his arms stretched out, quickly catching Kayden’s falling form.

“You should pay attention to where you’re walking Kayden.” He told her quietly, still holding her body within his arms with a smile.

With supper finished and everyone splitting up, Xael proposed a late night walk, letting both of them digest some of the food, and Luna sort through her thoughts. They had both been tucked up inside the house for three days now, and he knew not being able to run or hunt would eventually weigh heavily on her. Stretching their legs might help stave off the cravings to Change a little longer.

Scooping her up, he led her outside their back door, throwing a passing thought to Jay that they'd be back in an hour or so. He could hear Jay handling the situation with Kayden and Kai and felt it best to avoid the kitchen, knowing adding Luna to the mix would only anger and stress her.

"The moon's bright tonight," he grinned, pulling her into the trees as his arm wrapped around her waist, "C'mon baby."

"He's not a brat," she spoke out loud as she heard the back door shut and the house fall silent, "And you seem offly offensive for someone not jealou-"

She slipped, and his arms caught her halfway down, playfully telling her to watch her step. Kayden's eyes rolled widely, her breath blowing out.

"Now your playing?" she asked, "Five seconds ago you were growling at me for hitting on Kai."

Her blush only grew hotter though at his close proximity, seeing the annoyance cross his face as her eyes rolled.

Lunar’s orbs looked up at her mate, being pulled from thought while he suggested a walk. Nodding, the wolf’s body stood up, her belly beginning to weigh her down. Without even as much as a step, her body lifted up while Xael quickly moved her out of the house and into the beautiful open air.

“And beautiful.” Lunar’s up beat tone replied, her feet hitting the ground gently while her mate gave her the ability to walk. Leaning into his statuesque body, Lunar relaxed and her mind eased with her mate.

“Yes. Yes he is.” Jay stated rather calmly. “I’m not offensive. But he shouldn’t even be looking at you.”

Jay’s lips lifted up in a mischievous grin, leaning forward till his lips hovered over hers.

“I wasn’t growling at you. I was growling at the man hitting on you.” Jay shrugged. “You know how much hotter you become when you’re blushing?” He added.

Her cheeks blazed hotter at his compliment, trying to lighten the mood with a joke, "Can you blame him for hitting on me? I seem to be pretty irresistible today."

Jay couldn’t help the soft laugh that left his mouth.

“Yes Yes I can blame him. Just because you’re irresistible doesn’t mean he can hit on you.” Jay replied, his eyebrows pinching together. “It’s not a joke though Kayden. You are hot.”

Her eyes rolled at his words again, her hands gently pushing them up so she could stand and finish the last of the dishes, "Sure, maybe I'm pretty...but irresistible and hot? Far from it."

Placing the last cup in the cupboard she turned to look at him, "Luna got all the looks Jay. I got wolf ears and a mentality complex that makes most people's heads spin."

Jay moved back as Kayden finished up, continuing to speak lowly of herself. Upon finishing the kitchen, Jay’s hands reached out, twirling the girl around before plopping her down on the counter before him, his arms wrapping her legs around his hips. Pulling her in by the lower torso with one hand, Jay grasped her jaw and kissed her deeply before pulling back, his lips only moving back the a fraction of a centimeter.

“You’re not hot.” He growled softly. “You’re smoking alright? You might not see it. But I, as a male species, see it. Kai see’s it. Eli see’s it. Xael does, and even Braxton does. Just because you don’t think you are, doesn’t mean so. Trust me on this.”

With that, Jays forehead leaned forward, resting against hers.

“You’re ears are adorable, and I don’t see any complex’s. I see an amazing woman who’s really grown into herself and has not only the strength like no other, but a personality.”
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