Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


Eli’s hand moved to her sides, pulling her up in the air as he smiled lovingly at her.

“No, No one’s scared here. Our little Pandora box doesn’t get scared.” He grinned, his face easing as the child’s face brightened, a stream of giggle’s leaving her perfect little mouth.



Eli’s hand moved to her sides, pulling her up in the air as he smiled lovingly at her.

“No, No one’s scared here. Our little Pandora box doesn’t get scared.” He grinned, his face easing as the child’s face brightened, a stream of giggle’s leaving her perfect little mouth.


Eli’s hand moved to her sides, pulling her up in the air as he smiled lovingly at her.

“No, No one’s scared here. Our little Pandora box doesn’t get scared.” He grinned, his face easing as the child’s face brightened, a stream of giggle’s leaving her perfect little mouth.

Fucking Penis

Jay looked up, his golden pools looking at her glowing beauty.

“It’s nothing dinner worthy. Congratulations Reyn.” He spoke gently, gawking at Eli as the Halfling played with the small creature.
"Dig in everyone," Ash interrupted, her stomach growling as she started to fill her plate.

As food got passed around, everyone happily tucked in to dinner, most of the table astounded by the demon's carefree grin as he focused solely on his daughter, playing with her to keep her happy.


Xael finally found his voice, having been shocked to see the child, then more confused as Elijah showed a side he had never thought he would see. Normally he'd have questioned it, but seeing Ashlin relaxed around the halfling, talking to him and looking was enough for Xael. If Ash could trust him, Xael could at least give him the benefit of the doubt.

"Congratulations again on your beautiful daughter," he finally spoke up, turning to Reyn who was on his right, "How old is she?"

"Just over three months," she smiled, beaming ear to ear, "She's perfect, isn't she?"

Braxton smiled at the two, loading his plate up.

“She is.” He agreed, looking over at Ashlin with a smile.

“Should I be worried? You’re sneaking off to play with a child, we’re just sticking to the dog for now right?” He laughed, lightening the mood of the table as others began to load their plates. Braxton watched Jay quietly load his plate, keeping to himself as everyone focused on the new arrival and the food.

"I'm happy with our family of three," Ash smiled, kissing Braxton, "But I have certain responsibilities as Nya's godmother..."

Braxton gave her a look and she giggled, "Yeah Reyn and Eli asked me to be her godmother. And as such, I get to spoil her like crazy."


As the conversation continued to flow at the other end of the table, Xael leaned over to Jay, "You okay brother? You got real quiet suddenly. Don't let Eli get under your skin, if that is what's bothering you."

Braxton breathed a sigh of relief.

“Good… I’m not ready.” He laughed, smiling as she spoke on about spoiling the little child.

“Spoiling is always the fun part. Just means as you spoil her more, I need to spoil you more.” He winked, kissing her again.


Jays golden pools looked up at Xael, his words breaking his train of thought.

Dude… If I’m right here… She got pregnant when I was around still…’ He thought, his facing paling at the thought.

'Shit...' Xael's eyes turned to Reyn and Eli then back to his food, pretending they weren't chatting, 'You need to talk to Reyn then. You're right though. If she's over three months old...that explains why her and Eli left so suddenly that one night. Remember, Ash said something came up and they decided to leave without the group. Why didn't she say anything to you before she left that night though?'

Jay stared at his food, completely uninterested in it as he thought about it more.

She would have left with him because I walked away. Dude I’m not picking that topic up with her. I can barely run, let alone actually fight at the moment. I’m cool with waiting for her to say if it’s mine.’ The wolf thought, staring down at his food. ‘That would have been why she wouldn’t of said anything though… The kid has blonde hair though…’ He thought, trying to calm his inner quarrels.

'As does her mother, so that says nothing. I really think you should talk with her. I'm sure if you ask her directly, she'll talk to you alone without Elijah. Don't look up now, but she is watching you Jay.'


Was it that hard to see her happy?

He wasn't eating, wasn't even lifting his head to join the conversation or look around. He just pulled away, refusing to give her the light of day. Suddenly she didn't much like eating, her stomach in knots so close to her past flame.

"Can I have her?" Reyn asked softly, stealing the sleepy-eyed child from her partner as she kissed him and whispered, "I'm just going to step away for a second. I won't leave the house, I just want to stretch."

Excusing herself, Reyn wandered out of the room and then upstairs, finding an open door leading into a small spare room with a soft bed. Sitting on the edge, Nereyda rocked her daughter in her arms, watching the tiny being as she fell asleep.

The wolf looked up, startled as Xael pulled him from his panic. His eyes caught Reyn as she swept herself up, quickly leaving the group. As she moved, Eli did, following both of them protectively.

Yeah right. No way he’s going to leave those two.’ The wolf stated, looking back down at his dish. A thought appeared, Jay looking up at Ashlin.

“Ash? Can we speak?” Jayson’s deep voice was soft, yet still loud enough for the girl to catch his words.

"Sure..." Ash cocked her head, putting her napkin down and standing, "Be right back my love."

Kissing Braxton's hair, she moved away from the table, calling Zeus to come outside as she lead Jay into their back yard.

"What's up?" she asked, watching her pup prance around in the setting light.

As Nya fell asleep the tears began, the heart ache she had thought was long over rushing back as if she had only been staving it off for the past year. Quietly she cried, holding her darling child to her body as she slept.

Why does it still hurt?

Jayson stood with her, seeing Braxton nod as they set off into the backyard. As they stood in the dying light, he looked up at Ashlin.

“I need to ask… Because there’s no way I’m asking with Eli around… That kid, it’s not mine is it?” He choked out, biting his lip as he finally spat it out.

While Reyn slinked into a guest room, the Halfling slid in, noticing her mood. While a large part of him wanted to turn and rip the wolf into shreds, he simply gathered Reyn up and sat her in his lap, rocking her without a word as he tried to help sooth her.

Ash's mouth opened then shut, her eyes dodging his.

"Jay..." she finally sighed, feeling bad as the words tumbled out, "That's not my place to say. I...I honestly don't know. You'll need to talk to Reyn."

She continued before she could second guess her words, "I know what happened between you two. So does Elijah. You broke her heart. And the man you said would leave her, would grow tired of her...he's been at her side for a year now, day in and out making sure she got the best of everything. Whether that's his daughter or not, he actually cares for both of them. He's proved you wrong."

"If you think she's yours, and you want to be involved, talk to Reyn. If not, I'd suggest leaving it be. That little girl has a mother and father who already love her endlessly."

The wolf’s mouth opened and closed, nodding as he listened to Ashlin’s words. Shock filled him knowing the Halfling had a decent bone in his body, something Jay never thought he would ever find.

“Sorry to bother you about it Ashlin, it took me off guard.” He sputtered, watching Zeus bouncing around their backyard.

She curled into him, their daughter wrapped in her arms as she cried into his chest.

"He threw me away," she sobbed, feeling the ache in her heart only get worse, "He tossed me aside like trash."

The sting from that night long ago still felt fresh and she clung to her halfling and daughter, the two beings that mattered most to her.

“He’s not worth you’re tears love.” He cooed, his thumb moving up to wipe away her tears. His arms flexed around her, his lips pressing against her hair as he offered her his undying support.

“You gained a beautiful little Pandora box, and he lost the most amazing woman in my life time.” He whispered, still rocking her back and fourth.

"It's a fair question," Ash replied, giving him a sad smile, "In all honesty Elijah questioned it being his too at the start, and even I was unsure. But this is something between the three of you and little little girl, not me."

With a smile she tried to lighten the mood, clasping his shoulder as she turned back for the door, "I got a wedding to run, remember?"

Walking back inside, she made her way back to dinner, her stomach still half empty.

Jay nodded, looking at her appreciatively.

“Thanks Ashlin.” He mumbled as she reminded him of her wedding. Sitting down on the edge of the porch, Jay sat quietly, stewing within his thoughts.

His words soothed the pain, his love reminding her of every happy moment since Jay had left her. Slowly the tears dried, her body curled in his arms as Nya slept soundly in hers.

"He tried to make me think you would hurt me," she breathed, her chest rising and falling heavily, "That you'd throw me away when you grew bored. And then he did just that."

Her body shuddered with one last sigh, Elijah's comforting embrace the one thing that could calm her at any time.

"Thank you," she whispered, kissing his chest as she nuzzled him, "You always know what to do."

Eli breathed in her perfect scent, continuing to rock her gently. He was glad to see she was calming down with his efforts.

“Well he’s a fucking idiot.” He breathed. “You should know out of everyone, that you’re stuck with me.”

“I know what to do though because I took the time to do that. I will always take the time for you Reyn.” He told her, kissing her hair again. “He didn’t. He didn’t do anything for you. He’s nothing. What matters, is you Reyn, and Nya.”

Wiping the last tears from her tanned skin, Reyn let out a shaky breath.

"I love you," she kissed him softly, "More than life itself."

The Halfling smiled down at her, kissing her sweetly.

“And you are the meaning to my life.” He spoke. “I love you my perfect little Siren.”

His body pressed against Ashlin’s, her body leaning into his chest as she sat between his legs, and arms resting against his upward angled knees, the fire before them flickering within the dark light. By now Nya had been laid down, the newly parent’s resting near the door while Xael and Jay both sat on the opposite side of Reyn and Eli, everyone chit chatting softly while the fire before them flickered, keeping them warm within the chilly night air.

“Starting to get late… We should be going to bed love.” He whispered into her ear, nipping at her ear playfully.
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