Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


“She’s in pain.” He growled, lifting a brow towards the man. “She been eating and exercising like she needs to be?”

The wolf listened to Xael as he moved to start cleaning. Standing, the man shoved several pieces of bacon in his mouth, picking up various pieces of trash while bringing Xael dirty dish’s before slipping off into other rooms to start working on them in an attempt to help. Jay wandered back into the kitchen, throwing several items into the trash.

“There been any other signs indicating this?” He asked, his head tilting.


Braxton’s head popped out of the kitchen, a giant grin pulling at his lips as he quickly pulled back into the kitchen.

“I’m in the kitchen babe!” He called, the sound of moving plates echoed throughout the house.


“She’s in pain.” He growled, lifting a brow towards the man. “She been eating and exercising like she needs to be?”

The wolf listened to Xael as he moved to start cleaning. Standing, the man shoved several pieces of bacon in his mouth, picking up various pieces of trash while bringing Xael dirty dish’s before slipping off into other rooms to start working on them in an attempt to help. Jay wandered back into the kitchen, throwing several items into the trash.

“There been any other signs indicating this?” He asked, his head tilting.



Braxton’s head popped out of the kitchen, a giant grin pulling at his lips as he quickly pulled back into the kitchen.

“I’m in the kitchen babe!” He called, the sound of moving plates echoed throughout the house.


“She’s in pain.” He growled, lifting a brow towards the man. “She been eating and exercising like she needs to be?”

The wolf listened to Xael as he moved to start cleaning. Standing, the man shoved several pieces of bacon in his mouth, picking up various pieces of trash while bringing Xael dirty dish’s before slipping off into other rooms to start working on them in an attempt to help. Jay wandered back into the kitchen, throwing several items into the trash.

“There been any other signs indicating this?” He asked, his head tilting.



Braxton’s head popped out of the kitchen, a giant grin pulling at his lips as he quickly pulled back into the kitchen.

“I’m in the kitchen babe!” He called, the sound of moving plates echoed throughout the house.

“She’s in pain.” He growled, lifting a brow towards the man. “She been eating and exercising like she needs to be?”

The wolf listened to Xael as he moved to start cleaning. Standing, the man shoved several pieces of bacon in his mouth, picking up various pieces of trash while bringing Xael dirty dish’s before slipping off into other rooms to start working on them in an attempt to help. Jay wandered back into the kitchen, throwing several items into the trash.

“There been any other signs indicating this?” He asked, his head tilting.



Braxton’s head popped out of the kitchen, a giant grin pulling at his lips as he quickly pulled back into the kitchen.

“I’m in the kitchen babe!” He called, the sound of moving plates echoed throughout the house.

Ash made her way to the kitchen, smiling as she wove her arms around her handsome man's waist.

"Missed you today," she purred, kissing his back, "Has everyone arrived yet?"

Eli had slowed to a walk now, having felt Reyn shift several times. He’d made good time, having run the whole way.

“You doubted me.” He grinned, continuing to walk up towards the house Reyn pointed to.

“She did fine, she slept the whole way. But you should feed her once we get there.” He stated, slowly walking up to the front door. Crouching down, Eli let Reyn step off his back as he held his daughter protectively. Simply opening the door, Eli held it open for Reyn as his head nodded to direct her inside.

Braxton couldn’t contain his smile as he moved the large glass container, placing it down and removing the lid to expose a beautifully cooked roast with cooked vegetables. While off to the side, Braxton had begun preparing to make the gravy, mashed potatoes, and had prepared other various items all resting beautifully out on plates, ready to lay out on the table.

“I missed you today too love.” He grinned as he removed his gloves and slid around to kiss his soon-to-be wife.

“I figured you would be hungry.” He stated.

She slipped past her partner and daughter, walking through the open door into the beautiful home inside. There were soft murmurings from the kitchen, telling her someone was home as Eli followed her in, letting the door shut none too quietly.

"Hey!" Reyn called out, raising an eyebrow at Elijah less than secret entrance.

Ashlin's head shot around the corner of the hall, grinning widely as she spotted the two of them.

"Brax! Two more plates my love!" she called back, bouncing down the hall and grinning ear-to-ear as she folded Reyn into a hug, "How was the trip you guys?"

Jay had not been happy to find out Luna wasn't Changing as often as she should. Although to Xael's defense, he hadn't noticed because it hadn't come to mind.

"I'm not watching her every second of the day," Xael retorted to Jay's harassing questions, "She's her own person. She makes her own choices. Ask your sister tonight when she feels better."

But Jay and Xael never had time to ask any other questions. Savannah and Damion arrived soon after, to Kayden's excitement and Jay switched out with Kayden to take care of the sick Alpha. While Savannah, Damion and Kayden caught up, Xael slipped out and spent a couple hours with Braxton, checking in on the groom. He only returned when he felt his connection tug, his mate waking. Slipping back into his house, Xael kicked Jay out of the bedroom and curled up around his mate, letting her wake slowly.

Eli looked back at her, lifting a brow as well. Looking down into his arms, Nya stirred, her beautiful eyes beaming up at him as he readjusted her in his arms, grinning down at the small creature.

“Was pretty good, we made a couple stops but otherwise it was pretty quick.” He stated moving into the house more as plates clinked in the background.

"Is it just Braxton?" Reyn asked, stepping closer to Eli as their daughter stirred, her unique turquoise eyes opening wide and a grin spreading on her perfect tiny lips as she saw her daddy.

Tiny arms stretched out as Nya yawned, little fingers reaching for Eli's face as Ash spoke, "Let me go check."

The sorceress danced away, and they could hear her in the kitchen, questioning if it was just them or if the other household was joining.

As she began to lift within the water, she could slowly feel the pain sinking in. As she had hovered within the darkness, she had felt light and warm, nothing but warmth within her world. But as she began to slowly wake, something hit her stomach forcing her body up and her limbs to heavily sink down next to her. Feeling flesh, the girl ignored her inner cringe as she propelled herself off the bed and across the room. Slamming the bathroom door, the girl turned the tap on as he head hung over the toilet. While she had been used to this for several painful weeks, she always had been able to push it back and slowly sink off into the bathroom unnoticed, and when there had been a question she had made it off to an iffy bladder because of what ever new food she’d eaten. Lunar’s head hung over the percaline god, her fingers digging into the sides as a mixture of blood and stomach acid hit the water.

As the vomiting stopped, her stomach cramped, the pain dulling with filling the toilet. Resting her head against the side of the toilet, the wolf listened to everything around her, unwilling to move.

Sorry love… Didn’t mean to hit you.’ She apologized.

Braxton looked up at Ashlin as she danced into the room.

“I made food for everyone in case they did join.. I wasn’t too sure though.” He replied, moving the food out on the table as he looked at Ashlin.

“Are they?” He asked curiously.


His lips gently nibbled on her fingers, her beautiful little laugh filling the air as Nya’s joy filled his heart.

“No one’s touching her.” He growled protectively, still smiling down at their beautiful little girl as her perfect little hands tugged on the stubble of his beard.

"Uh Luna?" Kayden's voice was small, her eyes wide as she stood in the doorway, holding a wet cloth in one hand and a thermometer in the other.

Behind her Xael slept soundly in the bed, curled up on one side untouched. Kayden's arm was bleeding freely however, small scratch marks in the flesh above her wrist.

"He passed out...I just came to check on you...I didn't mean to...I'm sorry I..." she floundered, stuck on her words as her eyes glued themselves to the floor at her feet.

Both golden pools looked up, her arms pushing her up feebly.

“Oh shit… Sorry Kayden.” She squeaked, slowly making her way over to her sister. Picking up her sisters wrist gently, the wolf leaned over to lick it, sealing the wound and allowing it to heal faster.

“No no Kayden. Please don’t apologize.” She moaned, her hand slipping under her sisters chin to make her look up.

“I was only just waking up and I needed to dash to the bathroom, I wasn’t paying attention. I’m sorry sweetheart.” Lunar’s voice sounded softer than normal, obviously still half asleep.

“I’m sorry you had to see that...” Her eyes looked down at Kayden’s wrist as something else sank in. “Please… Please don’t tell Xael.”

"I know my love," Reyn sighed, finding a seat on one of the soft couch's in the living area, "The only one I trust to hold her beside's you is Ashlin anyways."

She watched Nya play with her father, her tiny laugh pulling at Reyn's heart, "Our little pandora box."

She waited patiently as Eli played with their daughter, until the baby's mood swung like it often did without warning, her giggles turning into bubbling cries as hunger took her.

"My turn," Reyn smiled, taking Nya into her arms to breastfeed her, "Elijah. Please don't let anyone in here until we're done."


"I'll run across and offer," Ash kissed her fiance on the cheek, "I'd love for us all to have a meal together. And yes, Elijah and Reyn are here, but they'll stay out of your way."

She swung out of the kitchen, nodding at Elijah as he guarded Reyn and strolled out the front door, jogging over to the other house. Jay surprisingly answered and she offered dinner to whomever wanted it.

"Hey Ash," Savannah bounced up from her seat, strolling over to hug her, "Congratulations on getting engaged! Me an Damion are definitely in for some dinner. Maybe Jay can go upstairs and collect the others if everyone is feeling alright?"

Her eyes swung to look at Xael then back at Luna, "Why don't you want him to know your pregnant?"

Luna's golden's eyes grew wider and Kayden took a step back, "I'm sorry Luna, I overstepped again."

Putting the cloth and thermometer down on the nightstand she took continued to back away from Luna, having never seen that kind of look from her Alpha before, "I just...I could hear all your thoughts in the bathroom, and I...I've been there, so I thought...oh I should have held my tongue. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pry."

Eli handed over his beautiful little girl to Reyn, happy to oblige as she cried out for food. Nodding at her request, Eli stood at the door of the room, his hands folded in front of him as he patiently stood before his woman, his eyes out and his body ready.

“Not a soul.” He responded, nodding at Ashlin as she passed.


Jay looked up at Ashlin and Savannah, happy at the thought of food.

“Actually… Luna isn’t feeling well… Why don’t you go up and check on her anyways Ashlin?” He asked, hoping she’d be able to simple call out a spell so the alpha could be more sociable with the rest of the group.

Lunar’s world stopped as Kayden spoke that word. Her head shook as she sank down to her knees.

“I’m not… I’m just sick…” She muttered, her hands flying up to her face. Nausea bit into her stomach, ut the wolf pushed it back.

“Oh god I’m not…” She breathed, panic starting to sink into her words.

Ash nodded, slipping past them as she asked them to wait for her, and climbing the stairs. She knew this house as well as her own, visiting almost daily. Strolling to the master bedroom door she knocked softly, waiting to be invited in.

The wolf could hear the soft rapping on the door, her hands still covering her face as she sat quietly, trying desperately not to freak out. That word. She couldn’t have been this careless… Her breathing started to become louder, her body slowly leaning forward as she curled into herself.

“Please don’t tell me that is what this is…” She breathed quietly.

"I can't no no I don't want this."

Her stomach contents spilt from her mouth, landing in the toilet for the third time that day. It was only nausea right? Nausea that had last two weeks now, making her vomit almost every morning, and after most meals.

"Please don't be pregnant," she begged herself, curling up beside the toilet and rocking, tears streaming down her face, "Please no."

Kayden gritted her teeth, taking the few steps forward and dropping down beside her sister. Gently she put either hand on the side of Luna's face, cupping her cheeks and lifting so Luna had to look at her.

In both a gentle but set tone she spoke, "You saw that memory didn't you? I've been here sis. I know how it feels. It's scary, and you feel sick. But you should be excited."

She turned Luna's head towards the bed, "Because out of both of us, at least you got him."

A soft knock on the door surprised Kayden and she turned her eyes to Luna, leaving the decision to answer it up to the Alpha.

The memory flashed across her mind, making her crawl deeper into herself. This wasn’t her… She wasn’t the mothering type. She couldn’t be. Slowly, Lunar’s eyes hesitantly looked up at Kayden.

“I… I can’t do this type of thing Kayden…” Her voice was meek, unsure and terrified. While she knew she was lucky enough to have Xael, the idea was still terrifying. And nauseating.

“Come in.” Lunar breathed, sitting up to try and look more proper, like her world wasn’t crashing down.

Ash stepped in quietly, noticing Xael sleeping and making sure the door closed softly. Then she got a good look at Luna and her heart broke, the poor girl looking like she was falling to pieces. While she wasn't as close to Luna as she was Reyn, the woman was still a friend, one who Ash hated to see hurting.

"Luna," she breathed, coming to her side and wrapping a tender arm around the wolf's shoulders as she knelt besides her, "What's going on? Jay said you weren't feeling well."


'Listen to me. Just tell her you have a stomach ache that won't go away. You ate something bad yesterday, and you think it's food poisoning.' Kayden coached her sister silently, nodding at her to listen, 'Just trust me.'

Lunar opened her mouth and closed it, trying to keep in a sob that threatened to air.

I… I…’ Her thoughts where everywhere.

“I must of eaten something off.” She choked out, not sounding very convincing as her voice wavered. “I think it’s food poisoning.”

"She just woke up and puked," Kayden went on, stepping in and lying with perfect ease, "She's still disoriented. I think she's worried about upsetting Xael, but she isn't feeling well. It's just her stomach though."

'I'll do the talking. Trust me sis.'

Ashlin nodded, rubbing Luna's shoulder, "I can fix that. Here."

She spoke a simply healing spell, casting her energy at Luna's stomach. As she finished the incantation she spoke again, "I can't get rid of whatever is in your stomach, but I made it so you can't feel the nausea. Whatever you ate that made your stomach upset will eventually flush out, but you should be able to eat and drink something now without worrying about puking it later."

She wanted to curl into herself, in a corner, far away from even herself. While Ashlin eased the nausea, she didn’t ease the pain within her body and head.

The red head nodded gently, her eyes looking down as tears threatened to stroke her cheeks.

We can’t stay in here… I… I don’t want Xael to worry about me… N-Not like this.’ She thought, her body leaning forward slightly as her eyes drifted down to the floor.

“T-Thank you A-A-Ashlin.” She whispered.
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