Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


Jay made a chuffing noise, sticking his tongue out in disgust as the girl spoke of his sister making a routine.

Oh god I so don’t need to know that… At least they’re happy and he’s treating her right.’ He nodded, listening as she continued.

Sound’s like you’ve gotten pretty good little one. The wolf’s chest puffed out as pride swelled through his thoughts. The wolf nuzzled her, hearing her question but shrugging it off.

Turning down a contract? Smart girl. Our Alpha wouldn’t enjoy you missing.’ He chuckled softly.

Tossing his favorite pair of lingerie at her while she giggled and wiggled on the bed, her pulled on a pair of jeans and a black tee, then tossed over a pair of denim shorts a a loose silk green blouse that he loved on her.

"I'll be downstairs cooking breakfast for the four of us," he smiled, seeing her contagious grin beneath the pillows, "I can hear Jay and Luna heading back now, although they are still a ways away, so I can get started on bacon."

"Come downstairs when your ready my mate," he called back as his bare feet made their way down the wooden stair case and into their modernized yet rustic kitchen, getting a head start on breakfast."

'Alphas,' Kayden corrected, bouncing past him and then circling back, 'I answer to Xael too. You really have been gone quite some time.

No complimenting me to avoid the question. Why won't you tell me why you are limping? Did something attack you?

The creature’s arms naturally wound around them, a warm tongue lapping at his arm as the creature whined happily. Kissing Ashlin’s hair, Braxton listened.

“I never thought I’d be lucky enough for a life this amazing.” He breathed, his sweet but deep voice ringing through the room.

“A perfect little family.” He grinned.


Eli’s arm moved around her, swinging his beauty onto his back after kissing her back.

“I would feel better knowing your resting, then wasting your energy.” He replied softly, one hand holding his daughter to his chest while the other rested under Reyn’s ass, keeping her up to him as he stomped out the fire before his body launched forward. His hand rested over Nya’s ears and kept her head fully supported, being careful as he held both of his girls to him.

The wolf watched as her mate chose her outfit, another wave of lust moving through her as his dominance stood out.

“Babe? Lots of bacon! And Hashbrowns!” She called, her mouthwatering at the idea of fried potatoes. Struggling to sit up, the wolf finally found her body sitting along the edge of the bed, feeling sick yet starving. Pulling on the shorts and the green shirt, Lunar looked into the mirror, noticing something looking off.

“Babe? Skip on the hashbrowns!” She called, a sudden disappointment building within her as she noticed the weight gain. Shaking off the gross feeling she felt towards herself, the wolf trotted downstairs, pulling herself up into a stool at the large kitchen island, laying her chin on her folded arms as she happily watched her mate making food.


The wolf chuckled softly.

I have been… Been caught up in clan bull shit’ The wolf chuckled. ‘It’s good he’s stepped up to his job and that both of them have been teaching you’ He replied, continuing to limp along.

Maybe you’re the one limping little Rabbit.’ He chuckled pushing her forward with his muzzle.

"Our perfect family," she giggled rolling over and wiggling around playfully, exciting Zeus.

"Get him boy!" she laughed as Zeus crawled over her chuffing, attacking Braxton's face with his large pink tongue.

Her laugh rang out as she played, Braxton's hands flying to her sides to tickle her.

"Stop!" she screamed her head tossing as she laughed and squirmed under his touch, "Baby!"


Reyn let out a yawn as she cuddled up to his back, her long slender legs wrapping around his waist as her arms looped around his neck.

"Just watch Nya. Tiny body, tiny ears."

Her eyes closed as he started running, her body used to his speed. As she fell asleep on his back, she left their child in her angel's care, trusting him completely.

Xael bustled around their newly furbished kitchen, pulling out eggs, bacon, and potatoes. At the questioning glare from his mate sitting at the stool he only wrinkled his nose at her.

"I want hashbrowns. And I know Kayden loves them as much as you do."

Turning the oven on and getting the bacon started on the stove, he made a detour to his mate, wrapping one arm around her waist and kissing her head softly, "And you haven't gained any weight my moon. Remember, I'm always listening. You look dazzling in that shirt."

He returned to making breakfast, stealing glances at the pouting wolf, "If you're feeling that way, maybe take a long run with Kay and Jay today. I can hold down the fort and help Ash and Braxton. I know it's been lonely without the other wolves here for months now."


Kayden stifled at the mention of them, her body getting lower to the ground as her lips pulled back to bare her teeth.

'Maybe you should reconsider that place,' she thought darkly, following him through the trees as she shook off that disgusting feeling in her body whenever she thought about him.

'I heard rumors something's been killing wolves off lately too. Packs are being targeted,' she tried to ease the growl in her thoughts, standing up straighter and leaning in to him to show she had no hard feelings for her brother, even though she hated his clan, 'Is that from the limp? You need to be careful big brother.'

His fingers skimmed her sides, their laugh’s echoing within the room while Braxton’s face turned away from the excited dog.

“He’s got me!” He called as the dog licked his nostril, quickly falling back into the large bed and playing dead as the dog moved to bounce on him. “Oh god!” He laughed, grabbing the dog and redirecting him to Ashlin, his tongue happily lapping at her face as Braxton pulled away, quickly grabbing a worn set of jeans and a mesh hoodie for himself while grabbing Ashlin a nice set of thin jeans and a flowy white top.


Eli nodded, his hands firm yet gently as he made his way through the trees. He knew how to care for not only Reyn, but for Nya when he ran, knowing that her words where only a reminder. The man continued to run throughout the forest, making way towards their destination quickly.

A growl left the wolf’s lips before she could stop it, sinking her canine into her bottom lip.

“That’s just cruel.” She growled, her eyes glaring harshly towards the pan in hopes it would light on fire. Both golden pools looked up curiously at her mate, watching him move around the kitchen with ease before wrapping an arm around her. The wolf sighed softly at his touch, kissing him back happily.

“I have… This shirt used to fit… Now it’s starting to feel tight.” She growled, sinking her fang back into her lip, trying to ease away from her harsh tone. She couldn’t help the soft laugh that he was always listening and keeping an eye out, easing her mind slightly. Lunar nodded as he spoke about running.

“You’re probably right… I’m just on edge because I haven’t run in a while, if Kayden and Jay are home we can go out.” She agreed, standing up to wander to her mate, both arms wrapping around his waist as she kissed his back softly.

“I love you my Sun.” She whispered, his head turning to kiss her before she moved to her back door, stripping with ease. Looking back at her mate, she wiggled her but before slipping out the back door and dropping to her knees. Bones began to snap, muscles began to rip, and pain. Pain flared through her, ripping her. She had gotten used to the change, the pain having worked away a year ago. This was new. The wolf whined softly, digging her nail into the wood patio. Her muscles began to reform, then rip, then reform, her body curling up as the change made its way.

After about half an hour of changing, shaking black and red legs pulled her to her feet, panting as the pain continued to envelope her. Shaking her head out slightly, the wolf panted as she stood, waiting for her energy to build up before she would move out to find her pack.



Jay’s head moved over her, licking her head gently to try and calm her.

I won’t be going back.’ He replied as he nudged her with his muzzle. He shook off her words, knowing that wasn’t the reason he was limping.

Leave it little rabbit.’ Jay thought, pushing her forward more.

We should move… Our Alpha changed.’ His worn voice stated as he began to move more, the limp becoming more prominent.

Ash pushed Zeus off the bed, the dog bouncing around as she got up and wrapped her sinowy body around Braxton, standing on tiptoe for a kiss.

"I love you," she purred, never tiring from those beautiful words when they fell from her lips even after a year. The only thing she loved to hear more was when he said them.


He could hear her pain, and if he pulled hard enough at their bond he could feel it now too. Something was wrong. It never took her that long to Change, and neither did she feel that amount of pain. But he didn't interfere or ask if everything was alright, trusting his mate to come to him when she was ready. Quietly he set about making breakfast for the three wolves that would return ravished after their run. He had about an hour at most before Luna's empty stomach won out and she returned.

'Luna!' Kayden bolted forward, her body like a speeding bullet as she wove with ease through the trees, leaving Jay to catch up as she tucked her head down and zipped forward. She could feel the bond strengthen as she got closer, till Luna's black and red body came into her sights.

'I missed you!' she chirped, bounding up to her sister while trying to put on the brakes, her nails digging into the dirt. She barked and chuffed, her whole body wiggling as she rolled over, exposing her belly playfully beside Luna, reaching her head up to lick Luna's muzzle.

'Luna Luna Luna...' Kayden squealed, overly excited, 'Jay's here too! But he's limping, so he's slow. You should talk to him, something happened back with your old pack!'

Braxton grinned as his arms swept her up, kissing her before looking down at her passionately.

“I love you more Ashlin.” He grinned, leaning his head down to gently press his to hers, his haunting eyes looking down into her brilliant blue eyes.

“You sure you don’t want to just hang out in bed today?” He breathed, winking mischievously at her.

The wolf’s head rose slightly, her tongue hanging out as Kayden leaped up, rolling over as excitement waved over her. The alpha forced her shaking body to stop, cutting off part of her thoughts that still hovered over the pain. A wolfish grin pulled at her lips as the wolf wandered up to her sister, licking her and nuzzling her up.

Why I’ve missed you too little one.’ She responded softly, continuing to nuzzle Kayden affectionately.

So Jay was being stupid was he? Shame, sounds like the old man can’t run’ She teased, a soft giggle throughout her thoughts.

I ain’t much older then you. So shush. I can run, she makes it sound worse then what it is.’ His worn voice replied, his head poking through the forest walls as he wandered in. The wolf’s body hovered over both of the females, grinning at them. ‘Lets run then, if you aren’t too worn out from your morning.’ He laughed, barking slightly as the alpha quickly turned, running into the forest. The pain worsened, spiking throughout her whole body as she pushed through it, determined to run even through the pain.

"We did that yesterday," she giggled, tugging the clothes he'd chosen on.

They had spent the entire day before lying in their beautiful king sized bed, wrapped in the fur blankets and silk sheets Ash had begged for. She loved the rustic modern look they had chosen for most of the house, and the tall, open windows and the old wooden floors.

Pulling the beautiful top on that Braxton had chosen, she called Zeus over to take him outside, her hand touching Brax's cheek quickly before she left the room.

"Just think, tomorrow I officially become yours for eternity."


Kayden hurried after her, quickly gaining speed and outrunning the Alpha. Where the small wolf didn't have bulk or strength, she had her slender legs that made her faster than most wolves, the one skill she had been perfecting over the past six months. Now she barely felt her heart rise in pace as she sped past her sister, taking the lead in the run.

'Catch me,' she challenged, the excitement from her voice gone as the competitive side of her took hold.

Dancing between two narrow trees, she bolted under a log then over a boulder, shoving past a thick set of brush and then splashing through a stream.

“But we can do that again today.” He breathed, unwillingly letting her go to put clothes on. “Think of how soft the sheets are.”

Pulling his clothes on, his head leaned into her hand while his other hand rested on hers softly.

“For Eternity love.” Braxton purred as he followed her, quickly making his way into the kitchen to make a couple plates from the left overs, cooking anything extra to add onto their plates.

Lunar watched her sister bolt past, chuffing slightly as she challenged the alpha. The wolf pushed herself, her muscles resisting every movement as she leapt over a log, pushing herself on top of a boulder only to gracefully leap down and through the stream. As she hit the soil beyond the water, her legs came to a halt, needing to suddenly catch her breath. The alpha lifted her head as Jay bolted past her, running with ease. Shaking her head she pushed forward, gracefully speeding past her brother and finally catching up to her sister, running next to her as they weaved throughout the trees.

Letting Zeus out through the back door to a fenced area they had created that gave him a chance to stretch and run without being eaten, she returned to Braxton in the kitchen, stealing a plate.

"Remember guests come tomorrow around noon," she smiled, "Thankfully only an hour before the wedding. Jay and Kayden are probably already here, spending the day with Luna and Xael. Oh and Reyn and Elijah should be here by nightfall. I haven't told the others Eli is coming, just to save an argument but I'm sure we will hear a few comments when they get here."

Sitting down at the dining table beside the floor length windows overlooking the house length pool they had built off the patio, Ashlin dug in. The patio stretched around to the back of the house where Zeus' outdoor run was, and sat just over the edge of the small cliff-face they had built the house beside. The cliff was only a few meters tall, nothing terrifying or overly huge, but it created a beautiful backdrop.

"Did you get a hold of anyone back in Aussie to come?" she asked tentatively as he sat down beside her, adverse now in his language.

His accent was still thick, but it was just another reason she loved him, and it sounded normal to her ears now, her vocabulary widening to include his Australian slang. She had asked him months ago to send word across the ocean to anyone he wanted to see, but the man hadn't seem overly enthused as she had hoped he would be.


Braxton grabbed his plate, laughing as Ashlin quickly dashed in for her food.

“Gives us more time alone.” He winked, kissing her sweetly as he sat next to Ashlin, looking over at the beautiful view.

“We all could give several good reasons for him not to come. But he’s Reyns guest so no one will complain. The entire point of friends is to celebrate our love and commitment.” He spoke, taking a bite of his bacon.

“Nah, I sent out one or two, but really it’s too far to travel.” He spoke, glad that the small handful of people he’d thrown an invite at, turned it down or didn’t respond.

“How about your invites love?” He asked, gently grasping her hand in his while his opposite hand maneuvered his food.

She always remained a step ahead, showing off her impressive speed to her sister. As time wore on and the other two slowed Kayden pressed on, the young wolf running laps around them to expel energy. She was only ten minutes younger than Luna but Kayden felt like she was still in her twenties, full of pent up energy and excitement.

Soon enough they were wandering back towards the house, Jay and Luna discussing things as they jogged at a light pace, while Kayden zig-zagged through the trees, running laps to try and wear herself out.

As they neared the house, Kayden finally felt a sweat break out and grinned, shaking her fur out as she loped back to the other two.

"He's my guest," she corrected, knowing this was a stingy subject between the two of them, "I invited him and Nereyda."

Braxton hadn't been pleased when he had first found the two invitations she had made for both of them. He'd understanded Reyn's, since the siren and sorceress had become close friends. But he couldn't fathom why she wanted Eli at the wedding, after all he'd done to her. Honestly, all his points were solid, and she knew everyone would have the points against him being there. But no one had seen him in the year except her, and it was that Elijah she had invited. He had been living in her home village and no one had died. And she had seen how well treated Reyn was, how spoiled she got with him. That man had one caring bone in his body finally, and it belonged to the siren and their daughter, Nya.

And that was the other reason she had invited Eli. She already knew there was no way he'd let Reyn or Nya out of his sights, and insulting him by not giving him an invite would not help anyone. Eli and Ash had finally come to a equal understanding...not so much a friendship, but at least they could finally talk like normal beings. She didn't want to jeapordize that by insulting him, and while she knew there would be loud complaints, she could care less if it meant seeing her friend and that little baby girl Ash adored.

"Most of my invites RSVP'd," she smiled, bringing herself back to the present, "Although that's still only like twenty people coming at most. Too bad no one could come my love. At least you have Xael."

The two men had grown close during the last year, Xael enjoying having someone without ovaries to talk to, as he had explained to Ash when she got excluded from one of their "drink nights" in the city. She didn't mind all that much that Braxton and Xael were friends, giving her time to focus on Reyn and the wedding.

The wolf couldn’t contain her laugh towards her sisters energy. While normally she would be bouncing along with her, her body couldn’t handle it. While they moved to more of a jog, Jay and Luna chatted about life, what they had been up to and what had recently happened. As they came up to the house, Kayden bounced up to them, her fur coated in a fine sweat. Shaking her head out, she moved to lay down on the patio while her brother changed back, racing inside to grab an extra set of clothes from the spare room. Lunar closed her eyes, closing her mind off so she could try and deal with the pain internally, waiting for it to reside.

'Baby...are you okay?' She had returned in more pain than she had left, and while she was cutting it off, he had gotten a glimpse and his whole body winced, feeling her pain as if it was her own, 'I know you're hurting. I didn't want to say anything, but it seems to be worsening. Can I help my moon?'


Kayden lied in the dirt beside the patio, watching Luna as she caught her breath, finally tired at the end of their run. Jay had slipped inside for extra clothes, but Kayden didn't feel like Changing back just yet, enjoying the sun ray's playing in her snowy fur.

Braxton grew quiet, nodding as she corrected him. While he understood Reyn bringing him along, he couldn’t quite understand why Ashlin had handed him an invite with everything he had put the sorceress through. Braxton took a mouthful of eggs, swallowing as Ashlins smile grew about her invites.

“I’m glad almost everyone can come.” He smiled. “Well I’m glad my Best man could come at least.” He grinned, taking another bite of a thick bacon strip.

“What else do we need to deal with today? And what’s for tomorrow?” He asked, his eyes staring deeply into her eyes.

I’m fine love, just over stretched myself. I guess my body just isn’t happy with having been out of this form for a while.’ The wolf struggled to speak above her wall as she shut the pain off, unwilling to allow anyone to see or feel it.

Shhhhh I’m fine my love, if you’d like to help you could make sure Kayden and Jayson get food, Jay hasn’t eaten in a couple days and Kayden had a thorough run. So they both need to eat.’ She thought, her thought’s breaking here and there as she continued to struggle with her thoughts.
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