Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


"Well," she pushed her empty plate away as she spoke, hearing Zeus's nails clicking against the wooden floors as the pup let himself in, "Mostly Luna and Xael are entertaining people as they arrived today. You and I need to check on the venue to make sure everything is set. Oh and I have to pick up those flowers...and..."

As she prattled off errands she could see his eyes glazing and finally Ash rolled her own, "Ooor me and Zeus can run the errands, and you can help Xael herd the guests around here. I should be back before Reyn arrives tonight."

He seemed to perk at that idea, making her laugh, "Do me one favor than my love and clean the dishes while I'm gone?"

Braxton reached out, Zeus’s head quickly pushing under his hand in an attempt to get some attention. He couldn’t help but laugh as Ashlin noticed his disinterest in the idea of all the errands.

“Why don’t you go grab Luna? She can give you more feedback and she’s been more than happy taking over things that we haven’t been able to care for.” He suggested, squeezing her hand within his.

“I would love to do dish’s love.” He laughed.

'Bullshit,' the curse came out quickly, not angry at Luna but calling her bluff.

"Jayson, breakfast is on the island," he called up the stairs as he walked through the main level of the house to the back door, stepping onto the patio, "Kayden breakfast is inside. I made your favorite. Why don't you join your brother and give us a few minutes."

Kayden's head nodded, her small body disappearing inside as Xael sat at the edge of the patio and pulled his mate's head into his lap.

'Sweetheart,' he purred, rubbing the fur in her neck as he spoke only to her, cutting the other two off from the conversation, 'Talk to me my Luna. First you were stressing about weight gain and now your wolf form hurts...'


Kayden slunk into the house, passing Jay as he came down the stairs and into the living room to Change. As she heard her brother rummaging in the kitchen for plates, she lowered herself to the rug in the middle of the room, letting the now familiar and accepted pain ripple through her, no longer agonizing as she Changed back to her human form.

"Zeus is company enough," Ash grinned, "Besides, trying to pull that girl away from her sister whose been gone for six months sounds unwise Brax. Me and the pup got this all on our own."

Kissing him goodbye and thanking him for cleaning up, she grabbed her list of errands from the table near the door and headed out, Zeus close to her heels as they wandered down the path leading to the city.

The wolf couldn’t help the cringe that came from his course word, riveting more pain within her. Lunar listened as Xael called everyone for breakfast, even sending Kayden in as he sat down next to her, resting her head into his comforting lap.

I’m fine love. I’ve been eating allot of things recently and haven’t been changing… You know I need to change on a regular basis… Where I was changing daily. I just stopped a while ago, and my body isn’t pleased with me.’ She argued, her breathing becoming slightly louder as she continued to push herself. ‘I promise I’m fine.

His lean form leaned over the beautiful dark countertops, rummaging throughout in an attempt to try and find the plates as the love birds lazed out on the patio. After several minutes of rather loud rummaging, he pulled out four plates, placing them down as he stacked his plate full before sitting down onto the table next to the large windows that pulled open to allow the inside to expand out into the forest. Digging into his plate, he waited for Kayden to come barreling into the kitchen for breakfast.

'When was your last Change? A week ago, when we went on a run together. Although I know I'm not as much fun...' he nuzzled her head, kissing the space between her golden eyes, 'Of course the sex afterwards was fantastic. See, there's a small grin. When was the last time you Changed before that? Jeez...was it one or two weeks you went without. Awe baby, why are you putting yourself through this. You're obviously in a lot of pain now.'

He stroked her fur, trying to ease the tension in her muscles. He could hear the pain in the way she spoke, in the tenseness of her body and her eyes. Xael hated feeling useless to help her, especially when she tried to cut him off to save himself the worry. All it did was make him worry more not less, and fret over her.

“This is true… She can be rather feisty when it comes to disturbing her with something important.” He agreed, a soft laugh following the statement, quickly being cut off as he leaned in to kiss his fiancé happily.

“Be safe Baby.” He told her, relaxing within his chair as he took another bite of bacon.

I love running with you Xael.’ She responded, her tongue lolling out of her mouth to try and help calm herself down, her fur beginning to boil her insides on top of the pain that flared throughout her.

The sex was fantastic… Although I feel sorry for the couple walking through the forest that walked past.’ She laughed softly, her body tensing with even the thought of something funny. ‘I just… I just haven’t felt the need to…’ Lunar thought, closing her eyes as things began to slowly spin. While her body laid rather still, his hands helped calm her slightly, pushing the stress aside. She could feel it, not only within her mind, but in his hands, his legs, his bones. He was worried. Her nose softly muzzled his side, trying to comfort him and push his worries aside.

Kayden's Change finished and she rose, stretching her gorgeous body as her lean frame made its way to the kitchen.

"Hey Jay," she smiled, stealing a piece of bacon off his plate as she made her way around the island, winking at him.

Making her own plate, she padded towards the wide windows, flaunting her naked form in front of the the open glass without a care. Her eyebrow raised at Jay playfully, biting into another piece of bacon, "Anything wrong?"

Jay looked up as a perfect arm slid in front of his face, stealing a piece of his precious bacon. As his large golden eyes looked up, his jaw dropped slightly.

“Shit… When the hell did you get hot?” He asked, his eyes wide. “And secondly… Find your own bacon! I scrambled hard for it!” He playfully barked, his arm swerving in front of his plate to protect it’s mainly bacon and hash brown contents.

'Baby...' he sighed, digging his fingers into her fur comfortingly, trying to get her to let him in, 'Maybe we should ask Ash to check you over. If your sick, she'll be able to help. She's been practising medicinal magic a lot lately.'

His head pulled up, looking towards the house as something pulled at his attention, but he wasn't sure what, 'Are you up for trying to stomach some food? Do you think that might help my moon?'

She laughed, bouncing forward on the balls of her feet and stealing another piece off of his plate, ignoring hers as her blonde hair swung forward, falling over her breasts, "You should learn to share better."

Eating that piece, she dropped her plate beside his, winking at him, "Six month's looks good on me, doesn't it?"

The wolf tried to shake her head, only making things worse.

You know I don’t like anyone but you poking or touching me…’ She argued, her head heavily weighing into Xaels lap.

I don’t know… But I need to change back Xael…’ She whimpered softly, her feet scrambling as she pulled herself up weakly. The wolf’s tongue hung out with her head, her nose only inches from the wooden patio as her legs shakily held her up. She’d pushed herself too far… How could this happen? She was alpha, alpha’s didn’t react like this to their natural form. Slowly pulling her head up, she licked his face as she turned, each uncertain step pulling her into the forest. She wasn’t going to be around her pack like this. Not while she changed. As her body disappeared into the forest, the wolf found a small spongey spot to drop to.

As she forced the change, the wolf cried quietly, coughing out blood as her organs moved, her muscles ripping and refusing to mend, bones snapping in several spots and remaining broken for minutes before slowly splintering back together, only to repeat the process over and over. A solid hour passed, blood coated the grass, and her body laid bare in the grass. While there was pain, it wasn’t as solid as when she was a wolf, slowly dwindling with each still moment.

…Xael…’ She thought, her mind exhausted as she reached out for him. ‘…Please come get me…’ She wined, directing her thoughts only towards her mate.

Jayson laughed as she stole another piece, playfully biting at the air as he leaned over it, shoving another piece of bacon into his mouth.

“Nope, I don’t share!” He stated, stealing her plate to sit over, protecting greedily with a large grin plastered on his face.

“Very good, now all you need to learn is to not touch another’s food!” He boomed, laughter ringing throughout the house.

“My little sister growing up. I’m going to have to bat them off with sticks.” Jay replied, his broad chest puffing out against the table, pushing the heavy piece towards Kayden.

Xael was at her side in minutes, scooping her up as his emerald eyes stared down at her worriedly.

"Bed," he ordered as he carried her back to the house, "I'll take care of guests, but you are staying in bed. That's not a request either baby. You look like hell, and you need sleep."

"With looks like these, I never need to ask," she teased, rolling her eyes as he puffed his chest out, "Get in line Jay. Xael's already bought a bat."

"Yes I have," Xael agreed, appearing from the back door, "And you missy need clothes on. Now please."

Kayden cocked her head but didn't push her luck, skipping away to find the clothes she had abandoned. Returning, she shoved at Jay to push over, finding a spot and digging in to her own food while Xael made himself a plate, watching the window.

"Luna?" Kayden asked, seeing his worried look.

"She just wanted a few minutes alone," he replied, taking a few bites, "She'll come when she's ready."

Sure enough, after an hour had passed Xael ducked out, only to return with a sleepy Alpha in his arms, her body looking overspent.

"Lune?" Kayden jumped up, "Is she alright Xael?"

A growl left the alpha’s lips as her arms looped around Xael’s neck, her body drenched in sweat with the occasional red smear.

“I’m not staying bedridden when my sister and my brother just got here love.” She retorted, her voice holding a harsh nip as her head sank into his shoulder.

“I look fine… I just need a bath.” Lunar nipped, adamant that she wasn’t staying in bed when she hadn’t seen her family in so long.

“Sleep is a nighttime thing… It’s not even mid-day babe.” Lunar spoke, digging her head further into his shoulder.

His voice grew a tad more dominant as they reached the porch, worry pushing him to be strict "Luna, you are falling asleep in my arms. I can feel you shaking-"

They were interupted by Kayden as Xael nodded.

"She's okay, just exhausted. We had a late night," he lied, smiling at the white-haired girl, "How about you come up with me and make sure she gets some sleep."

"I'll snuggle her!" Kayden grinned, whipping back to steal another piece of bacon from her brother playfully, "Love you Jay!"

The man chuckled.

“I wasn’t talking a bat. A stick. Like… The one’s of the lower ones from the pine trees.” He pointed out a window, pointing at the large branches that came from the lower base of several of the pine trees around the house.

“They tend to hurt more.” He laughed. Looking at Xael, the wolf lifted a brow questioning as he excused Kayden for her clothes, quickly shoving over as she moved back and swatted him over.

As the hour passed, Jayson waited patiently, something in his gut biting at him as his alpha remained missing. When Xael ducked out, his eyes stayed trained on the door, watching him return with her, covered in sweat and blood smears along her arms, upper chest, and around her mouth. He bit his lip, not wanting to pry as to the situation. He couldn’t help the soft laugh that rumbled in his chest as she protested, not wanting to leave her siblings even in her distressed state.

“Love you Kayden!” He called.

“For Christ sake I’m fine.” She snapped, her heavy eye lids unwilling to open. Lunar’s mouth opened but closed as she listened to her sister bouncing up, and Xael lying smoothly.

I’m not tired. I really am fine.’ She protested to him, catching Kayden’s words as she playfully followed them as Xael continued to move her.

'Sorry...can't hear you...connection is bad...' Xael teased, gently putting her into their enormously comfy bed and tucking her in.

Kayden crawled in on the other side, a warm cloth in her hand as she wiped sweat and blood off her sister's face.

"I got this," she told Xael smiling, "We will snuggle, and talk and sleep. It's a big slumber party Lune."

Xael bent over kissing his mate lovingly, "I love you."

The wolf chuffed slightly, her body heavily laying into the bed as she slowly sank within. Her wall began to fade, the pain winning out as her consciousness faded.

“L-Love Suhn.” She moaned as she finally floated away.


The wolf pushed Kayden’s food back to her spot, slowly munching on his plate as his thoughts branched out, curious to what Xael had done to his sister.

He felt a flash of her pain again as she slid away into sleep, and then it was gone again. Kayden frowned, having felt it too.

"Not feeling well," Xael murmured, watching his sleeping angel, "Take care of her, okay Kayden?"

The little wolf nodded, nestling her head on Luna's shoulders as her own eyes closed, content with napping alongside her sister. Xael returned downstairs to Jay, seeing the other wolf looking as confused as Kayden.

"I don't know what's up with her," he shrugged, being more honest than he could with Kayden, "She's not been feeling well all morning. I'm hoping it'll pass through her system quickly."

Sighing, he set to work on cleaning up breakfast, knowing they had guests arriving soon.


"I'm home!" Ashlin yelled, walking through the front door well after dinner time with a tired dog, "Braxton?"

While Zeus beelined for his bed, Ash took her boots off and wandered into the kitchen, starving, "Love are you home?"

Reyn yawned, her eyes fluttering open to take in the setting sun as they approached the two beautiful houses within yards of each other. After a minute of two she was wide awake, stretching her stiff arms.

"We're like four hours early," she whispered, kissing the back of Elijah's head as his head turned to look at her, "Great job handsome. How's Nya? I'm surprised she hasn't started screaming yet, she's probably starving."

Reyn lifted a hand and pointed to the one on the left, knowing it was Ashlin's by the description the sorceress had given her, "Did she take the run well my love?"
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