Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


"You're welcome sweetie," Ash smiled, "I actually came over to invite you all for dinner, but I think you need a heavy dose of relaxation and sleep."

Kayden nodded, "I can take care of her Ash. Could you wake and take Xael? He's been watching her most of the day, it might help him relax if he gets some time with friends."

Ash nodded, getting up and passing over to the bed. While she woke and explained there was dinner waiting at the other house, Kayden helped Luna back into bed, speaking softly to Xael about the "situation" with her food poisoning. He left after some convincing, leaving just the two of them.

OOC: I think I fixed it? It seems whenever we move to a new page this is when the fuck ups start. Maybe blue moon has a glitch?

Kayden stood by the door, waiting till she heard the click of the front door, signalling everyone had left.

"Let it out now," Kayden whispered, feeling the fear and panic rolling through her sister, "You can let it all out now."

Lunar’s eyes closed, pretending she’d quickly fallen asleep as everyone moved out of the house to dinner. As Kayden’s words hit her, Lunar’s body crumpled up, her head burrowing into the pillow as a sob passed through her trembling body.

“Oh my god Kayden.” She gasped, tears soaking the pillow as the alpha only tried to crumple up further.

Reyn held Nya softly to her breast, sitting cross-legged on the couch as Eli stood guard, Braxton busy in the kitchen. She heard a door open and bristled, instinctively holding her daughter closer to her until she heard Ash's voice, speaking with a couple others.

"Eli," she whispered, knowing he could hear her when others couldn't, "She's not done."

Reyn stood slowly, holding Nya as she fed and backing farther into the living area until she found a back hall leading towards the back door. There was a small room there, hidden by a wall, with two soft chairs that she could choose from. She could feel her halfling right behind her, always sticking to her side as she chose a chair and sunk down, feeling Nya adjust and continue suckling.

"God she's hungry," she sighed, closing her eyes.

Crawling into the bed, Kayden lay beside her sister, rubbing her back and letting the Alpha take her own time to process everything. They had all night now, and the house would be empty for hours until everyone stumbled back for bed. Quietly she lay there, letting Luna cry as Kayden had many times before, knowing no amount of soft words or sympathy could help that kind of panic.

As she bristled, the man stood straighter, broadening his chest out fully as she backed up and away from the area. He followed, his back to her as he kept his eyes where the guests were entering. Once in the room, Eli stood in front of the door, so if anyone entered, it would stop within seconds on him.

“She went most the day without eating… She’s naturally hungry.” He retorted, his eyes looking around the room cautiously.

Lunar’s head shook, her body trembling even with her sisters hand comforting her.

“He told me…” She gasped, tears continuing to streak down her cheeks.

“Sterile.” She gasped between sobs. “He told me we… We would never have children.”

Ashlin directed everyone towards the large dining table Braxton had set up with an array of delicious food. As everyone found spots Ash stepped aside, wandering through her house in search of Reyn and Eli.

She finally found them near the back door, although Eli's soldering mass wouldn't let her a step closer to Reyn.

"I'm not here to bother her," Ash stepped back, "Just wanted to say dinner is ready when you three are. And I expect to get some cuddling time with my goddaughter Elijah."

She smiled as she backed off, returning to the other guests. It had been quite the surprise when Reyn had asked her to be godmother, and more surprising that Eli had no qualms about it, just shrugging nonchalantly to the whole thing. She enjoyed the role though, being the only other being Eli would allow hold Nya at this point.

While he trusted Ashlin, the Halfling hesitantly moved, only allowing her to poke her head into the room without direct sight of Reyn.

“Thank you Ashlin.” He nodded, “We’ll be in there when they’re done.” He responded, finally turning his head to Reyn as Ashlin left.

“Whenever you’re ready love.” He spoke softly, his voice toed down and much more loving.

"You're not hating him for this are you?" Kayden asked, unable to hide the hurt in her own voice.

She loved Xael, looked up to him and thought the world of him. And she knew that he adored Luna, worshiped her and wanted nothing but the best for his wolf mate. If he had thought he was sterile, he truly had reason to, or he was lied to. There was no way he would lie to Luna, not when they knew he had always wanted children before he became a vampire.

"Maybe someone lied to him," Kayden spoke, "Or something else happened to him. Please don't think he lied to you Luna. He loves you. He thinks the world of you."

The red head shook her head softly.

“I-I don’t… I love him… He would never lie…” She gasped. “Kayden… I’m not fit to be a mother. An Alpha… But no Mother. I… I can’t… I… I don’t know what to do.” She blurted out, her heart racing as her trembling only worsened.

“Oh god… Please tell me it’s just food poisoning.” She gasped. While the wolf had always known she’d want children, she had adjusted to the fact she would never have children. She was fine with that… Happy that it would always just be her and Xael. But a kid? How could she do that?

"Almost," she smiled, then winced as the breastfeeding became painful, "Okay Nya. Enough. You've drank me dry precious."

She had to pull her baby away as much as she knew Nya was still hungry, instantly regretting it as Nya's little eye's scrunched and her mouth opened to cry.

"Eli help me," Reyn breathed, handing the little girl over to her father as she put her shirt back on straight, "Fuck, she's still hungry. How is it you can keep her from crying?"

"Shhhh," Kayden cooed, moving her hand to stroke Luna's hair while hearing her stutter and rant, "We don't know for sure yet Luna. Maybe I'm wrong, you're right. I could be. If Xael is sterile, then I could be."

Kayden knew she wasn't, could see it in her sister now. But that was the last thing Luna needed, was a confirmation. Right now her Alpha just needed comfort, as she tried to get a grip on her thoughts.

"Shhhh," Kayden cooed again, "Don't overthink this sis. Right now, all you need to do is relax."

She continued to console her sister, trying to help the poor Alpha.

The Halfling stepped in with ease, his hands out before even Reyn began to pull her away. Sweeping her up into his arms as his face lightened and Nya’s beginning cries swiftly moved to screams of joy.

“Because she loves me.” He stated, a grin on his lips as he looked over for a second to wink at his woman.

“It’s because it’s what dads do.” He corrected himself, swinging her down into his arms as he patted her back gently, a small burp leaving her mouth before he slipped he began swaying her, his eyes taking in Reyn with a growing grin.

“She’ll calm down, Ashlin will be able to help in worse case.” He told her.

“Maybe.” She choked, as her head turned into the pillow further. Kayden had answered her questions. That single word answered weeks of problems, questions, and confusion.

“I… Xael can’t know for now…” She choked. “He… He’ll worry… He could… Barely stand to see the pain today…” She sputtered, her hands moving to cross over her stomach, the pain biting deeper into her.

"Tell him when you're ready to," she agreed, nodding to herself, "There's no rush."


"She does love you," Reyn laughed, getting to her feet as she adjusted her clothes, "She thinks you are the greatest thing to walk this earth, I swear."

Nya agreed with a burpish giggle, her tiny hands fisting his shirt as she pulled at it. Reyn led them out, letting Elijah hold their baby girl as they made their way back through the living area and pausing in the hall.

He's here, Reyn's whole body froze, feeling that aching cold she had thought was gone seeping back into her heart as she heard his laugh spilling from the dining area. Swallowing hard, she half turned towards Eli, trying to mask the sudden spike of anxiety in her.

"Are you ready for this handsome?" she asked him, nodding towards the noise as she asked herself the same question internally.

Lunar nodded, asking for air between sobs still.

“T-Thank you S-Sister.” She choked out.


Eli’s arm wrapped around Reyn as he comforted her.

“You’re terrible at hiding things.” He stated bluntly, kissing her forehead gently.

“He looks at you and I’ll kill him. Just say the word.” He grunted as he looked down at her.

“Are you is the question.” He asked her.

"I'm only terrible at hiding them with you," she whispered, breathing his scent in and feeling herself instantly relax.

"I'm ready," she nodded, kissing Nya's head, "They will all find out sooner or later, might as well get this over with, right?"

There was a mirror in the entrance hallway and she quickly checked her hair that had been pulled into a tight brain down her back, and her make-up. Feeling satisfied that she looked beautiful enough, she turned back to Eli.

"Ready ready," she grinned, taking the lead into the kitchen and dining area.

Eli kissed her forehead softly, trying to comfort the woman.

“Probably because I’ve been around for a while.” He grinned, watching her prep herself.

“You look stunning Reyn. As per usual.” He complimented her, his body striding behind her by only a step as they entered the room.


His ears heard them before his eyes caught them. The wolf stared, unable to rip his eyes from the small creature nestled into Eli’s shoulder as they strode into the room. Jay’s thought’s fumbled, rewinding time as he tried to figure out the situation he saw before him.

As the couple walked into the room, Ashlin jumped up, her hand on Braxton's shoulder as everyone turned to look, some with confused expressions, others unfazed. Savannah and Damion smiled politely, Savannah adding a small grin for the child in Eli's arms before her attention turned back to her mate. Braxton, Jay and Xael at the other end of the table looked flabbergasted, all of them staring.

"Before anyone comments," Ash started, "I invited both of them here."


"Thank you Ash," Reyn smiled, trying to look anywhere but at the end of the table, "And thank you Braxton as well."

Her eyes snapped back to Eli as Nya shifted, her tiny head wiggling closer to Elijah's neck.

"Can I hold her?" Ash asked Elijah, begging him as she held out her hands, "Please Eli?"

Eli’s eyes flickered between Reyn and Ashlin, his hands holding his daughter tightly as he escorted Reyn to the table, pulling her chair out to allow her to sit before politely pushing her in. He thought about it, unwilling to give up his daughter before looking at Reyn. Lightening up, the Halfling hesitantly handed her over, hovering over Nya’s godmother as she handled his little Pandora box.


Braxton looked over at Ashlin, raising a brow.

“So this is where you’ve been disappearing on me.” He chuckled.

"Hello there sweetheart," Ash tucked her into her arm, rocking her as a little hand grasped one of her index fingers.

She knew Elijah was hovering, but she understood why as well.

"Yes," she smiled at Brax, "I was sworn to secrecy, but can you blame me for helping this cute little girl. Yes you are the sweetest little thing, aren't you?"

"Everyone," she breathed, looking up from Nya to grin at them all before her focus returned to the bundle of joy, "This is Nya. Our newest edition to the group."

The child giggled, large turquoise eyes watching her then the room as she curiously looked at each person, finally spotting her mother. While Nya knew who Ash was, she was not mommy or daddy, and the realization that neither of them were holding her filled her little face as she started crying, her hands gripping the air around her tiny frame, trying to reach one of them.

Eli’s hands flew out, quickly grasping Nya away in order to stop her crying.

“Sorry Ashlin but I work with Nya and Reyns needs.” He stated, moving back to Reyns side as he sat with his small Pandora box, her cry’s having long moved to giggled of glee.

“But…” The word rang out, Eli’s eyes giving Jay a death glare as the word rang out, shock still clearly smacked across his face.

“But nothing. Eat you’re fucking meal Jayson and shut up.” The Halfling snapped, clearly unwilling to hear Jay’s stuttering retorts.

Jay growled, but bit his lip, unwilling to ruin a perfect meal before them as confusion still smothered him. How long had it been? A year. Close enough to the date in which the wolf had last done the deed with her. Yet at the time it was confusing as to who’s it could have been. Biting down the words, the wolf stayed quiet.

"Elijah!" Reyn sighed, pointing out the doe-eyed baby in his arms who had heard him snapped and look terrified, "You're scaring Nya."

"I'm sorry," she added to the rest of the group, "We are both a little on edge when it comes to our daughter."

She finally sucked up the courage to turn and look Jay in the face, showing nothing but a calm composure she'd seen many times from Eli, "What were you going to say Jayson?"
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