Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


"I have other thoughts in mind," she whispered, nodding to the sleeping dog, "Something that can last more than five minutes."

Winking at him she got up from her comfy spot, as everyone began to collect their things. After saying good night to everyone returning to the other house, she turned to Elijah and Reyn, the two of them looking tired too.

"Here," she passed them a key, smiling softly at them, "Underneath at the base of the cliffside is where you'll find it. Hidden in the rock face there, but you'll see it. With all the noise and chaos that will be happening here tomorrow, I couldn't help but think Nya will hate it, and you two deserve some alone time."

"It's yours for as long as you want it," she smiled, watching Reyn scoop up Nya gently, as Eli guided them to the door, "Hope you like it."


Elijah found it with ease, guiding his two girls to a small door hidden beside a willow tree that hung and camouflaged most of the guest house. As they entered, Reyn's breath swept away at the thoughtful gift Ashlin had given them.


Before them was a small bachelor suite, etched into the rock so they were hidden, with a giant window facing the east so they could watch the sun rise. Right at the door was a small closet to their right for shoes and to their left a kitchenette. Ahead of them a small living area with two couches and then a giant, king sized bed. Along the left wall were also two doors, both interesting Reyn to peek into.

The first was a bathroom, complete with a porcelain tub big enough for two. The second made Reyn's heart skip, the small room made into a nursery perfect for Nya.

"Omg that woman," Nereyda sighed, beckoning Eli to come see the second room.


As the Halfling wandered in, he took it in, impressed with the work the couple had done. While Reyn explored, Eli stood before the window looking outside before Reyn called him over. Wandering up behind her, the Halfling breathed in through his teeth.

“She went all out, didn’t she?” He asked, his bright whitish green eyes looking around.

“Why don’t you put her down and I’ll meet you in bed?” He grinned, wiggling his eyebrows at Reyn.


Braxton’s eyes looked over at the dog, taking his sleeping form in as Ashlin grasped his hand, leading him inside.

“Much better than five minutes.” He chuckled under his breath, picking Ashlin up mid stride before wandering inside.

Both eyes opened to stare at the ceiling. Eventually, Lunar had cried herself to sleep, unable to cope. Standing slowly, the wolf wandered downstairs as hunger bit into her stomach. When was the last time she ate? Kayden hadn’t pushed anything, being nothing short of supportive as the girl hyperventilated and sobbed uncontrollably. Now all she could feel was the bite into her gut, telling her she hadn’t eaten today. Even the cold wood and tiles under her bare foot didn’t come to mind as she stuck her head into the fridge, looking curiously at everything.

Reyn put Nya to bed, loving the thought of her daughter having a crib while she was here. Leaving the door opened a crack, so she could hear if Nya needed her, Reyn sauntered over to her man waiting in bed.

"Tell me how I'm your whole world again," she purred, crawling onto him so that she straddled his waist.


Ash's legs wrapped around his waist and he carried her, her mouth already hungrily kissing his as they fell into bed, wrapping themselves up in each other for the night.

Eli’s hands moved to her hips naturally as she straddled him, a sexy smile pulling at his lips.

“My everything revolves around you Reyn, you’re wants, your needs, you.” He breathed. “Whatever you want, I want to give you, to fix for you.”

Eli’s fingers massaged her gently, his eyes never once leaving hers.

Everyone chatted quietly as they came back into the house, the night going much better after the initial shock of Reyn and Elijah's daughter died down. It had actually been pleasant around the halfling and siren, the two of them sharing funny horror stories about the pregnancy.

As they strolled in they were talking about one of them, Savannah laughing quietly at the thought of it, "Just imagine coming home to the entire fridge emptied, and she's sitting there pouting at the table. Just pouting, after eating through an entire fridge worth's of food."

"She's pregnant," Xael quoted Ashlin mock scolding Elijah, and they all laughed as they turned into the kitchen and found Luna.

"Hey there sweetheart," he beamed, slightly confused at her shocked look as he said goodnight to the group and everyone dispersed, "Late night snack?"

Lunar’s body stiffened. A jar of a rare hazelnut chocolate spread at hand, spoon in mouth. While she hadn’t been expecting him home just yet, the words rung through the room, making her bristle. Slowly pulling the spoon out of her mouth, the wolf stared wide eyed at Xael.

“Hey my Sun.” She spoke, her voice gentle and brittle from the amount of sobbing she’d done. While she stood in a worn pair of blueish grey pjs, one of Xael’s shirts, her hair was up in a messy bun, random red strands poking out amidst the mess, the wolf placed the spread on the table. Trying to ignore his words, hoping he’d been talking about someone else, she looked at the spread then back at him.

“You caught me.” She grinned softly, laying the spoon next to the small jar.

The halfling’s hands moved up swiftly, ripping her bra off as his grin grew. His body leaned forward, his lips kissing her stomach gently as he worked his way upwards.

“You don’t even need to ask.” He breathed between kiss’s.

He smiled at her, walking forward and scooping some of the hazelnut spread with his finger, then smearing it on her nose with a chuckle.

"Glad to see your hungry my love. You look startled though, did we spook you?"

His arms's wrapped around her, pulling her up so she sat on the island with her face at his height, then grabbed the spoon and pulled more spread out, taking a bite and passing the rest to her, "Want me to make you something my moon?"

Her head tilted back as his lips sent fire to her skin. It had been days, no a week? A week since either of them had gotten any free time of their own. It had made Reyn cranky a few times, but with the prospect of getting him all night to herself, Nereyda's body already ached for him.

"Be rough tonight," she sighed, tilting her head as his lips played with her skin, "Ravish me love."

Lunar’s face scrunched up as he smeared the spread on her nose, a soft tinkling laugh flowing out of her mouth. Pain flared through her stomach as he picked her up, a soft squeak leaving her mouth before he placed her down.

“Starving actually… I don’t remember eating today.” She spoke, trying to lick the chocolate off her nose with no avail. Her eyes looked at him curiously. “What where you talking about?” She asked gently, her head lowering slightly while tilting.

“I would love that… This spread isn’t doing it.” She responded as she scrunched her nose up again, looking at the fridge.

“Something with meat… Preferably raw.” She stated as her head perked up to look towards the fridge.

Eli nipped at her skin, her words awakening the sex god as he flipped her, his lips moving up to her neck as he hungrily lapped at her perfect skin, leaving beautiful red spots in his wake.

“Good… Because you won’t be able to think about anything but me in you tomorrow.” He growled, his lips finally finding her’s as his fingers moved over her.

“God I love you Reyn.” He muttered, the night beginning to fade into a beautiful night.

"If you want raw my love, you'll have to hunt for it," he stated, "But I did bring some leftover supper courtesy of Ashlin for you."

He pointed at a package at the edge of the counter that Jay had left, "Will that do the trick?"

The wolf looked at Xael sadly, knowing she wouldn’t be able to fend for herself anymore. Both eyes looked down, the strings of her heart pulling.

“Depends…” She responded, her head pulling back as she looked up at it. While she was hungry, the girl could feel her stomach bite back, nausea threatening to fall over her at the idea of cooked meat.

“You never told me what you were talking about.” The wolf hesitantly asked, her eyes still looking at the package of food skeptically.

"The horrors of pregnancy," he laughed, picking up the package and tossing it in the fridge.

"Let me see if we got anything raw left..." he rummaged a bit then found the pork rind he was going to make tonight but forgot to, "Here hun."

Lunar could feel the cringe, resisting it.

“Why are you talking about that?” The wolf asked cautiously. She watched as her mate threw the food in the fridge, not even a thought as he dug for something. Her head poked around him, moving around as she tried to see what he was digging out. As Xael pulled the meat out, the wolf quickly grabbed it, happily taking a large bite. The food made her stomach churn, dulling the pain as the wolf shifted on top of the island slightly.

“Did you have a good night?” She asked, trying to keep the worry out of her already breaking voice.

"Great night love," he smiled, "Wish you were there. Boy did Ash ever have a surprise for us."

He watched her eat, leaning against the fridge thinking about her other question, "Worried someone's gotten pregnant beautiful? Don't worry love it wasn't...Luna? You okay love?"

He could see a shift in her stance, something flashing across her face.

A small, shy smile pulled at the girls lips as he spoke.

“It’s great that you had so much fun.” She breathed, licking her fingers as the meat quickly entered her stomach. Both golden pools stayed down, unable to look at him as more nausea bit into her. While his words strayed off, she could feel the worry sinking into her.

“I’m ok baby.” She breathed, her broken voice gentle as her arms slid up, signaling for Xael to pick her up as she tried to distract him.

He swept her up, happy to see she'd eaten something. Holding her to him, he climbed the stairs to their room, noticing a white-haired head amongst the pillows.

"Hold on," he put his mate down, then gently picked Kayden up and carried her into her own room, one they had designed for her. Returning, he kissed the top of her head, then began to undress, taking first his shirt off then slowly unbuttoning his jeans, smiling handsomely at her, "How's the stomach ache?"

She smiled as the distraction worked, watching her mate move her sister before moving back to their room. Her eyes watched him as she laid back, quickly stashing the soaking wet pillow under their bed before he could notice.

“Not as bad as before.” She lied, her hands holding out for him to join her. “How’s your sexinessness?” She grinned.

He finished undressing, standing before her naked before diving into the bed, pulling her body under his as his lips left soft kisses along her jaw.

"Sexiness? I like that love," he grinned, kissing her chin and playfully nibbling at it, "And honestly I'm horny as hell for you right now baby. You look divine in the shirt of mine."

Her eyes took him in, never once getting tired of looking at his godly figure. The girl moaned as his lips touched her skin. As he moved above her, pain hit her again, stabbing through her mid-section and downwards. The wolf’s hands moved up, as her body crumpled. Lunar’s hands flew off the side of the bed, grasping a small basket with a bag within as her head quickly leaned over the bed, her stomach emptying painfully.

The world began to spin as the wolf’s head hung off the bed, placing the basket to the side.

“Sorry baby…” She gasped, her eyes closed as her body remained still.

"Baby..." he was at her side, holding her hair back as she wretched, rubbing her back, "Even I felt that. It felt like more than a stomach ache. Are you okay?"

He waited till she was done puking then pulled her into his arms, rocking her gently at the cover of the bed, "Talk to me Luna. Please my moon. What's going on? What hurts?"

The wolf’s head rested on Xael’s chest.

“Sorry… I didn’t get the chance to throw up a wall.” She breathed, her voice shuddering. The wolf looked up at her mate, nuzzling him softly.

“I… I…” She sputtered, choking on her words as he continued to poke and prod.
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