Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


'Tell me my darling angel. is there something on your mind? Remember that I am yours for eternity. You are safe to tell me whatever. I'll love you unconditionally, no matter what.'

The wolf’s head spun, trying to use his words to ground her.

I… Xael…’ She thought, her hand sliding up to grasp his gently. Both golden eyes looked up at him, a terrified look pulling at her eyes. Lunar’s hand placed his on her stomach, cringing as she waited for his reaction, still getting used to the idea herself.

It took him a minute to catch on what she was implying and his thoughts immediately shut down from her's, his brow's knitting.

"That's not a joke Luna," his voice was calm and flat but he knew she could hear the hurt behind it, "That's cruel."

His hand snaked away from her stomach, running through his hair as he got up, suddenly restless.

'You know I've always wanted children.' He let a few of his thoughts past his walls so she could understand why he looked so hurt, 'You know I hate myself for not providing that to you...'

Her large eyes watched him, his cold reaction making her withdraw. As he stood, she could feel it… Feel the hurt and the anger as he withdrew from her. Slowly standing, the wolf walked up to him. Both golden eyes dying down several shades as her hand lashed out, smacking him across the face as her eyes stared up at him, hurt.

Her breath caught as she walked out of the room and found her way out of the house onto the porch. Her bare feet hit the wood as she found her way to the edge and lowered herself down, curling her head into her knees as she bit back all the raw emotions that flowed through her.

He stormed after her, his face still stinging her the slap.

'Lunar!' he growled, keeping their argument silent so that it remained between them, 'Don't walk away from me! Hey!'

He caught her as she sunk down, pulling her right back up and staring her hard in the eyes, 'What kind of game is this to you? You've been shutting me out all day, been making me worry sick for you because you won't let me help. And then...then...'

Anger and pain lashed through his emotions, breaking through his wall so that she had full exposure to it as he closed his eyes, his fangs beginning to protrude with the roll of emotions in him, 'You had no right hitting me. None.'

His let her go, feeling his whole body shake with anger and pain as he took a step back, his eyes turning dark, 'I didn't deserve that. At. All.'

Grinding his teeth till his fangs hurt he turned and tore away from her, stomping back into the house. He couldn't even rebuild the wall in his mind, knowing everyone could see it. She'd never hurt him this badly, never made his this angry. But she knew...she knew that wasn't subject they joked about. It killed him to not be fertile, tore his soul apart that he'd lost that chance. And now she was taunting him.

The wolf’s body stung with movement, pain spearing through her again. As Xael’s anger and pain waved through him, her emotion’s flickered. She was unstable. She waited till he finished, allowing her wall’s to fall completely. Her eyes stared back at him as he turned from her.

You tell me you’re not fertile… You impregnate me… And when I finally tell you, you reject the one person who would never lie to you.’ She could feel the tear’s falling down her cheeks. The wolf dropped to her knees, her hands moving to her stomach as she leaned over, unwilling to let him see her cry.

Why would I lie Xael…?’ She thought, even her inner voice wavering with pain and rejection. ‘I can’t change, I’m always hungry, I’m in pain because I haven’t taken care of it…’ her mind rung out, a soft sob leaving her mouth before she could bite it away.

'You're making me sound like the liar here! I can't have children. I've told you that; I've told you that it breaks my heart thinking about it! So you have to be lying, because at least I trust you enough to know you wouldn't cheat on me!

He could hear her crying, and his footsteps stopped on the porch, his body shaking with the effort to contain his building anger.

'How are you so sure?' he couldn't face her, tears rolling down his own ugly face as he loathed his being with every atom in his body, hating himself for the thing he was. He'd never hated himself more than at that moment. He'd always been so careful not to show Luna his contempt for himself until now, unable to control the emotions in him.[/i]

Her sobs worsened.

Please Xael… Stop… ’ The wolf tried to stifle them down, her body trembling before him as he stood before her.

My body’s telling me Xael.’ She cried, her breath’s becoming labored. Her trembling worsened, her mind beginning to shut down as he continued to cut at her. Never in her life had she second guessed her dominance, but Xael’s rage bit down into her hormones, already unpredictable. ‘Will you stop and listen… Listen to it Xael.’ She couldn’t take it, his words breaking her as his cruelty hit her worse then anything even her father could have done to her.

“Please Xael… Please don’t reject us…” She breathed between her sobs.

He turned halfway, trying to will himself to go to her. But seeing her crying only made his self-loathing worsen, knowing he was the reason for her tears.

'I did this to you!' he faltered a step, seeing her crying only breaking his heart further, 'I hurt you. That's all I'm good for, isn't it! God I'm a fucking monster!'

He stumbled till his back hit the wall, pushing his palms into his eyes to stop more tears from falling. He could barely think over the hate rolling through him, barely hear anything except the sound of her sobs breaking his heart over and over.

She deserves better, his thoughts spiraled downwards as his pulled his knees up, She'll always deserve better than a low breed like yourself.

Both reddened eyes looked up at him hesitantly. All she wanted was his acceptance, to feel his embrace and tell her everything was going to be alright.

“Please Xael… I need you…” She spoke, her face pinching up as she looked at the board’s below him. The she wolf could feel his hate, his inner words burning at her insides.

He could hear her voice, the words ringing in his head, but his thoughts drowned them out, dragging him deeper into despair.

"You could do so much better than me," he finally choked out, pulling his hands away to stare at her with tears in his eyes, "Someone who makes you happy. That doesn't...make you cry..."

His words burned her further, forcing her to stand and make her way to him. Her shaking hands reached out, grasping his hands to place them back on her belly. Her body arched to his touch, tears still slipping down her cheek as she stared at him.

“Please… Please don’t say that.” She whispered.

Her hands held his to her stomach, and he forced himself not to flinch away, even though his mind screamed that he was wrong for her. Low breed. Blood sucker.

But as she held his hands, her touch sent a chill through his skin, slowly working through his body. He still shook violently with the hate in him, but Luna had reminded him of the one thing that calmed his internal storms. He tugged her down, pulling her into his lap roughly and held her there, refusing to let go as his own tears began to fall, soaking her shoulder.

'I'm not good enough for you. I'll never be good enough for you.'

Silently, the wolf watched him, tears still streaking her cheeks as the same thing Xael rested his hands on seemed to control her moods. Yet his touch still soothed her to a point. The wolf yelped softly as he roughly pulled her down.

“Be easy.” She softly spoke, grasping his hands to continue holding them over her stomach.

You always have been better than I could dream… You always will be… But you can’t reject me… You can’t reject us.’ Her words where soft, still hesitant on the thought of her not just being her. ‘Do you feel that…?’ She asked.

He heard her words, heard the pain he put her through mixing with his own, only fueling the anger in him.

"Luna..." he gasped through his tears, lost in the sea of his own self-hate.

“Feel it Xael.” She whispered again as she laid back in his lap. “Don’t lose yourself when I need you.” She gasped quietly.

“Tell me… Tell me what that is.”

He clung to her word's like a life line, trying to focus on what she was asking as the chaos continued internally.

"I feel...I feel..." he whispered, his throat feeling raw, "a...a heartbeat..."

The wolf swallowed his response, still drowning within the news.

“What does it belong to Xael? Tell me.” She breathed as her head leaned back into his chest.

He sat there, frozen for minutes, all the self-loathing and hate slipping away as his fingers pressed to her stomach, feeling that tiny noise. New tears formed in his eyes, joy washing any last doubt or hate from him as he pressed a little harder, breathing Luna's scent in as he kissed her hair.

"...two heartbeats..." he added after a few minutes, a slow grin spreading on his tired face, "You''re pregnant!"

The woman’s eyes closed, trying to calm her breathing as the panic returned. She’d accepted one, but the wolf couldn’t accept two.

“There’s one. I’ll accept one.” She argued, biting her bottom lip as it finally sank in for him. Two was too much, one was enough.

“Shhhhhh…” She slurred. “Please… Please don’t reject us…” She whispered, fighting her body as she sat with him.

He tilted her head up, the last pieces of confusion or doubt leaving him, "Two heartbeats. Feel them."

Now it was his turn to push her hands on her belly, holding them there as he breath came out in one shaky breath, "I'm you're pregnant! Actually pregnant!"

He wrapped her in his joy, overwhelming relief and joy, pure happiness radiating from him, 'I want this Luna...I've wanted this for thirty years...'

“I… I can’t… I… I only just found out…” She squeaked, her voice so small as her body moved to curl up again. Lunar’s hands were hesitant, unwilling to touch the truth. The wolf squeezed her eyes closed.

The wolf wanted to protest, but Xael’s enthusiasm stopping her quarrels. It was too soon… Leaving the female to struggle painfully within herself. Xael’s words showed he was ready to step up, but was she? She was already terrified, sick, and tired.

You’ve got it baby… Just… Just don’t leave me…’ Lunar’s hesitant words continued to shake with her. Her eyes unable to open as she hovered between consciousness and sleep.

He held her tighter, watching her eyes close.

'I'll take care of you. I'll never leave you. I wasn't going to leave you tonight either my love. I was angry and hurt, mostly at myself. I'm sorry if I hurt you in the process. I'll never leave your side. I'll protect you three with my life, from now till eternity.'

"I love you," he whispered, kissing her gently, "Sleep my love and I'll keep you safe."

The alpha listened to his words, allowing them to sink deeply into her brain. A hand moved up to rest on his arm gently, squeezing it as her breathing began to calm.

“I’m scared love.” She breathed, her head barely above water as words began to fade from her mouth.

"Don't be," he breathed pulling them both up and slipping back inside where it was warmer.

He snuck them upstairs, running a hot bath that he knew would calm both of them. Slipping inside with her, he cradled her as she dozed off.

"I'm sorry I doubted you. I just got scared myself. Don't worry though my queen. You are the single most precious thing in my life. I'll never let any bad come to you."
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