Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


Braxton couldn’t contain the laugh that left his mouth, allowing the dog to lap at his mate for a couple more moments before pulling him off and pushing him to the other side of the bed.

“Hey, He’s you’re dog love” He chuckled, remembering Ashlin’s reaction the day she opened the small little box and the dog’s head happily poked out, leaping out at her playfully.

Lunar’s head tilted fully back, her claws sinking into Xael’s shoulders as he moved in and out of her. Her scream’s filled the room as her bodily easily climaxed, yet building up further as he continued to pleasure her. The red head leaned her head back into Xael’s shoulder as her body moved into him, needing his touch as every interaction felt electrified.

“Oh god Xael…” She panted, beads of sweat building along her forehead.

Reyn cradled little Nya, rocking her to sleep as she stepped down the path. Elijah had left them momentarily for supper, knowing the mother of his child was often hungry after breast feeding. While he hunted in the trees, she stepped lightly along the path, unafraid and unworried of any dangers lurking. Having someone with Elijah's strength and power as her protector made most monsters look like kittens, and no one could lay a finger on her or his precious daughter before the halfling cut them down.

That had been tested a few days back when they had started their travels and Elijah was out hunting. A stranger had tried to touch the leather sling woven over Reyn's shoulder where her daughter slept inside. Nereyda had flinched away, too late realizing the one stranger hadn't been alone, and another man had come up behind her. As the man behind her tried to touch her hair, the other reached for her child -both making grave choices. Neither man was alive today after Elijah was done, and Reyn felt no pity for the fates that fell on them.

No one will touch our daughter, she thought protectively, stroking a blonde curl off the cheek of their little pandora box.

Her screams were music to his ears, making him pump faster as he pulled out and slammed back in. As her head curled he slowed his beat, feeling her ragged breath on his skin.

"Giving up already?" he teased, filling her once more.


"Zeus! Down boy!" she commanded as she crawled back onto Braxton's lap, seeing the dog get off the bed, "He's my dog but he loves you more."

Zeus pranced back over to their side of the bed, tail wagging and Ashlin raised an eyebrow at her fiance, "See?"

He glided with ease. Staying within the vicinity of his partner, yet branching out enough to find a heard of deer; slicing one down with ease before quickly moving it back to his mate. As he came back into view of her, Eli’s muscles rippled as he held up the large strip of meat.

“Sit. I’ll make a fire.” He stated as he hung the meat off a branch before stripping several more as he began building a fire for Reyn.

The red head shook her head as she pried her claws out of her mate, allowing them to sink into her palms.

“No… Keep g-Going.” She moaned, sinking a canine into her lip as she waited for her partner to finish.


“He does not, he loves you just as much as he loves me.” Braxton chuckled, kissing her only to quickly look down at the dog.

“I can’t when he’s looking babe.” The man groaned, kissing her again as he laid back, enjoying his view.

She did as told and found a spot, pulling the waking child from the sling as Nya's eyes opened. They only had half a day's trip left to Ashlin's new house, but the siren was already exhausted.

"You're heavy," she told her daughter, smiling as little hands curled around her fingers, "Three months old my love, and your already heavy. But mommy still loves you."

Nereyda had never, in a million years, thought of herself as mother material. For that matter, she had never thought she could hold the patience to raise a child, or give the time up to one. But since the minute Nya had been born, Reyn's whole world had shifted, every part of her being focused on her daughter's well-being.

And if that wasn't enough, Elijah was a completely different man around Nya too. Something about his baby girl made him softer when he held her, made him talk quieter when she slept. Not an inch of the strong, powerful halfling she knew was gone, but instead a new side of him peeked around his two girl's that he had vowed to cherish and protect.

"Zeus, go find your bone," she chirped, watching the dog happily skid out of the room in search for the large half eaten bone he'd gotten the week before after Braxton had hunted down a stag.

"That gives us five minutes tops," Ash breathed as the dog dissapeared, ripping her shirt off, "Since breakfast gotten eaten, I suggest you skip right to dessert baby."


Xael grinned, increasing his speed to please his Alpha. He could feel his own climax rising, getting closer with each groan and scream that fell from her perfect lips. His teeth skimmed her jaw, kissing her pale skin before biting into her neck, lapping up the blood that poured between his lips.

'Cum for me again my queen!'

Eli’s hand’s quickly pulled the twigs together, lighting them with ease with his beaten Zippo that he’d held for so long now. The Halfling quickly fiddled with several twigs and stones, making a small rack to hang the meat on above the fire.

“We should find shelter tonight… I found a cave clear of any attention not too far from here. I can carry you there. But I’ll make sure you eat first.” Eli’s voice still held his usual roughness at a softer tone, his body moving quickly to grab the meat and place it over the fire, allowing the heat to begin cooking it.

Kayden's body stayed lowed, her eyes alert as she tracked her prey. Between Jay and Luna's training, the small white wolf had become lethal, able to hide in almost any bush with her tiny size, and catch any speeding prey with her long legs.

This prey was slow though, taking its time moving, and completely unaware she was watching it. She readied herself, getting into a pouncing position as it neared...closer...closer...

'Boo!' she yelled, pouncing out of the brush and tripping the brown wolf so he fell forward roughly. Circling quickly around, she nipped at his hind flank, then bounced back to his front, her teeth playfully snapping at his neck.

'Did I scare you? Did you miss me brother?'

His hand’s quickly moved over her body, taking in every skin cell as he pulled her down to his level, kissing her deeply as his hands grasped her wrists, showing her hands down his body to his bare hips.

“Well… Olympic’s in T-minus 5 minutes.” He grinned, nipping her lip greedily.

"Shouldn't we be at Ashlin's by sundown?" she asked tentatively, bouncing their giggling daughter on her knee, "I told Ash we'd be there by sundown. I know you hate weddings, but with all she did for us, the least we can do is pay a visit."

Suddenly a tiny cry rang through the area, echoing down the road. Nya's fist balled up as her cry became a scream, her arm's reaching in the air towards Eli.

"I swear she had your mood swings," Reyn sighed as she tried to hush the girl, but to no avail, "Help?"

The wolf’s head rolled to the side, her eyes rolling back into her head as every square inch of her screamed in pleasure. The wolf’s stomach knotting almost painfully as she exploded, her limbs trembling quite noticeably as blood began to seep from her hands.

Oh fucking Xael!’ her thoughts screamed, the wolf growling as her boy hit its limit, oddly early.

Wiggling out of the rest of her clothes, her lips smashed into his as she greedily kissed him, straddling him on the bed and lowering herself onto him. Immediately a groan rolled through her chest, and she tilted her head back.

"You've got four minutes love. Make them count."

He climaxed with her, his hips bucking one last time as they exploded together, in perfect harmony. Pulling out, he let her sink into the hot water and relax, his hands instinctively going to her hair as he raked out any knots and massaged her scalp, something she was quickly growing to love in the mornings too.

"I love you," he whispered, kissing the back of her head gently.

The wolf had been caught up in his own thoughts, a slight limp to his walk as he wandered the forest. Suddenly, a small white creature jumped out, forcing the wolf to pull his head up as his sister playfully bounced around him.

You did little rabbit.’ Jay chuckled, his voice sounding weary with a slight age difference. ‘What are you doing out here? Shouldn’t you be at Lunes?’ He asked.

'Why should I be with Luna? Jay...when was the last time you visited?'

She cocked her head, circling him again playfully, 'You're aware I've been gone for six months now. I just got back an hour ago. Would've gone straight inside but my Alpha's...they're kinda busy right now.'

Eli looked up at her, lifting a brow.

“You shouldn’t be pushing it.” He grunted. “I can carry you two, but you know I can’t just fly you two over.”

Eli’s hands fiddled slightly with the meat, keeping it even as he cooked it as Reyn liked. The man cringed at her cry, quickly turning to sweep up the small monster above his head.

“You’re not moody. Just Cranky with Mom.” He breathed, his eyes lightening with the air around them, his voice light as the small creature within his arms quickly moved to giggling. Eli’s arms bounced her, swept her around and tossed playfully.


Braxton’s hands slid back up to her hips, guiding her hips up and down along him. Braxton’s lips pressed deeply to Ashlins, his teeth nipping her lips as he slammed her onto him, moving his hips up to meet her, allowing him to deepen himself within her warm walls.

In the background, he could hear the sound of claws and barking.

“Fuck… make that 2 minutes.” He groaned, his hips grinding deeper in him as his body shuddered with pleasure.

A soft scream left her lips as he finished, her body sinking into the water as her body limply leaned into his.

“I love you too my Sun.” She whispered, tilting her head back to look up at him as her body fully leaned into him.


Jay tilted his head as he looked down at the small white fluff ball that circled him as he wandered towards the house.

A while…’ The wolf wearily replied, his aged voice shaking slightly. ‘Oh lord… They’re at it again?’ He asked shaking his head out as he limped beside the small creature.

Where did you go little rabbit?’ He asked as his large head tilted, licking her softly as they continued walking.

"Oh god Brax!" as he pumped harder her whole body answered to him, melting and vibrating for him.

She could hear Zeus down the hall now, and opened her mouth to warn Braxton when her climax exploded and she cried out instead, rocking on top of him as her lips crashed to his, her hands gripping his shoulders.

"Cum for me," she whispered, rocking her hips in time with his, pushing him to fuck her as hard as he liked.


"Definitely cranky with mom," Reyn sighed, stealing the meat off the fire and digging in as Elijah and Nya played.

Finishing the meat off quickly, she could feel her mood rise, no longer starving.

"And I know you can't fly us there handsome. Not only because you can't just land in front of everyone, but also because Nya is too young to handle the shock of flying. I can walk there by tonight though. I don't want to be out in the open come nightfall, not with her."

"Moon of my life," he sighed, wrapping her into his arms as he lifted her clean form from the water, "You know how lucky I am to have you?"

They moved back into their cozy bedroom designed just for them. Xael loved it; everything from the large windows overlooking the forest, to their soft king size bed against the rock wall. Every part of the house, Xael and Luna had worked on together, making their own cozy paradise.

Tossing her on the bed playfully, Xael set to work finding them both clothes out of the wardrobe in the corner, "Excited to see Kayden and Jay?"


'They are always at it Jay. When I left, they had made a morning routine of it. Looks like they've been keeping up with it. But you should see how happy Luna is. And Xael. You've missed so much...

And me? I decided to try my hand in Hunting. Got really good at it too, haven't had a free day between contracts in the six months I was gone. Had to turn one down so I could come for the wedding actually.

She paused, walking alongside him before her head cocked sideways, silver eyes watching him, 'Why are you limping big brother?'

Braxton moaned with her, Ashlin’s beautiful body grinding perfectly in tune with his. Her walls tightened perfectly around him, his hands slipping up to her hips as he flipped her, thrusting himself deeply within her, the bed squeaking with his force as he let out a groan. A hand landed against the wall in front of him as he steadied himself. Slowly lowering himself, Braxton curled Ashlin up within his arms, kissing her before nuzzling her flawless skin.

“I need you more than air.” He breathed, breathing heavily as a furry body quickly leapt up on the bed, licking at the sweat along their bare skin.


Eli quickly gathered the little girl within his arms, allowing her head to rest on his strong shoulder as his other arm wound around Reyn, kissing her.

“I would rather if I carried you.” He insisted, looking down on her small form. “Then we will get there before nightfall.” He nodded.

Lunar’s arms wrapped around Xaels neck as her body limply clung to his, her head curling up within the nook of his neck as her labored breathing started to slow. The wolf nodded to Xael’s question, nuzzling his neck affectionately.

“And I for you love. You are my life.” She breathed, still trying to slow the rise and fall of her chest. A small playful squeal left her throat as he tossed her into the mass of sheets, quickly cocooning herself within pillows and blankets.

“Very!” She giggled as she poked her head out of the blankets before slipping back in, enjoying the warmth the fabric gave her bare body.

Zeus dug his nose into Ashlin's chest, making her open her arm's for him as the dog quickly wormed his way into cuddling with them. As a puppy she'd hold him like this and Braxton would hold her, and now as a full one hundred pound dog, he still liked to cuddle in the mornings with them.

"Our little family," Ash sighed contently, letting her body melt, "A year ago, before you met me, did you ever think you could have this so soon?"


Nereyda stood on her tiptoes, kissing him gingerly before settling back on her feet, "If you feel comfortable my angel. It's Nya I'm worried about."

Her hand tenderly touched the small fuzzy patch of blonde curls, smiling, "Am I overthinking?"
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