Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


Braxton nodded softly, kissing her again after she asked him, clarity ringing through her eyes while her answer began to form on her lips. Within a matter of seconds something seemed to change, her eyes darkening and even her tone shifting to a harsher sound. With ease, Braxton caught her flailing wrists, pinning her down as his sad white eyes looked down at her.

“Tamara?” He asked, his hands and body holding her down with a gentle touch.

"No, I'm the fucking Easter bunny," she snapped, turning cold eyes on him, "Keep up lover boy."

She wiggled under his grasp, pursing her lips at his naked form being so close to hers, "While I understand Ashlin enjoys your body, I'm rather repulsed that she'd sleep with a soul-sucker like yourself. Do me the favor of not getting any closer than necessary. Or better yet, just let me go?"

She pulled harder, glaring at him, "Let me go. Now."

“Well you definitely look like that right about now.” He replied, a grin pulling at his lips as he listened to her retort.

“Well unfortunately, My fiancé’ is in there, so I can’t let you go.” He replied carefully watching her as he held her gently.

“But coming from what I can see… And correct me if I’m wrong here… But I don’t see anything too nice from within you.” He stated, his hands tightening ever so slightly with each struggling movement she made.

She sneered, "Awe, you still think you can save her? You know how long I've been waiting to snuff out that sniffling excuse of a witch? Might as well start looking for a replacement, because she's about as good as dead now."

Fuck you Tamara! Stop this!

Shut up sorceress. You're turn is over. Even you said it. Your grip on this body is no longer stronger than mine.

"I can see the struggle in your eyes," she cocked her head, "Trying to gauge how innocent I am. Sure, I could have faked a cry, batted my lashes and made up some sob story about how your fiance trapped me, how tortured I was for all these years.

Honestly? I've just been waiting for that bitch to die off. She had to some day right? And then I'll get her powers along with my shape shifting blood, the more power for me. And speaking about shape shifting..."

Her body hummed, pulling at her atoms to break into shadows and become a new shape. But something stopped her, forcing her to remain humanoid. Tamara let out a growl, feeling the other soul anchoring her to this body, fighting with every inch left to help Braxton.

"You're girl's got spunk," Tamara spat, "Go ahead then Braxton. Try and steal my soul and not hers."

As the girl continued to talk, Braxton could feel it… It started in his stomach, worming up his throat and buzzed in the back side of his mouth. His brain hummed, his eyes looking at her lips as he leaned in with a grin. While his heart ached at the dead, his body thrummed with need, and even hunger.

“I’ve been around for a while Tamara… I know what I’m doing.” He breathed as his lips hovered over her struggling form. While his white eyes shifted, a soft blue color distorted his haunting eyes, while a blue light began to emanate from his mouth, pulling at Tamara’s soul as her mouth hung open. Leaning in, he kissed her, allowing his body to take in the darkened soul before he pulled back. Tilting his head back, his hands released her small limbs, while his body stiffened above her.

Braxton could feel it… The power coursing through his veins, his skin glowing with energy and his body uplifting. Yet he could feel his heart sinking and his stomach almost bottoming out. While he knew he needed that sustenance, it ate at his conscious. While the fact was… He couldn’t let Ashlin die. While part of him felt better, seeing how dark she was on the inside, it still hurt taking another life so he could fulfill his. Tilting his head down, Braxton’s fading electric blue eyes waiting for Ashlin to awake.

"Hey..wait..." Tamara started, seeing the blue glow and realizing Braxton was still going to try, "No! Stop!"

His lips caught hers, and both of them screamed on the inside, Ash feeling the tug as much as Tamara did. But her soul got caught up first, leaving Ash alone suddenly in the dark void of their mind. Her body went cold with the sudden loss of control, Ashlin's soul still lost inside. As she floated, she started feeling the change. Everything around her getting hotter as her soul began to inch forward, but this time the heat didn't hurt, instead engulfing her and expelling the cold through her body and deep within her. As she regained control to her muscle and flesh a soft groan escaped her, her body curling into itself as her the heat grew warmer, her soul reaching to every atom and making it its own.

The heat continued to rise, as she pulled her head into her arms, blocking Braxton's view of her as her stomach knotted and she felt it: pain.

Pain, and guilt and remorse. It swept through her. As Tamara's hate and entitlement left her body, Ashlin could finally see her memories in her own light. And she felt it, felt the remorse for what she did, and the guilt for all those lives she had taken.

Eventually, after what felt like eternity, her body begin to settle, everything falling into place in her as Ashlin came to grips with all she felt. I can fix this...for him, I will fix everything. I'll do better. I have to do better.

Slowly she stretched her aching body, lowering her hands as she sat up fully, her eyes opening achingly slow to in the beautiful man at her side.


"You did it."

Braxton sat up as her body curled in, ready to jump up the second she needed him. His vein’s felt red hot, his eyes looking down to catch the usually faint blue veins, in a moment in which they stood out behind his sun kissed skin. Braxton bit his bottom lip, his needs dulling down just as Ashlin’s body began to uncurl, her blonde mass unfolding with her stunningly whiteish blue eyes, peering back up at him with a new sense of life.

“I love you Ashlin.” He whispered, relief pouring over his body as his arms opened to her.

"I love you too," she breathed, crawling into his arms with a grin, "I'm so glad...relieved its all over. But you look shocked baby. What is it?"

Braxton’s arms curled around her, protecting her from the world around them as he looked down at her, kissing her with a fiery passion. As he pulled back, his hand moved up to rest under her chin, inspecting her new looks as his eyes took her in. Moving his hand from her chin, he softly wound a blonde curl around his finger.

“You’re blonde love. With stunning blue eyes…” Braxton’s voice was soft, while his eyes still took in her new look, taking in every detail with awe.

"I'm what?!" she turned her head back and forth, trying to see the platinum blonde curls as a carefree laugh bubbled up, "Oh my god I'm blonde again!"

Her head tilted back and she laughed even harder, "I was born blonde! I never thought I'd be again!"

And blue eyed...

She nuzzled his nose with her own, full of glee, "The blue eyes are new though. Does it look good my love?"

Braxton’s smile grew on his lips as her beautiful laugh tinkled out of her lips, lighting up the candle lit area.

“They’re beautiful my goddess.” He breathed, nuzzling her softly back, his bright white eyes unable to look away even for the portion of a second.

“Almost as beautiful as your soul.” He spoke, taking in her vibrant glow. His arms tangled back around her, pulling Ashlin’s body down with him as he tumbled back to the bed, kissing her as she stole his breath away.

She tangled in the sheets with him, unable to stop giggling or smiling as he set her heart pounding with just his gaze, as everything in her life suddenly felt right.

"We get to start our life together," she breathed as she broke from the kiss, gasping for air, "I never want to spend a second away from you."

Her fingers ran through his messy hair, her new blue eyes staring up at him with adoration, "You've given me everything I ever wanted, and all I could ever need. I love you. Madly so. And I've never told that to a single person in my life. I've never heard those words on my lip until tonight, when I realized I've fallen in love with you.

My sweet, handsome fiance. Tonight you saved my soul."

“A beautiful life at that.” He whispered, her words giving him an ear to ear smile. The pull at his stomach disappearing with Ashlins uplifting words, his heart lifting as the weight of another soul faded. Braxton’s heart pounded within his chest, her words pulling him into a whole new world.

“My life is yours Ashlin, I will do anything for you.” His gentle words moved gently with the candle light, his arms holding her tightly to him. “I want to spend forever wrapped up within your love.”

The next morning they surfaced from their love drunken bubble, returning to the inn the find the rest of the group waiting. All of them looked tired and unhappy, but Ashlin could barely register that as she squealed and bounced over to Xael, flashing the gorgeous ring on her finger.

"I'm engaged!" she chirped, overwhelmed with happiness, "We're engaged!"

After a round of congratulations, the questions about her hair and eyes came, everyone curious about the new look. Ashlin had to lie, knowing the full truth would only hurt Xael more. So she told them that she had tried an experimental spell the night before and had backfired, changing her eye and hair color. She made a comment that it might not be permenant, although her and Brax already knew it was. No one seemed to dispute her story, or ask any specific questions so after a quick breakfast everyone headed out, ready to finish the contract and be done.

There was only one mention of Eli and Reyn, but Ash shouldered it off, saying they had left the night before since tensions were too high, and Eli would collect his portion of payment later.

And with that they were off.
~~One month later~~


Ashlin kissed Braxton deeply, apologising again for the millionth time for having to leave. After they had gotten back to the city and handed over the medical supplies, everyone had taken a well-deserved breather from each other, promising to meet back at Cleansed city in eight weeks. But only four had passed and Ash was already backing out of the arrangement, new priorities on her mind.

They been shopping for a contractor for weeks now, looking for someone to help build a house out in the woods for them, a few days south of Cleansed City, well away from other villages so they could have complete privacy. The thought of settling down excited Ash, more so with her fiancé. But during their search she had received a letter, the writing easily recognizable to her. Elijah’s.

Now she was on her way home, back to her village to see how the siren and Halfling were faring, and unfortunately leaving Braxton behind. They still had plenty of appointments for contractors and builders to sort through, and with her gone it would be up to him to take on most of the haul.

“I promise to be back in a couple weeks, a month at most,” she swore, kissing him again, “But they need me.”

She still hadn’t told Brax, or anyone for that matter, about the pregnancy. It was not her place. He knew she was being requested by Eli and Reyn, but she explained that they wanted to keep it completely confidential and Braxton hadn’t pried. It wasn’t easy for her to walk away from him, even knowing she’d see him in a couple weeks. But Ash also hadn’t seen the couple in weeks, not since before her engagement.

From what the letter explained, Nereyda was becoming increasingly demanding to see Ash, and her mood swings were driving the poor Halfling crazy. So he was requesting, in the more demanding tone even through paper, that she visit his siren immediately. And for some reason Ashlin was complying, feeling the need to help them out.

It would take her half a week to get there, but she didn’t mind. She was sorely missing her childhood home, and as she set off on the path, she couldn’t wait to see everyone.


“Ow!” she winced, rubbing her head where the wooden sword had rapped against.

“Duck,” Xael shrugged, “And keep your arms up to block.”

The two of them had been sparring for hours, since the first lights of dawn had shone through the trees. After returning to the city, everyone had gone their separate ways. Jay had loped off back to the pack, which was still a sore spot for her. Kayden hated that her brother could even think about going back there, but he also knew little of what happened. Still, she had refused to say goodbye to her big brother, glaring at him from afar for leaving. Now she missed him, wishing she could be practising hunting with him over fighting lessons with Xael.

“Feet,” he pointed, getting her back into a fight stance, “Keep focused Kay.”

“I am,” she sighed, dodging his sword, “See?”

Luna, Xael and Kayden had been wandering the countryside, enjoying the woods and the small villages that popped up. Most mornings Xael and Kayden worked on her reflexes and fighting, and many evenings Luna would give her a lesson in tracking, although so far her sister hadn’t forced her to Change. The Alpha had been gentle on her, letting her get comfortable with her human senses before they moved on to the wolf in her.

And she was slowly adjusting to Changing. Since that night she had let them into her memories, everything had been different. No one asked her to Change, or demanded she act in a certain way. They were letting her grow into herself, and the complete lack of pressure was so refreshing that Kayden hadn’t even noticed how comfortable she had grown around Luna until the first night after the city, when she had wanted to join her Alpha in a run.

Her sister had been ecstatic, bouncing as she pulled Kayden into the trees, than patiently encouraging her to Change, coaching her through it. It hadn’t been forced, or rushed, or coerced. Luna sat and watched, encouraging her through their telepathic bond and giving her advice on how to make it easier. Everything Abass was to Kayden, Luna was the opposite. Where Kayden knew pain, Luna showed her how to mend it. Where Kayden felt like screaming, Luna made it a dull ache.

In the month they had been travelling, Kayden had successfully Changed twice, more than she had ever done in that span of time in her whole life. And yet there was still no pressure to do more, or to heal faster.
~~Six Months Later~~


Kayden plopped her sister down at the table, passing her a tea.

“Can we talk?”

The Alpha looked curiously at her sister, accepting her tea graciously. Xael was in town for the afternoon with Braxton, speaking to one of the contractors they had hired to build Braxton’s cozy house out in the forest. Xael had been talking for weeks now about finding their own place to settle, or at least make as a kind of home base for their pack to return to after hunts. For months now Xael was becoming more and more Alpha, speaking for the pack as a whole, thinking about all of them as a collective, and making decisions for what he saw as the best for all of them. One of these decisions had been a house for Luna and himself, that could serve as a place for Jay to find them, and eventually Kayden when she wanted to branch out one day.

He’d suggested one close to Braxton, that way if Luna and him were on a contract, someone was still near to watch the house. While the men went off to talk to the contractor about adding a second project to the bill, Luna and Kayden remained behind in Brax and Ash’s half built home, drinking tea at the table in the shelled out kitchen.

“I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately,” Kayden started, sipping her tea, “About how much I’ve grown in these past six months. I can fight now, and protect myself. I can Change more willingly. And I think I’m ready.”

Luna gave her a questioning look so Kayden continued, “I want to start hunting on my own sis. Like you and Xael do, with the contracts. I think I can handle myself, and that will give you and your mate more privacy. I can still visit whenever, and I won’t stray too far, but I’d love the chance to grow up. To see the world.

I was locked away for so long, there is still so much I haven’t seen or done. And I want to do it all. Please don’t be upset Luna. And don’t ask me to stay. This is what I want. I won’t be gone forever either. Give me six months, please, just six months to try life on my own.”

She finished her tea, standing up before Luna could make a comment, or tell her no, “I love you sis, and I love Xael like a brother. You guys are building a house now, something for us to return to, but that means I have to leave before I can return, right? I’m ready, I know I am. I even have a contract lined up. I’ll be back before you know it, and this could be really good for me.”

Luna’s words were soft and conflicting, both blessing her sister to live her life, and asking her to stay if there was any doubt in Kayden’s mind. She knew what the Alpha was worried about, knew Luna was trying to protect her as she should. But Kayden needed this, and she explained as such. She needed to at least try.

Kayden pulled her sister into a long hug, listening to her words of wisdom as she held back tears. Pulling away, she thanked her for everything, and promised to be back.

“I love you,” she grinned, “Thank you for understanding.”

And with that she was out the door, scooping her green pack up onto her shoulder and disappearing into the trees.


Nereyda growled, pacing her small room. Both hands rested on her bulging belly, comforting her unborn child. Does this feeling ever go away? I’m having a child…and it still feels so unreal.

And yet she was growing comfortable with pregnancy. She didn’t have to work hard on her hair, so she kept it up in messy braids or buns most of the time and let the dye grow out. Her usual pound of make-up had become a light layer of eyeliner, bringing out her natural beauty more. And she had gotten an entirely new wardrobe, which she hadn’t minded in the slightest; she had everything now from slacks and baggy shirts to dresses tailored to fit her. Today she had chosen a one of her favorite silver shirts with a sweeping neck line and a pair of black soft leggings with brown riding boots. She had intended to go outside for the day but by mid-afternoon she was sulking in her room.

A soft knock at the door surprised her and her body half turned, expecting to see one familiar face and getting another stepping in and closing the door, sweeping platinum blonde curls back.

“Hey,” Reyn softened, letting her frustration go, “I wasn’t expecting you so soon.”

Ashlin smiled wide, looking at Reyn’s belly, “I had to visit. Look at you Reyn! Wow, you are look amazing!”

“I don’t feel amazing,” she attested, finding a spot in one of the brown arm chairs sitting in the corner of her room with a little coffee table, “I feel bloated and cranky.”

“That’s pregnancy,” Ash laughed, “Where’s Eli?”

Crossing the room, the sorceress opened the curtains to let light shine in through the large floor length window. Since Ashlin wasn’t using it anymore and she had sent Elijah and Reyn to the village, the couple were living in her old home, a small cozy house on the edge of town with two floors. The main floor held a kitchen and living room and the upstairs held two bedrooms and a large bathroom shared by both. Ash bunked in the spare room now when she visited, letting the couple have the master bedroom she once occupied.

Reyn made a face at the question as Ash turned back to her, her annoyance rushing back, “Gone.”

Ash paled, dropping into the other arm chair, “Reyn…he didn’t leave you did he?”

“What? No. He left the village for a couple days,” she wrinkled her nose, “He has needs.”

Ash closed her eyes slowly, pinching the bridge on her nose in exasperation, “He did not seriously go on a whore binge, did he? I will cut his cock off.”

Reyn played with her hands, “I’m a little too pregnant for sex anymore. Trust me it’s no more fun for me as it is for him. I have needs too Ash. But he got crankier and crankier in the last two weeks being abstinent. I finally kicked him out, told him to go stick his dick in something if it was driving him that crazy.”

Ash shook her head, “I know you two don’t do monogamy, but you are carrying his child. I expected a little decency from that man.”

“Maybe his conscious will give him hell,” Reyn smiled, secretly hoping he wasn’t enjoying himself, “At least he’ll come back in a better mood.”

The sorceress watched her friend, studying her, “You know you can talk to him about this right? Explain that your uncomfortable with being pregnant while he continues to pay for whores. You deserve better than that Reyn. At least.”

“I know. I’ve tried, but I’m not good at talking about feelings, especially with him. I don’t want him to feel held down either. You know Elijah…”

“Yeah…I do. But I also know that you are different to him than anyone else out there. The least you can do is tell the man.”

“We’ll see…”

“What else is it Reyn?”

The siren seemed to be chewing on something else and Ashlin could see it plain on her face.

A laughed bubbled out, one full of tension, “I haven’t slept since Eli left. I can’t. I haven’t slept alone a night in six months, and even before that it was only a rare occasion. I’m so used to his presence now…”

“That sleeping alone feels awkward and sad,” Ashlin finished, knowing the siren’s frustrations, “When I’m away from Braxton I’m the same way.”

Reyn nodded, rubbing her belly, “Eli left yesterday and I know not sleeping is horrible for the baby. Doctor Hall reminds me of that every time I visit. No skipping sleep, no skipping food.”

“I think one night of missed sleep won’t hurt you. If you need me to, I can sleep beside you tonight and keep you company.”

“Thank you Ash.”

Ashlin changed subjects then, explaining her visit. Other than wanting to see her newfound friend, Ash wanted to check on the baby and see how the pregnancy was going. The only other magic-caster in the village adept in childbirth was an elder man in his late sixties, and Reyn got squeamish when he wanted to touch her at all. Ash had stepped in to do most of the hands-on work, and left the doctor to prescribe Reyn herbs and medicine to keep the mother and her child healthy. Getting Reyn to lie in the bed, Ash went through her now regular rounds, checking the baby’s heartbeat, listening for any movement, and using her repertoire of spells she had been gathering specifically for Reyn to ensure everything was healthy and normal.

“Want to know if it’s a girl or a boy?” she asked an hour into the check-up, smiling at the siren, “I found this spell book that is full of potions and incantations designed for pregnancy and motherhood. Some of them are scrawled in, so I’m not sure if they work, or are safe, but a few I’ve already been using and they’ve been helpful.”

“You just up and found a spell book with all the spells and potions you could possibly need?”

Ash laughed, “Okay no, it was borrowed. From Doctor Hall. Who doesn’t actually know I have it, so…”

“So you stole it?” Reyn shook her head with a soft chuckle, “Asking not your style Ash?”

Ash raised a playful eyebrow at her, “Someone pissed off their doctor by calling him old and creepy. And making Eli think he had to protect you, almost killing the poor man. So he was a little less than willing to let me borrow it.”

“He was way too handsy, alright? And we apologised. He is seeing me weekly now.”

“For medicine. It doesn’t matter, I’ll sneak it back into his office before he knows it was me. Now back on topic, do you want to know?”

Reyn laughed and nodded, getting more comfortable in the sheets, “Yes please. I’m hoping for a boy. A mini Elijah I can actually scold when he messes up.”

Ashlin laughed, “I was thinking a girl, so you have a miniature you to dress up.”

“Oooh, yes.”

Ash pulled a wide disc from a pouch on her belt, engraved with intricate symbols and words. Placing it softly on the woman’s stomach, Reyn shivered at the cold bronze metal. As the sorceress explained, the disc was used well before the outbreak, back centuries ago when magic was still around but medicine had yet to advance much. Back then a profession called witch doctors had been prominent, and some could actually use magic. One had made this talisman to tell a woman if her child was male or female. Somehow it had been passed along for generations, and Doctor Hall had acquired it during his life time.

“So another borrowed item?”

“Naturally. Now stop squirming.”

Placing both her hands gently on the talisman over Reyn’s bulging stomach, Ashlin let her magic seep into the disc. She spoke the incantation that came with it softly, feeling the talisman vibrate under her fingers as it worked. As her spell finished the talisman stopped vibrating, going still in her palm as she lifted it.

Lifting both hands off the siren, she looked at the coin with a wide grin, then over at the soon-to-be mother.

“Well Reyn. You’re going to have a girl.”


Ash was out visiting a few caster friends late that evening when Elijah returned. Nereyda sat in her arm chair, reading a book and chewing her nails, still unable to sleep. As the door creaked open her head snapped up, taking in that face she loved ever so much.

“Eli,” she breathed, dropping the book to the floor as she stood up slowly, “Thank god you’re back.”

His body slunk into the town, tired and restless from the days deeds. While he’d been past his head in woman, he spent the whole time worrying more on Reyn back home. His chest was bare, while his worn jeans hung low on his prominent hips as he sauntered down the streets before he opened the door of the beautiful home they had been residing in. Softly opening the door, Eli’s body slunk into the house, attempting to be quiet incase his partner had fallen asleep. His head quickly jolted up, his emerald eyes gleaming as he opened his arms and softly wound her within them.

“I missed you.” He muttered, kissing her beautiful blonde hair before allowing his hands to gently rest on the sides of her belly, leaning down to kiss her stomach. “I’ve missed you too.” He grinned.

"And we missed you," she breathed, before her body tensed as she got a heavy whiff of perfume, her stomach churning.

Taking a step away from him, her heart ached, and her hands ran through her hair conflicted. This is Elijah. I know this...I know him. Why is this hurting me?

"Can you please shower that off?" she whispered, waving at the smell, "I need to talk to you, but...not with that disgusting smell on you."

Eli’s head sunk, nodding to her request.

“Sorry… I bathed in a lake for a couple hours trying to get it off before coming home.” He apologized, backing up before sliding off to the master bedroom, discarding his clothes beside the back door to burn before slipping to their room and the bathroom. Turning on the water, the man savored the warm water that drenched his body, scrubbing his beard happily. After a couple minutes of applying soap and washing thoroughly, the man grabbed another pair of ragged jeans to slip on before slipping back into the living room, his hands sliding around Reyns hips as he wandered up behind her.

“Better?” He asked gently.

She leaned into him, relaxing as she tried to hide he tears that had fallen while he was in the bathroom. She wasn't even sure why she way crying, if it was another hormonal swing or if she was just tired and overwhelmed. Whatever it was, she had gotten her sobs out while he couldn't see or hear her.

"Better," she whispered, her voice flat from exhaustion.

Eli turned her gently within his hands, lifting one to gently stroke her cheek.

“I’m sorry… I shouldn’t have gone…” He whispered, tilting his head down to her level to look at her dead in the eye.

"No..." She tried to look away, to keep from crying again, "you needed to. I should understand that. I don't even understand why it bothers me. I'm just, fuck I don't know. Hormonal? I'm exhausted I guess. You won't like this...I haven't slept in two days..."

Eli lifted a perfect brow at her, a growl forming on his lips before he could squash it.

“No. I don’t like that. You know you need your sleep Reyn. You need to be resting and taking it easy.” He grunted, biting back any bitter remarks. Looking at her, he redirected her towards the bedroom, slipping her into bed.

“Stay.” He growled, his index finger pointing at her before his body disappeared back downstairs for several moments before returning. A box the size of his palm, wrapped in an elegant pink and silver paper while he held another oddly shaped item, smaller at the base before widening out as it moved upwards and quickly moving in to tie in with a beautiful soft pink and bright pink tie before flaring up at the top. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he handed the smaller box over, asking her to unwrap the medium sized item.

Watching her curiously open it, she exposed a white box, then opened it to a beautiful white gold chain, a small delicately detailed heart with a classic lock within the middle. While the small chain within the middle held a tiny, white key with brilliant blue stones.

“For you and the devil.” He whispered, still holding the second gift off to the side.



Reyn opened the gift and sniffles back tears, looking at the gorgeous pair of matching necklaces.

"You shouldn't have handsome," she breathed staring up at him in wonder, "And it's not the devil's a girl."

Eli smiled softly at Reyn, glad to see her reaction to the small trinket.

“I saw it and thought it was a nice little trinket for both of you.” He replied, his breath catching as Reyn revealed it’s gender.

“Oh god…” He replied, his hands handing her the other wrapped gift as his hands flew up to his face, rubbing his temples. “There isn’t going to be very many men when she gets older.” He grunted, obviously annoyed. Eli listened to Reyn in the background opening the basket. Fine chocolates, biscuits and small delights littered the basket, all brilliantly wrapped with more duel colored pink ribbons.
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