Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


Reyn laughed at his reaction as he handed her the second gift, "Wait till she's born my angel. She'll become the centre of your whole world, no matter how annoyed you look right now."

Opening the gift, he stole her breath a second time as she gleefully popped a chocolate in her mouth.

"You know your way to a pregnant lady's heart. God these smell delicious. And those necklaces are gorgeous. Why are you spoiling me?"

Eli couldn’t help but laugh slightly, his hand moving out to rest on her thigh in a comforting manner.

“Because the whole time I’ve been gone, all I could think of was you. I wanted to make sure I was coming back and making sure you know that when I’m out, you’re always on my mind.” He grinned, his deep voice rumbling within the room.

“There are some specialty chocolates that are imported too…” He added, pointing at several of the large bundles of chocolate.

Her heart softened, "The whole time?"

Putting the chocolate basket on the night stand she carefully stood and pulled herself into his lap, careful of her belly, "Thank you Elijah. I've missed you since you left. It's why I haven't slept, not without you near. I love you."

She kissed him hungrily then, weaving her fingers into his hair as her body ached for him.

Eli nodded, his arms opening as she carefully placed herself within his lap.

“Since the moment I stepped out that door to the second I saw your face when I walked in the door.” He spoke, his hand delicately winding a blond strand behind her ear.

“I love you too Reyn.” He breathed, kissing her hungrily back as his hands moved to carefully hold her. His lips pressed against hers like she was the air he hadn’t breathed in days.

Her toes curled as her heart raced, his words calming the sea of emotions in her from his few days gone. Eagerly she kissed him, nibbling on his lower lip as he elicited a soft groan from her.

"I don't know how I'm supposed to go without you for three more months," she breathed, her tongue flicking out to tease his lips.

Eli shook his head softly.

“You won’t… I’m not taking any more trips.” He stated, his breathing slightly labored as he nipped at her tongue playfully. “We’re almost there baby.” He moaned, gently moving her to rest on her back as he leaned over her, grinning ear to ear.

She couldn't help grin at his infectious smile, but shook her head at him, "There is no way my halfling can last three months without sex. I can't even last three months. Do you know how horny I am right now for you? Pregnancy does not curb that craving. If anything it's making it worse for me."

Her eyes skimmed over him, mentally undressing him, "You're torturous handsome."

Eli leaned in, kissing her as he carefully held himself above her.

“May be irritable… Smoke more… But you need to sleep.” He breathed between kisses. As he hovered above her, he wiggled his eyebrows playfully.

“Good.” He chuckled.

A voice suddenly piped up from outside the room, full of amusement and laughter, "Not meaning to eavesdrop, but you two know you can still have sex right? Whoever told you off was playing a cruel joke. Just thought you should know. Good night!"

As Ashlin's laugh floated away Nereyda's eyes widened and shot to Elijah, already grinning ear to ear as she purred, "Oh thank god."

As Ashlin’s voice faded, Eli didn’t waste any time, his hands simply ripping off Reyns shirt and unbuttoning his pants within seconds. Eli’s lips crashed against Reyns, her body fitting beautifully to his as pleasure filled their night.
~~9 months later~~


"Unless your useful get out!" Ashlin yelled, kicking out everyone standing around except Ash, Doctor Hall and Elijah.

"Eli," Ash breathed as Doctor Hall rushed around the poor siren lying on the bed, getting her comfortable, "You may want to wait outside on this one too. It's not pretty."

Nereyda's screams escalated as Ash ushered him to the door, "I'll take care of her. But Reyn won't like if you saw this. You and I both know that."

As she closed the door on Eli Doctor Hall yelled at her to come back, as Reyn's contractions continued to get closer.

"She's in labor," he concluded as she let out another growlish scream, gripping Ash's offered hand until the bones crackled, "The baby is coming."


Grewling hours later Ashlin opened the bedroom door, sweat beading her forehead as she stumbled downstairs to a pacing Elijah. Behind her Doctor Hall snuck out of the house, offering his congratulations as he left.

"It's a beautiful baby girl," Ash beamed, wiping sweat away from her face, "I'm going to take a long shower now. They are waiting for you upstairs. Go meet your daughter Eli."

Eli’s body quickly rushed upstairs the second Ashlin excused herself, worried about his partner and his daughter. As his muscular form stumbled into the room, his eyes laid on Reyn’s stunning form resting in the bed, a small pink bundle within her arms. Slowly wandering in, Eli sunk down next to the bed, his eyes looking at the beautiful little girl within her arms. Two, large Bluey green eyes peered up at him, catching his breath.

“Reyn.” He moaned softly, looking up at her glory. “She’s beautiful.”

Reyn's head lifted slightly, tired eyes looking at the love of her life as he walked in, her body turned away from him as it curled and shielded the tiny bundle in her arms. As he walked around the king size bed, she shifted to expose the sleeping child within her arms. His body froze and sunk down beside them, Elijah's eyes glued to the little form swaddled in blankets as she woke.

"Elijah," she whispered, her voice gone from exhaustion, "Meet you're daughter. Nya."

Eli looked up at Reyn with nothing but love as she told him her name.

“My little Nya… A beautiful little Pandora Box.” He whispered leaning in, the little girls hand reaching up towards him curiously. Reaching out, Eli’s finger softly rested in her tiny little hand.

“I vow to never let anyone hurt you my little girl.” He whispered, looking up at Reyn.

“I love you.” He breathed.
~~1 Year Later~~


Xael stretched, rolling over and pulling his mate into his arms on their king size silk bed, nuzzling her.

"Morning baby," he purred, "Time to get up Lune. Remember, company is starting to arrive today."

As he kissed her awake, his brain mentally cataloged their schedule for the day. Guests were arriving for the wedding soon...tomorrow to be exact. Family and close friends were arriving today, to give Braxton and Ashlin a chance to fill them in on everything and to catch up. Xael and Luna had promised to help with any last minute wedding plans, knowing the engaged couple were already stressed. It was a tiny wedding, with no more than twenty guests arriving, but in this day and age that was a rather large crowd.

"Kayden will be back today," he breathed into her ear, feeling the Alpha perk up in his arms at the thought of finally seeing her baby sister, "What has it been now...six months? About time she returned home."

He prattled off a few more names who would be arriving that day. Jayson... Savannah and Damion...even Reyn was coming, the siren becoming good friends with Ash over the past year.

Getting up, he carried his soon-to-be wife in his arms, laughing as she squealed.

"Bath time," he groaned, winking at her and smiling at his new favorite past-time.

His body rolled into her arms, allowing her to quickly cling her body to his with a pleased mewl.

“Good Morning my god.” She moaned, kissing him as she hung onto her mate.

“Shhhh… Sleepy time… We sleep. Guests walk in and clean. Shhhhh” She groaned, sleep still grasping her until he’d mentioned her sister. Lunar’s body perked up, her vibrant golden eyes gathering him in her vision.

“Oh good! It’s been too long!” She gushed, her voice singing sweetly as Xael picked her up. Squealing with pleasure, Lunar’s arms slipped around Xaels neck, her feet paddling in the air softly as he carried her small body.

“I don’t know if I’m up for other’s though.” She commented, her golden pools staring up at the ceiling in contemplation.

Xael placed her naked form in the large tub, stripping before slipping in himself, allowing her to straddle him.

“Can’t we just stay in the bathtub though? That sounds much better then entertaining people.” She mumbled, her lips automatically flying to his warm and smooth skin.

"I agree," he growled, his hands sliding down her body to her hips as his eyes rolled back and his head relaxed on the edge of their tub, "Mmmm Luna."


Kayden strolled down the road off Cleansed City leading to the tiny cabin in the woods she had yet to see since she had left. It had been six months since she'd last been home...six long months. The white-haired wolf smiled as her long legs carried her down the path, wearing nothing more than denim shorts and a loose white blouse she could rip off whenever she pleased.

As she neared the house she let out a howl, her thoughts calling to her Alpha and sister, Lunaaaaaaaa...I'm home!

As the wolf’s head began to slide down Xael’s chest, she could hear her sister howling in the distance, perking her up further as she looked at her mate in excitement.

Kayden! We’re home! Just don’t come in the bathroom! ‘ The wolf giggled excitedly.

'Five more minutes, he growled to his mate alone, his hands squeezing her ass as his lips suckled her breasts, wanting to enjoy themselves, 'I cannot go without my morning bath baby.'


Kayden made a face, 'Ew. Gross guys. Take your time then. I'll go...hunt or something.'

Stripping down out of her clothes, she left them in a pile inside the front door as she quickly Changed and dashed off, eager to catch something while her Alpha's enjoyed their bath time.

The wolf couldn’t help but bite her lip, purring as she grinded against him.

Defiantly cannot go without it…’ She thought, moaning softly as the wolf nibbled at her mates ear before his head lowered, arching the wolf’s back and a delicate moan to leave her plump pink lips.

Have fun.’ She thought towards her sister before allowing Xael and herself to have their privacy.

'We will,' he thought to only Luna, biting her skin softly so he could hear her gasp and moan as he teased her with his lips, 'You're already quivering my queen and I have yet to enter you. Do you want me that bad?'


Braxton woke to two piercing whiteish blue eyes staring down at him, a cute smirk flashing across her porcelain skin.

"Good morning," she chirped, kissing his nose, "I made you breakfast in bed my love."

The wolf quivered under his touch, her golden eyes staring up as her hands roamed up his back, one hand rustling through his hair.

Please love? I… I need you…’ She begged as her back arched more, her hips swaying with need.


Braxton’s ghostly eyes opened as he looked up at his beautiful fiancé. Both arms quickly grabbed her, dragging her and breakfast safely into bed with a grin.

“You say you made breakfast… But you’re wearing clothes.” He teased as he kissed her, sinking her into his lap as he sat up, leaning against the wall behind them as he plated his chin into Ashlin’s chin playfully as he nipped at her skin.

“Good Morning my love.” He purred.

"Not much," she teased, shrugging out of her black silk pajama top that only hung by one button on her. Underneath she wore a solid black lace bra, with matching underwear hidden under her black silk p.j. shorts. She had fallen in love with the entire matching set during one of their hunts, and it had been an anniversary present from her fiance that she wore to bed daily now.

"The best part about my breakfasts," she purred, kissing his soft lips, "You get a warm meal, and then me for dessert."

Wiggling on his lap, she gave him a wink as she pulled a steaming plate of eggs and bacon to his face, "Hungry?"


"Beg more," he growled out loud, teasing her with his tip as his arms held her above him, his teeth skimming her neck, "Beg loudly for me my sweet girl."

“Fucking Fuck me Xael!” She growled, a wave of emotion’s slamming against her as her body craved his.


Braxton’s smile grew as his soon-to-be wife wiggled against him, making him moan softly as she quickly introduced breakfast.

“My god love… You know me too well.” He purred, leaning in and kissing her passionately as he graciously took the meal. As Braxton raised a piece of bacon to his mouth, a cratering mass slammed into him, quickly snapping the meat, along with the rest of Braxton’s dish before lapping at Ashlin’s face happily.


"What the fuck?!" Ash swore, falling backwards as the plate hit the floor, the contents now in the belly of the dog, "C'mon! Braxton, help please!"


He slammed into her, filling her briefly before pulling her back out and then slamming her hips down again, filling her once more. Soapy water splashed and sprayed over the sides, but Xael's only focus was the sound of her labored breath and how loud he could make her today. Again he pulled out till only his tip touched her, then pushed inside hard, feeling every inch of him push against her walls.

"Oh Luna," he huffed, "You're divine."
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