Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


Nuzzling her mate softly, Lunar’s body tried to relax from her stiffened state, only to tense more.

She wakes up as we all do… By force and sheer will of mind.’ She thought. ‘Only thing we can do is be there for her… To help her grow up and enable her to move on… To teach her how to become what she still can be. She won’t be able to be the way we can be… But she can still function as one of the pack, as a human. Broken, but loved and always supported.

Lunar closed her golden pools, biting down on her lip yet again as she tried to stifle her labored breathing.

Love her.’ Her words echoed within their minds as they sat in silence.

Throwing the third bottle aside, she popped the top off the fourth, "Ever wondered how many bottles it takes for a siren to get drunk? I think it's two."

She heard Elijah, processing slowly that he was in the room as he caught the man, flinging him out the window. Her head shook sadly at the waste of meat as she lit one of the cigarettes and took a long drag, then downed another third of the fourth bottle.

"He wasn't lying," she slurred, staring at herself in the mirror, looking at the black streaks of make-up as she cried, "I'm a demon's slut. Nothing more it seems."

Her heart shattered further and she drowned out the feeling with more alcohol and another drag, "No wonder you smoke. Helps curb the let's-kill-every-man-that's-done-me-wrong vibe."

She couldn't even look at him, hunched over the vanity staring at her emotionless face as her blue eyes cried black, smoking and drinking her feelings away.

Eli moved towards the girl, picking her up within an arm as he placed her struggling and drunken form on the bed.

“You’re not a demon’s slut, you’re a fun and spontaneous siren, who has a perky attitude.” He spoke as he sat beside her on the bed. He could feel something as she spoke… He’d never dealt with something like this… He didn’t know how to deal with it, she was obviously upset, yet he felt like if he asked that it would be like stepping into magma… Which didn’t quite seem ideal.

“Give me a sec Reyn.” He spoke as he stood, quickly finding himself out the door and down the hall. Following his sense’s, Eli opened a door, his eyes looking at Ashlin hovering over a small book.

“She’s broken… Fix her!” He breathed, a slight panic tone slipping into his usually sly tone.

"Whose broken?" she jumped up, waving her hand over the book and seeing it disappear into thin air with a pop, "Reyn?"

She had never seen Eli anything but collected. But now he looked frazzled, his eye's showing a small sign of panic. It was new, and she knew immediately it was the siren's doing. Somehow this pink-haired woman was worming her way into his heart, and bringing out his humanity.

"Stay here," she demanded, slipping past him, "Let me talk to her."

She strolled down the hall to the open door, slipping in and finding the poor girl lying on the bed, a bottle in one hand and a smoke in the other.

"Reyn," she sighed, striding across the room and taking the bottle, then the smoke from the girl.

Pulling the siren up, she sat and let Reyn's head fall into her lap, stroking her hair. The look on her face...Ashlin knew it too well.

"Was it Eli?" she asked softly.

She shook her head, tears falling freely, "It was...Jay. We're over. What's wrong with me Ash? Why am I so emotional?"

She counted the bottles, and guessed by how badly Reyn was acting that she was wasted. Wasted and broken hearted. The raven-haired beauty had been there multiple times. She had always drank herself into a stupor, than thrown up until it hurt and passed out. The few times she had been coherent she had used a spell to settle her stomach, a simple one that eased minor aches and pains.


Ashlin stroked her hair, trying to console her, "You're emotional because you're hurting. And very, very drunk."

"Everything aches."

"That happens when you break up. If you really cared, then it hurts."

"My stomach head hurts...I feel awful..." Reyn cried softly, her words slurred by the alcohol reeking off of her, "...I think I'm going to be sick..."

"Shhhh," Ashlin whispered, cooing at her, "You've drank a lot. I have a spell that can-"

Nereyda's head turned violently as she fell over the side of the bed, vomit spilling everywhere. Ashlin's feet pulled up as the siren threw up until there wasn't a drop of alcohol left in her system, then continued until even her breakfast was spilled on the floor.

"Help," Reyn coughed, dry heaving.

"Awe sweetheart," Ash's heart went out for the girl and she stepped around the puke to pick the siren up, pulling her back onto the bed and under the covers, "I'll give you something to ease the pain. Then you need sleep."

Tucking her in, Ash let the magic flow to her fingertips, feeling the pull at her energy. It was an odd spell she used, one she had been taught to ease small ailments. But the spell made the caster feel for the pain, instead of the magic branching out and doing the work. Ash had to brush her hands over Reyn's body searching, like a metal detector, pouring her magic into the siren where she hurt. She started at her heart, easing the tightness in her chest that only came from heart ache. Then she moved down to her stomach, feeling around for the stomach pains she said she had.


Ashlin stood slowly, her hands shaking as she walked out of the room. Moving back to her own, she found Elijah pacing back and forth, looking more and more panicked.

"Eli..." Ash's voice was dead cold, quiet and more calm than she thought she could handle.

His eyes flash up and she led him back to the room, letting him sweep in first before she shut the door and uttered a spell that soundproofed the walls.

"Elijah," she repeated again, stopping him halfway through the room towards the siren.

"She's pregnant."

Eli’s body paced within the room, chewing on the tip of his thumb as his feet moved back and forth. While he waited, time seemed to slow, stretching out to feel like years while it was only minutes. Then, the door opened and Ashlin’s pale face slipped into view. Watching her, he took notes of what she was doing before she stiffly turned back to him. Her movements seemed odd, something obviously wrong with Reyn.

What had he done? That was the question.

But then, her words hit him. It felt like a brick to the face… No, a brick wouldn’t hurt as much. He thought about it, wishing it was a brick, that seemed much more simpler.

The blonde opened his mouth, but closed it again, stumbling back into a wall. His hands hit it as he slid down, trying to compute what she just said.

“…She… But… I…” He sputtered, his hands sliding up to the side of his head while his knee’s pressed up to his chest, allowing his elbows to rest on the bony joints.

“Are you sure it’s mine…?” He sputtered in shock, unable to look anywhere but the ground before him.

She watched him in shock, her head turning back and forth from the sleeping siren to Eli. She'd never seen him like this. Honestly, she wasn't even sure how he'd handle the news. But when she had detected that...she knew what it was immediately. Back in her village she had used the spell on a pregnant woman before, to check on the health of the baby as part of her training. She knew what it felt like, and more so understood now why Reyn was acting so out of character even with a broken heart.

"Eli," she slid down beside him, resting a hand on his shoulder.

Weeks ago she had hated him, absolutely hated him. But part of her had always been on his side, always wishing that one day he'd grow some form of humanity. And she could see it now, as Reyn pulled out emotions in him no one had ever seen. The poor man looked shocked and panicked, the calm collectiveness she had come to know completely dashed away.

She wanted to confirm it was his, but could she know.

"I can't guarantee its yours," she whispered, leaving her hand on his shoulder as she sat beside him, "I can tell you she's only a week or two in. And that she has no idea what's happening to her. She's going to wake up terrified."

"You should know," she continued, her heart breaking for the poor siren, "Jay dumped her. And from the looks of things, he wasn't easy on her. That's why she's spiraling. That poor girl..."

Eli’s hands scrunched up the blonde tuffs of short hair as he looked up at Reyn.

“I… It can’t be mine…” He sputtered, uncertainty biting into his chest as his breathing became slightly distressed before he allowed his anger to bite into him. An emotion he was comfortable with.

“I’m going to kill him for hurting her… I swear to fucking god.” He growled, his hands sliding forward as his elbows still rested on his knees, allowing his balled hands to hover within the air.

“I’m going to skin him and use his fur as a blanket for the kid…” He snapped, yet remained unmoving as his lightening eyes watched the sleeping Siren.

“I… I can take care of her… That’s not an issue… But Ashlin… I’m…” He tried to find the words, his mouth hanging open as his eyes stayed on Reyn.

She understood the shock. If she was in his position...god she didn't know what she would do if she was in his position.

"Think about beating Jay later," she murmured, not turning the idea down knowing it would only fuel his hate, "Right now that girl needs you more than ever."

"When she wakes up, someone has to tell her. If you can't I will. But I think...I think she'll respond better if it comes from you. Are you listening Eli? Reyn needs you. Right now more than ever."

There was a sniffle on the bed, and Ash's head snapped up, noticing the siren waking.


Reyn held her breath, her heart stammering. no no no no.

She had woken when Eli had started speaking, and every word since had ripped through her. How? How? I can't be...I can't...I'm going to lose him...god, I'm going to loose Eli too!

More tears fell, and then a sob as she couldn't hold on to her emotions anymore.

I'm losing everything!

Eli’s mouth closed slowly as he kept his eyes on Reyn.

“I…” He stuttered, listening and nodding. He knew it was something that he should talk with her about, but he could still feel that shock filling his gut and winding around his core. Then, she started sniffling, forcing the man up as he moved to the bed. Eli’s strong arms picked her up gently, Holding her bridal style as he sat back down on the bed.

“Reyn?” He asked softly, slipping a thumb up to brush away a tear.

“We’ll deal with it.” He spoke softly, her quivering body within his arms. He could see it in how her body was reacting… She’d overheard the conversation, leaving her in shock, much alike him.

She stood, striding to the door to give them space. A step away she turned slightly, looking at the couple.

"Take her away from here Eli. I'll hold on to your portion of the money if you want it, and you can find me later. But get her far away from here. Far away."

He had to know she had a target on her back now. More than ever with a child in her, that was almost certainly his. His enemies would see her as his weakness, and her life would be in danger if he didn't protect her.

She grabbed the knob, her voice even softer, "There's a village three days from the city, it's hidden, but I'm sure you can find it. Tell the people there Ashlin sent you. It's my village. They can care for her, hide her. It'll be safe for both of you. Good luck."

With that she strolled out, shaking as she closed the door, leaving the spell attached to the room as she wandered downstairs, and outside, wishing Braxton was at her side.

"Don't leave me," she whispered hauntedly, her whole body contracting in fear, "I'm sorry Eli. I wasn't careful. But it's yours. I swear, it's yours."

Ash had said one to two weeks. The last time she had been with anyone other than Eli was two weeks ago with Jay, but she'd been with Eli plenty of times after. And she knew; somehow she just knew from the depths of her soul that it was Elijah's.

Her body shook in his arms, her fingers gripping his shirt tightly as she breathed him in, "What do I do? God, what do I do?"

Eli’s eyes stayed on Reyn, listening to Ashlin’s words as both whiteish-green eyes stayed on Reyn.

“Far away… Somewhere safe…” He whispered, kissing her forehead softly. “Keep the money off to the side… I’ll come for the money when it’s a good time.” He spoke gently, his hands moving to wrap around Reyn protectively. “Thank you Ashlin.”

“Or somewhere in the sky…” His words were delicate as silk as Ashlin left the room. “It’s ok Reyn, I’m not leaving you. I promise.”

“I trust you… But we’ll figured it out… We’ll go somewhere safe and we’ll figure it out.” He leaned in kissing her softly. “Together.”

“Are you ready to leave love?” He asked, his perfectly white-green eyes sparkling down at her.

Her body curled more into itself, sick and broken. Her whole being leaned into him, trying to soak in his love to cast away the cold seeping into her heart.

"I'm scared," she breathed, eyes closing as tears fell, her body shaking, "J-jay...he said..."

God, why now? She curled further into his arms, gripping him tightly as she tried to tell him how she felt, what was stuck in her thoughts.

"H-he said you'd leave me. That you'd a-abuse me. He called me s-self absorbed...said I w-was wrong...that I was c-choosing wrong."

Her grip tightened hearing his words, "It hurts Eli. My chest h-hurts so much. Please take me away...take me a-away from here. From him."

Eli growled softly, quickly catching it and quieting down.

“Jays a fuck up. He’s not important. You’re important Reyn, Jay’s a self-absorbed drama queen, but you are a stunning, and amazing woman who keeps me on my toes.” He spoke gently, standing as he kept his eyes on her.

“He’s the one who made the mistake, you’ve done everything right. You’re stuck with me Reyn.” Eli’s smile lit up the room, an odd caring and tender side of him flourishing as he stood with Reyn wrapped up within his well-built arms.

“Because I will never lay a hand on you, or our child, Only you when we’re making love.” He winked, trying to lighten up the mood as he stepped out of the window, allowing them to gracefully leap to the ground before he wandered out into the forest. Eli’s eyes never once left Reyns as he made his way into a clearing.

“Ready to fly Angel?” He grinned, allowing the glamour to fade, the chains to drop and his wings to stretch out into the air around them.

His voice soothed her pain, taking the edge of the heart break. Every word he said was calming, gentle and full of love. Her tears dried up as she stared into his white emerald eyes, letting him calm the fear in her.

They strolled into the forest, her body relaxing in his arms the further they got from everyone. All she needed was him; just him.

"I love you," she whispered to his question, tucking her head into his neck as exhaustion took her over once more, "Take me away darling."

“I love you Reyn. I’ve loved you for over thirty years.” He smiled, allowing his wings to push them up. The air bent under his feathers, their bodies pushing up into the air and disappearing beyond the clouds, Reyn tightly within his grasp as he carried them away.

The day passed by painfully, taking his time to plan things out perfectly. It took detail, and having Lunar’s personal step in helped with the right direction for what he needed to do for a perfect night. As the night light took over the forest, Braxton quickly slipped back into the town and the only inn within the village. Sneaking past the rooms to slip in a dress within Ashlin’s room, the silver master piece resting out on the bed, the top half sparkled within the moon light, fading down into a stunning silk like lace down at the bottom. Adjusting the top, the piece in the middle would easily slide down to the top of her ribs, while decoratively coming up to cover her breasts without straps. Laying it out, the man grabbed a small bag he brought in, slipping out several candles to light a small path from the door, leading up and around the bed to highlight the beauty of the dress. Leaving a small note, leading her to his direction, Braxton slipped out of the room and down the stairs pulling the inn keeper to the side, quickly paying him off to give Ashlin an excuse to run up to her room when she returned. Quickly dashing back out into the forest in which he lead the way with small red bands around the branches of trees.

Ash finally returned to the inn, having taken a walk to gather her thoughts. As she walked in the inn keeper came rushing up to her, making her jump back.

The man quickly dashed up to the raven haired beauty that slipped through the front door, his eyes wild as his thin body came to a halt.

“You’re Ashlin correct?” He asked, his hazel eyes bright with worry and concern.
Looking up quickly, the man took in a hurried breath.

“I could be wrong… But you’re room just got broken into, I need you to go take a look!” He gushed, his face pinching up with more concern.

Now she was more suspicious, eyeing the man oddly.

"Um...I'll go look. I guess," she moved around him, wanting to get away.

There was nothing she owned in the room, and she had left the door unlocked, so why was it a big deal it had been entered? She rolled her eyes as she went up the stairs, wondering for the umpteenth time where her man was. If she had to spend another minute with another issue arising without him, she'd scream. As her feet hit the landing she stepped towards her room, the door closed.

It was probably Braxton who came in. Not a intruder. Wow is the innkeeper jumpy.

Stepping inside, Ash took in the scene before her, her breath leaving in a single whoosh.

The moonlight streamed in through the window, the candles adding a soft flicker of light that sparkled off the top of the dress, slowly shimmering down to a stunning grey lace, parting midthigh and fluttering out along the bed.

A small note beside the dress along the bed table, a candle with several rose pedals laid under the folded piece of paper. Elegant writing laid on the front, Addressing her.


Ashlin heart skipped, her fingers shaking as she read the paper in her hands. She couldn't help but smile, staring at the dress. Then with a girlish giggle she undressed, running to the bath. If he was going to spoil her with that gorgeous material, Ashlin wanted to go the extra mile. She filled the bath with hot water, using magic to add citrus perfume to the water and a dash of honey to keep her skin soft. Bathing quickly, she jumped out and toweled dried.

"Shit," she didn't have any good underwear, not after losing her old clothes.

Thank god for magic, she thought with a grin, knowing how to surprise her man back with the lingerie that came to her mind. Using her magic to conjure them, she then set to work on her hair and make up. Her raven black hair naturally fell in curls, but she brushed them out to make them softer and wider, falling around her face effortlessly. She outlined her eyes with a thick liner, but left her flawless ivory skin otherwise untouched.

Looking good...the voice sneered but she shoved it away, ignoring it completely.

"Now for the dress," she laughed, tiptoeing to it and pulling it on. It fit like a glove, hugging her every curve and making her pale skin pop. Making sure her hair was in place, Ashlin went to run out the door before realizing she had no shoes.

"Now he's really making me work for it," she giggled, waving her hands and conjuring a beautiful pair of black lace heels that went beautifully with the dress.

Her heart pounded as she gripped the note to her chest and stepped out of the room, following his clues into the forest.

She found the first red band, and then the second. Her laugh rang out into the trees as she held the skirt of her dress in her hands, dancing through the woods.

"Braxton!" she purred, laughing again as she found the third, "What do you have planned darling?"

Braxton couldn’t help the soft laugh.

“Magic love.” He called back.

He stood, nervously pulling at his cuffs, the candles around him sparkling and twinkling as the wind played with the soft lights. He watched as her body emerged from the tree pathway, the candles lighting up her dress, her beautiful curls, and breath taking face. Braxton looked down, brushing off his tux as he stepped forward, his arm out as she looped her hand around his broad arm.

“Hello Gorgeous.” He whispered, leaning in to kiss her softly as he lead her through several light up trees, candles up within the branches as they wandered into a small clearing, while some candles hung from branches as well as resting on small wooden platters, an expansive bed hanging from a well aged, looming tree. Vines crept down the thick ropes, while they held onto another wooden frame the bed rested on as a large white canopy hung down the tree, spanning out around the bed as fine foods rested along the edges of the frame. Prime rib, beautiful and fresh fish, fruits all perfectly cut and laid out on platters with bottles of wine resting at the back corners of the hanging frame. Leading her down a small rose pedal lain path, Braxton smiled tenderly down at Ashlin.

“Welcome to our piece of heaven.” He breathed, pushing back several hanging vines that draped down the canopy as he opened it to lead her in to the small utopia.
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