Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


" you've outdone yourself," she breathed, her heart stammering at the beauty before her, "What's all this for?"

Braxton’s smile only broadened as he pulled her forward, allowing her to look around the well-lit clearing as he sat her along the edge of the bed, her perfect body sinking within the cushioned bed as the candle light made her sparkle.

“Well… We’ve been through allot lately, I thought you deserved a night of beauty, one that will never match your beauty, but something that I could try and create close to…” He spoke. “I thought a night like this might make you feel better, and give us some time for just us.”

"Awe baby," she pulled at his hands to sit next to her, kissing him gingerly, "This is amazing handsome. And the dress is gorgeous. How did you get all this food...god, is that prime rib?"

Her mouth watered as her eyes widened at the steaming plate, "Pleeeeease say that's prime rib Brax."

Braxton smiled brightly at Ashlin, kissing her back as his hands tightened around her fingers, her eyes wandering off to the large pallet of food.

“I paid for it.” He chuckled, picking up a fork off to the side as he gathered a piece and held it up for her.

“Bite and tell me.” He grinned, his eyebrows lifting and dropping in a playful manner as he held up the steaming meat to her perfect lips.

Her lips parted and she snapped up the meat, chewing as she hummed in appreciation.

"Mmm," she hummed, swallowing and reaching for the plate, "God that's good Braxton."

Stealing his fork she dug in to another piece, her eyes wide and full of adoration for her man, "This prime good."

She took a few more bites before remembering her manners and put the plate down blushing, "Sorry hun. I have a weakness for prime rib. What else is there darling?"

Braxton couldn’t help the laugh that boomed out of his broad chest.

“Oh god Ashlin I love you.” He laughed, reaching over to grab two fine wine glasses, popping out the cork as he poured the fizzling liquid into them before handing Ashlin a glass.

“Fish, fruit, cheese’s, even several baked goods that I could get my hands on. I know you have a weakness for prime rib.” He grinned, grabbing a pie and cutting out a piece of the apricot pie with a small bit of whip cream dashed on top, pulling a cherry from a bowl to place on top for her.

His words made her heart sing and the blush across her cheeks rose as she graciously excepted the pie.

"So much food," she smiled, her eyes bright with excitement, "You know your way to a girl's heart, my dear."

Digging into the pie, she took the first bite and melted into her seat, offering him the second bite. While he chewed softly she devoured the rest of the pie, saving the cherry for last.

"I love these," she smiled, sticking her tongue out and seductively licking the whip cream off the cherry, "They aren't always easy to find."

Sucking the whip cream off, she popped the cherry in her mouth, pulling the stem out so she could chew and swallow, her eyes never leaving his.

Ashlin’s blush only made Braxton’s heart stutter, her stunning reaction and smile lighting up his world.

“Good, I worked hard on it, I’ve been busy since we got here.” He chuckled, kissing her sweetly as he took a bite of the pie. The food filled his stomach, blowing up his taste buds. The villagers had been right, that was defiantly one of the best bakeries to buy from.

Braxton watched her with delight before slowly, lowering himself off of the bed. A single knee hit the soft dirt as Braxton looked up at his beautiful woman. Slipping his hand within the breast pocket of his inner jacket, Braxton pulled out a small velvet black box.

“Ashlin, with everything we’ve been through…” Braxton’s nervous yet excited eyes stayed on her as his opposite hand pulled open the small box. Within the velvet folds, a small delicate rose gold ring sat, small bands weaving around the circle while a large sparkling diamond sat in the middle, sided with two stunningly detailed flowered with diamond centers. “I’m hoping you’ll take my hand and marry me. Settle down in that house I promised you, a home to start a family of our own.” He breathed, his heart stopping as he waited for her answer.


Ashlin burst into tears before he even pulled the box out of his pocket, her hands jumping to her mouth. Her arms shook, her lips pressing to her fingers in utter shock. She couldn't even speak, couldn't utter a sound as she nodded frantically, tears streaming down her face.

"Y-yes," she finally bubbled out, dropping off the bed and into his arms, "Yes Brax...yes."

Braxton’s arms quickly wound around Ashlin, his lips pressing deeply into hers.

“Oh god you had me worried.” He breathed, pulling the small ring out of the box as he held it out for her finger. Braxton’s smile couldn’t be brighter as Ashlin’s hand flew up for him to slide the ring onto. Picking her up, Braxton swung her onto the bed, curling up within her locks.

“God I love you Ashlin.” He whispered into her, kissing her deeply again.

The ring fit perfectly, making her cry all the more. She couldn't speak, could barely breathe as he lifted her back into the bed. She kicked her heels off, her fingers running through his hair as she pulled him in for a long kiss, her tears staining his cheek. She kissed him over and over till they were both breathless and heaving for air. Her hands shook where they sat in his brown locks, his body molding perfectly to hers as it hovered on top.

Her eyes were wide and dazzling purple, so light and full of adoration. Her entire body hummed for this man, everything else around them falling away as his white eye's gazed lovingly down into her soul.

And she could feel it, that one single thought rising above the rest, that single feeling she had always strived for her entire life. And she hadn't found it within the arm's of this man, her man.

Tears pricked her eyes again as she laughed musically, her head falling into the pillow's so she could see his whole face as she finally spoke.

"I love you Braxton."

Braxton’s arms only tightened around Ashlin as her words hit him. Braxton’s lips pressed into Ashlin’s, his heart pounding as he listened. Braxton’s hands softly massaged Ashlin’s back, a grin pulling at his lips as a purr rumbled within his broad chest. His chest seemed to broaden with excitement, her words echoing within their little canopy.

“My soon-to-be Wife.” He breathed, leaning in to kiss her again.

Her heart only swelled more as he held her, wrapped in their perfect night. She kissed him hungrily, her body pushing up into his as her elbows dug into the bed. Breaking her lips from his, she smiled.

"Is it bad if I say I'm still hungry?"

Giggling, she pushed him over onto the side of the bed, bouncing up and retrieving their glasses. Then she took an empty plate and filled it with the finest food she had seen in quite some time, stacking it high to share between herself and Braxton.

"This dress is gorgeous," she murmured, getting carefully back on the bed to keep it from ripping, "Thank you baby. For all of this."

"And especially this," she held her hand up between them, letting the ring sparkle in the candle light, "How did you find something so pretty, my fiance?"

She blushed at the word, trying not to giggle as happiness enveloped her, unable to believe she was anything but dreaming.

Braxton couldn’t contain the booming laugh that left his lungs, his body laying back as she pounced on the food.

“Not at all love.” He grinned, his hands pulling her back as she filled the plate for both of them. Flipping over, he the bubbling wine, filling them quickly before taking a bite of a muffin. Both white eyes stayed happily on the shining woman, her beauty still taking his breath away.

“I’m glad you like it, I found it and thought it would be something you’d love.” He grinned, his hand moving to rest gently on Ashlins hip as she inspected her dress and her ring.

“I looked high and low in the last couple towns and finally found it.” He breathed. Braxton’s hand slipped up, brushing a piece of hair away from her face.

“Your stunning, you know that?” He asked.

Ash's cheeks inflamed more, his compliments sinking into her heart. Popping a grape into her mouth, she pushed the plate towards Braxton, offering him half. Quietly they devoured the plateful, basking in their loving silence as they gazed at one another. When the plate was done and the wine mostly finished, Ashlin got up to set the empty dishes aside, and to marvel at her dress once more. It twinkled in the candlelight, sparkling off her pale skin.

"Thank you," she breathed, smiling at him, "this has all been amazing."

She twirled, watching the dress light up. Stopping, Ash beckoned him off the bed, begging him to dance with her.

"I know there isn't any music but a dress this pretty needs to be twirled."

Braxton’s hand slipped up to rest on Ashlins cheek softly, stroking her cheek as they sat happily with the plate between them. Allowing his hand to slowly sink as they ate quietly.

His large white eyes looked up at Ashlin, watching her as she moved up to twirl happily. Watching her beckon him, the creature stood before walking over to her, happily taking her extended hand as a soft hum rumbled in his chest. As he started humming, the man stepped with the soft beat, gently guiding Ashlin as he twirled her around, admiring the perfect sparkling dress that she so elegantly wore.

“You’re absolutely breath taking in that dress.” He purred guiding her into him, dipping her before pulling her up to twirl her yet again.

"Thank you," she blushed, giggling as he dipped her, "You're quite the dancer Brax. Better than me."

As she said it she tripped, as if her feet wanted to show an example of her klutziness. She fell sideways, only escaping face-planting into the ground as Braxton's arms tightened around her.

"Sorry," she murmured, trying not to laugh at herself as he helped her regain her balance, "I'm not used to dresses this pretty and long. You should have seen me trying to put it on."

Ash bit her lip as she chuckled at herself, stealing a kiss from him quickly afterwards, "This night is beautiful my love."

Braxton’s arm instinctively wound around her, catching her with ease as he twirled them both around and dipped her again, Kissing her as she giggled at herself. Chuckling softly, Braxton stole another look at her.

“No need to apologize love, I will always be there to catch you.” Braxton spoke softly, unable to help looking into her beautiful violet eyes.

“I’m glad you’re enjoying this night. ” He grinned, spinning her back up as he danced slowly with her.

“I wanted to make sure everything was perfect for you.” He breathed.

"It is," she breathed, "And you are."

They danced, the night stealing her breath away with his soft humming, the flickering light, and the delicious food. Eventually she fell onto the bed, her chest heaving from the breath he had stolen. Her smile stretched ear to ear as she lay there, watching him at the edge of the bed eyeing her.

"Please tell me this night includes you undressing for me," she giggled, winking at him as her heart quickened a pace.

Braxton couldn’t help but chuckle as she breathlessly agreed.

“I’m not a better dancer then you by the way.” He breathed as she dropped to the bed. “But I have had a couple hundred years to learn.” He chuckled.

“Depends if you want it to.” Braxton replied, his deep voice echoing through the trees as he slowly began to undo the button’s on his jacket, pulling it off and dropping it to the side before moving to his tie, slowly untying it as he lifted a brow at the stunning woman.

Her eyebrows lifted as he dropped the jacket to the side, her body already beginning to sing for him. As he moved to his tie she bit her lips, leaning up on her elbows, "Definitely want it to."

Braxton threw his tie to the side, his grin only growing by the moment as he moved to slowly unbutton his white shirt, his ghostly eyes never once leaving Ashlin as he took his time, teasing her and dragging out stripping for her.

“Are you sure you can handle this?” He joked, finally unbuttoning his shirt to expose his golden kissed skin, his perfect pecks flexing with the sexy grin that slid along his face.

Ashlin's head tilted back as she laughed, "Trust me, I can handle this."

Running her fingers through her dark hair, her violet eyes took in every inch of see-able muscle and toned skin as a mischievous grin played on her rosy lips, "I'm going to need help out of this dress too, just so you know."

Braxton’s hands slowly fell to his side as he removed the white shirt, throwing it to the side as he moved over to her, his hand moving up to twist in the air.

“Turn my love” He spoke softly, moving to stand directly in front of her.

Her eyes never broke contact as she slid back to the edge of the bed, standing before him and turning. Using one hand she lifted her hair up and away so he could reach the zipper.

"It really is a gorgeous dress," she murmured, "Although it never came with any lingerie. I had to improvise."

She could hear his breathing hitching as his fingers delicately pulled down the zipper, exposing the pale skin underneath. Underneath the dress she wore a white lace matching set that sat softly on her skin, pure and beautiful on her.

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