Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


Her voice flattened more; it had gone back to normal the minute Eli was gone, but now it sounded cold.

"You don't know what your asking of me," she hissed, her fingers shaking around the glass she held, " don't understand."

"He fixed me. He took a shattered thing he found in an asylum and put her back together. So don't go saying he ruins everything. Because I'm the breathing proof he doesn't. You're lying Jay...he cares. He cares more than any of you do. He's..."

Why Jay...why are you being so harsh? Why can't you both get along? For me?

Her voice dropped as she lost the anger in her, replaced with feeling torn over the men, "What would I do if I left him? How would I survive?"

Lunar’s head poked up, her eyes looking forward as her hands caught the branch she had been standing on. Dropping herself down, she nodded softly while Braxton looked at her oddly.

Alright love, I’ll be right there, I’m just out of the town at the moment but I won’t be too long.’ She sent it out, looking over at Braxton.

“I’m sorry Brax, Kayden’s up, I need to go. Are you ok from here?” She asked as she landed in the soft dirt.

“Well… You gave me the idea of what to do. I should have it from here… Worse case I can bother Reyn.” He added, allowing her to quickly turn off to quickly dart back into town. Finding her way back into the town, she slipped into the inn and followed their scent towards one of the back rooms, quickly letting herself in.

“Kayden?” Lunar asked, quickly slipping next to her mate and sister.

“That’s the type of game he plays Reyn.” Jay’s voice heightened slightly, his annoyance starting to build.

“You might think he fixed you but that’s the bull shit he plays on every pretty little thing.” He snapped. “He doesn’t actually care, he’s a piece of shit that’s not worth your time.”

“You would survive the same way you did when you walked away from him thirty years ago. I would take care of you.” He growled. “You know I would, but I’m not going to stick around if you want to pick an ass face over me.”

"Luna," she mewled, pushing herself on rocking arms to try and sit up.

Xael's hand pressed against her back, helping the girl sit up and curl into her sister's arms.

"I'm sorry," she squeaked, tears beginning to streak her cheeks, "I'm so sorry. He did this to me...he did this...I don't...I don't deserve freedom...I can't...I'm wasn't good..."

Her words trailed off as she sobbed, clinging to her sister.

"Please don't send me back!" she cried, curling more into herself and shaking, "Please! I'll do better! I promise Luna...I can do better! I'll be good. I can be good!"

“Shhhhh sweetheart.” She soothed, gathering her sister into her lap as she began to pet her hair.

“It’s alright, you’re doing fine. You’re ok Kayden, you’re free with us.” She soothed, looking down at her sister with warm golden pools.

"You're wrong!" she snapped back, close to crying, "He cares! He has, stop. Jay don't make me doubt myself! He cares. I know it!"

"Why can't I have you both?" she laughed harshly, pushing tears back as she shook her head at herself, "Stupid me for picking the one guy in existence that doesn't like my other man."

She shook her head, her heart betraying her and skipping at his words, "I want to believe you. I want to believe some part of you cares more for me than your play toy. I want to..." know that you feel the same way I feel about you.

"I want to...hear a lot of things. If I did leav- I can't. I can't leave him Jay. Thinking about it makes me feel sick, thinking of walking away from Eli...I don't know a world without him anymore."

"It's okay Kay," he whispered, rubbing her back as he looked down at his mate and her sister, "We would never send you back, would we Luna?"


"I'm sorry," she continued on, crying words out between sobs, all those memories sitting on her shoulders, "I'm sorry...I forgot...I forgot and then it came back...all of it came hurts Luna...I hurt...I don't want to go back...don't send me to him...please...I'll do anything..."

Jay shook his head, growling softly.

“I’m not wrong Reyn, I’ve seen it to too many woman to want it to happen to you too.” He spoke, his voice raising an octive.

“Because he’s not fucking good enough for you Reyn. He’s an asshole who only fucking cares for himself, and woman are nothing other then fucking toys for him to stick his dick in!” He spat.

“You are something more than a blood play toy Reyn! But You can’t stay with an abusive fuck up like that… I can’t even call him a man, he’s a fucking thing!” Jay growled, his eyes darkening.

Lunar looked at her mate lovingly, nuzzling him for a second.

“Of course we won’t, we’re one small pack. No one gets left behind Kayden.” She spoke softly, continuing to pet Kaydens hair softly.

“We won’t send you back, we never will sweetheart.” He musical voice only seemed to soften, almost taking a motherly tone. “I promise we will take care of you, we will teach you how to be you, an adult you. I swear on my life. Now stop your tears little one, Please? You have no need to cry.” She smiled.

"Who's good enough for me then?" she asked, exasperated, "Because believe it or not, I'm not just into fucking random men for the rest of my life. I like a little stability Jayson!"

"And coming from the man that owns me, I'm pretty sure I am a bloody play toy," she snapped, gritting her teeth, "Obviously I'm just the dumb siren who can't see right from wrong, is that it Jay?

"He's a man," she growled, turning protective of her halfling, "And he's not abusive. Not to me. He's isn't the one leaving bruises and bite marks on me, is he Jay?"

It was a low blow, and she regretted it, but she couldn't help standing up for Eli, and Jay wasn't backing down.

"He's in my head!" she sobbed, shaking as her nails dug into her sister's skin, her body racked with fear, "I can't get him out! I want him out! OUT! I can't go back there...I can't do it...he wants me...Luna, he will find me...he'll hurt me..."

Her words made her flinch as she tugged away from Luna, scratching at her own skin. Bruises...why were there bruises everywhere? She tugged at her clothes, scratching her pale skin till she bled to free herself from the corset. Her hands instantly felt her bare back, her eyes trying to look over her shoulder at the mass of scars on her back.

"He'll whip me..." she whispered numbly, "He'll whip me till I stop breathing...till I...till I do things..."


Xael looked away, not wanting to see her half naked. Kayden was losing her grip on reality again, muttering about what her father would do.

Stop her, he begged as she began to cut herself, unable to look but wanting to help, Luna she needs you more than ever now. I can smell the fear on her. Don't...don't try to stifle the memories. It's only making them worse. Maybe...maybe Kayden is trying to handle her past. O maybe she wants to tell you something.

“I am! Jesus, Or anyone who isn’t Eli Reyn, you don’t get it!” He snapped, his face pinching together as his anger rose.

“Yes, because owning someone makes them a fucking toy! Yeah right Reyn.” Jay bit his lip, his hands balling up in frustration.

“Are you sure? Because I’ve seen it on other woman!” He snapped. He couldn’t help but roll his eyes.

“What ever Reyn, if you want to end up with some dead beat ass who will get rid of you like the rest of the worlds population be my fucking guest.” He spat standing up so harshly the chair flew back.

“Just keep in mind you asked to be bitten.” Jays cruel eyes only glared down at her.

“Don’t come fucking crawling to me when you change your mind and find out I’m right.” He spat turning and walking out of the room.

Lunar looked at her mate for a quick second before her hands reached to gently grab Kaydens wrists, pulling them back as she refused to allow her sister to hurt herself.

I… I might need to stifle something… I don’t want to command anything unless I need to…’ she thought.

“Kayden, Abass isn’t here, You are free from him sweetheart. I’m here to protect you. No one is going to hurt you.” She spoke calmly, looking down at her little sister as she continued to struggle.

“You’re bruised from a fight, I will protect you sweetheart. I promise.” She sang, kissing Kayden’s forehead softly. The alpha turned her head, looking at the wounds as Kayden continued to panic, her eyes inspecting the wounds.

“What did Abass do to you Kayden? Why is he in your head sweety?” She asked, continuing to hold her wrists as she waited on Kaydens response.

Her heart stopped, her breathing hitching as he got louder, the chair falling to the floor. As he stormed out of the inn she stood, draining the last of her drink and followed after. What am I doing? He's made it obvious he wants me to choose one or the other. Elijah made that apparent too. I can't have them why am I still trying?

"Jay!" she snapped, booting the door open and racing after him as he huffed down the street, "Hey! You do not get to do this to me and then walk away! You're asking me to give up on someone I've known for close to a century, after only knowing you a few weeks!"

He kept walking but she was hot on his heels, her stomach knotting more, "I know what Elijah is. I'm not foolish or ignorant. But I also know what he's done for me. I can't walk away from that. Besides Jayson, I have no home here, no roots or ties. And I'm not a hunter. I've got nothing else for me."

Her voice rose an octave, getting more scared that he was truly going to end it, "Just because I sleep around doesn't mean that's all I want in life! You know what I want Jay? I want to be loved! That's right, I want to be loved by someone. I want to be cared for, and and Luna. And I want to follow my damn heart. And yeah, the siren is being cheesy and sappy for once in her life. But out of all of you, I have the least to live for. So I'm fucking stuck with following my heart for once, and do you know what it's saying?"

She grabbed his wrist, tugging him to turn and face her, "It's telling me to stay with him, with Elijah. Just as much as it's screaming at me right now to do everything I can to keep you too. Please, don't do this handsome. Why...why can't you two sort things out? For my sake?"

The look on his face was all she needed to know Jay and Eli would never find middle ground. Her chest stung as she stepped back, feeling wounded.

Nereyda dropped his wrist as her eyes looked down at her feet, "If you walk away right now, don't expect me to ever forgive you. Whatever we'll be over."

"I can't I can't I can't!" she cried, pulling at her wrists, wanting to rake her skin, "I can't!"

But she could. Kayden knew she could tell her everything if she wanted to. But those memories...

"You don't want to know," she shook, her voice haunted, "You don''s not pretty."

Luna's words were calming her though and as her sobs subsided, her words became more sane, "He's always in my head. Father...makes me do things. Things he's forced me to do."

She got her wrists back, rubbing them. Then with one claw she sliced across her wrist, wincing, "If I tell people about his rules, I'm to cut my wrist. If...if I tell a pack member...who I am...I'm...I'm to cut my throat."

She winced as she sliced a second cut into her wrist, "I was never to be freed of him. Freedom for's a dream."

Her wrist bled but she ignored it, hunching over, staring dimly at Luna, "Do you really want to know? Are you...sure? I...I can't tell you, but you can...go memories..."

She lay down, curling up in Luna's lap as her blood stained the sheets, "Most of my memories have returned. If you want's up to you."


The memory of first meeting Luna flashed in her mind again, playing itself out, along with the first beating she had ever gotten. Five whip lashings. It had been the first time Kayden had every met her father, and it was that day she understood why her mother had hid her away.

The next memory was her tenth birthday...

"Mother?" Kayden's voice was young, and slightly scared, "Mother is that you?"

"I came to wish you a happy birthday Kayden, but I see you've been misbehaving."

"No!" she cried out, getting up too quickly from the cold stone corner of her room and tripping, falling back down. Her senses were awry, her eyesight completely blind.

"Tell me why you have that on then?" she asked, cold and distant.

"I..." Kayden sunk her head into her hands, "I bit father in wolf form. I was bad. I'm sorry! Mommy...I'm so sorry! I couldn't change back, and he brought out the whip...I got scared!"

Again she tried to stand up but the contraption on her head made her disorientated and she fell into a heap. It sat like a mask over her head, completely blinding her, while also muffling her ears. It reached down to her nose, closing over it so even scents in the room were muted, making it next to impossible for her to gauge what was going on. It was heavy and awkward, pulling her head down whenever she stood and putting her off balance.

"When will you learn child," there was no love in her tone, only disappointment as her mother's footsteps clipped away, breaking Kayden as she called out, called to come back.

"Are you sure?" Kayden whispered, half asleep as her sister sifted through the memories, "Sure you want to continue? They only get worse..."

A flurry of different memories all swirled in her head, the same phrase repeated over and over again.

"Why aren't you more like Luna?" "Why can't you act like your sister?" "You disappoint me. Maybe if you acted like Luna, you'd be out of this cell by now."

New memories swirled, another phrase repeating itself over and over through the years, "You're just a doll. A pretty little thing, able to be tossed away at any time." "You're nothing more than my doll, child. I may do with you as I please." "You will never amount to anything, ugly little doll."

The memories grew intensively worse as Abass grew angrier and angrier with her defiance over the years, beating her, commanding her, and toying with her head to get results. There were memories of her standing up for herself just to get beaten within an inch of her life, and others were he whipped her to let off steam after a an arguement with Luna. Some were just for enjoyment, Abass wanting to see her cower at his feet. Kayden let Luna see them all, giving her access to her entire life that she could remember. There were still many holes, months and years missing all together.

They eventually got to the memories of Kayden testing the instruments made for Luna, those mind-numbing weeks she would spend screaming till her throat grew raw, because she was starved, dehydrated and in agony. Kayden winced at these, her nails digging into her palms as she curled further into herself, being rocked by her sister.

The next memory was of her seventeenth birthday, when no one came. She spent the day crying, rocking herself in bed as her body slowly healed from the torture she had indured for months. Kayden cringed at this one, her body tense, I don't like this memory...I can't...Luna I don't want to remember being so alone.

She pushed it away, but a new memory surged, one she knew Luna would want to see.

Kayden jolted from her bed as the door opened finally, her father stepping in quietly and shutting it before addressing her, "Kayden."


It was the day after her birthday, and she still felt exhausted and broken, but she knew better than to cower or lie on her bed when he entered. He demanded respect, and had taught her many years ago how to stand at attention when he came in.

Strolling up to her, he looked down at her for a few seconds then with a cool composure asked for her hands. Kayden retreated within herself immediately, raising her hands with as little shaking as possible as her brain tried to halt, to backtrack from him. His right hand came out and held hers steady, while his left hand dropped a handkerchief in them, something wiggling inside.

"W-what is that?" Kayden's tried to remain calm but the fear snuck into her voice,

"A leech, a parasite," Abass stared at it distastefully, pulling the handkerchief away to reveal a slimy black slug-like thing wiggling in Kayden's hand, "It's also power. Immeasurable power."

"F-for Luna?"

"Or for you," he replied, giving her a look, "I thought I'd let you choose. You've seen the instruments, you know what is coming for your sister. I can give my heir the demon parasite, making her even more powerful. Or I can give it to you, and you can save your sister from this foul thing. It will eat you alive Kayden, it will worm its way into you and corrupt you. You will return to those instruments, and you may never come out."

Kayden stood there numb, thinking. Some part of her felt like this was a test, like her father wanted to choose. But which choice was the right one? In the end did it matter? Looking down at the slimy thing, Kayden knew what he choice was.

"Give it to me," she croaked, raising the creature closer to her lips, the smell of it invading her nostrils till all she could smell was death and decomposition, "I'll take it...on the condition Luna gets her freedom."

He looked taken aback so she repeated it, remaining as calm as she could like her father had taught her, "I'll take it. Let Luna free. Please."


"You may want me to hate her," she whispered, lifting it closer and curling her lip up, "But I would never condemn her to what you condemned me to these weeks. I'd never put anyone through all that. I'm not you-"

He kicked the feet out from under her, smacking her head on the edge of the bed. She fell hard, her body sprawled as she dropped the beastly thing, watching it crawl back onto her hand and then up her arm. Just the feel of it made her vomit, puke spilling onto the floor as her head screamed in pain.

"You little bitch," he growled, "Think you're brave? You want to defy me some more? You are weak Kayden. Pathetic. Useless as you'll always be. You should have chosen her."

He kicked her in the stomach, shooting pain cascading through her. The creature got to her shoulder and she turned her head away, ready to scream when Abass picked it up using the handkerchief, folding the cloth back over it.

"Why would I waste power on you," he spat, stomping away, "This was a test, one that you failed, like all the others! You learn nothing child. Nothing."

I failed you that night, Kayden thought sadly, shaking, I couldn't save you. I couldn't even save myself.

Lunar’s hand quickly moved out, gripping Kaydens wrists again, licking the blood away to help seal the wound.

“What has Abass done that’s so bad…” She whispered, her arms quickly cradling her little sister as her mate curled up to her to offer her support.

“Freedom is not a dream Kayden, I promise you…” Lunar whispered softly as she listened, her sister allowing her to sort through the memories.

“If there’s anything you don’t want me to see… Stop me…” She whispered as the alpha closed her eyes and allowed herself to sink into her sisters head, slowly flipping through each painful memory.

Then… It came… Lunar’s head peeled up and moved to the side, gagging as her body swiftly moved to the side, vile and stomach acid hitting the floor next to the bed. The memory made her skin crawl, her bones quaked and her muscles seemed to almost hurt with compulsion as her body rejected the feeling of the parasite along her skin.

It’s not your fault Kayden… You never failed me. I failed you… I failed you in not taking note of that first meeting… Of not seeking you out… I’m sorry sister…’ Lunar’s voice seemed softer than usual, yet a soft bend to her thoughts showed her inner struggle with what she was seeing.

Xael sat beside them, one arm holding his mate, the other rubbing Kayden's back as she lied in a fetal position in Luna's lap. He could see some of the memories, Luna helping channel him in. Other's he blocked off, unable to watch even as Luna pressed through, rocking his sister. They both watched Kayden's choice, and Xael held down bile, recognizing the demon from Luna's memories.

Are you okay Luna? he thought quietly, hugging her tighter, Maybe we should give you both a break.

No...Kayden's voice was feeble but firm, I want her to see...she should know...

It had been months. Time seemed to blend together, nights, days, everything becoming one long stretch. And she sat there, waiting. Screaming hadn't helped. Weeks of screaming till her throat was raw hadn't gotten her so much as a footstep. The Change she forced herself through didn't do any better, only making the empty, quiet void around her harsher. No one cared, no one wanted her anymore.

Not since Luna left.

The smell of blood still reeked, slipping under the door and penetrating the walls so she could never get away from it. The blood slaughter never left, unforgiving. It tortured her, filling her every sense as the silence stretched on, nothing but her own voice keeping her company.

At least there was food. It arrived while she slept, always waking to a tray with a glass of water and a small bone, the meat tender. It barely kept her fed, but she stopped caring after a week. Kayden barely moved, barely did anything other than scream and cry, lying on the cold floor.

And when she couldn't scream any longer she whispered to herself, or called out to her parents, neither who cared to answer her cries.

She was alone. Utterly alone.

A year...he left me like that for a year...

Her body had shut down, her breathing shallow. Kayden couldn't remember the last time she moved other than to reach for the daily tray of sustenance. She lay beside the door day in and out, having given up on moving, or trying.

But now she heard a grating sound, one that filled the room. Her smoky eyes rose, then closed, her hope dashed as the door remained shut. They'll never come one will come back...

The memory swirled, and Kayden remembered she had fallen asleep that day, giving up on staying awake. When she woke...when she woke the true nightmares began...

Kayden woke slowly, feeling the cold seeping further into her bones, freezing her. Her body ached, stiff and sore. With effort, her eyes fluttered open, but something was wrong. She wasn't lying on the floor, or on her bed. She was slanted, on a metal table that bit into her skin. There were metal bonds on her wrists and her ankles, and one holding her neck down. She strained against them and felt more, another two holding down her biceps, and two holding her thighs apart. Kayden’s head swivelled looking left and right, trying to understand where she was.

"Hello child," his voice was so calm, breaking through her drowsiness and cutting into her heart.

"D-daddy?" she whispered, her voice hoarse.

"You turned eighteen today Kayden. Speak like it," he snapped, but she could see him now, off to her right, "Now please don't squirm."

"W-what?" she coughed; dumbfounded that it was her birthday, "Why?"

His voice rose, rambling off something in another language she'd never heard. As he spoke the room grew darker, stiller, the presence of death imminent. Her head craned back and forth, trying to see what was happening. Then his words stopped and something crackled near her feet, warming her toes.

"Her?" a deep voice hissed, a clawed hand running along her bare leg, making her flinch.

The cold. The cold was so much worse because she was naked. Naked and bound.

"Wait," she struggled, pulling against the restraints, "What's going on?"

"Her," the voice was colder than she'd ever heard her father's, not just void of compassion, but void of anything.

The clawed hand continued up her leg, making her shake and try to squirm away. It traced up her belly, and then her breasts, finally reaching her throat as it gripped roughly, choking her. A monstrous face appeared above her, red eyes glaring into her fearful grey ones. The beast was scaly but humanoid, with no hair and rotting teeth.

"Are y-you going to kill me?" she coughed, her eyes crossing as he continued to cut her oxygen supply.

"Nahhh," it hissed, a forked tongue flickering out and licking her cheek to Kayden's disgust, "Better plansssssss."

The table creaked and Kayden's heart stopped as that scaly hand released her throat and trailed back down to her chest, cutting a line down her fine white skin. A scream bubbled up as it laughed, its body now hovering over her completely, something hard and fleshy pressing into her thigh.

"I'm scared!" she cried, tears threatening to fall down her small cheeks, "Daddy I'm scared!"

"I need a heir," his voice was so cold, like glass cutting her thoughts, "One with power, that can lead this pack. I made the mistake with Luna, thinking I can give her power. I need a heir with power, one I can raise to be the Alpha this pack deserves."

"No..." her voice broke, confused but terrified, "I'm not an Alpha. I can give nothing!"

"You can give me a child," Abass' words echoed, her mind screaming them over and over.

STOP! Kayden screamed, trying to thrash but paralyzed in fear, unable to do anything but those horrid memories...

It hurt. She screamed, her voice rising till it cracked as she begged it all to stop, begged the tearing pain in her groin to go away. She couldn't understand, didn't understand what the demon was doing to her. She only felt disgust, disgust and loathing for herself. For him.

Nothing could stop it, her body tied down for its pleasure, even her screams only encouraging the demon to cause her more pain. Vomit covered her white hair as she turned her head and puked, her body wanting nothing more than to reject them. Her eyes tried, tried to look down to see what it was doing. She craned as hard as she could, until she could see its body, bent over hers, and it’s-

The memory went black, Kayden falling off the bed and throwing up, her body heaving with the effort as her stomach continued to retract. It was like they had opened a flood gate, every second after her eighteenth birthday hurling itself into her forethoughts, suffocating Kayden. Luna could see them all now, the white wolf unable to block a single one off.

Again. And Again. Every time she fell asleep she feared she'd wake up to that table, to those beasts that would paw and hurt her, using her till they were spent. Many times she came close to death, her body rejecting the evil, her brain shutting down as her heart slowed. Abass had even gotten a doctor, one to tell him that she was unstable, not that that stopped the Alpha.

He wanted a child. A child from Kayden, a new Alpha. She had the blood in her, the blood to create an Alpha. And if the child was fathered by a demon...even better.

You don't want to see this! Kayden threw up again, Xael's arms around the girl as he held her hair back, the Alpha frozen to the bed, Luna, don't watch! Please sister!

How long had it been? Months? Years? How many had raped her? Dozens? There was always time between them, time to see if she was pregnant. It infuriated him when she wasn't. And when he learned she was still without child...those nights Kayden couldn't sleep, knowing what came next.

And it couldn't be. The pain...this one had been so much worse. Kayden could remember her screams; remember the pain as it cut her flesh, drilling into her like a play thing, ignoring her pleas to stop.

Now she sat in her own pool of blood, pressing the stake of wood further through her stomach. It had taken effort to break it from the edge of her bed, on the side Abass couldn't see. It took more strength to stab herself, killing the unborn child within her. God...I'm pregnant. I'm pregnant with this...this thing.

"No...more..." Kayden hiccupped, dry heaving as sobs wracked her, " can’t…block…her…"

It happened again. This time she didn't hesitate, running the wood through her womb, forcing her miscarriage. She couldn't...she'd never give him a child. I won't give him the pleasure, or the satisfaction. I won't put a child through this.

Standing she let the blood ooze from her stomach as she stumbled to the small desk, looking for the medicine Abass had left. They had been an afterthought, a herb Kayden had begged for, saying it would help her fertility as the plant was best known for. She had put on her best act, fooling him into thinking she wanted to still please him, to give him the child he asked from her. Abass had entertained her, getting her a handful of leaves. Now she crushed them in her palms, forcing all of the herb into her mouth, swallowing the vile tasting plant.

I want death.

She crawled bac into her bed, pressing her hands to her self-induced injury, her breath slowing. The drug took effect quickly as her mind repeated the uses for it over and over. Two leaves for fertility. More than two can result in illness or worse, death.

Her heart slowed, and Kayden's eyes closed, aching for the release of death from the hell she was in.

"Please..." Kayden coughed, raking her nails into her hair, "No more..."



She opened her eyes, fear filling her. The plant hadn't worked; she wasn't dead. How was that possible? Her hands rose, her fingers bending as she held them in the air. There was no blood on them, or on her arms.


"You're awake," a voice sounded surprised.

That voice...that evil voice she despised.

"I don't want to be," she croaked, turning her head away from him, "What do you want father? You rarely make visits unless I'm strapped to a table."

"Do you not remember?" he sounded intrigued, his footsteps getting closer, "You've been asleep for thirty years Kayden."

Confusion filled her and she craned her neck to look at him. Sure enough he looked older, his hair more grey and his eyes wiser, but hardened.


"There was a virus, one that swept through the planet. It seemed to have affected you, putting you into a coma like state for thirty years. You have not aged a day."

I didn't die. That virus kept me alive. I just wanted to die though, to be free from him.

“Oh,” was all she could muster up to say, turning her head back to the wall as another piece in her wilted, depressed.

“Well…now that you have woken, we can resume our work.” His words broke her heart, tearing her soul as he strolled away, “Welcome back Kayden.”

Another two years. I spent another two years doing…that. Can’t you see now? I’m bad. Filthy. Wrong. Those demons used me, and I let them. I let myself get pregnant, and then I killed the fetus…because I’m…I’m horrible. But I had to…I had to kill it. I faked miscarriages…I fooled father. So he sent more demons, brought forth worse…worse…

Kayden sobs got worse as shame racked her and she crawled away from the bed to the corner, “I’m sorry Luna! I’m so sorry!”

Jay turned his head, staring down at the girl as she foolishly tried to pull at his wrist. Growling softly, both cold eyes stared at her.

“I’m telling you to stop being a greedy princess, and get rid of that sewer infested walking dildo.” Jayson growled, clearly unimpressed .

“I know exactly what I’m asking of Reyn, I will never get along with that piece of shit. But I would tell you, you have a home with me, roots and all, but a self-absorbed diva like yourself isn’t the type of person who can settle down with one, you need many Reyn. You’ll get tired of him at one point, and you’ll notice how much of a huge screw up he is, and that your heart is wrong.” Jay tugged his wrist back, turning away.

“That’s like asking a Beast to not fuck up the next town, it’s impossible.” He snapped as slowly, Jay began to walk away from her. His head keeping forward while he began to walk down the dirt streets.

Greedy princess?! Really Jay...really?

"I'm not a fucking princess!" She snapped, cutting him off momentarily before he continued as if she hadn't spoken.

Her heart felt broken and her mind raced in anger, the conflicting emotions making her nauseous. His words were like knives cutting deep into her chest, wrenching and stabbing her. This was it. They were done. Through. Over.

"I can't believe I started falling for you!" she yelled after him, shaking, "Fuck you Jay! You obviously don't know me at all! To think I wanted to stay with you! Screw you, you fucking mutt!"

Turning on her heel she stormed away, shaking with rage and heartbroken. Pounding into the inn, she grabbed the first man at the bar who looked half decent, telling him to follow. Stealing a couple bottles of alcohol she lead him upstairs and into the first room. But the minute the door closed she could feel the tears threatening to come out. Ordering the man to lie on the bed, Nereyda moved to the tiny vanity table in the room, opening the first bottle in her arms and downing half the whisky inside.

Why was this so hard? When had she become so emotional over men? Men! What are they doing to me? I've never been like this...I've never cared when my toys left.

But Jay wasn't a toy. She had actually cared for him. And Elijah was anything but a toy...he was...was...the only man who thinks I'm worthy to love.

Flopping down into the chair in front of the vanity, she downed the rest of the whiskey, staring at the confused man lying on the bed.

"Ever had your heart broken?" she asked, feeling the first of many tears streak down her cheeks, "Ever felt like you were stuck between two choices, and losing either one would suck?"

He nodded slowly, still confused. Standing, she sauntered over to him, but couldn't bring it to herself to undress. Instead she frisked him, finding a money pouch, pack of smokes, and rabbit's foot. Dropping them on the vanity, she took a new bottle and drained it too, her body tilting as the alcohol buzzed in her.

"I'm going to fuck you," she slurred, turning back to him, "Because I need to forget that the man I like just dumped me for also liking another man...a de-demon. And he made me choose."

"You chose a demon over a man?"

"The demon has quite the package," she giggled, drunk and upset, "Now drop your pants kid, and let's see what I have to work with..."


"I can't," she hissed, sitting back on her legs and staring at the man on the bed, the disgust on his face prominent and annoying her, "Spit it out."

"I'm not sure why I'm here," he started, "But your kind of crazy."

"Crazy?" she nodded, getting off the bed and finding the third bottle she'd brought, this one scotch, "Am I supposed to be okay after being called greedy, self-absorbed, a princess...oh, and a diva."

"Well...he isn't wrong," the man muttered under his breath, but Reyn caught it.

"Excuse me?" she snapped, turning on him, "Care to elaborate?"

"You are drunk, you've casted some spell on me so you can have your way with me after saying you already had a man. That's called greed. And for the last fifteen minutes you've been droning on about yourself, how you deserve better. How your the best at what you do."

She wrinkled her nose, taking another sip, "You got quite the tongue on you boy. And how am I not the best? I did get you off not moments ago."

The distaste crossed his face again, "Without my consent. I feel violated."

"Well at least your honest, I guess. Still, you are complaining about sticking your dick in some pretty thing's mouth. God, men today are"

She still had all her clothes on, and Nereyda left him to the bed, flopping back into the chair and draining the third bottle as new tears blurred her vision, "Since you're so into speaking your mind, why not tell me what you really think? What does the typical man really think of Nereyda, the siren?"

There was a creak behind her, but she ignored it as the man bent to the will of her voice, "I think your self-centered and kind of insane. You seem more interested in my dick than anything else."

"You're holding back," she breathed, spiraling in the alcohol coating her system, "I want to hear it. The harsh truth."

"Any girl who would choose a demon over a man then sleep with another is nothing more than a cum guzzling demon slut."

Lunar’s eyes looked down at her small sister as she swam through the memories, leaving her insides hollow while the experience stilled her skin, bit down into her skin and muscles. But then, they only got worse, making her skin prickle as she stood on edge, everything was so vivid. She watched every moment, horror filling her as Lunar’s face pinched up in pain and disgust while a tooth sank into her lip, pulling at the flesh to try and rid the disgust she was feeling. Not a word came from the alpha as the feeling raked through her, her body aching with pain both from the wolf in her, and the woman side of her.

Oh god…’ the wolfs voice was soft, paniced, and flooded with pain. Both eyes fluttered as she leaned over again, vomit hitting the floor again. Nails raked along her sides as Lunar curled her arms up and dug her hands into the opposite hip, attempting to sooth the pain in her wolf. Tears fled down her cheeks, reddening her cheeks as the red head hung off the opposite side of the bed. All of it… Every moment was overwhelming. Lunar wanted to push it away, wanted to reject it with every fiber of her being, but she knew she couldn’t. Lunar knew it was important to know about her sister, and her father. The thought of him… Her hands pumped as the wolf’s hatred sky rocketed, fueling her system as she bit down more vile.

She’d experienced the wolf in her sister dying, the pain those creatures filled her with, and the disgusting act her father had put her through. Lunar shook her head as the memory began to fade.

You’re not filthy, Abass is, he’s disgusting and wrong. None of that was your fault… None of that. You were doing what you needed to do to survive. To save a life Kayden.’ She thought, slowly dragging herself up, dislodging a hand from her side to dangle down the opposite side of the bed, grasping Kaydens hand as her body recovered.

“Shhhh, Don’t apologize sweetheart… It’s ok. You’ll never go back…” She gasped, sounding breathless as she continued to try and recover from what she had not only just seen, but felt and experienced.

Xael held down the bile filling his own throat, sick to his stomach. His whole body shook, witnessing every memory Kayden showed, feeling those...those hands on her skin as if it was his own.

But his mate needed him, her whole body retching as she experienced it too. His skin sweat and his mind felt numb with disgust and hate for their father as he rushed to Luna's side, helping her. Making sure she was alright, he moved to Kayden, picking the tiny wolf up and bringing her back to the bed, letting her sit between him and her sister. All three of them held tightly to each other silently, trying to swallow what they'd all just seen.

I swear to god, Xael finally thought, holding the girl's tightly, I will always protect you two. Kayden, we will never let him lay another finger on you. Luna and I are here for you now.

Concentrating harder, he directed his next thoughts at Luna only. She had been teaching him the past few days, and while he was beginning to get it, it still took a lot of effort. broken is she? I know you said wolves mate for life. Did Abass...did he do that purposely to her? Did he destroy that for her?

Yawning, the man took a sip of a newly poured drink, his eyes looking up to catch Reyn’s figure disappearing upstairs with a man in tow. Shuffling the drink back down, he slowly stood and found himself wandering behind. Wandering upstairs, he waited a moment before entering the room, watching Reyn as she spiraled off in the corner while a man laid rather tensely off on top of the bed. Listening, the mans words sparked something within the Halfling, taking only a step across the room, Eli’s hand slipped easily around the mans neck as he shoved him against a wall.

“I dare you to fucking say that again.” He spat, tightening around his throat, cutting off the mans air.

“I fucking dare you.” The sound was dark, making the shadows in the corners of the room shift and twirl, coming to life slowly. Eli listened as the man made several gurgling noises before his eyes rolled back, the man passing out within Eli’s unfazed fingers. Opening the window next to him, Eli dropped the man before turning back to Reyn.

“Care to elaborate?” He asked lifting a brow.

Lunar’s body curled up to her mate, needing his touch as she panted intensely. As Xael brought her sister over, Lunar’s hands quickly found Kaydens, cuddling her while her mate while he spoke to her.

She’s broken… Snapped in half and shattered into a million unrecoverable broken pieces.’ She sent back, easily directing it towards only her mate.

She won’t ever be able to have what we have…’ Her thoughts broke, trying not to cry as she thought about it.

Is there anything we can do? Any way you can help mend her? She's my sister now as much as yours. Tell me what we can do Luna. I can't get these images out of my mind. I can't she still wakes up in the morning is beyond me.

His arms curled around both of them tighter, shaking with his own pain for the poor baby wolf, No wonder she hates herself. She blames all of this on herself, not her father. What do we do?
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