Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


You're ass looks great when you skip! he called, grinning wider.

Looking over he caught an odd look from Jay, "What?"


They had spent most of the day before sleeping, exhausted from their sexcapade in the sky. Now they walked at the back of the group, Reyn putting as much distance between her wolf and her halfling, so they didn't fight again.

"How are you feeling now?" she asked Elijah, dancing around him as she skipped and twirled, "I know you were drained yesterday. Has it gone away?"

"No...I just..." she didn't want to ruin the mood as her memories dragged her down, "Tell me about something else...I don't know. Interesting point of your life, or past girlfriends, or..."

Ash trailed off, her body shaking in his arms as a shudder past through her, remembering how cold her childhood had been.

Lunar couldn’t help the laugh that ripped from her lips, almost choking on air as she continued to skip with the small child.

He can hear you. Will of the pack baby.’ She giggled, biting her lip to help the giggling.

Eli’s arm slipped out, allowing the small girl to curl up within his arms as she danced against him.

“Much better now, Not as drained now. How are you feeling?” He asked, his voice low as they continued to build distance between them and the group.

Braxton’s arms held the small girl tight as he looked down at her.

“Well, the most interesting point of my life, was the moment I laid eyes on you.” He grinned, looking down at the small girl lovingly.



"Purrrfect," she breathed, dancing up on her tip toes to kiss him before wiggling playfully out of his embrace, "I feel absolutely perfect."


His words pulled her out of her sulking, making her cheeks heat.


Jay choked softly, unwantingly listening to his alphas and his brothers conversation.

I get ya’ll love each other and shit… But I don’t need to hear that about my sister’ Jay growled.

Eli laughed softly, kissing the siren back before she squirmed out of his embrace.

“I should have done this before hand, I’ve never seen you so happy.” He chuckled softly to the small pixie like creature.

I'm stlll learning this, his words faded in and out, completely new to this connection, I didn't realize I could hear and talk to you through Luna.


"I've never felt this happy in my life," she twirled, letting her arms go out at her sides, "To think my perfection has been within my reach all this time."

Her voice was still melodious like when she sang, the tone refusing to die as she spoke to her lover.

Lunar listened, continuing to giggle while her an Emilia skipped.

’I always keep it open for my pack… But because your mated to me Xael, you’ll learn how to channel things. Just give it time.’ She responded, her and the small little ginger girl following the path as it turned into the trees.

Eli couldn’t help the pure laugh that left his lips, his head tilting back as he walked with her spinning frame. His heart leapt with her voice, so beautiful and flawless, only for him.

“For over thirty years at that.” He commented with a giant grin.

Xael listened, loving the sound of her voice in his head, Channel things sweetheart?


Too long," she breathed, shaking her head, "I should've come back sooner. I missed that grin for far too long baby."

She danced back to him, melting in his arms as she kissed him once more, "If this is how it's always going to feel around you, I will spend eternity basking in your glow handsome. This is...bliss."

Our words love. We’re on a frequency past the human mind, as alpha’s we set that channel, and can separate our pack mates minds and thoughts. We can control it all.’ She giggled.


“Should’ve, better later then never.” He grinned “And I missed that perfect voice love.”

Eli’s hand slipped out again, grasping her hip as he swung her around, his feet expertly moving as he danced with her, fully aware the group was too far ahead to see them now.

“Shame, I thought we had longer then eternity.” He teased, kissing her roughly as he swung her out, his hand still holding hers as he twirled her body back into his before his hand slipped behind her back to allow her to swoop down.


After several days of walking, they had finally found it.

The next town.

Dropping the children off at the main family center within the town, the group stopped to regroup. Slipping his arm around Ashlin’s waist, Braxton smiled softly, kissing her hair as the group decided to split up and take some time away from everyone.

“Babe? Do you mind if I take a look around town quickly? Luna was telling me she needs a guys opinion on.” He asked, a little red head popping up with a grin.

“I’m stealing your boytoy for an hour if that’s alright.” She giggled, a giant grin pulling at her small plump pink lips.

He had never considered becoming her mate giving him Alpha status. It actually made him grin, showing off his perfect teeth as he felt the day couldn't get any better, Sounds like something I can definitely get into, my angel. And we have all the time in the world to teach me.


Reyn couldn't help the joyous laugh that left her throat as he danced with her, making her heart melt more.

As he dipped her, he stole her breath, and all Nereyda could do was kiss him passionately, her blue eyes closing softly.

Pulling away, she whispered, "You're quite the dancer handsome. Full of surprises, aren't ya?"

Kayden wove in and out of consciousness over the three days, her body healing increasingly slower, almost as that of a human's. She could hear them talking when she got closer to wakefulness, hear Luna's voice, and Jay's...Xael's mostly as he cared for her. And Ashlin. She could hear her at times and a warmth would fill her right afterwards. Once she had heard Xael ask if the magic was working, and Ash reply that it was helping her, but she couldn't overdo it, or the side-effects could be severe. She also heard them saying how bad her condition was, how broken her body was.

Kayden felt trapped, able to hear them before being dragged back into her memories. She swam in them, new and old, her brain taking those three days to sort itself out. But every time she got close to waking, hopeful she could escape the nightmares amongst the dreams, the darkness dragged her back under, suffocating her.

Finally, on the third day she got a moment of wakefulness, hearing the group chatting about splitting up for the day. Someone mentioned Kayden, that they could find her a room in the inn to relax. Xael offered to watch her as Luna disappeared with Braxton, and Ash and Jay both headed for the bar, wanting a drink and a meal.

Soon enough, she felt the softness of a blanket hugging her, and Xael soft words, moving around the room. She fought her sleepiness, holding on to his voice as Kayden tried to drag herself awake. But it wasn't working. She felt herself slip once more, falling into another dream.


Ash shrugged, seeing as they had already decided without her.

"I guess," she murmured, "Have fun."

Watching them walk away a few steps she turned towards the inn they were in front of. Her stomach rumbled as she stepped in, looking for an empty seat. She saw one with Jay and Reyn, but knowing them, Ashlin didn't want to hear that conversation. I'd rather not mope in a tavern. Maybe there's something else in this town.

She took a quick wander, but found nothing, so returning to the inn she ordered a room and some food. Holing up alone, she sat on the bed and snacked, playing with her magic. Soon enough a tiny black book sat in her lap, staring up at her.

You had the smarts to use magic to hide it, but now what? You can't use that spell. You can't go through with it. You'd never forgive yourself. Braxton would never forgive you.

You're still mulling over that thing?

Not now.

Opening the book, she quietly leafed through the pages, hidden away and enjoying the silence casted throughout her room.

She kissed her man, apologizing that she needed to disappear into town without him, but explained how Braxton needed a woman’s help with several things. Watching Braxton apologize to Ashlin, the man kissed her goodbye for now before the two disappeared into the small town.


Having Xael take Kayden, and Eli slipping off for a drink, Jay bounced on the opportunity to take Reyn off for lunch. As the two found the nearby inn, the two wandered in and grabbed a table. As the waitress quickly danced over to the two, Jay and Reyn ordered a couple of drinks to start with. As the waitress disappeared, Jay looked around the restaurant.

“I’m shocked your finally talking to me.” He spoke, both golden eyes looking over at the small siren.

Nereyda looked down at her hands, ordering a vodka with lime. When the waitress left Jay spoke and her head snapped up.

"I was protecting you," she raised an eyebrow, "Elijah still wants your head for biting me. Keeping my distance is keeping him happy. I'm not about to watch you get torn apart for my mistake."

Jay watched her movements, taking mental notes.

“I can take him, and you didn’t do anything so you shouldn’t be taking any blame.” He commented, looking around with a scowl on his face.

“I don’t get why you’re on his side, Eli doesn’t have a decent bone in his body, not for such a beautiful woman.” He grunted.

"You can't take him," she retorted flatly, "He's easily a millenia older than you Jay. You need to be careful, because some of us don't want to see you hurt."

She listened to his next words and bristled, trying not to take offense but failing, "Jay, winning me over doesn't start with dissing my longest and closest friend and lover. None of you know him like I do."

“He may have a millennia on me, but I have sharper instincts.” He grunted. “No need to worry about me getting hurt when I won’t.”

Watching her face, he could see her annoyance.

“You say you know him, but you haven’t seen what he’s done when you’ve been gone.” He argued.

"You will," she snapped, getting frustrated over his stubbornness, "You will Jay, and I'm not going to watch you die. For five seconds realize I'm trying to care!"

Her annoyance was more at his stubbornness, but his cockiness was beginning to grate on her too. As the waitress served their drinks, she tossed hers back and ordered another, wanting alcohol to calm her nerves.

"I feel like you're going to tell me," she pursed her lips, flicking her hair over her shoulder, "I'm sure he's gotten into lots of trouble in the last thirty years."

“I know what I’m doing Reyn, he doesn’t scare me one bit.” Jayson bit his lip, wanting to go into detail.

“You don’t need to know the details… But I’ve seen many who’ve had him in their lives, short or long, and it always ruins their lives Reyn. I can’t let a bastard like that do that to you.” His voice was starting to sound slightly more annoyed with each moment she argued back.

She sighed, letting the first argument go. Obviously Jay wasn't going to listen, more stubborn-minded than Elijah.

"He won't ruin my life," she shook her head, "You all get so caught up judging him, thinking the damn worst of him, and none of you care to judge yourselves. Your Alpha attacked me the other day Jayson, not Eli. Yet I forgave her. None of you think about me when a fight breaks out. He does."

Her second drink came back and she swallowed half of it, "What are you wanting me to do Jay? Leave him?"

Her feet pounded through the trees, a giggle escaping her.

Freedom...this is freedom...

Behind her she could hear Savannah laughing and calling after her, the pack behind her laying chase. It didn't matter when they caught up. She was finally free. Free from everything.

I can be me. I can finally be free.

Kayden eyes shot open, her mouth parting as she breathed in harsh air, her body crying at her. She was stiff and numb, bruises littering her pale skin. But she was awake, finally awake.

"X-xael," she coughed, head rolling sideways as she looked for him, "X-x..."

And he was there. His face was there in front of hers immediately, his strong hands picking up hers and holding them tenderly.

"Hey little wolf," he smiled, sitting beside her, "It's relieving to see you finally awake. How are you feeling?"


"Awe sweetie, she's out running errands right now. But she'll race back. She already knows your awake and she's so happy to know you're awake and speaking."


Luna, my love. Can you hear me my angel? Kayden...she's waken up. She's okay sweetheart. She's asking for you.

“Reyn, he’s done that to every life he’s touched. He’s shattered it and laughed about it. I can’t take that chance to lose you to him.” He spat. “Bull shit, my alpha took the leap when you said it was your fault, I do think of you Reyn, I can tell you he doesn’t care.”

Jay bit down on his lip again, his hard golden eyes looking down at her.

“Yes.” His word seemed to ring throughout the small room, stilling it as he waited for her response.
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