Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


Lunar shook her head softly. Her body leaning into Xaels as his soft touched soothed her, allowing a soft moan to leave her plush lips.

“I.. I just wanted to tell you I’m sorry… I didn’t mean what I said… I just need you to know that.” She whispered, her head lowering as her body sank into the hot water.

“That feels good… Keep doing that…” She muttered, her eyes sliding into her head as Xael dug his nails into her scalp in an attempt to deep clean her matted crimson hair.

"Fuck..." she groaned, her body responding to his words as she quivered in his arms, her heart racing, "Oh Eli."

Her arms that were circling his neck hugged tighter, her hands reaching to touch the edge of his wings sprouting from his back, feeling the soft feathers slid between her fingers.

"Your beautiful," she breathed, pushing her fingers into the soft feathers, feeling them beat.

He didn't know what to say, the words she had used that morning still etched into his head, causing doubt.

"It hurt," he finally stated, listening to her as she relaxed into the head massage, enjoying it like he hoped she would.

Elis lips pressed deeper against hers, his arms holding her without fail. A shiver gently moved down his spine, his head turning slightly to look at his wings along his back.

“I’ve never shown anyone… No one knows I still have them…” He whispered.

“Much like you.” He spoke.

“I’m sorry my love… I had these…” She bit her lip, trying to think of how to term everything.

“I could sense Abass’s pack nearby… And I… I had some flash backs that I felt I hadn’t woken up from… I..” Her soft words faded off as she chewed on her lip.

“I felt so cold… Like I did before I learned how to feel…” She whispered. “Like when I left home…” Her voice broke as her eyes stared off. Lunars head tilted, a moan escaping her lips as he hit a certain point behind her ear.

“Oh god… There right there.” She squeaked.

"Never hide them," she breathed, stroking his wings with her fingers, enjoying the grey softness of them, "These only add to your strength my love."

My love. The words felt perfect and yet utterly strange. She couldn't stop reveling in this feeling, the bliss she felt with him. Reyn had always known she was capable of love, but had never sought it, never thought of wanting or needing it till now.

Her eyes looked around at the beauty before them once more, soaking in the blue sky.

"How do you ever stop flying?" she murmured, "Don't you feel just here?"

"Cold," he nodded, "Luna you were so cold, I'd thought I'd lost you. When you become...when you're a wolf I feel disconnected, and this morning I felt...abandoned."

His hand dropped from her hair, the feelings rushing back making his heart lurched, "I thought we over."

Eli couldn’t help the growing grin along her perfect lips.

“If people saw them… They’d expect more… Yet when I become what I am comfortable with.. What works with me, they repulse people, they draw creatures. While power and strength are never an issue, I’d rather not dealing with the hassle.” He replied softly.

“It’s hard.. I never usually want to but sometimes being on the earth is better.” He replied, kissing her hair softly.

“It is freedom… But I am free in general, so I do what I want, as I please."

"If I had wings I'd fly everywhere," she sighed, "I'd watch the sunrise in the morning, basking in its glow. I'd dance in the sky whenever I could, and play in the clouds. I'd soak in the sunset, and feel blessed."

She kissed his neck, nuzzling him with her nose. Her fingers dug into the feathers, massaging his wings tenderly, "Is this alright baby? I know I should've asked to touch them...but I felt drawn to them."

Lunar’s head tilted back, brushing along Xaels bare chest as she peered up at him.

“Even this morning I felt that connection… All I could remember…” She stopped to think for a second, trying to reword it so the whole situation back then wasn’t as bad as it really was.

“I blacked out… They brought back a side from when my father cleaned me of emotions.. I grew up learning them, trying to understand every feeling and having to be taught. Yet when you’re around I know. I can fully feel and understand them… I don’t need to guess what things are, I simply know my heart belongs to you.” She replied, sinking lower into the water.

“I’m not trying to hurt you Xael, I need you to understand that you bring out not only my humanity… But you make me understand everything that is apart of life. You give me purpose.” Lunar’s voice spoke.

“I’m fully commited… I will never end anything when you are my everything. I’m not abandoning you Xael, but my pack does that… I…” She choked on her words, still unable to speak of what she had done.

“I… I did things that those wolves bring that back… No matter who or what.” She spoke softly.

Eli couldn’t help the soft rhythmic laugh that left his throat.

“Are we hinting at something?” He grinned as he winked at the small creature.

“It’s alright, it feels good.” He grinned only pulling her deeper into the chest. Shifting, Eli allowed his wings to pull them up a notch before his body turned backwards, doing a back flip through a cloud before reappearing in seemingly another area, the mountains beginning to show over the horizon.

He leaned his chin on her head, her body floating between his legs. He sat there, silently trying to think up the right words, to change the topic or bring the mood back up before it soured. But all he could think of was how she questioned him, questioned his love and their connection.

His eyes closed as he admitted it quietly, "Sometimes I think you would have been better off with a wolf. Sometimes...I feel like I'm not enough."

She squealed and laughed as he flipped them through a cloud, burying her head into his neck.

"Eli!" she giggled, as they moved, her happiness bubbling out.

As he evened out she took a chance to look around, seeing mountains in the distance.

"I feel like the luckiest girl in the world," she grinned ear to ear, "How can I not? I have you."

Lunar couldn’t help the soft laugh that left her throat.

“You my Sun, are better than any wolf could ever dream to be… I’m the luckiest girl in the world because of you.” Her voice sang. “Baby, you’re more than anything I could ever dream of.”

Lunar’s head rose, her body slinking forward as she sat up. Slowly she pushed herself up, exposing her upper torso. A claw moved up to trace along a deep wound, the scar so uplifted and thick that it still looked fresh. Trailing her claw up from her right hip, up her stomach, chest and around her left shoulder, to point down her back in which the scar traced down her back, back towards her right hip while branching out half way down her back and out to her right hip, down to mid-thigh before it curled into her leg.

“That would be from a male wolf.” She spoke softly, her eyes looking down at the deep scar.

“That is typical male wolf behavior… We are aggressive to each other. Another male… Luka, tried to take me, most woman in our clan have these wounds.” She whispered. “If anyone is failing here… It’s all my fault for not being a better lover…”

Eli’s eyes watched her, joy filling his typically black heart as she squealed in joy.

“You are… No angel ever shares this… Not even with others.” He whispered softly.

“Where would you like to go today?” He asked winking at her.

His hands reached out the water to touch the scar, then grabbed her hips to pull her onto his lap, making her kneel on him so that he was still looking up at her face.

"I'm sorry I made you bring that up," his eyes scanned her body, wondering what each scar was, if it had been made from wolves, "Sometimes I forget we still know little about each other. Other than our love."

Leaning forward, Xael kissed her chin, then trailed more kisses down her neck, "This will take time my love. For both of us."

Her eyes widened, filled with excitement and wonderment, "Really?"

She bit her lip, trying to think of where to go. She was too happy to be in the sky with him though, too giggly to think of somewhere nice.

"Can we go higher?" she finally asked, looking above them, "I love feeling your wings beat."

She couldn't help challenging him, "Can you do loops? Or flying backwards? Or upside down, so your wings are under you?"

A soft puff of air left Lunar’s throat as he turned her to flop her down into his lap.

“We do… But that will grow with time… Time is endless my love.” She whispered as her arms curled around his neck.

“I could tell you the history of my entire body, most of which was not pleasing. I will admit parts of me are dark… Dark like this morning… Those parts of who I was. But I am fine to speak of it, as long as you know I will say it in confidence you won’t hate me. Even for the cruel things I have done..” She muttered softly as she sank into him.

“As I have said, and I will continue to say… You need to stop doubting me, much like that part of me worries… You’re afraid I’ll leave when I gave you a life time commitment, yet I know at any point you’re able to walk away if you find things hard enough.” She spoke gently, but honestly.

“I’m not trying to be harsh, but I’m being honest and true. You won’t ever need to question a fiber of me, but I know you’re able to walk away if you find those parts too hard, or better yet.. Disgusting.” She spoke. “This is why we don’t have the connection yet. Only half of the whole needs to be wolf for that love… It will come with time.”

Eli couldn’t help the laugh that made his head move backwards.

“All of that.” He replied as he gripped her, his wings flapping harder as he propelled them up higher before he fell back, allowing them to dive towards the trees.

As the greenier began to closen and Reyns heart began to beat harder, Eli pulled his wings out, allowing them to do a back stroke mid air.

“I can do many things.” He laughed.

He nodded, only half listening as his lips left trails, his hands moving her her hips back to her ass, squeezing as his mouth found her breast. He knew he should be paying better attention, that what she was saying was important, but his gorgeous mate was sitting tantalizingly on his lap, and Xael couldn't help himself around her.

The wolf’s lips continued to move, her eyes watching him as he wandered her body.

“I need you to know it’s important that nothing will ever break that…” She began as her words trailed off.

“You’re not even listening.” She growled as her hands flew up into the air before splashing down in slight annoyance.

"Don't drop me then," she giggled, having complete trust in him as she pushed away from his chest, pulling one of her legs over him so she straddled his stomach, her hands reaching out to touch the blue sky. Her hair whipped behind her and her eyes closed as she soaked in the sun, having never felt so high on happiness in her life.

Eli shook his head softly.

“I’ll never drop you.” He breathed as he loved every moment she took in the air with him.

"Mm?" he hummed, lifting his head as his green eyes locked onto her bicolored eyes, "I was listening. It's not my fault you're irresistible, moon of my life."

His hands squeezed again, his eyes serious as a playful smile continued to play on his lips, "I love you baby. I will spend my eternity loving you, learning you, and worshipping you for the goddess you are to me. Now please my mate...let me enjoy you."


Lunar’s eyebrow lifted, clearly annoyed as her mate distracted himself. While his wandering hands please the wolf, she stifled a soft moan as he began to ask.

“I love you too, but I don’t love when you ask when you can simply take.” She spoke, her arms winding around his neck.
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