Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


"It hurts," she moaned, holding her arm as blood oozed, "Eli this needs to stop. Please baby. Do you want me in pain?"


Her mouth opened and shut, pleasantly surprised, but also a little confused. When had the halfling ever cared? He'd showed concern when it benefited him, but right now, protecting Reyn as he was would only expose a weakness to the wolves, at least in his view. Ash only saw a new kind of bravery in him, for once seeing Eli put someone else's life in priority over his own agenda.

Looking at the wolves, Eli turned to put his back to them. Raising his hand, the Halfling closed his eyes. The air around him seemed to change, the grass seeming to grow a greener shade to them as everything around the Halfling purified. Breathing in, Eli placed his hand onto the wound, allowing energy to flow from him as his angelic blood took over, allowing her wound to heal.

Opening whitish green eyes, Eli kept his eyes down on her, keeping his back to the wolves in case they decided to attack.

She watched him, truly watched him heal her and it stole her breath away. He was utterly gorgeous as a angel. While his demon side was dark and sexy, his angel side was unbelievably handsome in her eyes. As her shoulder finished healing, Reyn ached to touch him, to fall into his embrace. Everything else could be forgotten, all she wanted was to loose herself in those emerald eyes and forget the fighting, the people, the woods.

"Thank you," she breathed, taking a step closer to him instinctively, a natural pull towards his embrace.

The air lightened, the man exuding light from his golden skin as he looked down on the beautiful girl. Both arms wrapped around her, One hand wrapping around her to rest on her lower back, as the other one moved to rest on the back of her head.

“I vowed to protect you.” His voice was light, almost heavenly and unusual. “I will always protect you from anything.” He breathed. The air lightened, specks of light seeming to shimmer within the air as the angelic blood continued to course through his veins.

Lunar looked at her brother curiously, her mind swirling as the air lightened. Her mind was flat out shocked, unable to process the situation before her. She looked around, trying to focus on anything else, confusion filling her. It was beyond any point in which she would have ever guessed he was possible of.

‘This isn’t Eli… This isn’t the creature that… that did this to me…’ Her mind swirled, looking downwards at her paws in confusion. How could that creature there… Be the creature that ruined her life? Ruined her fur and… Destroyed her. She took a step back, unsure how to process the situation.

‘He did this last night… It’s weird…’ Jay stated, unaware of the unease and confusion filling the alpha.

"You did," she murmured, breathing in his scent as her body melted into him, "And I go and put myself in harm's way. I'm sorry handsome. I was careless."


Ash listened, and felt like she was eavesdropping on something private, their words so honest and pure to each other. What shocked her more was his words, saying he had vowed to protect her. And the adoration in her face, the way she fell into his arms like he was the safest thing in this world.

He more than cares, she realized, in utter shock, rooted to her spot.

“I’m sorry… I should have stayed awake for you, I should have been up for your needs…” He whispered, kissing the top of her hair. Elis arms only tightened around her, her body going soft within his strong arms. Eli’s attention stayed on her, unaware of any other creature around them.

"Baby no," she purred, "You were exhausted. I only thought you'd like to sleep alone, as you always did. I just didn't want to be alone. I should've considered your feelings more Eli."

She kissed his bare chest, nuzzling him as everything else melted away.

Eli rested his head against hers, a soft purr coming from his chest as she nestled into him.

“I like your company…” He breathed, his soft angelic voice humming as the air only brightened more, small shoots sprouting around them as flowers began to bud, stunningly vivid colors littered the ground, as pure as the light emanating from the god-like creature.

Lunar took another step back, her brother mimicking her as her chest began to sting.

‘I… I can’t watch this… I’m… I’m going to be sick.’ She sputtered, wide eyes while her tail flattened out. Quickly, the wolf turned as she tried to move back towards the town, yet her paws taking her to her sister as her duty for not just her sister, but her pack took over the pain that filled her.

She was broken everywhere. Her body seemed to heal at a exhausted rate, her bones refusing to heal from her Change right away. He could hear them click, slowly mending one by one, when Luna and Jay's Changes were quick and they healed quick. Something was wrong with Kayden; it was like her body was refusing to heal, even as the wolf in her tried to mend her.

After giving her pain meds to ease the suffering and put her to sleep for a bit, Braxton helped him as he cut a slit in her side, using a tube to pump the excess blood out of her gut so she didn't die. He kept the pump in, asking Braxton to use it every few minutes to keep the internal bleeding from overflowing. He worked on repairing her broken skin, putting gauze where the bones had broken through. Slowly but surely she began to heal as he worked. At her rate she'd be asleep all day, and possibly all night as she healed.

"She's okay," he breathed, both to Braxton and himself.

Turning he looked at his mate, "Sweetheart, Kayden is going to be alright."

Lunar nodded towards her mate, pressing her body into Xael as she laid down, a violent shiver running through her body as she gently laid her head next to her sister. Both silvery gold eyes looked sadly at her sister, licking her cold hand with a soft whimper.

"I won't leave you," she whispered, feeling his breath in her hair, "I'll do anything for you."


Ashlin looked away finally, feeling embarrassed for watching so long. She moved to Braxton, wanting his touch after seeing Eli and Reyn.

"We should move Kayden to the inn," she murmured, leaning down behind Brax and putting her head on his shoulder, "She needs to rest somewhere quiet and soft...and we should give them some space."

Elis arms tightened, their little bubble growing only lighter by the moment as his angelic beauty continued to pour out.


Brax’s arms curled around her arms, his hands catching Ashlins in his own.

“We should… We should get one of the wolves to move her.” He responded, Jay stepping in and lowering his body without a second to think. The wolf nudged her while Lunar continued to lick Kayden, waiting on the poor girl to heal. Looking at Xael, Braxton moved to help pick up Kayden.

As Jay picked the poor girl up, Ash came up on his left side, holding the girl’s hand to keep her steady. Braxton was at her side and they started slowly walking back, giving Elijah and Reyn their space.

“Thank you Jay,” Ash smiled at the large wolf, feeling Kayden’s pulse in her hand, “And you too baby. The poor girl has had a rough day.”


While the three of them moved ahead with Kayden, Xael stayed behind, noticing something was distressing his mate.

“She’s okay now,” he whispered, kissing the top of her head, “What’s wrong my moon?”

She looked upset, and worse he could see her eyes losing that gold, her guards rising again. He looked up at Elijah and Reyn momentarily, lost in their own bliss, then at Luna. It could be Eli. He’s caused nothing but pain in her life, and yet he’s still finding happiness.

“Baby,” he murmured, lifting her head with his hands as he turned her towards him, concerned for his mate, “Focus on me love.”

One hand on her face, the other stroked her back, digging his fingers into her fur. She was still matted in places, and his thoughts branched off to cleaning her, getting her a bath, or even into a river.

“Let me take you back,” he whispered, kissing her head, “I can carry you if you like my mate. Let me care for you sweetheart. We can hole up in our room all night if you want to.”

Her body shook as her trembling eyes looked up at her mate. Golden flecks poked through the silver of the wolfs iris’s, slowly fading as her mind started to withdraw again. Her attention moved back to her mate, targeting in on him as he spoke. She edged forward, dropping her head as she willed the shift, bones crunching and muscles ripping as her body willed into her other form.

Naked and cold, the bloody and dirt ridden girl curled up into the ground.

“Please my Sun…” She moaned, her body crumpling up into a ball on the ground, her face curling up into her knees as her naked form shivered. “I just want to be with you…” Her voice breathed.

He pulled the girl into his arm, coddling her as he walked. Only concern filled him, everything else from their day pushed to the back of his thoughts. Quietly he walked behind the others, murmuring sweet nothings to her to keep Luna’s attention.

As they approached the inn, Xael saw Ash go in first, to round the children up in a room so they wouldn’t see or bug Jay and Kayden. Once the path was free Ash led Jay into her room, letting Kayden take her bed. Xael slipped passed them and continued into his own room, never losing his grip on his mate.

“I’m going to run you a bath,” he smiled, putting her down gently on the bed and strolling to the tub, turning the hot water on.

There was a bar of sweet smelling soap and a sponge on a shelf near the tub and he pulled those down before hoisting his Alpha back up and gently placing her in the water.

“I love you,” he murmured, trying to pull her out of her shell as he rubbed water in her messy hair.

Using the soap he began rubbing the blood and dirt off of her, being slow and gentle as his free hand caressed one of her knees tenderly.


The air around them practically shimmered with his angelic aura, surrounding them pleasantly. Lifting her chin up, she looked into his deep green eyes as she pushed onto her toes to kiss him passionately.

The girls arms naturally folded around Xaels neck as she tucked her head into his neck.

“Thank you my Sun and Stars.” She whispered, her breath shaky as her bare body trembled against him. The wolfs ears twitched, hearing Ashlin round up the children while the adult’s moved in, Jays bare ass slapping together as he carried their sister inside. Lunar’s body hugged Xaels as he took her to his room, his hands prying her arms off to allow her to slump over on the bed. Her knee’s curled up and her body rocked back and forth until Xael picked her up and slipped her into the tub. The hot water stung, making the wolf yelp slightly before her skin adjusted. Lunar’s body hunched over, listening to her lover as he helped clean off today’s events from her skin.

“I love you too Xael.” She breathed, a hand sliding up to grip his.

“I would tell you to slide in with me… But the water is disgusting because of me right now…” She spoke tenderly, her eyes still looking down at the water, watching each bubble pop amongst the million suds within the redish-brownish water.


Eli smiled at her, his face lighting up as she looked at him. Kissing her back, the angel purred softly.

“Would you like to be the first to fly with me..?” He asked gently.

Nereyda’s eyes widened, surprised at the gravity of the offer he was laying before her.

“Yes please,” she replied airily, beaming up at him as her hands slid up and around his neck, her lips finding his once more.


“I have to drain the tub,” he smiled, “And fill it back up. I got everything off your skin, but I want to wash your hair too sweetie.”

He did as he said, draining the tub with her in it and refilling it. Her body was cleaned of grime, but now it needed a good wash, as did her hair.

“Would you like me to join you now?” he asked, watching her in the water as he used the sponge to wet her back.

Eli’s arms slid around her, picking up the small girl bridal style as something within the air seemed to click. Eli’s lips pressed to hers as a stretching sensation flew over him, the glamour around his wings fading as large chains seemed to drop from the bound wings. A stunning white feathers tipped at the upper joint of the large, body engrossing wings, the color fading out to a beautiful grey that tipped to a soft black. The wings easily spanned out to 6, maybe even 7 times Elis height as he feathery wings stretched out into the air.


Large golden pools watched him, her head shaking out as she looked at the tendrils of red hair slipping down her face.

“Never was a fan of washing it…” She grumbled, allowing her mate to empty the tub and refill it with hot water.

“Please join me?” She asked, large puppy like eyes begging him as her hands slipped up, softly tugging at Xael’s hands. “Would be much more enjoyable if you’re in here with me.” She grinned.

He stripped, throwing his clothes aside and stepping into the wide tub, slipping down into the hot water and pulling his beautiful mate into his lap.

“I’m washing it,” he kissed her back as he lifted a few strands, using the soap to scrub it clean, “You’ll be leaving this water squeaky clean, baby girl. Just relax in my arms and let me take care of you.”


Her mouth opened than shut, her brain completely blown away. It was stunning, looking down at everything from so high. The trees became a sea of green, the towns little blibs amongst them. The sky seemed to stretch on forever around them, with little clouds floating. Her grip tightened in his arms as she nestled into his embrace, in complete awe.

“I love it,” she whispered finally, her heart stammering for him as she turned to look into those perfect light green eyes, “I love you.”

Both golden pools watched Xael strip, her body sinking till head hovered above the water. Both hands reached up to wind within Xaels before he removed them to tangle within her long crimson strands.

“But its so painful wet… “ She complained, her body sinking into Xaels as he pulled her in. Her butt wiggled against him, while she blew at the bubbles infront of her, watching them crawl away, each bubble popping with the motion.

“I’m sorry for what I said earlier…” She whispered, her voice lowering as Xael continued to play with her hair.


Eli couldn’t contain his smile, the one thing he felt free to do, he could share with her. Both glowing orbs watched Reyns face as it dropped at the beautiful landscapes before them.

“It’s the perfect way to get away from things… It’s freedom.” He whispered softly against her hair. Reyns words caught him off guard, leaving the angel to look dumbfounded at the small siren within his arms. Elis mouth opened, the words flying out of his mouth shocking even him too.

“I love you too Reyn.”

Her heart all but stopped, her breathing hitching in her throat. Did he just… She couldn’t believe it, it was just too perfect. This had to be a dream as she floated in the gorgeous blue sky, wrapped in his strong, familiar arms, hearing his voice as those heart stopping words slipped between his lips.

But it was real. And it was perfect. He was perfect.

Nereyda head tilted back as a blissful laugh bubbled up her throat. She had never felt so good…so whole. Her voice was unfamiliar to her, a perfect tone of melodious and joyful, her body humming with these new emotions she’d never felt. Everything about her seemed to shimmer and glow, the siren in her responding to the pure bliss she was feeling.

She couldn’t even spoil his words as her laugh died and her eyes locked on to his, her iris' the liquid color of aquamarine, they were so bright and full of love for her angelic demon.

“Perfection,” she purred, her voice so light and airy it sounded like she was using her Siren Song to speak.

She leaned forward, pressing her lips into his so lightly, so gently it tugged her heart to beat three times faster. Every inch of her poured into the kiss, throwing every ounce of love she felt to him. The kiss became hungry as she soaked in his love, bathing in his glory.

“Say it again,” she moaned against his lips, wanting nothing more in this world but him in that moment.

He ran his fingers through her hair, combing the knots out. He felt her wiggle and one hand slipped down to her hip, rubbing her skin.

He bristled momentarily as he heard her words but then relaxed again, not wanting to upset her, "We don't have to talk about that now, my moon."

Eli couldn’t help the soft purr that rumbled within his broad chest. Both large and well built arms grasping the siren tightly to him as she pressed her lips pleasurably to his. Leaning in, his lips hungrily to his.

Large feathery wings beat softly as the sun shone down on the two, the landscape as beautiful as the love pouring between the two bodies.

“I love you Neryda.” He breathed against her lips.
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