Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


Her teeth detached against her will, a growl of annoyance rumbling through her body at her sister.

'You're not my Alpha. If I wanted someone cold and constantly blood hungry, I'd return to father.'

She wanted to say more but Jay's face lowered to hers, surprising the tiny wolf. She couldn't help but hear his words, his calming tone trying to soothe the hate inside her.

'Why would you try?' she asked, licking the wound in her leg to keep it from infected, wishing to chew on it more but unable to under that damn Alpha command.

He could sense the anger from the alpha, but it faded into the void as she easily pushed them back. Both eyes kept down onto the creature under his foot, licking her muzzle softly.

‘She is our alpha, she cares, unlike Abass. But both of us would have tried so we could give you a better life… Because both of us treasure life, Lunar might be void for the moment, but she’s lost like you little one.’ Both golden eyes looked up at the alpha, her facial expression softer towards the two.

“Consistent blood hunger is in our genes Kayden. But I don’t torture my wolves.” She growled softly, a lighter more understanding tone underlying her tone.

'I'm not lost,' Kayden growled softly, but the anger was dying from her voice as her silver eyes closed to let him lick her.

She ignored his words about Luna, shutting her away. Even looking at her sister made her blood boil, counteracting with the calming effect Jay had on her, easing her pain. Kayden wanted that pain to stop, wanted it to fade away. She lay under his leg, blood soaked and depressed, feeling the anger wash away as Jay stood over her, replaced with loneliness and an emptiness in her heart.


He moved around so he could see, ignoring Luna's attempts to shield him for the proceedings. He could see the tiny white wolf begin to relax under Jay's care, then stiffen at Luna's words. She's still rejecting her sister, still throwing her pain and hate at her.

A rustle in the leaves behind them had Xael turning, his head cocked to listen. Raven black hair whipped between two trees and Xael whispered to Luna he'd be back before stepped away from the wolves, following Ashlin's not so stealthy trail.

"You aren't good at this," he mused as he caught up to her in moments, his eye's tight with emotions still swirling about Luna but his body relaxed around Ash.

"No I'm not," she shrugged, "I just wanted to make sure Kayden was alright."

He looked back in the direction of the wolves, "I'm not sure. It's like she started remembering a bunch of memories she repressed. The little wolf is very confused, and very angry."

Ash held up her now healed arm that had been bleeding earlier, "I know. She got quite the mouthful of my skin. I'm just glad Luna got involved. She really cares about Kayden, she should be able to break through that anger."

That would be the case if Kayden wasn't angry at Luna. And if Luna was herself right now.

Ash sensed something was off, her brows knitting together, "What is it Xael?"


He hadn't meant for them to wander off, but she was his closest friend, and once he started talking, everything flooded out. They walked in a lazy circle around the entire town, staying to the trees. It was the first time in weeks either of them had gotten to let everything out about their partners, leaning on one another for support.

"I think you do doubt her," Ash replied to Xael's issues, "Because you have only known each other for such a short period of time, and you jumped into such a big both of you are truly scared that it will fall apart, that you made a mistake that can't be repaired. Luna is more sure of herself because its her nature, but deep down that poor girl is probably just as terrified that you will leave her, and you are that she will leave you."

"What if she gets bored of me?" he asked, his voice strained, "Or realizes I'm not right for her."

"Didn't she explain that she only picks one mate...for life? That pretty much states she'll never get bored of you. And just because you aren't a wolf doesn't make you wrong for her. I didn't chose Braxton based on his blood."

"Speaking of Braxton, how are you two?"

Ashlin went into details, avoiding talking about the other day in the creek and what she'd done to the village. They had been doing so well most of the trip, and then the hiccups started again in the last half week.

Xael broke into a grin as the witch squeaked out that her man had also said he loved her.

"And you said it back?" he asked, pulling her into a friendly hug.

Xael knew her fears of men and rejection. For years Xael had a front row seat to Ash's emotional rollar coaster after Elijah had broken her. And he could see how much good Braxton was doing for her.

"No," she whispered, suprising him, "I...couldn't."

She isn't ready. Ash won't know...until she knows.

"That's okay," he replied, "Somethings take time. I'm just glad to hear you'e happy Ash. Someone in this group deserves a slice of pure happiness, no strings attached."

"You have that too," she hip-checked him playfully, "Just with lots of strings...and they are a tangled mess."

Ahead of them, the inn loomed on their right, children playing and screaming in the grassy area beside it. Both of them could see Braxton leaning against one wall, looking exhausted.

"I think my slice of happiness needs a break," Ash smiled, adoration pouring from her voice, "Thank you Xael. It was nice talking to someone."

"Anytime," he kissed her head, "What are friend's for?"

They wandered out of the trees, and while Xael got caught up with the children, Ash strolled over to her man, arm's quickly wrapping around his neck as she fell into his open arm's, kissing him lovingly.

"I'm sorry I left you with them," she purred, kissing him deeply, "Let me go get you a drink, and relieve you from these kids. See? Xael has it covered now."

Already, Emilia was on his shoulders and the other kids were chasing him around as he mock ran, staying just a few steps ahead of them. As Ashlin slipped inside, Xael took the quick minute to walk up to Braxton.

"Hey," he nodded, bouncing Emilia so she squealed in glee, "Thank you Brax."

At the questioning man's stare Xael continued, "I've known Ash for close to seven years now, and she's never trusted someone like she trusts you. She adores you, man. Whatever you are doing, just keep it up. I didn't think she'd ever get over Elijah, not after the way he strung her along, made her fall in love with him, and then tore her heart to shreds. Ash...she's been broken for close to a decade now, and I've never seen her with another man. Until she met you.

She told me you loved her. That you said it. The smile on her face when she told me that...thank you Braxton."

‘Shhhh little wolf, I’m here to help you.’ He gave her a soft toothy grin as he leaned down to lick her a couple more times, lapping away the blood from her face.

‘how do you feel about a bath? Before your beautiful white fur stains?’ he asked tenderly, continuing to help clean her as his alpha moved back to lean on a tree, having said several warmer words to her mate before he disappeared. Lunar’s eyes sat watching, keeping an eye on the situation.

'Is it bad?' her tone held no venom or fury, instead sounding small and submissive, 'You must be angry that I hurt you.'

Her head turned towards him, her whole stance ignoring Luna, focusing on Jay's kindness.

Jays large tongue slathered over her face again, his golden eyes gleaming down at the little wolf.

‘Its not too bad, but we can’t ruin your pretty fur.’ He replied softly, lifting his paw before nuzzling the small white wolf up and in the opposite direction towards a stream.

The further they stepped from her sister, the lighter Kayden felt. She just couldn't handle the Alpha at the moment. As they reached the stream she pranced in, rolling in the water while letting out a loud chirp. After rolling a few times she lay on her back in the stream, watching Jay upside down with her tongue hanging out.

'Did I get it all?'

Eli took a bite of the bacon like deer, his eyes watching the door with slight shock as Reyn happily bounced out of the room. It was rare for the small pixie like creature to protest him getting his own breakfast, then offering to grab him a scotch. Both lightened emerald eyes stared at the door until her body popped back in, both arms filled with various treasures. Eli nodded softly as Reyn helped him peel off his sweaty and old clothes before helping his perfect body sink into the hot water, each bubble popping against his skin while caressing each individual cell along his body. Lifting a brow suspisiously, he gladly took the glass while his body sank into the hot tub, his large and muscular arms sitting on the edge of the tub.

“Should I be worried? You never act this…” Eli chewed on the word, taking a joyful sip of his scotch. “Selfless.” He finally found the word as his eyes took in the cigars.

“Shiiiit… Reyn.” He responded almost sounding breathless as he reached out, gladly taking one and placing it to his lips. The man couldn’t help the purr that left his lips.

“I need to do this more often.” He chuckled, a hand sliding the finely wrapped tobacco up to his lips while she handed over the worn and beaten lighter, allowing the Halfling to light the cigar. Placing the lighter to the side of the tub, Eli sank deeper as the smoke sank into his lungs, allowing each muscle to relax before he exhailed the smoke into delicate O’s. Grinning, Eli chuckled as Reyn brought out a small camera.

“Last I checked… they where called pollaroids back in the day.” He chuckled as he allowed a koi grin to pull at his lips for the picture.

“We can defiantly have some fun with it.” Eli’s deep voice replied, taking a sip of the scotch, the liquid sending a warm heat down to slide down his throat and to his stomach. Placing the drink next to the tub, Eli’s hand slipped up Reyns side, lazily resting on her thin waist before moving to her back, allowing his fingertips to softly brush along her spine.

“Much, but what’s the catch?” He asked tilting his head with a grin. His hand slid away from her skin, reaching along the side of the tub to snatch up the camera, allowing his finger to hit the top button to expose another small white photo with a black back.

She adored his response to the cigars, happy that she'd surprised him. As he lit one she could see him visibly relax in the tub, his whole body letting any tension go.

His touch on her skin sent shivers up her spine and she began to relax too, enjoying the hot water and his company. He seemed to doubt her good intentions, like she had something up her sleeve. She only laughed, then heard the snap of her camera and turned towards it.

"Hey! It isn't polite to take naked photos without asking. First," she teased, snatching the camera away, "and there is no catch. You saved my life last night. Consider yourself spoiled for the day handsome."

Both eyes lit up as her words teased him, his hand snatching out with a chuckle to grab it back as the siren taunted him with it.

“Should have asked yourself then Darlin’” He chuckled.

“So your saying I should do that more often?” He asked with a twitch of his brow and a tilt of his head. The man brought the cigar up to his lips, taking another relieving drag before allowing the smoke to exit his lungs.

“I’m surprised these are still around…” He muttered with relief. Eli’s free hand slid back to rest on the womans lower back, his fingers softly playing along her skin.

Reyn turned, sloshing the water around them and over the sides of the tub, narrowly missing his scotch. Now she faced him crookedly, and her crossed legs hung off the side of the tub near his shoulder, her flawless tanned skin kissed with honey water.

"You should do it more often," she smiled warmly, relaxing as his fingers moved along her body, "Being nice to me can get you far baby."

The water was up to her neck now, her pink hair skimming the surface as bubbled popped around her, "Yeah, I thought they were all gone too. I found it in cut out hole in the wall of one of the houses. Looks like they were hoarding rolls and keeping it for a special occasion."

She shrugged, lifting her hand from the water to stroke his muscular arm, "Doesn't matter what they had it for. It's mine now."

Braxton’s body leaned against the back wall, sore and exhausted from playing with the children, as his lovely sorceress quickly wound herself around him, apologizing about them.

“It’s good practice.” He chuckled softly, his arms winding around her waist as she fit into him. “But a drink with you would be perfect.” He purred, his head leaning in to kiss her back, her warm lips giving him a home as his arms tightened slightly around her. Checking that Xael had it covered, nodding to Ashlin before she wandered into the inn. Taking a step, Xael caught his attention before he slipped inside. Braxton couldn’t help the curiosity that flooded his face as Xael thanked him randomly. Words continued to slide out of Xaels mouth, speaking of Ashlin as she had long disappeared into the inn.

“I do love her, I’m lucky to have found such an amazing and strong soul like hers.” He grinned, his shades turning to look towards the door.

“I’m hoping one day we’ll finally settle down.” He couldn’t help the glow that flooded his skin, allowing his stunning golden skin to almost shimmer within the light. “Just give it time…”

Instinctively, his hand reached out, snatching up the scotch before water could ruin it’s perfect contents. Taking a sip, Eli couldn’t help the soft hum that lefts his lips, his arms stretching out comfortably along the edge of the large tub.

“Last time I checked, I am always nice to you.” Eli’s deep voice replied, a fine brow lifting while he took another amazing drag of the cigar.

“Well, It’s a great time for a special occasion” He chuckled, moving to take a sip of his scotch before sliding it back down to the ground so his hand could softly slide up and down her legs that rested near his shoulder.

“How are you feeling?” He asked his lightened eyes staring at her.

"Just keep doing what you're doing," Xael chuckled, "You may not see it, but you have that girl head over heels for you. She won't admit it now, maybe not for a while, but you've become her world."

"I'll let you chase after her now," he smiled, bouncing Emilia on his shoulders, "I got the kids covered for a bit."

He turned and walked back towards the group, leaving Braxton to take a break, as he started shouting, "Who wants to play tag?"

“Thank you Xael, I plan on it, if not better.” Braxton’s deep, musical tone rung out, listening to his words. A larger smile pulled out on Braxton’s lips, Xael’s words giving him a boost in confidence, knowing he was doing well for Ashlin.

“Have fun with the kiddies… Watch the little one over there tho… He’s a biter. “ Braxton pointed, making sure to tell Xael before his large body slipped into the inn, his body slipping up behind his raven haired beauty, allowing his arms to curl around her waist as his body pushed up against her back. Pressing his lips to her shoulder softly, Braxton purred while gently kissing her flawless fair skin.

"Better," her eyes fluttered closed as she let him massage her, "Still a little sore, in all honesty. I lost a lot of blood last night. But I'm alive...soaking in hot water with a beautiful man who is caressing my legs."

She stole his glass of scotch, taking a long sip and swallowing the scalding liquid as her baby blue eyes winked at his sparkling emerald ones.


Swallowing the gulp of wine she had taken, Ashlin giggled as Braxton's arms pulled her in. Turning in his arms, her mouth sought his instantly, her lips still wet with red wine.

"I'm sorry I left you with all of them," she murmured, pulling her cloak off as her lips grazed his once more, "Kayden and Luna both seem to be having quite the off day. Looks like we might be here another night."

Jay nuzzled her softly before Kayden leaped into the stream, her beautiful little body bouncing around the water, making the wolf chuckle as he laid down happily. Jays large, bulky form relaxed while she played, inspecting her as she flopped over, he stood, his paws splashing the water in large waves around him as he moved to lick along her neck.

‘Jeeze your messy little wolf. You have now.’ He replied as he backed up.

‘Are we having fun in the water?’ he asked with laughter, his head tilting up with a large goofy grin.

Her eyes closed as he licked her neck clean, a chuff escaping her throat, 'Is there a clean way to get blood on you?'

As he backed up she began splashing around in the water again, bouncing and twirling happily. Her comment though reminded her that she had bit him and eventually she stopped playing and moved to him.

Pressing her front paws into his side, Kayden stood on her hind legs to see his shoulder, 'I'm sorry Jay. I got...carried away. Are you okay? Are you upset?'

She dropped back to the ground taking a few steps back and lowering her head, 'I didn't mean to hurt anyone else.'
Posty Toasty


“Well the soreness will go away… Angelic energy stays in your system for a while, so it helps speed up the healing process for anything over the next week or so” Eli’s voice rumbled, another drag of his cigar and his body only seemed to sink lower, allow his shoulder muscles to push up more.

“Perfect age too…” He replied as he stole back his scotch for another sip. Eli’s hand pressed deeper into the muscle, massaging it as his limb moved down more, his fingers easily sliding between her legs.

“No where near as perfect as you though.” He spoke, his eyes taking her happily.

"Eli!" she giggled as his hand slipped between her thighs under the water, "Aren't you frisky?"

His words made her cheeks warm and she was surprised to feel herself actually blush. It was a rare occurrence, usually when she got embarrassed, which was seldom. But Eli had that effect on her, his smile alone making her heart flutter and his kiss making her body sizzle. Still, she rarely blushed at his words.

"I try to be," she replied to his compliment, grinning ear to ear as her cheeks heated more, "At least for you babe."

‘There is, it just takes years to get used to.’ He replied as he laid down, watching her with a wolfish grin as she splashed around like a little puppy.

‘It’s alright little one, it’s healed now anyways. I’m not upset, there’s no need to be. We easily loose ourselves, and it’s not something to be mad at.’ Jay nuzzled her softly, licking under her muzzle before she dropped down.

‘Shhhh, it’s alright.’ He responded shifting his weight to softly nudge her.

Eli couldn’t help the laugh that left his lips, his head tilting back as he lifted his hand as she swatted it away.

“I’m always frisky when you’re in the room.” He laughed, his hand sliding back underneath of hers to pull it up to his lips. Kissing the honey suckle skin softly he purred.

“And only me?” He asked lifting a brow with a small arrogant smile, his eyes happily taking in her blush as he winked at it.

Kayden put her muzzle under her paws, the last of her bitterness fading as her memories shuffled into the back of her mind. All she was left with was a empty sadness in her, and a dying ember of hate for her sister. Kayden was unsure she could face Luna again, at least for some time. The Alpha had been cold and distant anyways, fueling Kayden's fire. It seemed Luna wanted as much distance from Kayden as she wanted from the Alpha.

She wiggled her body along the ground until her tiny body was leaning into his massive frame, her head lying under his.

'I'm sorry.' She whined, her mouth parting slightly to pant in anxiety, 'I made a mess of things. I...I had forgotten all those...memories...and last night...I was overwhelmed...I forgot what you'd all done for me...I was so angry at Luna...'

It was a loaded question, catching her off guard. In truth, she couldn't deny that there was more than a swallow bond between her and Jay, something continuously pulling her back to the wolf. But her heart belonged to Elijah now too, whether he knew it or not. In a way she was split evenly over the men, and Reyn was more than happy to share herself.

But she knew they'd never share if she asked. At some point they'd butt heads, and Nereyda wasn't sure how long she could push it off.

She couldn't lie to him though, and she hated spoiling the mood so instead of saying anything she bent forward, raking her nails through his blonde hair and pulling him into a kiss. The kiss deepened as her lips parted, inviting him in.
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