Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


‘Shhhh, it’s alright little wolf. We saw enough to understand. I’m fairly sure when you’re finally up for it… If you ask Luna, she’ll tell you about her nightmares last night… They where brutal enough that she woke up and slaughtered the wolves going through the area.’ He thought, resting his head gently ontop of the small wolves.

‘but that’s another topic for another day… Are you feeling better?’ he asked.


Sighing softly, the alpha looked around, wanting to go back to camp. Feeling out, she listened for a moment to her pack before backing out of their conversation, allowing them privacy before turning.

Slowly dropping her body, the wolf allowed the heat to fill her bones, to snap and reset them before finally standing on all four legs. Wandering throughout the trees, the blackened wolf resting along the edge of the trees, her eyes watching her mate playfully leap throughout the back grassy area, children tackling him to the ground in a mass. Resting her head down, she watched happily, tail wagging softly throughout the grass.

Eli’s eyes watched her, her head debating his question as he waited rather patiently. Reyns body moved from the opposite side of the tub quickly to him, squishing the question between their lips as she tried to divert the topic. Biting at her lip, Eli’s hand slid up her neck, grazing scabs along her neck. Pulling back, Eli pushed her picture perfect pink hair aside, his gaze darkening his beautiful emerald eyes.

“I’m going to kill him.” He growled.

Kayden's head lifted, rubbing her ears along the underside of his muzzle, surprised he wasn't upset.

'I'm feeling a little better,' she replied, still out of sorts.

The morning felt like a bad dream, like she hadn't done some of it even though she knew she had done all of it. Trying to wrap her head around it made it all the harder to understand. It made it easier with Jay, whose utter kindness and understanding made her feel comfortable.

'Jay?' she asked, still rubbing the top of her head against the bottom part of his, 'Can I tell you something?'

"Elijah!" she breathed panicked, her hand shooting to the scab over her neck, "It's not as bad as it looks. I'm okay. He stopped right away after I used peaches so don't worry-"

Her words died as his gaze grew darker, her angel quickly turning demon. She moved away from him, sliding to the far end of the tub as she pulled hair over her neck to hide the scar.

The wolfs large head moved with hers, his head tilting for a moment to flop back on her playfully.

‘only a little?’ he asked. Jay leaned his head back down onto Kaydens as she continued to rub against him.

‘Of course you can little one, whats up?’ He asked gently.

A soft growl came out of Elis mouth as Reyn only continued to speak.

“He shouldn’t of even been touching you. You died last night Reyn, and the fucker didn’t even consider that. I don’t mind you fucking any other guy, but I mind him.”He snapped, his form shooting up and stepping out of the tub. His foot grazed the glass, spilling it as he moved.

Her stomach rumbled and embarrassment flushed through her as she spoke, 'I don't know how to hunt. Actually I'm not even sure how to track. Pleeeease don't tell anyone. I...I was never taught how to do, ya know, wolf things.'

Her stomach growled louder but she ignored it, her curly white tail flicking back and forth in contentment. There...I finally told someone.

Jay couldn’t help the soft wolfish laugh, grinning and licking her softly.

‘That’s not a problem, I can teach you that. I would also get Lune’s input on that some day… She’s a splendid tracker.’ He grinned standing and nuzzling the little wolf to her feet.

‘No worries, not a word past my thoughts.’ Jays deep voice replied, leading the way into the forest.

"It was an accident!" she jumped up too, almost slipping in the tub as she caught herself.

The slip up was enough to get him several paces ahead of her as she stepped out of the tub.

"He slipped up. It happens. And anyways, you never voiced a complaint about me fucking him other times," she continued, "What's changed?"

“Because it’s you Reyn. That’s why I mind. I mind him himself, he doesn’t deserve to even touch you as far as I’m concerned, and once again, you’re missing the fact that if he slips up like that, it’s not hard to lose you. So yes. I mind” His voice growled darkly, his eyes darkening several shades as he ripped on a pair jeans, his hands shaking with rage as he moved towards the door.

“He can’t slip up, not like that when your body is still recovering Reyn.” He spat out, promptly storming out of the room.

She tugged her own clothes on, bouncing up and down out of the door as she got her boots on, “As much as I love hearing you care, you can’t keep me from every scratch or bruise. Elijah wait!”

She pounded down the stairs after him, her voice becoming exasperated, “You think he has no care to my well-being too? He was just as panicked last night, just as angry at himself for biting me. God Eli, slow down! It’s not like he bit me and tossed me back! He was with me all night to make sure I was alright!”

Her eyes widened as she realized her mistake. It wasn’t going to help her case if Eli knew she’d spent the night with him. Fuck…

The Halfling stormed out of the inn, passing Ashlin and Braxton without so much as a glare. Ash looked after him, then at Reyn confused. Biting her lip she chased after him, her voice raising an octave as she stepped outside and planted her feet in the grass, “What are you going to do Elijah?”

He kept going, and Reyn noticed all the children and Xael watching, plus Ash and Braxton at the door. Everyone could hear them. They were creating a scene and it was only going to get worse.

“Get the kids inside,” she cried out to Xael, running after Elijah.

That last comment that hit his ears made him steam. All noise’s seemed to dull to a ringing noise, over riding everything. She’d spent the whole night with him afterwards. His feet hit the ground, making no noise to him as he followed the direction he felt him in. The color to Eli’s vision began to fade, turning to a simple black and white as seething hot rage filled his bones. As he made his way through the trees, Eli could feel the wolves close in as they stalked something within the area. Turning around a tree, Jays face poked up with a growl, a small white wolf infront of him.

Eli’s hand flung out, back handing the fluffy creature into a tree off to the right, Eli’s fist closing in quickly to the creatures muzzle. Growling, Eli watched the brown wolf fall down into the dirt, his eyes closing for a moment before his teeth flashed towards him, large wolfish eyes glaring upwards at him.

Lunar’s eyes took in the scenery, laughing softly as she watched the man run around with the kids. Something quickly shifted within the air as Eli’s body stormed out of the inn, Reyns body quickly flinging herself out the doors and after the angered man, screaming something about her brother. She stood to her paws quickly, turning into the forest as she began to move back where she’d come from, her nose redirecting her as she found their scent towards another area of the forest.

As she finally caught up, she watched Kayden’s body fly into a tree while her eyes took in Eli punching her brother down. Without a noise, Lunar’s body flung out, teeth bared and sinking deeply into Eli’s shoulder as he readied to strike Jay again. A growl ripped from her mouth as Eli swatted her away, eyes only on Jay as the wolf stood.

Lunar’s black body flipped within the air, landing on all fours as she lowered herself, ready to strike again as her brother stood himself, sinking down into a crouch while Eli ignored his shoulder, now ripped out and bleeding down his bare back.

Looking around, Lunar moved towards her sister, quickly stepping infront of Kaydens body defensively.

She lost him at the edge of town, his body moving quicker than she could see. Swearing loudly, she was about to turn back when Xael, Braxton, and Ashlin showed up.

"What is going on?" Xael breathed.

"Where's the kids?" she asked, confused.

"Left them in the inn, the older kids can care for the younger for a few minutes," Ash explained, walking forward, "It's Jay right?"

Reyn nodded, "He's going to kill him if we don't find"

"This way," Xael chimed in with Braxton, both their noses following his trail as the girl's followed.

A flash of black and red raced past them in the trees, Luna flying forward.

"Shit, Jay!" Reyn cried, moving into a run as the rest of the group kept up with her.

Minutes later they could hear the sounds of fighting, and through the trees see bodies moving. Everyone caught up, pulling up short as they watched the ongoing fight.


Ash's eyes widened, looking around wildly at the fight. Then her eyes fell on something white against the tree and she squeaked, grabbing Xael's arm roughly.


Xael's eyes moved with hers as they raced over, dropping to the ground around the limp wolf.

"Fuck...I don't know how to treat a wolf," Xael breathed, "Fuck...I can feel broken ribs, and they aren't healing."

She watched in awe, frozen to her spot beside Braxton. Reyn couldn't choose: Jay or Eli? They were both ripping at each other, but Reyn knew better. Eli would destroy the wolf. The halfling was more than a millennial old, and Jay wasn't.

"Eli stop!" she screamed, trying to get through to him, "Don't do this! Please!"

“I can’t heal her,” Ash was beside herself, holding the tiny wolf’s head in her lap, trying to wake her up as Xael checked over her body, calculating all the damage, “I had to heal myself today. And I used some last night too.”

You’re almost tapped out.

“She’s internally bleeding,” Xael’s voice was shaking, his hands skimming over the white fur, “I can smell it and feel it. If we don’t do something, or if she can’t heal…she’s going to die.”

I have to.Ash bent over the wolf whispering in Latin, throwing the last of her magic into the wolf, feeling it wrap around the little one’s heart and force it to keep beating, protecting it from the broken ribs.

“I can only hold on so long,” Ash murmured, sweat dripping down her face, “I’ve bonded her to me. As long as my heart beats, hers does too. It protects her heart, keeping her on life support. But we need a solution fast Xael.”

She dropped, crippling in pain for only moments as her body flawlessy shifted. Sitting up promptly, Lunar moved to her sisters side.

“Kayden.” She whispered, softly moving her hands around the wolfs head.

“I know we’re not on the best of grounds… You may see me as someone who is not your alpha, but that connection we have, the pack connection, means I am your alpha. As your alpha, I’m sorry to tell you, but I need you to shift. I need you to turn so we can heal you baby sister. I promise it won’t hurt.” She whispered, her hands gently gathering her silky fur within her hands.

“As your alpha, I’m telling you; you need to become human.” She spoke, her words hanging in the air with an air of authority.


His hands moved up, his fingers pressing at his knuckles to silently crack them. The ringing continued to buzz over everything, making the crowd seemingly disappear as Eli’s eyes remained on the wolf before him, teeth bared viciously. He silently watched as Jay lunged forward, the Halfling effortlessly jumping to the side, his hands reaching out to grab at the skin along Jays side, ripping it clean off the bone. The wolves head lifting in pain as his teeth lashed out, catching Eli’s arm quickly, yanking as he allowed his teeth to rip down Eli’s arm. The muscle shredded within the wolfs mouth, forcing Eli to step back, his opposite hand lashing out to backhand the creature. With sheer force, Eli’s blackened eyes watched the wolf fling into a tree, wrapping around it while the ringing only continued.

She had been trying to hunt a rabbit, Jay behind her. She could remember the smell of its fear, and then the sound of footsteps. It was Elijah, his eyes dark. She could remember Jay telling her to get out of the way, and then Eli throwing her. And it hurt. The force he had…her body had crumpled into the leaves.

But the pain hadn’t come. She floated in her mind, numb, waiting for the pain. Am I dead?

Someone was touching her, voices saying her name. Slowly she edged towards them, pulling her back to her body…and the pain. It rippled through her, each labored breath pushing her broken ribs into her lungs. Her legs felt broken in several places, her ears ringing. Something warm held her chest though, spreading its warmth through her heart.

And then Luna’s voice. It rang through her head, so soft and concerned Kayden thought she was imagining it. This wasn’t Luna…her sister hated her. She hated Luna. That’s how they were raised, weren’t they? This had to be an imposter…someone trying to trick her.

But the voice pulled at something familiar, its loving tone one she had heard before. Memories flashed…new ones. One’s of being free. Running in the trees. Playing hide n’seek. Cuddling with her sister. Her sister.

‘Luna…’Kayden squeaked, reaching out to the Alpha in utter defeat, her body killing her. ‘Help…me…’

As the Alpha commanded her to Change her whole body shuddered. Kayden panicked, every inch of her that she could control going tense.

“Kayden you need to relax,” it was Xael’s voice, trying to soothe her as his fingers felt her breathing, “Sweetheart you’re pushing your ribs into your lungs.”

‘I don’t want to!’ she howled, her body out of her own control as it obeyed Luna, ‘Please don’t! Don’t do this Luna! Help me!’

More bones began to break, realigning and healing only partially. Her body was stuck mid-Change, her heart pounding as her lungs screamed and blood poured into her stomach. The wolf wrenched, her body trying to obey the command as it died.

‘It’s killing me!’ she screamed, ‘Luna its killing me!’

Fear gripped her, making her light-headed and nauseous. Vomit spilled from her shortening muzzle as every nerve in her screamed in utter agony, bones breaking and realigning only to remain broken, muscles tearing and healing only partially.

‘STOP!’ she screamed, a gurgled cry escaping her lips as she broke into a fever, her body trying to finish the Change, ‘PLEASE!’

But it kept happening, her body trying to revert into a wolf then Changing more, stuttering as she writhed and screamed in agony, primal guttural sounds escaping her throat as hands held her down. She felt sick and confused, unable to remember what was going on other than the pain. A memory flashed and she latched onto it, believing it was happening, knowing she was stuck in her cell, the torture overwhelming her.


Her cries rang in her head, over and over as the Change forced itself to completion, trying to tell them to stop, but their hands held her down, enjoying her suffering. As her body became completely human her voice turned from guttural sounds to shrieking, trying to escape the torture but unable to move in her broken and bleeding state.

"Braxton!" Xael yelled as Kayden's state worsened, "Brax I need medical supplies! A first aid kit, or something. Please!"

The man nodded, running off into the trees as Xael refocused on the poor wolf's health.


“Dear god,” she gritted her teeth, trying to hold on to Kayden as she writhed, screamed and Changed, refusing to give up on the girl, “Don’t give up on us! We aren’t giving up on you!”

Xael’s right hand was on her side, watching her injuries as he shook, scared for the baby wolf. His left hand was gripping Luna’s, trying to give his mate support as she watched, her face pale.

“We got this Luna!” Ash cried, as Kayden's Change finished, all of them able to hear the fighting only get worse.

“We can save her,” Xael agreed as his stomach churned, listening to the white-haired girl's cries of pain, “Go my love. Protect the pack. Jay needs you too.”

Her ears rang with Kayden’s screams, making the siren sick. She normally enjoyed chaos, but this…this was too much. Kayden hadn’t deserved this. The siren knew the girl was innocent, and this was her fault. All her fault.

“Stop!” she screamed at Elijah, her body unfreezing as she took a step forward, watching him rip fur from Jay and the wolf shredding his arm, “Please stop! Don’t kill him!”

They separated, circling and Reyn felt her feet push forward, her instincts to protect them both. She ran in between them, her arms shoving Eli as hard as she could as the wolf behind her growled.

“Stop Eli!” she yelled, his eyes staring through her like she was empty space, jarring her, “You can’t do this! I won’t forgive you if you kill him! Listen to me!”

She looked back, stretching her hand out to stop Jay, “Please Jay. I can’t watch you die. I can’t. Don’t fight him! Not for this! This is all my fault! Blame me! Blame it all on me.”

Lunar’s hand softly stroked the small wolfs head.

“It’s ok my little one, It will be over, I promise. You’ll be ok.” She whispered, her words still hovering within the air around them.

“Abass is no longer here sweety. You’re only surrounded by loved ones.” She whispered, tears streaming down her perfect porcelain cheeks. Lunar’s free hand gripped Xaels tightly, her knuckles flushing the blood out as he gave her support.

“It’s us baby girl. We’ll take away the pain.” She breathed, her voice breaking with the strain.

“It’s our pack love. Both of ours.” Lunar’s soft voice rung. Reyns voice echoed through the tree’s over the chaos, catching Lunar’s attention as she was pushed towards the fighting males. Swiftly standing, Lunar’s bones snapped, muscles ripped and adjusted, every piece of her changing as her black and red body quickly stood. Lunar’s eyes zoned in on Reyn, her body lunged as her teeth sank into flesh, Reyns blood filling her mouth, oozing down her jaws. Suddenly, something slammed into her side, ripping her jaws from the juicy, tender meat. Lunar’s body slid backwards as the force shoved her back further. Lunars body quickly stepped next to Jays side, her body lowering as Eli shoved Reyn behind him, concern slapping across his face as he held her there behind him.

Braxton nodded, kissing Ashlin quickly before darting towards the village. His body darted quickly throughout the trees, finding the inn with ease he slipped inside and towards the janitor room. Shuffling throughout the shelves, he dug out the large white box, allowing his body to dart back out and towards the chaos. Braxton’s body dropped next to the group, Kaydens naked body crumpling in pain as he handed over the large first aid.

“Here.” He responded, quickly opening it to help hand over needed items to Xael as he requested.

She hadn't been expecting the Alpha to attack. Her head turned slightly as she saw a blur of black and red before she was being ripped down by Luna's teeth as they sunk into the soft skin on her shoulder. Reyn screamed, trying to push the large wolf off as tears pricked her eyes. Instantly the wolf fell off of her and she was being lifted, then forced behind Elijah.

Only when I'm hurt... she seethed, wincing in pain, I have to bleed before he hears me these days.

Her attention got pulled as Luna shifted into a wolf, charging Reyn. She could feel the magic in her fading, the bond dying off as Kayden's screams became mewls. She told Xael and he understood, saying he had it under control now.

Ash got to her feet, letting Kayden go as Xael and Braxton leaned over her. There was nothing else she could do, and the bond had broken as her magic had drained off. Her attention turned back to the fight, watching Elijah hold Reyn behind him protectively, with the last emotion she'd ever thought to see cross his face: genuine concern.

He cares... she thought completely dumbfounded, He actually bloody well cares!

Lunar snapped at the air, watching the Halfling stand protectively in front of the siren. Her blood hungry eyes looked at her brother before back to the two. A hand of his was behind him, holding her to him as he glared darkly at them. It seemed odd, even to both of the wolves that he stood infront of her, concerned.


Eli looked back at Reyn, inspecting the wound as the ringing subsided. Ashlin’s look caught him off guard, her face looking shocked as the two wolves before him looked more confused then anything.

“You never say it’s your fault around wolves. They take the chance.” He grunted, his seething rage simmering down to a high annoyance.
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