Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


She could hear the screaming, the bloodcurdling cries. They sounded outside her door, wolves shrieking as their lives were cut short. It had been going on for weeks. Weeks of death, the stench of blood sneaking into even her room.

It smells so bad.

Kayden huddled in the corner of the room, her face resting on the cold wall as she sat on her bed, knees curled under her chin. The screams were so loud this time, the suffering rocking through her head. Her palms pressed into her ears, her eyes squeezing shut.

Cut it out!

Immediately the screams died out, as if they had heard her thoughts. Kayden's eyes flashed open, her body stretching out as she nimbly tiptoed to the door, pressing her ear to the cold metal. The hallway was deathly still, but off in the distance she could hear yelling, people arguing.

What is going on?

She stepped back and the room faded away, throwing her into darkness. Kayden slipped, falling into the black void, her body weightless as she reached out to grip at nothingness.

And then her body slammed into place, coldness leaking into her bones as her eyes snapped open. Her stomach screamed, starved for weeks. Her skin felt sickly, her brain pounding. Sit up...sit up before you puke.

She tried, but metal clung to her wrists and neck, cutting into her ankles and thighs. All she could do was turn her head as vomit spilled out, covering her shoulder and white hair. Then she screamed, pushing against the restraints. He had done this; it had to be him. She knew his plans. She knew what he wanted.

"I'm not Luna!" she screamed, her voice echoing back to her in the empty room, "You can't do this to me! I'm not Luna!"

Something crawled onto her foot, piercing her skin as she yelped, and instantly the room swam, poison coursing through her veins. I'm not Luna...I'm not Luna...

"Interesting specimen," the voice cut through her dreams, slicing into her brain as pain rippled through her.

"I didn't bring you to tell me she's interesting. I brought you to tell me what's wrong with her."

Her father. That was his voice.

"Well other than she's poisoned," the first voice cooed, high but masculine, "I assume if you fix that, she'll wake again."

"You are trying my patience. The insolent child rejected the ritual. The poison merely casts her into a coma, but she almost died during the ritual. Why?"

"Ah..." the stranger hissed, "So you care for the pup? Well, let me take a look at her health-"

"I have no kindness for her. She is of use to me right now though, if you can fix my dilemma. Just tell me what goes on in her head."

Her brain seared, the pain growing immense. But her body lay dormant, unallowing her to scream or writhe in the agony.

"How long has she been in this cell?" he asked, "I see only these four walls in her head."

"She has never left."

"And when was the last time she saw her mother? I see images, but no recent ones."

"I will not allow her to see her mother any longer. It has been a few months now."

There was a soft tsk tsk sound and the pain decreased, dulling to a gentle hum at the back of her brain.

"You should understand your daughter's mental state is quite unstable," he spoke matter-of-factly, his words gripping her heart, "She does not accept her wolf blood and never has, which has slowly festered inside her, distorting her mind. At the unstable stage, people like her are generally locked in asylums. She grows unhealthy attachments to things, including you. But with her state, she can become obsessive and possibly aggressive."

"Why do you think she is in a cell? She has been an abomination since birth, but her mother pitied her. I'd have ended her sad life by now, if she wasn't of use to me."

"I see," the pain dulled more, as the voice moved further away, "She is frail and weak Abass. Your ritual will never hold on her. You may try, but she does not have the inner strength. She is broken, volatile and unpredictable."

"So she is a waste of space," Abass spat, "Taking up my time with no benefit."

"Well, I'm sure someone sees potential in her," the man seemed nervous, and the pain increased in her head, "I can see she has a mother and a sister. Although she has never met the latter."

"Neither of them have reason to care for her," Abass retorted, sounding uninterested, "We are finished here. Two of my men will see you out."

A door opened and closed, and Kayden waited, hearing the sickening sound of bones brunching and the man's gurgling scream as he was killed. No one can know of your mistake, right father? I am not to be seen. I am your unstable little bitch, useless and empty.

Rage boiled through her, heating her cold bones, I've been so stupid. To think, any of you cared? You only ever wanted to use me...mother never felt love, only pity. I'm such a disgrace, Luna never visited. Not once. In eighteen years none of you ever loved me?! I have been here, at your beck and call. I loved you! I thought the world of all of you!

But I'm unstable. Volatile. Obsessive. Is that what you want father?

Something broke within her, but instead of more pain, all she felt was a chaotic joy fill her. A laugh escaped her throat, the first sound she had made in weeks. It bubbled up and bounced off the walls, as her whole body shook with the laughter, the only other sound in her ears being the dying sounds of the man outside the door. She giggled until she was in stitches, her mind blanking out.

"I'm your little empty shell," she sang, her body paralyzed but her lips able to move, "Gotta keep me locked up...dadddddddddy. Mmmmm...I can't wait to taste you. To taste taste Luna."

She continued to laugh shrilly, even as he smacked her face, the pain sliding off of her, "If I can't have one caaaaaaaaaaaaan."

Ash raced back and forth between the kitchen and the table, serving plates. While Braxton busied himself in the kitchen, Ash made sure each child had a plate. They all seemed content on eating and talking, giving her a moment to relax.

"Ash?" one of the older children pipped up, "Are there any towels? Kristie split water all over the table."

"Did not! It was Billy."

"No it wasn't!"

"Hey," Ash yelled over them, "No one is in trouble, so stop blaming each other. Hold on."

She raced back into the kitchen, stealing the towel over Braxton's shoulder he was using as he worked on dishes and continued cooking, "I'll get you a new one, one sec baby."

She mopped up the water, settling the dispute between the children. Dropping the towel behind the counter, she walked down the short hall to the janitor closet, knowing there were extras inside.

Opening the door wide, she looked up at the towels before her eyes dragged down, noticing the sleeping white wolf on the ground. She was smaller than Luna or Jay, her body closely resembling that of a normal wolf with only slightly longer legs, and a curling fluffy white tail.

"Kayden?" she breathed, confused.

The beast's body moved, shoulders rolling as it woke. Ash bent low, smiling as the young wolf woke, white fur shaking out as it's body stretched.

"Morning," she cocked her head, "How was yo-"


"I'll tear into her pretty little face...I'll chew on her'll never have your precious Alpha father...I'll kill herrrrrrr! I'll make her suffer...I'll make you all suuuuuuffer!"

She'd forgotten that life. She had almost forgotten everything. It had been so long...

A voice broke through her words, cutting through like a knife. It was feminine, calling her name. that you?

The presence was directly ahead of her, unaware of the beast it had woken. Her silver eyes snapped open as she lunged, lips curling back as her teeth sunk into soft flesh, tearing muscle.

And the scream. That beautiful scream. She tugged harder, wanting to listen to that scream all day. Blood pooled in her mouth and she tasted it, swallowing it greedily.


Kayden tossed the flesh away, backing away. This female didn't taste like her blood, like her family. Not Luna...not mother. I want them. Only them.

Her eyes danced up the terrified girl's body, the raven-haired beauty in front of her, shaking in fear.

She's no wolf. Useless. Like me. Like faaaather wanted me to beeee. Not for looong though...not for loooo-oooong... Kayden's thoughts sang.

Kayden pounced over Ashlin, her claws clicking as she slid into the next room. A table full of whining, smelly children came into view. Her head lowered, snarling at them as they began shrieking and squealing. They were pests, nothing more to her, and she wanted to silence them. Taking a step forward she curled her lips back and growled, and every one of them froze, noise dying on their lips.


Continuing forward, Kayden turned the corner, and was met by a tall man, tall like her father. ruined my life...Kill him slow... her amusement died, raging spilling into her mind.

"Stop!" his voice rang out, nothing like Abass'.

Not father...I'll never forget father's voice, the rage in her cut off abruptly, realizing it was someone else, Another imposterrrr. Leave him. Leaveeee...

She ducked under him, tripping him as she swung around his legs and bolted out the door. Gulping down fresh air, she raced through the deathly streets, eyes trained on the trees. And there it was...the smell of death fell behind and she could already smell fresh blood, so fresh it made her mouth water.

Oh Lunaaaaaa...what delectables have you left me? Where are youuuu sister?


Clinging to her bleeding arm, Ash shove herself up and after Kayden, yelling at Braxton to watch the kids as she flung herself past. She could hear him protest, her arm torn to the bone, but she ignored his words, feet pounding after the tiny wolf into the morning sun.

Something is wrong with her. We need Luna. Or Jay. I got to find Xael, he went looking for the Alpha.

She rushed out a location spell, focusing on her friend. The instant the spell clicked she felt tugged to the left, towards the trees. Kayden was already long gone, the wolf taking five paces for every one of Ash's. While the white wolf lost herself in the trees, Ash raced to Xael, praying he had the Alpha in his midst.

Running she rattled out another spell, one to heal her arm. She got halfway through the process, her muscles sewing back together before she stopped, not wanting to completely drain herself.

"Xael!" she cried out, storming through the woods blindly as her location spell died. It took her a few minutes before she stumbled upon Xael and Luna against a tree kissing, her bare body flecked with dry blood.

Ash didn't even stop to take a moment and register Luna. There was too much rattling in her brain. Her arm stung, the muscles healed but the flesh still ripped and dribbling blood so that it streamed down her hand, dripping from her fingers. And there was a blood hungry wolf on the loose.

"We have a feral wolf on our hands," she breathed, trying to catch her breath.

Ash's chest rose and fell rapidly for breath under the pale purple off-the-shoulder blouse Braxton had found her. She had been lucky that she'd rolled the long sleeves on the shirt up to her elbows to help the children, otherwise she'd have another item on her list to fix.

Xael's head craned to look at her, unmoving from his pinning stance, "I know. Don't worry Ash, I got it covered. Just go back to the inn."

"What?" Ash knitted her brow till she realized he was talking about Luna, her mind finally noticing the blood, "No Xael. It's Kayden! She's lost it! She's gone berserk! We need Luna, like now!"

Her body moved swiftly through the trees, the small wolf winding around with ease. She could smell them...their blood in the air. It was stale, their bodies dead, but it still made her drool.

Then a new scent filled her black nose, tugging at her to change course, her blood pounding with it. Him. I know him...

She curved right, charging through the trees as silent as a mouse with her petite frame. Her mind narrowed in on the hunt, her eyes slits as she flew through the forest, his scent overwhelming around her. It was nothing like the tiny hare, his body bigger and easier to track.

She'd rip his pretty head off, serve it to her sister. It wasn't fair. It never had been. Luna had chosen this low-breed over seeing her sister. She always chose others. Let's see if you can ignore me now?!

He was directly ahead, stalking something. It didn't matter to her. She jumped up, pushing all her feet off a tree to her right as she rocketed on top of him, sinking her fangs into his neck. Her mouth tore away fur and flesh as she shook her head fiercely, blood staining her white fur.

You were there, all along! Part of that pack! You took Luna away from me, you always took her away from me! All of you! Her mind raged, slipping into an uncontrollable hate and then snapping back to her sing-song voice, I'm going to riiiiiiip your pretty little head off. And then I'll have a gift for daaaaaddy's perfect girl.

Eli tried to sit up, his body screaming in pain as he tried. He watched Reyn walk away with protest, trying several more times before finally pulling himself into a half sitting position as he leaned against the wall behind him to help support his body. Gritting his teeth, Eli tilted his head back and closed his eyes while he waited. As steps neared the room, Eli looked towards the door as Reyns body moved forward through the door, plate at hand. A shaking hand reached out as Eli smiled softly at the siren.

“Thank you Reyn.” Eli commented as he placed the plate in his lap.

"Your welcome sugar," she plopped herself beside him, stealing a piece of potato before digging in to her own plate.

She finished hers off quickly, then turned to him, picking up pieces of hot deer meat and potato and plopping it Elijah's mouth.

"Don't argue," she snapped when he tried to refuse her help, "I don't care about your ego. No one is here. And you are in pain from helping me, so I'm going to help you. Whether you like it or not."

Her eyebrow raised at him as she bit into a piece of meat himself then held up a chunk for him, "It's called kindness Eli, because someone in this world actually cares about you now. Please let me help you, handsome, or tell me what I can do for you. I can grab you a scotch baby, or I could run you a bath if you'd like?"

She couldn’t stop the growl that ripped from her lips, the pink gums being exposed as he denied her demand.

Her head rested in the grass while she allowed the memories to flash back into her grasp. Closing her eyes, she allowed the breaking heat to wash over her, her body dropping as her form changed. Bones snapped, muscles ripped, all to fix themselves several times before her bare body laid within the grass.

Sitting up, she stared at him, biting her bottom lip. Lunar’s mind reached out, trying to brush at the man her body, heart, and memories cried were her mate.

“Why can’t I hear your thoughts?” She asked, tilting her head as she stared at him.

His eyes dropped, her words like a knife in his heart. See? a voice in his mind snapped, You knew this was coming. Jay knew this was coming. Your differences are catching up. She's a wolf. You're dead.

He shook the thoughts away, sitting up and pulling the talisman on as the words he spoke felt heavy on his tongue, "Because I'm not a wolf."

And she is. And an Alpha at that, his thoughts continued to rub salt in the wound, Alphas were created to lead packs, to carry on their species. You can never give her that. Ever.

Lunars head tilted as her wolfish eyes stared at him curiously.

“Instead of sulking, work on it. Just because I’m a wolf doesn’t mean anything. It’s a spiritual level.” She spoke.

“Its most common in wolf species once mated, but it’s attached with anything with a wolf counterpart.” She replied.

“But it also comes with full trust. My heart tells me that there isn’t a doubt in the world, that I could have a whole pack with you and still not love you any less.” She responded.

"And that's the problem! I will never have a pack with you!" the words tumbled out of his mouth before he could stop himself and his eyes rounded, "I mean...I mean I can't, not that I won't..."

The wolf growled, rolling her silver eyes.

“You’re making me question why my heart picked you.. I… Bloodlust, have always loved power… I am the full definition of the craving to kill and shed blood. Yet you seem to question every single blood cell that pumps through my veins. Obviously there was a reason, I would never give not just my body, but my soul, I gave up the very thing I am to feel this… This…” Her hand moved up, large talons groping the air, replicating a beating heart. She was at a loss of words for the feeling.

“Love? Is that the word? Tell me why I picked a pansy like you” She asked, her wolfish eyes looking darkly down at her mate her voice dark and inhuman.

Eli looked up at her questioningly, he’d never seen her care as much as what she was doing for him at the moment. It felt odd, between being rendered useless, a position he’d only ever been in when he’d fallen, and the sheer fact that she cared for him. Taking a bite of the food she helped him with, his lightened green eyes watched her.

“I’m fine, but I could defiantly go for a bath with you.” His deep voice replied, a small grin pulling at his lips as he lifted his brows. “And a scotch would defiantly hit the spot.” He laughed softly, his body craving both a smoke and a drink. He’d have it all there, Reyn, a drink, and a smoke. His grin only widened at the thought.

Just skip right to the bloody point. I knew this was coming. I dreaded this. She's questioning us. She had to at some point. We don't match, do we?

Her words stung, her voice cold, the way she spat the word love like it meant nothing to her. Was that what she truly wanted? Power? Where was that woman when he met her?

Broken. You found her broken and beaten. So you rescued her, like you've rescued countless others. And she felt grateful. You were her hero.

And I continued to swoop in to rescue that what changed? She remembered she can rescue herself? Is that it?

What am I saying, of course she can rescue herself. She's the strongest being I know. But I liked rescuing her. I liked being her hero.

Even when she didn't need one.

Her last words stung the hardest, slicing him in the chest. Luna was so cold and emotionless, caring little what she said, if only to make him hurt.

"Pansy," he spat the word, his hands shaking as they curled into fists in his lap.

His heart was shattering, his world coming to a screeching halt as she doubted everything they were, and making him doubt it too. What had they been thinking? Jay was right...she never belonged with him. And she obviously felt the same, her body so cold from his, pulled away and disgusted.

Fear gripped his chest, suffocating him, his mind blasting a million things he could say, emotion crashing through him like a tsunami. He was losing her...because of what he was.

It was too much. He couldn't even look at her, couldn't stomach staring at that emotionless face once filled with love, questioning everything they were, everything he was.

"Don't do that," he finally growled, his words clipped, "Don't judge me, don't pretend to know me."

He jumped to his feet, pain and anger swirling at her, "How dare you Luna! How do you just sit there and act like you feel nothing, absolutely nothing. Even now, you don't care. How dare you doubt me?"

And still she stared at him, her silver eyes staring at him plainly, complete indifference on her face.

"How about I just leave then?" he snapped, overwhelmed as his one fear gripped him, dragging him down, "If you had to give up all this shit for me, then I'll just leave and you can have it all back."

He took two steps back and she only blinked, calling his bluff.

"C'mon Luna," he growled, "What the hell?! Was last night nothing? Was the last few weeks nothing?! Can you show any bloody emotion? just degrade me, make me feel beneath you. We were equals last time I checked!"


He couldn't do it. He couldn't handle the look in her eyes, the lost feeling clawing at his soul as she stared through him, not at him. It was too much to bear. Too much.

Turn it off, he thought as he suffocated with fear, love, anger, and concern, Just turn it all off. Escape.

"Sorry you picked a pansy then!" he snapped, his body locking down, "This...this isn't my Luna. This is nothing. It's cold."

He continued to shut down, his eyes going glassy, "I'll be in Cleansed City. When you decide to feel some fucking emotions for me, you can find me there. Because right now I'm done. Just...done."

He turned, the coldness seeping into his chest as he further shut down, refusing to feel, to think, to understand. He could feel her staring him down, willing him to stop. Even when her voice rang out his feet continued forward, his body stiff as he feel further into himself, trapping the fear and emotions away.

"You don't own me Luna. You aren't my Alpha," he snarled back, pulling into a run as he escaped into the trees.

Nereyda grin broke out, as she nodded.

"You finish eating then, and I'll grab that scotch."

Skipping downstairs once more, she found the room empty, the happy screams of children outside, along with Braxton standing near the door. Tire them out. Smart boy.

Sneaking past the children, she bolted back to the house she had been at the night before, ignoring the rotting beast in the street. Sure enough her cart was there, along with all her treasures. Pulling the cart back to the inn, she left it at the back end, taking what she needed. As she slipped back through the tavern, Reyn stole two glasses and a bottle of aged scotch then returned to her halfling.

There was not separate bathroom, but at least the inn had hot water and a large tub. In her arms she had brought up a bar of fresh soap, old shampoo that smelt wonderful, and a rare treasure: bubble bath. Pouring half the bottle of bubble bath in, the room began smelling like honey as the hot water filled the tub.

"Your turn," she purred, helping the man strip from the rest of his clothes and leading him to the tub.

She retrieved the glasses, pouring his drink first and handing it to him. Then she poured her own, setting it beside the full bath. Dancing out of her clothes, she scooped up the treats she had brought them, tiptoeing over to her man.

"I found this for you last night," she smiled, opening a wooden box and revealing a set of untouched cigars, "I wanted to surprise you with them later, Eli, but you look like you could use one. I hope you like them handsome."

She left that with him, retrieving his lighter from his pants pocket and handing it over, "I found a lot of goodies actually. I know its bad to rob the dead, but someone will do it, so why not me? And I only took the good stuff. Shampoo, bubble bath, cigars. Oh and one of these."

She held up an old camera, giggling at Elijah, "Haven't seen one of these in ages, right? It's one of those cameras that prints out photos instantly, and the person had tons of rolls. Look."

She pulled it up to her face, snapping a picture of his naked body lounging in the tub. A photo popped up, still pale white, but as she shook it the picture faded in. Kneeling behind the tub, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders as she showed him, purring into his ear.

"We can have some fun with it later," she breathed.

Putting the camera down, she stepped into the hot water, wincing at the shock of it. She curled into his arms, letting the bubbles and scent soak her skin as his muscular body cradled hers perfectly.

"Anything else I can do to make the day easier babe?" she grinned, her wet pink hair clinging to his chest as she sunk into him.

His words rang through her head, thought’s swirled with bland thoughts while something else cried. Internal bleeding? Could that be it? No. What was it then? Her eyes looked blandly down at her pail hands, inspecting them as they moved. She couldn’t fully understand it. Lunar had always known herself, yet, she felt like she’d lost years apon herself. Her heart rested on this creature, this man who had disappeared into the woods, yet her head felt lost within the blood. She craved to soak in it, to bath in the crimson while dozen’s laid cold in the ground but this heart didn’t want that. It wanted to have a life with a creature in which could never understand her nature.

As a child, even her mother had denied her, telling her father she couldn’t bear something as feral, something as inhuman as what she had given birth to. Lunar knew that. Every word, every feeling and emotion had been taught, yet this feeling was something she’d always been told she’d never understand, something she could never be taught. How did he do this to her? How? Her veins boiled and she stood. Striding forward, her feet where streamless as she rushed forward, a hand reaching out to yank at his hand roughly, pulling him around to look at her.

“You don’t get to walk away from me.” She growled, his touch sparking another memory, her mouth opened to close.

Blood bath… Warmth within his arms… Screams of pain… The velvet sequence of words filling her head, her heart, her soul.

Lunars mouth hung open as she tried to find words to his, yet nothing came out as she sorted through the two worlds. She was from one world, filled with nothing but a mixture of murder, pleasure and a needless regard for no others; yet he’d lifted her to a world of silk, tenderness and a need for another creature.

She could almost reach it… She could feel the years of being by herself and learning how to naturally be around others, while in the short time she’d been with him, he’d given her a world where she genuinely did care.

That was why.

There it was.

The minute her fingers touched his, pulling at him to argue with him, Xael had won. He'd won.

She snapped at him, but he could care less, his emotions suppressed. All but one. The one he could never push down, that was forcing him to walk away from her before he said something he'd regret.

Now it forced him towards her, his hands clamping on her hers as he tugged her to him, throwing them both into a tree so she couldn't pull away. His free hand tugged her chin up roughly, keeping her steady as his lips collided to hers, molding perfectly, throwing every last tendril of emotion at her. Handing his soul over to her.

"Never question my undying love for you," he growled, teeth against her lips, "There has never been a doubt in my mind that I want you. That I need you."'ve only doubted her love for you.

He shut his thoughts off, refusing to let Luna slip again because of his fears.

"Moon of my life, I know you are in there somewhere," his breath was hot against her skin, his whole body pinning the strong Alpha to the tree, refusing to release her, "Don't do this Luna. Don't choose power over me."

His mouth closed on hers again, silencing both of them as he tried to steal her breath away.

Her lips crashed into his, her heartbeat quickened as she moved to hold him, her long talons sinking into her palms as she forced them by her side, unwilling to hurt him further. Her mind spun out in a million directions. Gasping for words, she sputtered out nonsense as his words hit her ears. Her lips pressed back to his, her heart singing at the blood curdling screaming seemed to die out.

“How do you do this to me?” She whispered, her tight silver eyes looking up at him as suddenly another familiar face popped out, forcing a small growl from her as she pushed back into the tree.

His hands moved to her waist, digging into her hips as he stole one kiss after another. Luna was intoxicating even covered in blood, her touch sending shocks of electricity through him.

"Because I love you," he muttered back, looking down at his beautiful blood soaked mate.

And then Ashln's voice broke through it all. Xael held his tongue, annoyed that he was interuptted, nonetheless for something he already knew about.

"...I got it covered. Just go back to the inn."

He wanted her to go away, to leave him with his mate. His face turned back to Luna's, bending to kiss her once more when he heard the next words float through the air.

"We'll handle it," he groaned, "Watch the kids."

He waited till Ash's footsteps walked off then returned his lips to the Alpha's. How was it both sister's had gone feral in one morning?

"I need you more than ever now," he whispered, pulling at her hips as he kissed her neck.

Both silver eyes looked over her, trying to remember a name. The wolf knew her, just wasn’t fully up to times yet. Huffing, the wolf let her body slide into his arms as he dismissed the woman. Yet, the name she spoke of drew something, kissing him back, the wolf placed a taloned hand on his chest.

“I…I need to change.” She stuttered, her bones already chattering with the need.

"Wait," he murmured, staring into her still silver eyes, kissing her one more time.

Is she even ready? Does she remember Kayden...I don't want to push her here, I'm just nervous I'll lose her all over to the wolf side.

"You don't have to do this if you aren't ready," he muttered, hiding his true thoughts, "Just, don't push yourself baby."

I haven't even gotten her back yet, and I'm about to loose her all over. But I can't ask her not to change, not with how unpredictable she still is. It might force her further from me.

She looked up at him, biting her lip. She could sense his fear, she could smell it fresh off his skin and feel it down to her bone marrow. She could feel the need die with his unwillingness to let her slide back into her primal form.

“Well… Lets go look” She whispered.

He raised an eyebrow, confused at his little wolf.

"You aren't going to change?" he asked tentatively, still gripping her hips to him, his fingers massaging the skin underneath them.

“You’re worried I’ll get caught up again, having me only just partially back. I understand that and I’m ok staying like this. I still have command.” She responded as she tilted her head. Her hands slid up to his, her talons slid under his hands, pulling him around so she could grasp his hands to lead him where her nose told her to go.


His body flattened down to the earth, the earth skimming his low hanging fur as he stalked a deer, far off in the distance. Suddenly, something rang along the edge of his mind, the sound of something in the distance distracted him only for a moment, until something leaped onto his back, ripping a part of his back shoulder off as he rolled the creature off of him. Slapping his paw down, his golden eyes stared at a small, white and red wolf. Tilting his head he stared before his mind reached out.

‘what are you doing young one? Because disturbing a hunter is just stupid.’ He thought, his husky voice reaching hers.

His ears twitched as he heard them coming. Turning his head from a flailing wolf under a paw, he waited.

‘late to the party.’ He stated.

“Kayden. Stop.” Her words where harsh, a certain command making even his head lower while his paw remained ontop of Kaydens side.

Kayden clawed at his leg, raking at it till more blood spilled on her fur, covering hr face. But he never faltered holding her there to the ground as she squirmed, taunting her with his words.

She couldn't understand why she heard him, her muzzle snapping and snarling. She had never heard another voice in her head before, other than Abass' when he beat her raw. Could all wolves do it?

Stupid wolf. Mean wolf. her thoughts raged, I want that pretty throat of yours! Let me go!

He towered over her, watching her with a pitiful look as she struggled. her feet digging holes into the ground to try and escape.

Then another voice rang out clearly, one that was absolute music to her ears.

Here she comeees to saveee her mutt, her thoughts sang as her body stilled against her own will, following that of another's, Come pretty giiiiiirl. Dooo as daddy taught youuuu.

Her head hit the ground roughly, feeling held down even as her mind whirled. Ahead of her Luna came into view, naked and glorious. Beside her was a man...his face familiar but uninteresting.

"I hate her," Kayden cried, throwing herself at a wall, "I hate her so much!"

"Why?" he mother voice was cold and distant, standing near the cell door, "Why would you hate someone you barely know?"

"Because she has everything!" Kayden screamed, turning on her mother, "She has the pack. She has Diablos. She has you and father!"

"You are fourteen Kayden," her mother crossed her arms, "Tantrums are for babes."

"You are telling me I'm out of line?" Kayden scoffed, "You told me I'd be out of here before I was five. Then six...then ten. I'm fourteen and I've only ever known these four walls! Stop lying to me!"

Piercing eyes turned on Kayden, holding her down, "You watch your tongue around me child. Luna has what she has because she is a grateful young woman with manners, one who doesn't disappoint me on a daily basis."

"M-mother. I...I disappoint you?"

Her mind snapped back to the present, memories flooding her head. She had forgotten them all...she had forgotten so much. Hate rolled in her heart as she stared at the sister who had gotten everything.

'You're an ungrateful, self-absorbed bitch!' she tossed out, testing the mental connection she was unused to, her rage rolling off of her in waves, 'You never cared about anyone but yourself! None of you did. No one asked how I was doing! No one tried! You let me rot in that cell while you frolicked around with that insufferable trainer of yours!'

A laugh bubbled up her throat, coming out whiny and low from her mouth, 'That's why he left! That's why they'll all leave. No one can love you. No one can love me!'

"Do you love me mommy?" Kayden toddled towards her mother, her tiny little legs propelling as she made her way across the room, crawling into her mothers lap.

"Why do you ask child?" she spoke softly, pulling Kayden into her arms and stroking her white hair, "Do you have any reason to doubt?"

"No..." she smiled, showing off her toothy grin, "I just wanted to check."

Her mother kissed her forehead, "Tomorrow you turn five. As does your sister, Luna. Would you like to meet her?"

"Yes please mommy!" Kayden sang, wiggling her toes.

Too many memories. They overwhelmed her mind, but she couldn't shake her head to move them, still stuck under that damned command. Pain...father taught me that pain always works.

"Now what are the rules Kayden," her mother whispered, fixing the clean white shirt on the little girl.

"I can't tell people who I am," she muttered, feeling the brand new cloth between her fingers, "I am a orphan, found in the woods."

"Good," she smiled, "It's to keep you safe little wolf. Now don't forget -hey, Kayden!"

Her little legs tore off, her eyes stuck on the bright flash of red. That face...that face looked just like hers. She ran towards it, reaching out for the girl playing in the trees. Luna?

Her sticky fingers grabbed the girl's pulling her back, tugging at her to turn. Someone gasped and Kayden's head whipped to the left, seeing a little boy with messy brown hair staring at her in horror.

"You can't touch the Alpha's daughter!" he yelped, pointing at her as Kayden dropped the red-heads hand, mortified, "You don't know her!"

But I do...

"Luna are you alright?" her mother's voice rang clear through the trees, coming towards them as she scooped up the red-head, ignoring the white-haired girl all together.


"How dare you touch her," her mother snapped, staring down at Kayden with cold, distant eyes, "You stepped out of line, pup."

Kayden nose pressed into her front left paw, her teeth only centimeters away from her skin. Against the command she pushed that few centimeters, her teeth digging into her flesh as she tried to force the memories to stop, to go away.

"Stop it!" Kayden howled, kicking and punching as one of her mother's guards carried her back to her cell, "Noooooooo."

'You did this to me!' Kayden's mind screamed at Luna, her eyes only half opened as she tugged her flesh harder, willing the memories to stop, to go away, 'You create nothing but misery!'

"How dare you?" her mother's voice seethed, slamming the cell door closed, "I gave you one chance Kayden, one chance to see your sister and you defy the rules!"

"I wanted to be with her!" Kayden howled, crying as she curled up on the bed, "I just wanted to see my sister!"

"Sister?" the door slapped open, a new face walking in.

"Abass," her mother breathed, and Kayden could hear the fear, scaring the baby wolf more.

"You," he growled at her, "Come with me. Leave the pup."

'I hate you!' she screamed, not sure who she was yelling at anymore, 'I hate you!'

"You will never leave here again..." her mother's voice was dull, her hair falling into her face, shielding her from Kayden's gaze, "Not till your father says you can. This is your fault Kayden. All of this is your fault."

"No mommy," Kayden's voice broke.

"Luna will never know she has a sister," she whispered, so softly Kayden could barely register it, her young brain storing it but confused at to what she was saying...what she meant.

She...she never knew?

"No one will know you exist," she continued, "Luna can not know. It's up to your father now. Maybe if I had just...I should of...I should of killed you when you were born."

Kayden flinched back, tears welling in her eyes at the harsh tone her mother used, the words lost on her.

"If you were dead, at least the suffering would be over," her mother sighed, leaving the room.

'NOOOOOOO!' Kayden howled, her eyes tearing up as she let out a loud whine, digging her teeth down to the bone to drill away the words.

It was like she read his mind, knowing exactly what he worried about. This Luna...she was blunt. Honest. Her words held little emotion, her body shut down from him yet still somehow he could see pieces of the wolf he fell in love with.

As she led him through the trees, he wondered if he'd ever fully get her back. Something had obviously happened during the night, something that broke both sister's. The last thing her could remember was how happy she'd been with him the night before, how their hearts had sung for each other as they fell asleep on that bed. And now it felt like an entirely different world, as if all of that had happened with another woman. There was a gap between him, something keeping her from him, but he didn't know what.

Soon he could see Jay's massive form amongst the trees, one of his legs outstretched to pin something. Sure enough it was Kayden, her white fur stained with fresh blood. These alike...

"Kayden. Stop," Luna's voice held all command and no emotion, forcing the small wolf to stop wriggling under Jay's leg.

Xael stopped short a few meters from the two wolves, letting Luna continue on alone. He had no connection with the wolves, so he had no right to be there. He felt like he was drawing a line in the sand, where all he had to do was jump over it to become part of Luna's pack, the rest of her world, but he'd created the line because he was unsure. He wasn't a wolf...he had no mental connection. The only claim he had was being her mate, and right now that didn't hold a lot of weight in the present situation.

Luna needed to come back herself, and Kayden needed an intervention by the way the girl's eyes kept rolling, her mouth frothing as she chewed her leg like it was a bone.

Kayden’s memories flickered throughout both Lunars and Jays head, making them wince with each strike and cold word.

“Kayden, stop hurting yourself and relax your damn thoughts” She demanded, a soft growl to her musical tone.

“As you’re alpha you Will obey.” She snapped, her mind twirling around the memories her sister had just shared.

“Now for the misery, I have nothing to do with that, you should aim your hate at Abass and work with our pack on another means to an end.” She shrugged.

“But if I were you, stop referring to him as father. His name is Abass and he is not worth your time.” She stated blandly.

‘Kayden? That was you 47 years ago?’ his thoughts softly rang out, his head lowering down to hover above Kaydens face.

‘we never knew of you… Why would you hate someone who had no conscious knowledge? If we had known, we would have done something.’ He thought
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