Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


The man pressed his forehead to Ashlins, his hands gripping her protectively.

“This might not be heaven… But I promise I’ll give you all the luxuries the angels are lucky enough to have.” He vowed as his large and honest eyes watched hers.

"Then I vow to stay by your side," she breathed, her heart pounding, "Until my final breath."

She pulled him back into the bed, curling in his arms as they watched each other silently, their eyes speaking volumes as Ash lulled back off into a more peaceful sleep.


The first ray's of morning light woke him with a start, his mind still unused to the pleasure of walking in the daylight. Instantly worry washed over him though, as he found himself alone in the room, and even his connection couldn't feel her close by.

"My moon?" he called out, sitting up as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

Maybe she went for a morning, she left my legs tied.

It took him ten minutes to untie him, her knots delicate but strong. Rubbing the sore skin underneath, he dressed himself and poked his head into the hall, looking to see if anyone else was up.

The children will be up soon, and clamoring for food. She can handle herself, I just have to trust that.

Sneaking downstairs he began to busy himself in the kitchen, intent to make breakfast for the crew and children.

Braxton nuzzled her softly.

“I vow to be by your side till then and beyond.” He whispered as he fell asleep with her.

Waking, Braxton’s stunning white eyes looked down at Ashlin, her peaceful face lighting his face up as he watched the light play along her beautiful face, lighting up her brown curls and giving a glow to her flawless skin.


Waking, the wolf shook his head softly as a yawn took over his facial expressions and limited his vision. His muscles flexed, drawing his eyes down to the small siren curled up within his arms. Sitting, still fully relaxed, Jay sat quietly as his eyes closed to stay in a half awake, half asleep state until Reyn stirred.

Ashlin yawned and stretched as she woke, having slept through the rest of the night in peace.

"Brax," she muttered, trusting where he was and rolling into him, "Food."


She woke slowly, her body stiff but alive. Her eyes were the last to flutter open as she groaned, looking up at the face of her wolf.

"Good morning handsome. You got a smudge there?" she rubbed a speck of her own blood off his chin, wrinkling her nose at him, "How was your sleep?"

Grinning down at her, he kissed her softly. Braxton’s large eyes beaming down at his girlfriend.

“You want to join the crowd, or should I just bring up a couple dishs?” He asked.


Golden eyes opened as they looked down on the small siren within his arms.

“Good morning Darlin’.” His husky voice replied. Looking down at her finger, he reached up to softly grasp her wrist, placing her finger within his mouth as he suckled softly.

“Was fine, the real question is… How was your sleep?” He asked as he slowly pulled her finger out of his mouth.

“Hungry?” He asked.

"I should see if they need help," she grinned, "Besides I love the children."

Getting dressed, she led Braxton out and downstairs, finding Xael well into making breakfast.

"What can I do?" she asked, fingers wrapped in Brax's, "I'm here to help."

"Someone needs to clean up the table and set down new plates," he exclaimed, bustling around, "And if someone could please find Luna, my stress levels would thank you. I can't feel her connection, I don't know where she is. Needless to say I'm a little paranoid."

"I'll look for Luna if you set the table," Ash turned to Brax, "She couldn't have gone too far right?"


Her body rolled, her silky coat covered in leaves , dirt, and blood. Rolling over, her body sitting up as she shook out to look over the carnage; what were once wolves, now just meat and fur, shredded around the trees and the leaves. Tongue rolling out, the wolf yawned softly while she pawed at her face before licking her paws. Silver eyes looked around, her mind void from her human thoughts as the thought of flesh and raw meat overrode everything, other than the need to kill more of her own kind. Laying back down, Lunar’s body rolled back over as she relaxed.

"Very," she smiled, "But food comes second."

Jumping off of him, she collected her clothes from the floor and began tugging them back on, "I sort of left one man hanging to sleep with the other. Eli isn't the sort to enjoy company in bed while he sleeps, but I should check on him."

Leaning over the bed, she gave him a quick mouth-hungry kiss as her hands slid down his chest greedily.

"Till next time my wolf," she grinned, showing off perfect teeth.

Prancing out of the room, Reyn skipped back over to Elijah's. As she entered quietly, she found him fast asleep, oblivious to the world around him.

"Eli?" she whispered, stepping closer.

Braxton grinned, nodding happily.

“Then with the little beasts we go.” He laughed, his hands quickly gripping Ashlin’s bare hips before pulling her back into him, pressing his lips onto hers before allowing her to dress.

As they came into the kitchen, Braxton squeezed Ashlin’s hand softly while she spoke with Xael.

“I would love to fix the tables.” He grinned kissing her softly.

“I would ask Jay or Kayden, they have the pack mentality, so they might help. Just be careful if she’s hunting… Wolve’s can be dangerous.” He replied.

Jay’s grin faded with the thought of the other man. Nodding, he kissed her before the siren moved off, back to the man he couldn’t stand. Sighing, Jay slumped off the bed before pulling on a pair of pants. Sliding out of the room, Jay wandered downstairs as his nose followed the scent of food. Poking his head into the kitchen he looked at Xael.

“Any deer?” He asked excitedly.

Ashlin tried the town first, plugging her nose to the stench as she wandered the empty streets. Combing the town, she turned to the forest, staring at the wide span of trees.

"Like hell I'll find her if she's in there," Ash sighed, "I'm not that good."

Cupping her hands over her mouth, she yelled into the forest, "Luna! Luna, if your in there...Xael is worried. Your mate needs you!"

Was that the right thing to say? Mate? She had heard them use it multiple times and hoped she was saying it correctly. Wandering around the edge of the forest, she continued to stop at random intervals and call into the trees, repeating the same message.

Finally she strolled back to the inn, wondering if maybe she was hiding in one of the rooms, and Xael was missing their connection for no reason. As she passed through the tavern she stole a kiss from Braxton then continued upstairs, wanting to comb through each room for the red-headed Alpha.

The world was dark… Voice’s calling out around him as he hovered within the space. They screamed around him while he laid in silence, listening as the voice’s battled, tugging at his limbs as their voice’s only got louder. Yet all he could do was listen, as Eli’s world was forced to lay dormant, trying to recover from the extreme use of one blood, when his body had always coped better with the other, more deep and blood hungry voice within.

"Nope," he snapped, his mood worsening, "Just a missing Alpha. Ash is looking. Help her?"

He hadn't made it sound like a command, but it came out as one, his words forceful and direct like Luna's were when she was commanding Jay off. I've spent enough time around her I'm growing her qualities...

But he didn't even have time to apologize, his mind racing to cook something for twenty four people with the limited ingredients in the kitchen.

Her body laid, relaxed and happy within the carnage. But then… A small voice caught her attention. It was calling the name they called her. Wild eyes looked around while her body slid up, curiously jotting towards the noise.

After several minutes, her head poked out of the forest while she curiously watched a familiar figure walk away. Lunar’s mind turned around it, needing to relay her thoughts for several minutes. Sitting, she sat curiously at the edge of the forest, her eyes on the doors of the building the woman disappeared into.

Jay couldn’t help the soft growl that flew out of his tightened teeth. While he would take command from his alpha, he still didn’t take well to command from others.

“Your damn alpha’s sitting outside… I wouldn’t go near her though, she’s gone slightly feral.” The wolf spat before turning around and out the inn, stripping his pants before strutting into the forest in the opposite direction as he went off to run and hunt for an hour or two.

Why wasn't he waking up?

She shook his arm, calling his name as she hovered over him, worry lancing through her. After the tenth time trying to wake him failed she ran out the room, looking for help.

The first person she bumped into was Ashlin, who stated she was looking for Luna.

"I need your help," she breathed, panicking, "Elijah won't wake up, and I don't know whats wrong."

The witch followed her into the room, watching the demon warily.

"This isn't a trap is it?" she asked, still weary of both the siren and the halfling.

"Just help him. Please."

She checked him over, her eyes giving him a complete once-over.

"Did he do anything odd last night?" she asked, turning to look at Reyn.

"I...I got hurt and he healed me, but that was it."


She nodded, a memory surging in her brain of another time she'd seen Eli in this state.

"He's drained," she explained, "I just need to transfer some of my energy to him. It hurts, and I'm not really fond of waking this asshole. But...but I can see your worry, so I'll do it for you Reyn.

The woman watched the witch raise her arms over Elijah, much like he did the night before. Her eyes rolled back into her head as her breathing grew labored, pooling her energy into her hands and releasing it into him. After a few minutes Ash stopped the spell, her hair falling into his face as she leaned over to check his state.

"Elijah?" she called quietly, seeing if the energy was enough to wake him, and calm the pacing siren in the room.

So Jay could sense her and he couldn't?

Xael chewed on that thought as he cooked breakfast, unable to check on Jay's statement to see if it rang true or not. If it did...well Xael already felt hurt that he couldn't feel her, that she hadn't been in his arms this morning. Why had she left so early in the morning?

"Potatoes," he huffed, trying to distract his depressive thoughts as he began peeling.

While he floated, he started to feel something. Limbs… Yet his body still felt like led, and the two screaming worlds drowned out dull voice’s in the back. Yet, he continued to listen to the screaming worlds, his body being torn at as they fought for dominance. While he wanted to awake, his body couldn’t tell which world to side with to surface.

"I'm going to regret this," Ash sighed, placing her hands onto his bare chest with a grimace, and immediately seeping more energy into him, "Reyn I'll need your help."

The siren came over and Ash gave her instructions to get her. She climbed onto the bed and pulled Elijah's head into her cross-legged lap, Stroking his hair. While Reyn cooed and called the Halfling back to the living, Reyn sent vibrant shocks of electricity through his chest, shocking him harshly. She did three, then waited for a minute to see if he would respond.

"Is he waking?" she asked the siren, kneeling beside the siren to get the best position over his chest, both women looking down at him now.

A sudden thought made the wolf stand, almost jumping to the side. Mind racing, the wolf growled softly as it brimmed on the edge of her mind. Struggling, the wolf had to think on what each word meant, focusing while it continued to speak.

‘…Xael -…’

The black and red wolf raised her head, howling softly as the name jolted something within her. Her body ached, her heart skipping a beat while her mind raced, trying to recall anything past the hunt last night.

He could feel something on top of him. He reached up only to swipe his hand through the darkened air before him. While the voices in the background got louder, the worlds screamed more violently, demanding for one to be picked before he could join the voices. His mind raced, fully well knowing what the world around him seemed to prefer, yet the he couldn’t decide.

The howl he heard. It rang clear as day, screaming the truth of Jay's words. Xael's mood plummeted further. Why the fuck can't I feel our connection? What did she do?

He sliced a potato in half angrily, thinking out loud, "If this is what I get after last night, she's in for a surprise."

How would she feel if I had disappeared after a night of sex? She'd be upset too! Fuck...why am I so hung up on this? She's an adult, she can do as she pleases.

"But I feel like a second thought," he argued with himself, "And now I can't even reach out to her. It's like she shut herself off from me."

Cook...just cook. Don't think about all of it.

His arm reached up out of nowhere then fell, signifying it was somewhat working.

"Last shock," Ash warned, "Or I'll drain myself."

As Ashlin sent a fourth and final shock of electricity and energy into the man, Reyn bent over him and kissed him softly, begging her protector to wake up. She'd never seen him so dead to the world, oblivious to her and others in the room.

"Is he hurt?" she asked quietly, not aiming the question at Ash but just letting the question sit there.

"He's fine," Ashlin was soft on the siren, speaking to her calmly, "He overused a piece of himself he rarely exercises. It just wore him out, and he's taking a while to fully recover.

The wolf’s sitting body twitched, looking behind her as another wolf showed up behind her. The hackles on her back raised as a growl grew from her exposed canines. That name… The name they called her rang out within the edge of her thought again. His scent pulled at her nose, the wolfs head tilting as two different instincts bickered, to protect a pack member, or to attack. A growl rumbled in her chest again as her body stood, turning slightly to back up further into the town.


He could see them… Darkoth, Anoose, and many more. All the wolves slain several decades ago. Shaking it off, he tried to reach out again, her body rejecting the thoughts while still seemingly pondering, trying to reach beyond the darkness of her old memories in which fazed over her newly gained life.

His chest stung, the worlds screamed louder, making his ears bleed while he was forced to lay in a relaxed position. He couldn’t pick one… He wouldn’t. Eli could hear their words in the background while his body buzzed, feeling only slightly lighter. Screaming, he shoved them back to try and silence them, the voice’s growing to a dull hum while he slowly felt the darkness deuterated, the world’s quieting as he disappeared from between his two inner dimensions.
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