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Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


Braxton’s eyes opened as heat seemed to swell from Ashlin in an unusual way. She was mumbling things, shifting as if in pain. Wrapping his arms around her he swayed her.

“Shhhh Ashlin, You’re alright… It’s a dream…” He spoke, hoping his words would wake her or sooth her trembling dreams.

She smiled softly into him, her eyes closing as she hummed softly.

“Goodnight my world.” She breathed.

The night had been amazing, down to the last couple breath’s she’d taken before falling asleeping, her mates musky scent lulling her to sleep as she listened to his breathing in sync with hers.

But then her eyes opened, and it was gone… Washed away with the blood pouring down her skin. The wolf’s head launched backwards, a blood hungry snarl ripping from her mouth as her wrists pulled viciously at the metal binds. Her wrists, even her upper arms, neck, feet and her knee’s where bound by large binds that sunk down into the stone under her kneeling form. Long talon’s from her hands tried to curl up, the strong, bone like material’s shredding her already blood ridden hands. Corpse’s laid in shreds around her, their gaping face’s staring at her hungry form, in which sat half transitioned; Large wolfish eyes, massive inhuman teeth, skin rotting in patch’s while other joint’s looked human, but half popped out, while her feet had started to turn pink with hardened pads and long toe nails.

Her arm’s remained out, drenched in blood and meat while her head fell forwards, her body beginning to rock, the shadow’s playing along the wolfs form giving off a gut wrenching feeling of pure evil. The stone walls gave little warmth to the already cold room, the single torch sitting beside the door giving the room little warmth, and nowhere near enough light to highlight the blood drenching every square inch of the room.

She could hear them… Slowly coming down the hall, arguing who had to even pop their head in the door… The door for her room. Soon enough, their feet stopped at the door as they figured out who was unlucky enough to face her.

Finally… A couple minutes passed and someone swore, undoing the heavy restraints against the door before finally sliding open the large metal door. A shaking head poked in, looking over her to make sure she was still bound.

You’re funny… ” Her shrill and inhuman voice called out, echoing through the chamber and bouncing off each mauled body. Her eyes looked up, once pure and kind, filled with blood lust and true pain.

“We brought you food…” His voice shook as the man struggled to pick up another body, obviously wiggling in protest as the beast threw in a living being.

You’re funny… You think you can keep me bound” She giggled, her head flying back as her shoulders popped, her bloody talons holding out to the sides of the wolf as bones shifted, her veins standing out, looking like something was crawling through the veins in her arms.

“[/i]You think you can tame me… Feed me like a pet. I am wolf… I am your downfall. I am the true… True definition of bloodlust.[/i]”Her voice swayed as her eyes fell back on him, her demented grin making the man freeze while the chains clunk softly in the background. That was all that she needed. Her arms lifted and the metal binds, just as thick as her mid arm, snapped. Her hands ripped at the chain on her neck, then flowed down to rip at the lower restraints. The pools of blood rippled with the movement, the girl darting forward to sink her talons into his chest, her hand caressing his heart as her blood ridden eyes stared into his, watching the pain sink into his face as the man reached up to paw at her.

Pitty… You where so pretty…” She giggled girlishly as she snapped at the air before his face as her hand ripped out his heart. Watching the body drop to her feet with utter curiosity, the bloodied woman tilted her head as she stepped over him, turning to face another man.

“Oh god…” The fear sunk into his voice, his eyes wide as he turned to bolt.

Oh your so funny… You think you can run little wolf.” She chirped as she bounced up behind him, ripping his head clean off his shoulders, allowing blood to spray around her like a fountain.

Little wolfs… You’re so funny… You think you can chain me.” She sang as her hand moved up to her lips, her tongue lapping at the blood as she slowly began to walk down the hall. Her bare, yet meat soaked form swayed throughout the hallways, slaying men as she pleased before skipping out of an entrance. Blood soaked the walls as she happily opened the door, the sun blinding her for a moment as she took in the light and the surrounding forest. Skipping out, the blood soaked wolf wandering into the forest, finally free.

Her body rose, wild eyes searching the room as she held in a scream. Her claws sank into the bed as her labored breathing tried to slow. Standing silently, the girl moved to the door, kissing her sleeping mates forehead softly before sliding out. Slinking silently down the halls, the wolfs swaying body made her way downstairs and out the door before she fell, hands sinking into the dirt as it hit her. She could barely feel the pain as everything pulled out and reshaped, fur growing as she willed herself to change. Standing, the large wolf slunk down the town and into the forest, her body low as she hunted, sniffing out for them as the animal within her took over. The moon slowly shifted in the sky as the girl continued to follow the scent, slowly sliding up behind a group of wolves eventually, bickering over the situation.

Slinking around, she stalked them as her wild eyes watched.

‘Hear that?’ the voice asked within the edge of her mind.

‘The real question here… do you smell that…?’ the voice sounded strained and on edge.

‘Oh god…’ It whispered before she lunged, her teeth sinking into the neck of one of the eight around her. Blood poured along her muzzle, her jaw dropping the dead wolf as she crouched and lunged for another. As the one wolf jumped to the side, she side jumped and caught another by the leg. Swinging her head, the distinct sound of ripping flesh hit her ears.

‘Run… For christ sake if you cherish our lives… Run!’ one screamed clearly within the head, making the wolf grin as she lowered herself, her tail wiggling as she snapped at the twitching limb. As they turned to run, the wolf caught another wolf by the scruff on their side, ripping the flesh out roughly as they tried to escape. Her mind remained on the hunt, ready to kill as Lunar leaped out, taking several strides around the group to catch another wolf by the front paw this time. Teeth sank uselessly into the back of her shoulder, ripping uselessly as her muzzle removed a limb from a second wolf, sending him to the forest floor like she had with the others.

Her body glided with theirs, in perfect sync with the pack as she listened to their unknowingly scrambled minds as they tried to run. Soon enough she caught them one by one as their limbs uselessly flailed, their teeth trying to rip at her to only to relax back as their blood stained the ground. Turning back, the wolf’s blood dripping tongue flopped out, her body trotting back several yards to one of the wolve’s limping away.

Good… Limp away to tell Abass to go die… Tell him you cannot bind a wolf. You cannot tame a wolf, and for every time you try to tame my sister and I, you will die… ’ Her voice called out with a giddy ring. Sitting down, the wolf watched an old pack member limp back, their front leg ripped clean out.

That is if you make it… I would run a little faster than that.’ Her voice called out, turning back to stare happily at the dead carcass’s lying around her.

Reyn giggled, continuing to dance, "You just love that you own me don't you babe?"

Spinning around she ended at the end of the bed, bending over so her breasts hung, puckered and full over his feet, "Do you want me yet...master?"

"What have you done child?" the voice was demanding, anger and disappointment swirling together.

Her dream faded and a new one replaced it, captivating her.

"I..." she faltered staring at the wreckage she had created, feigning guilt, "I lost control. I couldn't stop it."

Liar. You had full control. You reveled in it.

"An entire village was burnt to the ground," he breathed, staring at the crater of ash in front of them, "You reeked the memory of this place from Earth all together. And you stand before me and ask forgiveness?"

"I..." her mouth opened and shut, "They were attacking me. I got so upset."

"You're gift can also be a curse," he mused, "Especailly if you do not treat it with care. Come child. You are not yet ready for this world."

"But master, I don't want-"

"Come alone Ashlin. Until you can control yourself, you cannot leave our village."

Her dreams swirled around her once more and reappeared in yet another memory. This one was fleeting, just a image of a small black book. Then it blinked out of existence as a new dream began, one much softer and soothing.

Jay chuckled, his eyes unable to stay off of her.

“I do, but pets come when called.” He commented, lifting a brow as he patted his stomach softly.

“I do.” He growled, impatience growing in his voice the more she played.

As he held her… Something felt off.

“Ashlin?” He called, his hand moving up to push the beautiful brown curls away from her face as he called to her.

“Wake up Beautiful. Come back to me.” He spoke, watching her as he called for her to wake.

"When he get frustrated you get the sexiest glint in your eyes," she commented, crawling onto the bed, slinking up his legs and his torso until she hovered over him entirely, her hair falling into his face.

"No..." she breathed, still half asleep.

Her eyes flashed open, her heart jumping into her throat as she jolted upright, staring with wide, alarmed eyes around the room. Her gaze eventually fell on him and her breath let out in one giant whoosh, her body curling back on top of him.

"Nightmares," she whispered, saying nothing more.

Jayson shook his head softly, clearly unimpressed as she crawled up on him as he commanded. His hand slid up as he pulled at her hair, pulling her down as he growled.

She followed his whim, abandoning her flirtatious games as they seemed to make him more annoyed then anything. Bending over his pants, she stared to unbuckle them, her eyes watching his face warily for the next command.

Braxton kissed the top of her forehead, rocking her back and forth as she curled up within his arms.

“Shhhh I’m here.” He whispered as he continued to try and sooth Ash.

His voice soothed her worries, the nightmares still fresh in her mind. She was glad she had soundproofed the room, worried she had been yelling and crying out and worried Braxton.

Her eyes fluttered shut as she sighed, still half asleep and quickly dozing off once more, muttering as she passed out.

"I killed them. I killed them all."

She woke, sweat dripping off her body, dripping to the cold, concrete floor. Vaguely she became aware of another presence in the room, and as she flinched away she felt the binds holding her wrists and ankles to a metal chair.

"W-what?" she breathed, pulling at the binds, panicking, "W-what's happening? Someone help me!"

"No one will ever come for you Kayden," his voice was dark, full of hatred and annoyance, "When will you learn?"

His hand flew out from nowhere, striking her hard. She blinked, blinded momentarily by the force of the hit.

"D-daddy?" she cried, "What did I do? I've...I've been a good girl!"

"You look so like her," he growled, appearing in her face as he lifted one of her white curls, then dropped it like it was revolting, "But Luna is strength and power. She is our future. You're just an empty shell of her."

"I know," she cried, having heard these words since the day she was born, "But what have I done father? Why did you bind me? Please daddy, let me go!"

"You will stay there," he barked, his dark eyes piercing into hers, "Until I sort of this mess with Luna and her trainer, you aren't to leave that chair."

Diablos? What had he done? What misdeed did Luna do to cause Kayden such pain?

"I was good!" she cried as Abass opened the heavy set metal door, "I've been good, I promise. Please, p-please don't leave me like this daddy!"

"Enjoy the punishment," he sneered, "You can blame your insolent sister for her selfishness."


"Stop!" she screamed against the gag, tears dripping down her blood stained cheeks, "Stop!"

But he continued, ripping every toenail she had off as he flung them into the small sink in her room. Blood flowed freely from her sore, beaten feet. She cried out, terrified as he tortured her.

"She should have stayed with us," he growled, pulling the last nail out as Kayden let out a shriek of pain, "You're sister thinks of only herself, and never you."

She doesn't know I'm here! She can't! Or is she as cruel as our father? Would she care if I suffered? No...she left me here, didn't she? Left me with this.

"Stop!" she screamed again, as the pliers he used moved to her fingernails, digging in to her first sharpened claw, "I'll do anything! Please stop!"

He growled at her, pulling the gag from her mouth, "What the hell are you saying child?"

"I do anything daddy," she cried, sobs racking her pale and malnourished body, "Tell me what to do."

He stood abruptly, unlocking her binds, then grabbed her by the hair and threw her against one of the walls, breaking several ribs.

"You're useless," he snapped, "You are a worthless pile of garbage, good for nothing little brat! The only reason you still have air in your lungs is because I enjoy our visits."

His visits always resulted in pain and misery for her, but she bit her tongue, unable to even stand.

"You can't even act like a wolf and Change," he snapped, striding to the door and slamming it closed as he left.

"Why?" She begged the question as he left, fear and pain rippling through her as she struggled to get up, to even crawl to the bed. As she found her way under the blankets the tears began to fall, her mind racing to where he sister would be by now, if she was enjoying her damned freedom while Kayden rot.

Jays hand stroked the back of her head softly, his eyes focused on hers as she waited for his command. Softly he grinned at her, his opposite hand sliding down her chest to grope one of her breast’s while her hands began to undo his pants.

He continued to rock, stroking her hair while resting his head against hers, her words a sign of her nightmares.

“Think of happier times…” He whispered, hoping to be of some help to her dreams. “…Think about our future.” Braxton breathed.

She fought the memories pulling her back under, clinging to Braxton's voice.

"Future..."she breathed, grasping the only word she could hear clearly as images flashed through her mind again.

The book. Her father. The burning village. The burns...all the burns.

She pushed the images away but more crashed in, overwhelming her.


Looping her fingers into the hoops on his jeans she tugged them off, eyeing his boxers.

Slipping a hand up his leg, she snuck into his boxers, her fingers playing with him as she bite her lip seductively.

“Shhhh, Our future Ashlin, Our future with a house.” He whispered, his body not once stopping the rocking motion as he kept talking of happier times.


Jay lifted a brow, watching her slowly remove his jeans. Softly playing with Reyns hair, he bit his bottom lip softly, her fingers playing with his member arousing him more by the second.

His fingers caressing her hair made her hum, her eyes rolling back as she enjoyed the luxury of his touch. Without realizing it she slipped into her siren voice, her humming growing a fraction louder as it floated around the room, filling it with a soft, lulling tone.​


Amongst the images flashing through her brain, the memories blending together, Braxton's voice pulled at her, pushing the nightmares away.

"Brax..." she choked, sweat beading her forehead as she fought her own subconscious to wake up, ""

Jay couldn’t help the smile pulling at his lips as his head hung back slightly, listening to the beautiful rhythmic sound she hummed. His head buzzed, but his body remained in full control as her voice filled the room. Jayson’s hand continued to softly play with her hair while massaging her head, enjoying her reaction.


Braxton nodded softly, knowing she couldn’t see but still agreeing.

“A beautiful house in the forest… Maybe a dog or a cat, no stress, no more fighting… Just you and me.” He purred softly.

Her eyes popped open as she caught her voice, realizing what she was doing. Her mind screeched to a halt, looking at Jayson. You can't just stop humming, he'll notice something is up. But...but I sing only for Elijah. Only for him. What the hell am I doing?

Removing her hand from his boxers, she pulled them down his legs and off to, then bent over to lick him from base to tip, her humming cutting off. He hadn't noticed her subtle shift as she kept her eyes locked on his, distracting him with just her tongue as she flicked it up and down.

"Mmm," she agreed, his voice pulling her awake more and more as she started to become aware of how he was rocking her, and the sweat dripping off her overheating skin.

"No more fighting," she sighed, "...Just us..."

Jay couldn’t contain his smile as the girl moved down on him, removing his boxer’s as she quickly dropped her humming.

“Faster…” He groaned, his hand pressing further down as her tongue made all surprise across her face quickly drop from thought. Softly, Jayson bucked his hips while her mouth continued to move up and down on him.

“Only us love, Only us. A nice house, no more stress. Only you, myself, and my complete and utter love for you Ashlin.” He breathed, noticing her body slowly awakening but continuing as he tried to sooth her.

Her hand snuck up and gripped him by the base as her mouth took him in, her tongue continuing to flick at his tip. Stroking him quickly with his fingers, her mouth moved up and down on just his tip, her tongue working expertly.

Reyn's eyes never left his handsome face, even as her other hand reached above her head and raked her nails into his perfectly toned chest, leaving tiny red marks in his tanned skin.


"Mmmm," she purred, her head beginning to turn as she woke, "...say that again...say those words again..."

Jay couldn’t help the soft moan as Reyn slipped her hand in as she continued to stroke him.

“Faster.” He groaned softly, his hand pressing further down as his eyes rolled back. Her nails dragging along her perfectly golden skin only made him harder, his opposite hand stilling gripping one of Reyns breasts, his fingers sliding down to pinch her nipple while her mouth pleased him.


Braxton couldn’t stop the soft laugh from his mouth as she awoke.

“My complete, and utter, undying love for you Ashlin, and Only you.” He purred.
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