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Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


With one fluid movement, Braxton licked his lips, his pants sliding off with the edge of the bed as he slid himself within her. His breath shook as he pressed himself to her, his body grinding on hers as his rock hard member slid within Ashlin, her walls tight around him, allowing a soft moan to leave his lips.

“Fuuuuuck Ashlin… You’re so tight…” He groaned, pumping his hips into hers.

Eli’s arms hugged Reyn tightly into him. His lips pressed into her, touching down to her soul as her body reacted positively to her. Her arms wrapped around him, his heart pounding in rhythm with hers as his hands slid down to hold her, his body moving up with her gripping onto him like no tomorrow. Sliding over to the bed, the angel curled up with her, his exhaustion beginning to cut into him more and more.

His pants pooled at his ankles with ease, letting him stand naked and marvelous in front of her, bringing her to her first orgasm of the night with only his fingers. Pulling out, he grabbed her by the ankles and flipped her body, the bind allowing him to do so without harming her. Getting onto the bed, his hand rubbed her ass before pulling back and spanking it hard, leaving a red handprint. Rubbing the spot till the stinging died, he spanked it again, watching her whole body shake with the sensation.

"We haven't tried this position yet," he mused, pulling at her hips as he entered her from behind, filling her completely, "How's that feel my love?"

Everything else faded into the dark, her worries and fears disappearing from her mind. All there was now was Braxton, beautiful, loving Braxton. Her hair fanned out around her face as Ash's head hit the pillow, an audible groan escaping her lips. He filled her, pressing against her tight walls as he drilled into her than pulled out slightly, only to dive in deep again. He was tender as always, but there was a slight roughness to it this time that drove her wild, her whole body responding to him in earnest.

"At this rate I'll climax in seconds," she heaved, her chest rising and falling rapidly as he pulled out and buried himself in her a fourth time, making her body squirm with pleasure.

Lunar’s eyes took him in, mentally drooling at his perfect body as it stood before her. Her body released itself, her heart racing, and her head turning curiously to Xael as he flipped her. The binds dug into her wrists further, bringing a secret pleasure to her body as he spanked her. Another moan left her lips as her hips wiggled before him, her upper body pressing deeply into the bed as she offered more of herself. Pain ripped through her ass as he filled her. She bit down into a pillow, allowing the feathery material to shred within her sharpened canines as she adjusted to it, slowly beginning to flow with his body as he waited for her.

“Faster…” She moaned into the feathers

She broke the kiss, looking at him with adoration and seeing the utter exhaustion in his eyes as they lay in the bed. Pulling herself further up the bed, she sat against the headboard, placing his head in her lap she she could massage his hair. In the softest voice she began singing to him, recalling a soft lullaby she knew and singing him off to sleep.

Braxton moaned her name softly, grinning at her words as he continued to pull out and push back in, the tip of his member burying itself into the top of her womb each pump.

“Might happen a couple times at least tonight.” He winked, a hand moving to play with her soft clit, rubbing it and caressing her as his member pleasured her, only quickening with each pump.

“Cum all over me Ash” He moaned.

Eli’s eyes watched her like no other, like she was his goddess, the very creature in which was the center of his life and was life itself. Reyn’s gesture surprised him as his body laid uselessly, her hands massaging his head lovingly while her voice softly called out to him.

“Have I mentioned how much I love your voice?” He whispered, his eyes straining to stay open as he listened happily, fully well knowing how lucky he was for her to sing for him. Not to lure him, not to pull someone else in, but to help sooth him. Him and only him.

He was gentle, knowing his mate's limits and experience and never wanting to push her. Ignoring her request to go immediately faster, he found a slow rhythm and stuck to it, pushing himself in and out as his whole body shuddered in pleasure. Soon he kicked up the pace to please her, a growl escaping his lips as his fingers dug into his hips, refraining from going too fast and tearing anything.

"You're so tight," he gasped, her ass slapping back into him with each plunge, "God Luna you are my perfection."

The wolf moaned with each stroke of his member within her, filling each part of her as he pumped deeply into her. The wolf’s moan’s lowered as each pleasureable movement took her breath away. His words made her heart sore, her hips moving up to meet with his hips as she waited for him to burry deeper.

“Oh… Xael…” Her words where airy, her lungs forcing the words out as her lungs squeezed out the air with every movement of her mate, to her.

“Oh… God I love you.” Her airy words sung to him.

She climaxed at his command, her body shaking with the pleasure as he never slowed, pushing a second climax onto her in seconds. Her lips parted and she stifled her cry out to him, knowing it would wake the children. Knowing he could bring her back if she lost control again, Ashlin let a trickle of her magic back into hand, staving off the rest. A short incantation soundproofed the room just in time for a third orgasm to start building deep within her, making her groan.

"Ravage me," she cried, gripping the sheets in her hands as she lost herself in his rhythm, her climaxes taking her one after another, his pulsating member filling every inch of her.

“Ohhh God Ashlin… Keep cumming for me.” He moaned as his loving white eyes watched her, his member quivering within her as her body shook with pleasure and love. His arms moved out to press into the bed while his hips moved with an inhuman speed and force, his member ripping into her pleasurably spongey walls.

"Yes you have," she giggled, cutting her lullaby off, "Now close your eyes my angel and let me sing you to sleep."

She started again, letting her melodious voice fill the room with her soft lullaby as she stroked his hair, watching him lovingly.

Eli smiled, genuinely smiled at the siren while his hand slipped up to gently grip hers. Slowly, both whiteish-green eyes closed as his mind slowly drifted to the sound of Reyn’s stunning voice.

“Thank you…” He whispered before he slipped away into a deep slumber.

"I love you too," he breathed, his heart pounding for her as he pulled out, coming too close to climaxing.

The break in rhythm was enough and he pulled her up higher, sliding into her other hole and setting a quick pace immediately, wrapped in her warmth. He fit her perfectly, her walls squeezing his member gloriously as he slid back and forth, reveling in how familiar she felt to him already.

"Give yourself to me baby," he moaned, holding off his own orgasm as he pushed for her second one, "Let me feel you climax around me."

She climaxed, one after another, melting under him until she couldn't bare another orgasm, her body exhausted.

"You're turn," she sang, sweat covering both of them, "Bury yourself in me handsome. Oh...Braxton!"

Another climax hit her, making her shake, another layer of sweat beading her forehead. With the little energy left in her she pulled him under her, taking over. Throwing her head back, she brought his hands up to her breasts, bouncing on him as she sunk him in further, surprised he could dig any deeper.

"Come for me," she groaned, raking his chest with her fingers, "Oh...Brax, come for me!"

Xael’s words took her deeper within the beautiful seas of pleasure. Everything around her blurred, except for his figure as she quickly flipped her onto her side. All her fingers curled while she craved to curl her fingers into in.

“Grip my hips.” She moaned as her head pushed backwards.

“Rougher… Harder baby.” She breathed, the air leaving her lungs before she could properly speak. Her walls tightened, contracting and pulling him in deeper.

“Oh god… I want all of you… All of you.” She moaned as she bit into the pillow again. She was close, so close to climaxing again.

Her walls continued to pulse around him, tightening with each orgasm.

Fuuuuuuuuck Ash!” He groaned, surprise waving over him as she flipped him, determined to make him cum. Braxton’s hands gripped her beautiful breasts, his left hang pinching her nipple while his other hand slid down her side to rest on her hip. He guided her, forcing her further on him.

“Oh Shit Ashlin!” He moaned, his member pulsating once more as he released himself deep within Ashlin. He guided her up and down on him still, his hips thrusting still as his heart beat seemed to stop for a moment.

His arms pulled her down onto him, keeping his member within her as he pulled her into his arms.

“How are we feeling?” He grinned, grinding against her still.

Finishing her song, she stared down at him, her heart expanding even more by his last two words. Reyn just sat there, watching him sleep for an hour before slipping out of the bed. Slowly, she took his boots off, knowing he'd sleep better without them, then finding a blanket and covering him. Kissing his sweet lips one last time, she crossed the room to the door, only to look back again.

She could see it now, the golden hue mixing in with the angelic light surrounding him. It was no longer a outline but a true aura, and aura that surrounded Elijah and Reyn, just like the reddish pink one surrounding Xael and Luna. Nereyda marvelled at it. She had finally found it, and with him no less. Pure happiness enveloped her and she couldn't help grinning madly as she slipped into the hall and across to Jay's room. She'd promised to visit him, and she knew Eli well enough that he slept better without company, his preferred position taking up most of the bed.

Knocking quietly on his door, she turned the knob and slipped inside, unsure how Jay was coping with the night's events.

Whatever happens with my wolf, I know I'll always have my angel at my side.

Jay leaned back into his bed, a foot hanging off the bed while the other rested up on the bed with his figure. His head looked to the side, a grin pulling at his lips as an arm slipped out, welcoming the siren as he waited for her to come join him.

“Took ya long enough.” He chuckled softly. “Feeling better?” He asked.

Her quickened his pace, rocking her so hard the bed groaned in protest, threatening to break. While one hand dug into her hip the other spanked her a third time, then he pinched her clit, sending shocks of pleasure rippling through her. Running his thumb and index finger between her lower lips, he reached back and inserted just his finger, filling both ends.

"I'm going to pamper you all night," he purred, enjoying the sight of her bound and vulnerable to his every whim, his finger stroking her in turn as he pulled out all the way then slammed into, then repeated in pure ecstasy.


His hips continued to grind with hers, even as he pulled her into his embrace. Ashlin didn't think she could climax again, but then she felt the slow build up.

"Feeling spent," she giggled, closing her eyes as she nuzzled his chest, her breathing ragged, "Braxton, dear god handsome, you're going to make me climax again."

As he pushed back in, a wave crashed over her, the red head cuming on his member yet again as euphoria rammed into her.

“Oh god yes…” She whispered. “Cum for me baby… Cum deep within me.” She moaned as her hips rocked, helping his member with the deepness within her.

“Please My Sun… Please cum for me.” She begged as more feathers flew around the two in a blizzard of softness. Her hands pulled at the binds, the headboard groaning in protest against the slightest amount of strength she used.

Braxton couldn’t help the devilish grin that pulled at his lips, his hips still softly pumping within her as his arms tightened around her. Kissing her sweetly, he stared deeply into her perfect violet eyes.

“God you’re amazing Ashlin. I could make you climax all night.” He whispered, kissing the top of her head as she nuzzled into his broad and muscular chest.

Slipping into the bed, she cuddled up to him, inhaling his musky, earthy tones. As much as she belonged with Elijah, something tugged at her with Jay too. She fit into his arms just as perfectly, her body molding to his as it did with Eli.

"Definitely better," she sighed, letting it all go, "I'm guessing you'd like to know what happened."

She filled him in, telling him the best she could as his embrace tightened around her. When she got to her dream her voice broke, barely audible as she explained seeing him, wanting to say goodbye...and not being able to.

"How bad did I look?" she whispered after, burrowing her head in the nook under his chin, "Before I was healed, how bad were the injuries Jay?"

Jay listened, the sound hurting his ears as each word passed through her lips, even worse as she strained her words. Biting down into his lip, Jay thought about the words.

“Bad… You were pretty rough when I came in. Xael saw Eli with the first aid and I popped up… There was blood everywhere and Eli was just… Hovering above you as silent as the dead. Don’t get me wrong, he was doing what he could to save you, but he couldn’t of done it if something didn’t click. It looked like he…” Jay thought about it, thinking about her freaking on him, and how strained Eli became, how something within that room developed. Like he reached past the border into the land of the dead. Jay shook it off.

“Well, what matters is that you’re fine, so no need to worry.” Jay smiled, leaning in and kissing her forehead softly.
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