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Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


The five of them were able to round up the children after dinner and get them into one of the upstairs rooms, all with their blankets and toys. Kayden chose to stay with the children, stealing the double bed and curling up with the younger ones. Exhausted, Ash announced dishes could be done in the morning and dragged Braxton into their own room, shutting the door.

Immediately alone the tears started rolling down her cheeks, her silent sobs stifled only by Braxton's embrace.

"This is my fault," she choked, "This is all my fault."


"C'mon love," he swung Luna into his arms, wrinkling his nose playfully at her, "Your sister can handle the children. Now it's time for me to put you to bed."

He winked at her, having no intention of either of them sleeping that night. The day had been long, and Xael felt stressed and he knew Luna was getting anxious with all the children. They both needed to take their minds off things, and being wrapped up in her was his favorite way to do it.

Kicking the door open, he flung her playfully onto the king bed, shutting and locking the door, "Tonight we do what you want, my queen."

If this is heaven...I'm extremely disappointed. My whole body still kills. If this is hell...I'm still exctremely disappointed. I's not even that hot in here.

Her lungs could barely moved, trapped under beaten rib cage. Her whole body felt paralyzed except her one arm which felt surprisingly fine, and her head as the headache died to a soft ache, there but dormant. I probably have a concussion.

Ever so slowly her eyes fluttered open, revealing light blue pools, staring up at the godly man cradling her. Was she dreaming him again? Why did he look so torn. Her eyes rolled back as they shut, her body too tired to keep them open.

What happened? Did I dream it all? I thought...wasn't I dying? I thought I'd never see him again. That I'd never see Jay again. Jay?

Her eyes opened enough for her to look and see him pacing in the room, also distressed.

Both my men are here,she thought, shutting her eyes before either of them noticed, Why does Jay look so upset? What's going on? Oh Eli, I've never seen this look on your face. What happened?

She struggled and failed to speak, her body still too numb and smashed to do much but be held. Reyn waited, hoping one of them would talk. She needed to know why Jay looked so distraught, why Xael had a look in his eyes she'd never seen before.

Braxton’s arms wound around his girlfriend, his lips pressing into her hair softly while his body pulled her back and onto the bed. Curling her up within his lap, Braxton smiled softly at her.

“But the children are fine for the moment. We’ll find them homes babe.” He whispered softly as he leaned back to look at her, his hand moving up to rest under her chin, forcing Ashlin to look up at him.

“For now, it’s just you, me, and a nice quiet bedroom love.” He whispered kissing her gently.


Silver orbs took in her mate as the small red head was swept off her feet.

“You can defiantly try.” She giggled, her arms winding around Xaels neck as she kissed him tenderly. As they moved upstairs, Lunar rested her head into Xaels shoulder, her feet swinging back and fourth softly. As Xael swung her into their bed, Lunars hand flung out to pull at him, allowing him to lock the door before moving up to tug him back into bed to hover over her.

“All I want is you My Sun, My air, and My king.” She grinned, her head moving up to nip Xaels bottom lip as her grin only grew.

His hands gripped at her arms, his eyes, what where a blackish green, a vibrant whiteish green.

“What’s going on? She’s not moving!” Jay scowled, his pacing only worsening behind him. Eli remained silent, his body remaining protectively over the siren.

“Eli! For fuck sake! Her heart stopped man!” He cried, the wolf stopping behind him as his aggravation got worse.

“Her heart is beating, Shut up and wait.” He growled softly, a tone within his own voice seemingly off even to the Halfling.

"Mmmmm baby," he growled, pushing her into the blankets and pinning her with his own hips on top of hers, "And all I want is you."

Smiling devilishly he began undressing, achingly slow, letting her watch as piece by piece his armor fell off. First his boots, then his cloak. His gloves, belt, socks. His grin widened as she wriggled under him, his fingers ever so slowly unbuttoning his white shirt.

"You seem impatient my moon," he laughed, freezing his hands, "Should I stop undressing for you?"


Her body curled into him, exhaustion pulling at her to stop and sleep but guilt keeping her awake.

"The blood," she whispered, staring at her hands, "I've washed my hands a million times and its still there, still taunting me."

She lifted her hands up for him to inspect, her body shaking in his embrace, "I'm bathed in it. I close my eyes and its there, caked to my skin. I can't escape Braxton. I can't escape."

"It could have been the children," she choked, thinking about the sixteen tiny bodies alseep in the other room, "What if I'd killed the children instead?"

Then you'd be free, a voice hummed in her, waking from its post moon slumber.

It rushed back to her, Jay's words slamming into her like a train as she realized she had died. My heart had stopped. I wasn't dreaming. It happened.

But Reyn knew what she remember was skewed too; she had to have imagined the beast, her words had to have fallen on deaf ears, hadn't they?

What if he heard? Is that the look in Elijah's eyes? Did he hear me screaming for him? For Jay? Is my emotions pushing him farther away?

Jay snapped, finally breaking the silence. But Eli's response was less than vague, prompting her to yell in her thoughts, God damn it Elijah, answer Jay's questions! I'm not moving anytime soon. Tell him what's going on, I need to hear! Stop being so reclusive!

As Xael’s body moved down and connected with hers, Lunars hips bucked up softly against his, already feeling the electric connection between them both. She smiled up at him, her fingers threading around the waist of Xaels pants while she watched him slowly undress. With each slow movement, Lunar’s body screamed out, craving him in every way possible.

“Well… If you’re going to undress slowly, last I remember from the old days… Is that you danced while you did so.” She giggled, her fingers softly tugging at the waist of Xaels pants as her large golden orbs stared up at him hungrily.


Braxton bit at his bottom lip, thinking of his terrible needs while she spoke of the children.

“You would feel worse love.” He whispered softly taking her hands while his body rocked softly, trying to sooth her the best he could.

“But they’re fine. A little traumatized, but we’ll find them good homes…” He spoke, kissing her hands softly.

“There’s no blood love, only guilt. Guilt shows that you care.” He hushed. Tilting his head up from her quivering hands, Braxton kissed her ever so softly.

“What can I do to distract you?” He asked gently, his kind white eyes staring into her stunning violet eyes.

His laughed filled the room around them, listening to his wolf's request.

"You want a show now?" he chuckled, "First my dinner, now a strip show? My my, aren't we greedy today love."

His hips rocked against hers, teasing playfully. As he resumed undressing he continued rocking, his whole body moving in time with a silent song playing in his head. His eyes rolled back as he lost himself swinging to it, removing his shirt to reveal his hardened muscles underneath. Since meeting Luna he'd doubled his strength, the young woman pushing him to his limits every day, and rewarding him most nights.

Leaning down, he kissed her nose and began doing push ups over her body, kissing her every time he lowered himself.

"Like what you see?" he asked flirtatiously, biting his lip.


A sudden urge to tell him everything swelled in her but as she opened her mouth his lips pressed into hers, cutting her off. Her lips pressed back and in that split second the feeling died, and a new one bubbled in her stomach.

"Brax," she hummed against his lips, trying to ignore that sharp sting of guilt she couldn't escape.

Eli could feel something within her stir, his very being tied to her as he held her as tightly as he did. Pain fluttered through his body while exhaustion was beginning to wear in. Even now, as the Halfling sat over the siren, his skin touching hers, he drew more energy from himself to feed to her body, allowing the lightened side to rear its head and take control. Eli’s heart stuttered again, unused to this amount of holy use since the he’d first dropped down. His jaw tightened and his pooling whitish-green eyes stayed trained on the siren as every part of him began to slow.

“Eli For fuck sake man! What’s going on?!” He yelled.

The angels breath stuttered as his body leaned forward more, unable to keep steady as he continued to the positive flow of energy from his angelic side to the small pixie like siren, still barely hanging on within his arms. The pain only seemed to get stronger as the visible signs of bruising began to fade along her body. He waited, hoping he would gain the chance to see her before his body could fade.

Her eyelash’s batted as she grinned playfully up at him.

“Well you offered your deer, but I am asking for the dance considering your already mid strip tease.” She giggled, her heart fluttering with every movement against his body. Lunar couldn’t help the moan that left her lips as Xael moved and rocked against her, swinging to a familiar but well extinct song. Lunars large, golden orbs floated down to Xaels abbs, admiring the muscle structure of his body. The wolf’s head moved with Xaels as he fluttered down to kiss her nose, allowing her to nuzzle him ever so softly as he moved his body up and down above her.

Both hands fluttered up as she allowed her body to shuffle them, Xael’s back pushing against the bed as she sat above him, her hips swaying and pushing deeply into his. Her eyes fluttered as her hands swayed up and around her, slowly undoing her corset above him in a tantalizingly slow manner above him, a large wolfish grin pulling at her face.

“I don’t like….” Her body lowered as a seductive tone took over her perfect voice. “I love.” She purred, licking up his chest to kiss along his neck, all while her hips continued to grind against his.


Regret pulled at his insides, feeling rude as he’d cut her off with his greed. Pulling back, Braxton leaned his forehead softly against hers, his eyes staring deeply into hers.

“Yes my Ash?” He asked softly.

She couldn't stand his silence. His arms burnt white hot against her back, the heat soaking through her clothing and deep into her. It brought with it a soothing feeling, slowly washing through her as the pain lessened more and more.

He's healing me, she realized, wondrous to how he could do so as her breaths grew easier.

Her eyes fluttered open once more, this time remaining wide as her baby blue iris's took in his tired and drawn face. He looked exhausted and hurt, mixed with something she couldn't place. As his eyes fell on hers her heart beat stumbled, never seeing them so pure and green before that they held her captivated. Something swam in them, indescribable to Nereyda as she'd never seen any emotion aside from anger and lust in him.

"You've become quite the little seductress," he moaned, his body sizzling with her very touch, "My little wolf, how you tease me so."

One hand reached for her shoulder, caressing the skin as the other played with her hair. Without warning both grips hardened and he flipped her under him. Retrieving his belt from the floor he scooped up her wrists and tied them to the headboard, his body bending so that his tongue could travel down her arm, leaving goosebumps. As his mouth traveled his left hand skimmed her flawless skin until it cupped her breast, bringing it to his mouth.

"Your pleasure only tonight," he murmured, "It's a little game I want to play. By the time we are done with you, you'll be begging to please me."

His breath was hot on her skin, as he suckled and nipped both her breasts then trailed kisses down her lean stomach to her pants. Undoing them with just his teeth, he waited for her to demand he continue, listening to her panted breaths.

Her trembling fingers reached for his face, pulling the shades off his head so she could run her fingers through his hair.

"Ignore me," she murmured against his jaw as she kissed him, shrugging away what she wanted to say, "You had different ideas in mind?"

Eli’s breath grew more and more uneven, stopping for moments at a time as he tried to not drown within the exhaustion and pain. He could feel the small droplets of sweat gathering on his forehead as he continued to pass his energy on, waiting till the siren was fully healed and energized. As her eyes opened, the angel smiled softly down at her, the room seemingly lightening as almost a halo of light emanated from the being. Her brilliant blue eyes made his heart soar with an odd feeling… Something foreign and unearthly. Something he didn’t understand, nor know the phrase to describe.

“Why Good morning.” He whispered, his tone so soft and inhuman, that it was obvious he was from a world beyond where they sat. Jay stirred behind him, quickly racing up to sit beside Eli, ignoring their complete and utter hatred for each other as they both focused on Reyn.

Her hand slowly pressed against his chest, her heart pounding with his breath-taking looks.

"Stop Elijah," she whispered, knowing she wasn't fully healed but seeing the sweat beading his forehead, "You've done enough."

Her other hand reached out, begging for Jay's touch as her legs uncurled and lay on his lap, feeling the wolf's warmth. Her head nuzzled the Halfling's chest, looking up at his sparkling eyes, the darkness gone from his looks.

"You're absolutely stunning Eli," she breathed, basking in his warm glow, only able to tear her eyes away from his for a split second to see Jayson, his face melting her insides, "And my ruggedly handsome wolf."

My men, she sighed, fear and pain washing away.

The wolf couldn’t help the koi grin that slipped along her face, her eyebrows raising seductively as she slowly grinded her hips against his.

“I want to please you… So I’ve learned from the best.” She sang softly, purring in delight. Surprise filled the wolf as her body flew through the air, being flipped onto the bed as her mate tied her hands up. She tested his belt as a soft moan left her lips. Both eyes stared up at her mate helplessly, his very touch making her body hum with excitement and pleasure. Xael’s warm mouth trailed down her cool skin, making her breath catch with every movement, his hands traveling up to pleasure her soft breasts. It felt odd to her, she found so much enjoyment in fulfilling him, it felt different for the time to be spent like this on her. Lunars head moved to the side, brushing along her upturned shoulder as she tried to stifle a soft moan. Her stomach muscles tensed with anticipation as her mate trailed kiss’s down and along her, his mouth teasingly removing her pesky pants before waiting for her. Each moment her breath grew more strained as she waited, her hips bucking against him softly.

“We’ll see who starts begging.” She giggled softly, trying to stifle another moan at his sheer touch.


Braxton’s head moved in, deeply kissing her before looking back at her. Moving his head back slightly, he allowed his sunglass’s to fall to the bed while his eyes locked with hers.

“I’ll never ignore you Ash, you are the center of my world.” He mumbled against her lips.

“I have idea’s of being with you and keeping you happy.” He whispered.

Eli could feel even his vision beginning to blur as Reyn caught on. Nodding his head, the Halfling stopped, his breathing stuttering and shaking as his head leaned down slightly. Both hands continued to grasp her, unwilling to allow her to escape his grasp as she shifted up. In Eli’s peripheral, he could see her reaching out for the wolf as well. While his heart normally stung, he couldn’t feel the normal selfishness of the demon within him, only the sheer hope and unlifting willingness to help the small creature he’d come to care for within his arms. Eli grinned slightly at her comment, an uncertain hand slowly sliding up to whisk a soft pink strand behind her ear.

“How are you feeling?” Jay asked, his voice sounding distant to the creature as the only things within his small bubble of shining light that mattered, took president over everything else. Eli couldn’t help it, his head sank slightly as his lips pressed hungrily against hers, his gleaming green eyes closing as every part of his body leaned into her.

"Ideas?" she asked, the distraction working as her mind focused on him over everything else.

Dropping her cloak and armor to the floor she slipped under the blankets in her corset and underwear, beckoning her man to join her. As he slipped in she shuffled around so that her chin rested on his broad chest, her fingers splayed out against his where his heart was.

"Tell me your ideas," she mumbled, staring up at him with complete attention.


His hands massaged her legs, working up to her hips then back down to her feet, teasing her.

"Beg for me Luna," he growled, his fingers slipping closer but remaining far, "I cannot please my wolf until she is properly submissive. Beg me angel, or I'll leave you trussed up like this."

Both hands gripped either knee and his head bent, teasing her with his proximity. Softly he blew on her nether curls, watching her squirm in delight. The Alpha was stubborn though, and her lips remained sealed.

"I guess I'll have to coherse you," he grinned seductively, his teeth flashing as his fangs popped and his eyes darkened with bloodlust.

Lowering himself to the inside of her thigh where it was most tender, he tore into the flesh, being gentle not to cause her any pain before sucking out the sweet, red liquid coursing through her veins. The taste of it made his body buzz, his groin bulging in his pants as he basked in her heavenly taste.

Normally he would let her feed in turn, the feel of her teeth sinking into him as euphoric as when he drank, but denying her that would send Luna closer to begging, and that's what Xael aimed for.

Biting back a moan, Lunar looked down at her mate, her large eyes watching him hungrily as he continued to tease her. Both wrists tested her restraints again, feeling her inner need to satisfy him. As Xael’s hands slid along the insides of her legs, Lunar bit down harder while her hips swayed softly. It felt so odd to be submissive, yet a part of her craved being submissive for him, for bending backwards and forwards just for Xael, and Xael alone. As her eyes took in his fangs, the wolfs head leaned back, her breath catching as a soft moan left her mouth. Her chest and stomach moved softly in rhythm with Xael’s drinking, pure blooded ecstasy filling every cell within her small and thin body. She bit down, still pushing her mate, who in return pushed her. A soft moan left her mouth again as he eyes rolled back, complete euphoria brushing along the insides of her veins.

Jay's hand fell into hers, squeezing tightly, and his question pulled her focus for a second before Elijah's hand touched her face, brushing her hair away. His face bent to hers, his soft lips greedily stealing hers, as his arms held her protectively.

As she came up for air she wiggled, resting her head on Elijah's shoulder closest to Jay so she could see him.

"After being mauled? Surprisingly well, actually. I must have a guardian angel on my side," she spoke to Jay as her one hand resting on Elijah's other shoulder gripped his clothing tightly.

"Or two," she giggled, taking her hand from Jay's and pulling at the neck of his shirt, bringing him in for a rough kiss, "Thank you Jay."

Satisfied she leaned back into Elijah's arms, wanting him more than anything else right now. Her eyes glue back onto his, swimming in his emerald green pools that captivated her.

Braxton chuckled softly as she pulled happily at the thought of a distraction.

“Tons” He whispered, his hands sliding up to slowly strip his cloak and other articles of clothing, down to his boxers. Sliding up to her in bed, Braxton’s arms curled around her, his head leaning in to kiss her sweetly as his hands wandered her skin, exploring her teasingly as they tossed their ideas.

“Like this…” His kissed along her chin softly. “And this…” His kiss’s lowered down her neck. “Defiantly this…” His hand slid up, softly rubbing against her lower lips through her thin panties as he waited to hear her response.

Her lips held everything to him, held the one thing that mattered in this world. He’d been so used to not caring, to simply not feeling, that all of this added onto the strain of the pain and exhaustion, making the room spin slightly. Eli’s head rested gently on Reyns, a hand sliding up to rest on the back of her head, petting her beautiful hair in the process.

He could hear the faint laugh from Jay, his hands touching her. Yet he didn’t care, all he cared, was that Reyn was there, and alive, with him.

“Don’t thank me… Eli brought you back.” Jay grinned in the back, the bad blood between the two washing away at the near sight of Reyns health. Both eyes looked down as he pulled his head back, Eli’s head swaying ever so softly as he grinned at her.

“Warm enough?” He asked gently.

Satisfied, he pulled back from her thigh, licking the excess blood. She still had yet to plead, leaving him with one other option. Checking to make sure her binds held he got off the bed, strutting around in only his pants that sat loosely on his hips. He took his time, letting her watch him and wait, while he did nothing to her. Her patience would ebb away, and hopefully when he returned to her she'd be ready to beg.

"I think," he mused, "I want a drink from the bar. I'd say don't go anywhere, my angel, but your already all trussed up for me."

He strolled to the edge of the bed, staring at her perfect figure, "Do you know how badly I want to fuck you right now Luna?"

Turning, he strolled out of the room, making it downstairs and pouring himself a whiskey. The inn had a small ice box under the counter, and he plopped a few cubes in his drink before heading back upstairs to his waiting mate, his eyes alight with mischief as he returned.

"Ready to beg yet?" he asked, his voice low with need as he took in her naked body waiting for him, "Or should I wait longer?"

"I thought you meant other ideas," she giggled, wiggling at his touch, "But I could definitely use a little bit of that..."

Her eyes fluttered shut momentarily, and Ash stiffened as she couldn't open them, feeling an all too familiar pull. The voice in her head laughed, sneering at her.

Tables have turned princess. I'm getting stronger. You're weakening. I can't wait to sink my jaws into your precious boyfriend while he sleeps. You'll wake to find blood everywhere, his guts covering your-

Stop! her head screamed, and a soft mewling sound left her lips. Her whole body was paralyzed, out of her control, and all she could think about was Braxton, if he was safe. He hadn't stopped kissing her, his ears picking up her small crying sound as a moan of pleasure. The beast in her had one final laugh and then was gone, the pull in her stomach leaving her as her muscles relaxed. Opening her violet eyes, her mouth opened and shut, trying to find the words to say to him, to herself. None came to mind, not one to explain her inner turmoil. All she could do was let him remain blissfully unaware as he tried to distract her, hopefully refraining from mauling him in her sleep. But now, on top of the guilt and pain she felt inside this town, her heart stung with added fear for her own life and Braxton's.

Her emotions were stacking up too quickly, and she felt it, her power rearing its ugly head as her stomach knotted and the still storm in her awakened. It crashed through her, lighting every fraction of her skin, pooling in her hands and causing sparks to dance between her fingertips.

"Baby," she whispered, not speaking any louder and letting the fear slip into her voice.

Her hands were smoking now, fire dancing in and out. Her body hummed with the energy coursing through her in full force. As Braxton's head pulled up to look at her, the energy began leaking out, the furniture in the room rattling. The bedroom door and opened and slammed, the windows creaking with pressure.

"I can't handle this guilt," the dresser soared across the room, toppling over just before it hit a wall, "Help me."


"Warm enough?"

She nodded mutely, snuggling into him more as she kicked off her combat boots and let her mostly bare legs stretch out for Jay to massage. It amazed her that neither were fighting, or even bickering for that matter. They sat side by side, almost shoulder to shoulder, their attention's only on her. Of course, Nereyda lapped it up, more than thrilled to have two gorgeous men at her disposal.

Her glee turned to worry as she saw Eli's head sway again, showing signs of exhaustion. How hard was this on him, being angelic? How much had he used to save her? Her free hand rested on his cheek, her thumb rubbing just under one of his perfect eyes.

"You need sleep," she fussed, brimming with adoration for her Halfling that he could see plain in her eyes, "Jay? What room are your u staying in?"

He told her and she assured she was healed enough to walk, telling Jay she'd meet him in his room after she was done here. Waiting till he left, she could feel a shift in Elijah now that that were perfectly alone. Her eyes fluttered closed as she kissed him softly, losing all of their normal roughness and greed and just letting her passion for him wash over them both.

"He's gone now Eli," she murmured, giving him her undivided attention, "Look at you handsome, your look like hell. Talk to me my angel."

Kayden chose to watch over the children, letting the other adults get some space from the young ones. She didn’t mind sleeping in a room full of sixteen snoring children. If anything, she found it refreshing, being around so many people for the first time in her life. Curled up with a few of the younger ones on the bed, she drifted off to sleep.

Fluttering her eyes open, she no longer sat in the room, or for that matter the inn. She was in a small, circular room with no walls, only a white silk canopy that reached sky high and fell in billows around them. Beyond that was a dark void, nothing but black to see. Around her was an assortment of pillows to sit on, and in the middle of the room a small table, lined with treats and a tea pot.

“Hey Kayden,” the voice was behind her, and turning her heart soared.

The young wolf grinned wide, launching herself at her mentor with a squeal, “Annah!”

The demon’s arms wrapped around her tightly, squeezing her before releasing her to sit down. As they settled, and Savannah explained how she was surprised how far her telepathy was stretching to reach the girl. The pack had already passed Cleansed City, moving much quicker and without rest for the past week now. They had finally stopped in exhaustion, and were resting in a cave. The demon also explained the odd room, that it was something she had constructed long ago in her head, for she didn’t always dream, and when she didn’t she’d escape here instead, still resting but her mind alive inside her small secret room.

“Sometimes Damion joins me,” she smiles, “And I had other friends long ago that could reach me in their dreams here too. I guess you can as well. I spent long enough in your head that it’s created a kind of bridge, a way for us to speak through our dream states.”

“So I can come here whenever?” Kayden asked, excited.

“Only when I am sleeping too, yes. Now tell me how your week has gone.”

So Kayden filled her in, starting with finding Elijah and ending with the town they were in. When she was done Savannah looked curiously at her, thinking something over. The room around them began to blur and spin except the town of them, and around her everything morphed into a much more familiar background, trees sprouting all around them.

“How is Luna doing with training?” Savannah asked, smiling as she stood up abruptly, stretching her bare legs.

Kayden hadn’t noticed before but Savannah’s body was all but naked, a leather cloth hanging down between her legs, attached by a golden chain that wrapped around her waist. The leather looked old and tattered, but the embroidery was beautiful and shimmered in a pale gold. Her breasts were covered by another leather cloth, pulled tightly against them and stitched at the back so there was no need to tie it. With so little clothing, Kayden was able to see all her faded battle wounds, and the odd shaped puckered burn marks that sat along her spine. There were two fresh scars on each shoulder blade as well, that looked recently slashed.

“My wings,” she commented, seeing Kayden’s silver eyes staring, “They sprout from these marks here, so the wounds always look fresh. I have quite the collection of scars don’t I?

“Just on your back,” Kayden admitted, noticing the lack of marks on her legs or stomach, “Why is that?”

“Whip lashings,” Savannah shrugged, “They are popular in Hell. And the burns down my spine are an incantation my father left on me. His birthday present one year. I’ve been where you were Kayden, locked away and beaten. In time you will become strong too, especially with your sister’s guidance.”

She wrinkled her nose after a few more minutes of silence, “Enough gawking at me, you still haven’t answered the question. How’s training going? I'd like to see how far you've come in a week.”

“Well,” Kayden scratched her head, “Luna and Jay do all the hunting. And I don’t want to be a bother so-”

“You haven’t told her you can’t hunt,” Savannah pursed her lips, “Have you said anything about needing training on your senses? Your tracking? Your fighting?”


“Train with her,” Savannah stated, raising an eyebrow as the dream shimmered once more, “Just ask her. I’m sure she’d love to teach you.”


Beads of sweat dripped off her forehead as she woke with a start, her body boiling. Wrapped in only a thin sheet and her clothing, Kayden couldn't understand the sudden warmth. Stealing her arm from one of the little boys she slipped out of the room, tiptoeing downstairs and out the front door. The fresh air hit her like a wall, cooling her skin as she took heaping gulps, trying to still her pounding heart.

What's wrong with me? she thought, her ears swiveling at every noise, her nose twitching at the stench still emanating from the town.

A tingling down her spine and a sudden soreness in her gums had her shaking, sudden realization of what was coming.

It has never forces itself, she thought, running for the trees, I Changed a week ago, I should have more time!

Her mind went over the dream with Savannah, remembering her mentor wanting to challenge the wolf, seeing her action. Had she accidentally triggered the Change then?

A bone-shattering crack in her back was answer enough, as she fell into the dirt only steps into the trees, tearing at her clothes to be free of them. Shoving them into a messy pile beside her, Kayden's knees and elbows dug into the dirt as her body cracked and splintered, reshaping itself. Try as she might to gritt her teeth, the pain became overwhelming as she fought with it, forcing a shrill scream out of her system as her body twitched. The scream turned into painful howls as her voice changed, her face being pulled out into a muzzle, her teeth becoming fangs.

Finally her body stilled, lying exhausted in the grass. The white wolf's chest heaved, trying to catch her breath as the moon played in her fur. Smoky grey eyes slowly opened, taking in the world from her new form.

Getting up on shaky legs, she tested the ground under her pink pads, feeling the cool grass on them. The wind whistled around her, perking her ears, and the subtle scent of a rabbit caught her nose, turning her head eastward. Taking a step, she paused, basking in the freedom she hadn't had in over half a century. Then she tore off, determined to hunt her first meal.


With the moon in decline and no rabbit in her stomach, Kayden dropped to the ground, disappointed. She kept losing the trail, finding it after a few painstaking minutes and running a few paces before repeating the process. The hare was long gone now, and she had failed her first hunt.

Some wolf I am, she moped, head on her paws, Luna makes it look so easy, why can't I get a handle on it?

A sudden growl not her own echoed through the trees, scaring Kayden. Flattening her lean body to the ground, she edged forward until she was immersed in the brush, undetected. The werewolf was on the smaller side for their species that usually stood around Luna's height. Kayden's body was close to a normal wolf's height and size, only a few inches taller and her hair not at shaggy. It was the perfect size for hunting, but too small for attacks on her own.

Quietly she listened as the growl sounded off again, and then a voice.

"I can smell her too, and it seems the wolf isn't with her bitch of a sister."

"They smell almost identical," a second voice complained, "Are you sure it isn't Lunar?"

"We've been tracking this bitch for three weeks now, I think I know her scent."

"Well where is she then? You two are just standing there!"

Another growl, then a deep bark.

"Girl was zig-zagging everywhere. We can't tell which way she went. At least we caught up to her, now we just got to corner her alone."

"That won't be easy with Luna. We can't get close, or we're dead. Abass won't be pleased we are near the Alpha's daughter in the first place. I don't know why she's helping this crazy prison rat, but I bet its to piss him off."

"Or the crazy chick came up with some sob story to trick her. Remember what Abass said, how we can't listen to her. She just spouts lies. Now c'mon, maybe she went this way."

I do not lie! Kayden thought bitterly, hearing them walk in the opposite direction of her hiding spot fortunately.

She waited till their footsteps and voices faded then snuck out of her spot, and keeping her belly low to the ground snuck back to her clothes and then the inn. Using her teeth, she played with the door until it opened, then scooped up her clothes and continued inwards. The doors were all closed upstairs too, and Kayden knew better than to walk into a room of sleeping children in her wolf form. Looking around, she found a spot in a tiny cleaning closet, small enough to be cozy and big enough to fit her comfortably. Laying her clothes out like a make-shift nest she curled up, lying her head on her large fluffy white tail, as she drifted off once again.
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