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Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


A soft whine left the wolfs lips as her body squirmed. Both golden eyes staring up at him as shit bit down on her lip to stifle another whine.

“Your leaving me for a drink?” She growled, watching him strut around while teasing her. Her hands tugged at Xael’s belt as she let another, louder whine leave her mouth. Her skin ached for him, her body craving him like a drug.

Lunar’s eyes watched the door before shuffling, trying to retain her personal need for her mate. Time ticked, leaving her naked, alone, for what felt like forever. The wolf let out another soft whine as she tugged again, her body unable to help her twitching while she waited… and waited… and waited some more.

Both of the red heads eyes stayed trained on the door, her tooth sinking deeply into her lip as Xael wandered into the room, a grin pulling at his handsome lips.

“Fuck Xael, For fucking Christs sake – Touch me… Fucking fuck me.” She groaned, her toes curling painfully as her skin screamed painfully for her mate.

Braxton could feel the shift in her as Ashlin’s body moved from a playful wiggle, to a stiffened and stressed board. Braxton pulled his head back, Ashlin seemingly conflicted. Watching her, her body seemed to only worsen with stress as her words caught his attention. Braxton’s hands pulled at her, pulling her into his lap as he looked at her sweetly.

“Focus on me. Don’t think about anything else… Think about how when we first met… You couldn’t understand a word out of my mouth. You thought I was insulting you when I called you cheeky.” He grinned, unsure of exactly what he should do. Braxton knew, worse case that he could help… He could take some of her energy and return it at her will, but felt unsure about it, continuing to move on with words about both of them. Thinking of things that he knew put them where they sat, trying to focus on the happy times.

His head swayed softly again, the man’s eyes looking down as the sweat across his forehead seemed to get worse with exhaustion. While he felt Jays hands reach out to massage Reyns legs, Eli leaned into the siren softly while his hands curled around her small body. The halfling’s head leaned into Reyns hand as she caressed his cheek softly, the mans eyes closing relaxedly while listening.

“I’m fine. Relax Reyn.” He assured her, his voice soft and tender yet warm and heavenly.

Eli listened and waited patiently as the Siren grabbed Jays room before dismissing him. The wolf nodded with a grin before softly placing her legs down. As the wolf left the room, Eli leaned his head in as his lips gently caressed hers, Eli’s heart expanding within his chest as his hands pulled her in delicately.

“Reyn…” His delicate words leaving his lips as he looked down at her.

“I don’t feel like it… I just…” Eli struggled with words, opening his mouth as nothing came to mind. He couldn’t fathom these feelings… Emotion’s he’d never had nor even knew existed within him.

“Your heart stopped Reyn..” His words finally fumbled out, the man’s hand moving up to rest behind her head as he pressed her into his chest. Eli’s face buried within her beautiful pink hair, taking in her flowery and unbelievably perfect scent. A tear slid down the angels cheek as his labored breathing slowed ever so softly.

The glass practically fell from his hands, her words setting him on fire. Placing it roughly on the nightstand his hand reached out and with just a single finger made a trail from her bound wrists down to her adorable toes, making her skin tingle after waiting so long for him.

"Say it," he breathed, his voice deep and dark with lust as he stood at the end of the bed, getting a perfect view of his mate's delicious body, "Beg for me one more time Luna."

The wolfs canine sank into her bottom lip again, allowing a thin stream of blood to slowly flow down her lip. Her head brushed up against her shoulder as her insides screamed for his touch, her body arching with his finger as he trailed down her body. Both eyes stared up at him, her body twitching.

“You heard me damn it.” She snapped back, pulling at her binds.

While he kept her attention, something pulled at her instincts. Something outside within the forest. Her fang wasn’t pleased, rearing its head with a snap and a need for blood. While those two emotions bickered, another sweeter side of her pulled, a caring side that wished to nurture. Lunar’s canine sunk in deeper, her insides conflicted while her body still screamed for her mate.

His words warmed her heart, but it didn't calm the storm. She shifted in his lap, moving into a more comfortable position with either leg propped up at his hips, her face staring directly at his. Her violet eyes glued to his white one's, her anchor to reality and she her body rode the waves of power within her, able to destroy her from within if she didn't handle her magic properly.

His eyes were her anchor, holding her still as she struggled to control her magic. His words fell on deaf ears as her blood pounded, her body rising in heat as more furniture rattled in the room.

The words left her mouth without thought, her chest rising and falling rapidly as those eyes captivated her, making her heart hammer over the storm raging inside her.

"I'm here now," she squeaked, utterly shocked by his behavior.

Something hit her face as he leaned into her head, and her fingers swiped at it, feeling the tiny salty tear. He's crying? Elijah...I've never...I didn't know you could...

"Baby," she purred, stealing his lips once more, her heart pounding in her throat as her chest restricted in pain, crying out to him.

"I'm fine now," she whispered into his neck, fighting back her own tears, "You saved me Elijah."

Braxton’s eyes stayed focused on hers, his hands moving to grip her wrists, flipping her onto her back as he grinned down at her. His hand’s released hers as his hips grinded against hers, his body moving to sit above her. Haunted white eyes remained trained on her as a soft hum vibrated within Braxton’s broad chest. His hands moved up to slowly strip his cloak, then his shirt, making sure to give her glimpse’s of his well toned body before letting it hide behind a piece of fabric. His hips moved in rhythm with the soft song he hummed, making sure to press his hardened member, well hidden under worn jeans.

After his shirt flew to the ground, Braxton slid down against her, moving from her stomach up while pressing his body firmly against hers, his eyes never once leaving hers as he laid teasing kiss’s along her burning skin.

He could see he was losing her focus, her eyes straying from him momentarily as something else begged for her attention. He'd learnt she had an internal bond to Jay and Kayden, the pack mentality able to sense certain things with each other. Something was happening and it was tearing her focus in half.

His fingers lashed out and gripped her ankles, tugging her closer to him and straining the belt more, letting it bite into her skin as Luna's attention snapped back to him.

"I need to hear it," he growled, skimming his hands up her legs teasingly slow, as he climbed onto the bed, his body raked with need for her. He ignored his own needs, knowing her satisfaction was his only objective of the night.

"C'mon baby," his voice grew darker with lust and need by the second, "Beg for me once more. Let me please you all night long."

Elis large hands wrapped fully around her body as he took her in, his delicate kiss quickly changing as his need, his… His worry filled it, not pressing too hard but still changing the force of his lips. As she parted from him, she curled up to him, fitting perfectly to every point of his body. Eli’s lips pressed to Reyns hair.

“Don’t do that again… Don’t do something that stupid.” He couldn’t speak over a whisper, even the airy words leaving his lips not fully stable as he resisted the tears building behind his eyes. Eli’s hands shook, exhaustion and an emotional cord hanging high within him. Eli’s aura only seemed to glow more, purifying the air around them as only a portion of his angelic being shined through.

How had she lived without this man? His touch cooled her skin instantly, like a breath of fresh air with every second he moved along her. Her eyes rolled back, her brain torn between the pain of the storm, and his gloriousness.

Ashlin's hands fisted at her sides, trying to contain the magic. The furniture still rattled, but the spark had stopped. Her body arched to his and another piece of the storm stripped away, Braxton replacing every thought and fear in her body to him.

Hands uncurling, she used one to cup his chin, dragging him back up to her lips. She crushed them hungrily as her tongue darted out to slide along the part in his own lips, begging for entrance. Her hands moved to his back, raking her nails into his flawless tanned skin, her body intertwining with his as her legs twisted around his.

He loves me, the thought broke out, ringing louder than any other as the storm began to quieten[/i]. Ash was still unable to wrap her head around it but she couldn't help loving the ring to it, especially when he whispered it to her under his thick accent.

His touch, his love pushed the storm down, like only Braxton could ever do.

It screamed at her. Her beast snapped its head painfully as it demanded her attention. They were near… She could feel the bloodlust within her building as she snapped at the air without intention. But Xael stole her back, her eyes looking relieved at her mate as his grip pulled at her, her wrists aching further with the blissful abuse. A soft moan evolved into a loud, lustful call as his hands slid up her legs, his touch unbearable as every atom within her screamed to force themselves to him.

“Love me all night Xael… Love me so I can love you.” She whispered, her hip swaying up with his hands. She couldn’t bare it anymore, her spine popping in various different places while the beast still remained with the slightest bit of control over her. She needed him… Not just for that connection, but to calm the beast in which lusted for the blood of other wolves. The blood of her brethren.

"I won't," she promised, clinging to him in utter awe as his emotions leaked into his voice, squeezing her heart.

Oh Elijah...I never meant to worry you, to scare you, like this.

"I didn't think you'd come for me," tears now pooled in her eyes, overwhelmed by his emotions and the aura surrounding them, "I thought you'd stopped caring."

His lips pressed against hers, his eyes fluttering closed as his body pressed deeply into her, every crevice pressed against her as he tried to fill the void her magic pooled into.

“I fucking love you Ashlin.” He whispered against her lips, allowing her tongue access to his as they battled for dominance. Grinning, He pressed his groin into her, his hands moving to her breasts as they roughly gripped them, his fingers taking in her cushy and warm mounds. Braxton’s groin pressed up against her further as a hand slipped down and unbuttoned her pants, his fingers sliding down into her warmth as he roughly played with her, starting slow and moving faster with each positive reaction she gave him. Braxton’s mouth pushed against hers further, sharing her air as his tongue continued to play with hers.

Bending over, he kissed her belly button, hearing her spine pop and worrying he was overdoing it. But he could feel the need for him rolling off his mate, and as his head dipped lower and his fingers slid between her thighs he groaned at how ready she already was for him. Sliding a finger in, he stroked her fast, pushing her quickly towards an explosive climax, his tongue flickering out and playing with her lower lips.

He clung to her words, the room exploding with light as soft fleck’s hovered within the still air, time flowing away as each fleck of light emanated pure and blissful light.

“Why wouldn’t I?” He asked, his words as gentle as his touch as he kissed her hair again while taking in her scent again.

“Don’t be stupid Reyn, as much as you say you saw me first and so on… You’re my other part. No woman fill’s it, nor comes anywhere close. You know just as well how I can get lost and choose to stay there… But you’re the difference. Don’t you ever think to fuck off somewhere you can get yourself hurt.” Every silky word from Eli held a certain kindness that he didn’t even know he had.

“I would never forgive you if you slipped from my grasp Reyn… I would sink to the lowest part of hell, I would rise to the highest points of heaven, to drag your ass back down… And don’t you dare think I can’t, because I can.” He spoke, each confident word still holding his light an kindness that poured out from the deepest part of his heart.

The storm was pushed farther down as his fingers played within her, making every atom in her buzz with lust. The rattling stopped, her temperature lowering as her need for him heightened.

"Fuck me hard," she breathed back, her hips bucking to meet his fingers, "Fill me baby!"

Her head tossed back into the pillow as an orgasm enveloped her, his name falling from her lips in a moan.

The noise exploded from her mouth, a loud pleasurable moan escaping her lips as her hips bucked with each movement within her. His cool tongue playing with her, filling every part of her needing body. His sweet kiss still lingered on her stomach, her hands wishing they could slide down to play with his hair as he played with her lower lips.

“Oh god Xael…” Her airy words left her mouth, unable to help the quivering within her voice.

Braxton’s grin only grew along his face as his hand deepened within her, his opposite hand pressing firmly into her lovely warm breast as his head lowered down her chest and to her stomach, his body pushing back and his pants hooking onto the edge of the bed as his teeth swiftly pulled her pants down. Burrying his face within her, he took her within his mouth, suckling as if he’d been deprived of her sweet liquids.

His teeth caught her softly, teasing her as his tongue flicked the bit within his mouth, his grin widening with each moan from Ashlin.

Tears fell down her cheeks, his words of admission expanding her heart ten times over. He'd never been so honest and kind, never told her what she meant to him. Nereyda had always been okay with that, knowing her Halfling better than anyone. But this side she didn't know, his angelic nature normally forced underneath and hidden.

She was seeing it now in it's truest form, basking the room and them in its glow, as she cried quietly into his shoulder. Shedding tears in front of him had never happened either, always playing it off strong around him to make Elijah proud of her. Or so she had come to tell herself. Now she cried freely, smiling his words that had her soaring so high.

His promise to find her even after death shocked her to her very core, unsure how to process the devotion he was swearing to her. The last thought she had before her heart gave out came back to her, and she bit her lip, fresh tears glistening her already wet cheeks.

"I came back here only for you," she exclaimed, her admission loud in her ears, "I met a man in Australia that I thought I could be happy with, that could replace you because he constantly reminded me of you. But he never cared for me. He disappeared one day and never returned, and I was left alone. I couldn't stand it. Being away from you so long, not knowing whether you survived the outbreak or not..."

"Never leave me behind," she whispered, her voice breaking at the last word.

Her moan fed his own lust, sating him as his tongue slid in and out with his finger, suckling at her. He finally rose his head to catch his ragged breath, slipping a second finger in and fingering her deeply, pulling out each moan from her with a deep sense of pleasure.

"Come for me baby," he smiled, his free hand reaching down and unbuckling his pants as his eyes locked with hers, "I'm going to fuck you so hard my Luna."

Her word’s were free, but he could hear the truth, he could feel the a new depth in which he’d touched within her. Her heart raced under his touch as Eli leaned back to look at her stunning little face. A hand slid up to brush her tears away with his thumb, ever so gently.

“Never. You will never be left, you will never be alone, I will always protect you. My angel will love you, my demonic blood will protect you.” He whispered, his white-green eyes looking down at her, deep into her soul.

“I promise you on my brother Michael, and my brother Lucifer.” He whispered as he kissed her.

Her climax exploded in her mind, Braxton's sweet tongue bringing her to orgasm as her breath whooshed out, unable to make a sound.

Finding her voice once more, she whispered raggedly, "Don't make me keep begging Brax. I want all of you. In me. Now."

Her hips bucked more furiously with each pump of his hand, the wolf’s body exploding within as her juice’s leaked over his hand. Lunar’s head pushed back further into the bed while her eyes remained trained on her mate, unable to look away.

“Oh god… Fuck me Xael… Please… Please fu-Uck me.” Her voice heightened mid word, his fingers curving and hitting a sensitive spot within her.

"I..." the word got stuck in her throat, overwhelmed by the words spilling from his mouth, from the oaths he was swearing.

His final words ended with a kiss, and her whole body responded, her arms flinging around his neck, her heart pounding in her chest. She could care less what came tomorrow with him, or the next. In this moment she had something she had never thought of wanting or needing in her life, and in his arms knew she could never live without again.

I love you Elijah, her thoughts cried out to him, her body curling into his embrace.
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