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Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


He pulled out quickly, before he climaxed, his breath ragged. Xael waited until he was under control, denying her his climax as he played and teased her. All night he fucked her senseless till she cried for his climax, then he stopped and lapped up her juices, teasing her with his tongue. It was well into the night when he released her binds, kissing the redness on her wrists.

"I should've pulled these off sooner," he breathed, kissing the slight leather burns while he continued to rock inside her as she sat in his lap, "Do they hurt, my moon?"

A look in her eye told him she was still mad that he had yet to climax. After the third time denying her she had given him her best growl, surprising him at how badly she wanted his release.

His words were her undoing and she climaxed again, her whole body quivering in his arms. She pulled him out, unable to continue as her body ached with exhaustion.

"Sleep," she purred, resting her head on his chest without getting off the top of him and promptly passing out, unable to keep her eyes open a minute longer.


Reyn listened to his words, flinching as his sentence staved off, knowing what Jay saw.

"I was dying," she whispered, unbelieving of it too, "I...I did die. And Eli, h-he..."

She couldn't speak about it, her voice failing at the words. Instead she kissed his throat, her lips buzzing as he spoke.

"Mostly," she smiled, nuzzling him with her nose, "I stopped Eli, before he killed himself healing me. There are still a few aches, and quite a few bruises I'm sure."

Another growl flew out through gritted teeth as Lunar’s patience grew weary as her partner kept denying her his pleasure. As he denied her, he moved to please her again, her lower lips screaming in pleasure as his tongue moved back to tease her. As the wolf’s wrist’s were released, she rubbed the skin softly before Xael inspected the sore skin.

“It’s alright love, they don’t hurt.” She smiled softly, nuzzling him before kissing him hungrily. Pressing him back, the wolf flipped her mate as she sat above him to press her firm body against his. Her lips trailed downwards, her hands dragging softly behind her head, feeling every well-toned muscle. Her eyes looked up as Lunars lips finally kissed up his shaft, licking the tip teasingly while her ass wiggled in the air behind her.

Braxton smiled softly, kissing her forehead as his arms wound around her, clinging to her protectively while she quickly fell asleep. His eyes closed, and his dreams pressed on to continue their night.


Jay nodded, listening to Reyns words while noticing her reaction to his comment about her.

“He brought you back. He started doing chest compressions and wouldn’t give up till we could hear your heart… He looked like the one he’s found in this world was slipping from his fingers…” Jay commented, his voice dying off as he remembered the mans facial expression.

“Well, I wouldn’t complain if he had, less competition….” He chuckled while wiggling his eyebrows at the girl.

“Well it sounds like he didn’t quiet do his job if you still have bruise’s.” He commented, his arm curling around her protectively.

He groaned, his body clenching as her lips tortured him. He was already so drawn out, having denied himself for hours now.

"Baby," he growled, eyes rolling back as he lifted his wrists up together, "My turn?"

Lunar grinned, sliding up as she took his belt to bind his wrists to the head board. Reaching out to the end of the bed, her fingers pulling at a small pouch. Looking up at her mate with a cheeky grin, she pulled out some rope, moving back to tie his feet out to each bed frame. Sliding back up, she softly gripped his member, licking his member again before opening her mouth to bob up and down on him with a certain slowness that made his member quiver.

She wiggled her body closer to him, humming at his touch, "Maybe he was Jay. Believe it or not, none of you know Elijah like I do. And he did everything he could."

She was getting fairly protective of him, and it was souring the mood of the room. Nereyda didn't want to dwell on it, changing course to try and lighten their moods.

"I've never minded a few bruises," she winked, kissing his chest, "As I recall you've caused a couple of them."

Just feeling the binds made him rock hard, loving how kinky his Alpha was becoming. Her head bobbed, his tip touching the back of her throat as he moaned in pleasure.

"Luna," he growled, pulling at the binds as his hips bucked up to meet her mouth, "God...oh...Luna!"

Jay took note of her souring mood, his nose nudging the side of her head softly as he kissed dow the side of her face, down her neck as he grinned.

“Happens when you question who owns who.” He growled playfully as he nipped her neck softly, his hands sliding out to explore her body.

Lunar’s eyes watched her mate with glee as his body reacted positively to her. Pushing down more, she felt his member slide down her throat, her hands slid up to massage his muscles, her head pulling up to push back down for several moments.

She hummed again at his touch, wriggling, "Don't rub it in wolf."

She rolled onto him, sitting on his stomach as she took in his handsome features, "Can't really say I mind being owned by this."

Her hands slid up his body, caressing him roughly. Reyn's body felt fantastic other than the bruises, her mind wide awake and body buzzing with need for him. Pressing her body down on him, she nibbled his neck, breathing into his ear.

"I want the wolf," she growled, "All of him."

His breathing grew ragged, his body tense with holding back for so long, "My moon... I've been denying myself all night! Love, if you keep going I'm going to explode!"

Jay chuckled as his hands slid up to rest on her firm ass.

“Good, because you have no say.” He chuckled as his hips thrusted slightly. Both golden eyes watched her with a glowing need as her hands slid down him, caressing him.

“Work for the wolf then.” He grinned lifting his brows.

Lunar grinned as she pulled herself up, slowly sliding up along him to kiss him deeply.

“You’re going to explode now love?” She sang, kissing him again as her hips pressed into him, allowing his member to slide into her. She moaned softly against his lips as she tried to press the sound down.

“Better be planning on exploding in me.” She grinned as her hips softly grinded into him.

A grin broke out on her face, flipping her vibrant pink hair over her shoulder as she played with the lace on her corset, dancing seductively on top of him. She didn't pull her corset off though, instead sliding it down so it pushed her breasts up, making them large and full. Staring into his golden eyes, Reyn teased her nipples with her fingers, rocking her hips on his hands as she pleasured herself.

"Like this?" she breathed, letting her head fall back.

His body bucked and he released with an explosion inside her, crying out her name. His arms strained against the binds, begging to hold her.

"I need you!" he growled, pulling harder, "Luna, my goddess, I need you!"

Jay let out a soft noise as she moved herself along him. He watched as she pushed her breasts up, teasing him while pleasing herself.

“further down.” He demanded, his hand moving up her back, his fingertips gently grazing the skin until he reached her hair, softly tugging on the soft pink strands as he demanded more from the small siren.

The wolf rocked her hips harder into him, the motion slowing as he finished, filling her as he finally felt release and she tightened, allowing herself to feel release as well. Smiling contently, her hands moved up to cut his binds, allowing his strong and comforting arms to wrap around her.

“Oh Xael.” She whispered, her arms winding around his neck. “I need you too love.”

Standing up on the bed, she danced out of her shoes, throwing them to the side. Next was her fish net stockings, which she stole his hands and intertwining her fingers with his made him help her drag them off, feeling his touch down her skin. Finally she wiggled out of her shorts, leaving her in only her corset and purple thong. Kneeling over his chest seductively, she pushed her thong out of the way, playing with her nether curls, giving him a complete view. As one finger slid into her, she bit her lip and groaned, her other and still teasing her hardened nipples.

"At this rate, I'll finish myself off," she moaned, sliding another finger into herself as she stroked in and out.

Jays eyes watched her like a hawk as he laid in total utter relaxation as she stripped. His hands slipped over her body and tangled within her fishnets as he helped her remove them. Jay couldn’t help the grin that broadened as she slid up on him, playing with herself. Catching her hands, he pulled them up while bucking his hips.

“Work for it, work for me.” He groaned, continuing to buck his hips.

He nuzzled her neck, drinking in her scents.

"I love you," he breathed, kissing her jaw, "I love you so damn much. You, my precious wolf, are my life and soul. My rising moon and setting sun."

His arms pulled her in harder, refusing to ever let her go.

Lunar grinned, nuzzling him back with a sweet tenderness.

“I love you more.” She whispered as she moved her head to kiss him back. She couldn’t help the soft glow that emanated from her. Her body fit perfectly to his, every atom of hers screaming in joy as she nuzzled into Xaels chest.

“You are a part of me, my missing life, my core and my purpose to life.” She whispered to him.

Her eyes danced, a slow mischievous smile growing on her rosy lips. Her head cocked to the side as she teased herself, then with a bounce jumped off the bed. Her hands tangled in her hair as she started to dance around the bed, giving him a great view of her bare ass in her thong, shaking it side to side. She danced in circles, nearing the front end of the room.

Then she paused, looking over her shoulder at him, "Working for anything has never been my style baby. I like things free, especially when they come to me. So why should I keep entertaining you, when I get nothing in return handsome?"

He snuggled her closely, his eyes drooping with exhaustion. Their words hung in the air around them as they cuddled, wrapped up in pure happiness within one another. Xael's hand reached up and gently played with her red curls, massaging her hair as her breath grew slower, indicating she was falling asleep. His eyes shut as well, welcoming sleep as his arms hugged his mate to his chest, content to lie with her on top of him all night.

"Goodnight my sweet angel."


She was here again. How had she ended up here? Ashlin was peering through a window, looking in at a lovely couple eating dinner, oblivious to her presence.

"Mother! Father!"

Her voice fell on empty ears as some invisible force pulled her away from the window, dragging her through the streets to the middle of town, where a giant fountain sat. Now she was against the fountain, surrounded by a crowd of confused and angry townsfolk.

"It's another one of those beasts," someone yelled, "They are trying to sneak in now."

"It wants to steal our children!" yelled another person.

"No," Ashlin cried, shaking her head, "I just want to be like you. I used to live here..."

A rotten tomato was thrown at her, smacking into her shoulder. Humilty washed over her, making her turn to face the water, her reflection showing the ugly truth. Her skin was peeled and bubbled in many places, over her face and neck, her arms and hands. Clumps of hair had fallen out, leaving her with bald patches she could never grow back.

She was hideous, her violet eyes amongst her scars looking haunted. The crowd continued to grow, most people gawking at her awkwardly.

"Where are my parents?" she asked, but no one responded.

Instead they threatened her with beatings and death, some holding up weapons. And amongst the crowd she finally saw him, her old father watching with a smile on his face. He wanted to see her dead too, uncaring of how it happened.

Pushing through the crowd, Ash bolted through the streets, tears streaming from her face. They never loved me. Not once.

The crowd followed her, throwing stones and rotten vegetables, screaming curses and foul words. It wasn't till she reached the edge of town they stopped following, believing they had driven her away.

She ran till her throat constricted before breaking. At a safe enough distance from the village she swung back, praying she'd see her mother or father again. But they never came, and soon her fear and sadness turned into one of hate. Rising her hands high at her sides, she recited a large spell from memory, feeling the energy pool for it. Instantly houses in the village began bursting into flames spontaneously. Ashlin listened to the crying screams of adults and children, and the sorceress simply watched, amused with their deaths.

Jay couldn’t help the laugh that left his lips.

“Because I own you. Now get that ass back here.” He growled playfully as he watched her with interest, tilting his head as both golden eyes couldn’t keep themselves from her bare ass dancing around.

“You’ll gain something…” He chuckled, his hand sliding down to hook under the top of his jeans.
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