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Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


Reyn answered his command, her mouth pressing firmer as she took more of him in, her mouth moving quickly in time with her hand.

As she pleased him she wiggled around the bed, never slowing as she moved her body from the end of the bed to over his torso, her legs on either side of his head as she wiggled herself in front of him, hoping he was in a mood to please her as she did him.

Her eyes opened slowly, violet pools staring up at those familiar white ones she had grown to seek every time she woke. Her body relaxed as she stared into them, his loving stare shoving any stress or doubt from her mind.

"One more time?" she breathed, wanting to hear it now, her mind wide awake, "Please?"

She couldn't help enjoying the words falling from his lips, the true joy she felt as he spoke with such honesty to her, giving her something she had been seeking for decades. Her heart skipped every few beats as Ashlin stared up at him, her eyes full of joy and an emotion she couldn't quite place, but felt it thrumming through her veins as she looked at her beautiful man, feeling him rocking her.

Jay couldn’t help bucking his hips further as she stroked him more. As Reyns hips wiggled over Jay’s face, he couldn’t help a chuckle as he dropped her hair and breast to reach up. His fingers massaged her lips apart, while two other fingers slipped inside of her, pulling her open and stretching her as his lips explored her lips, his tongue flickering within her while a finger teased her clit.

Braxton’s hand slipped under her chin as he leaned in to kiss her sweetly.

“My undying, undoubtable, worldly love for you, Ashlin.” He breathed, his lips grazing hers as he spoke. Both wide white eyes staring down with an unearthly love for the sorceress within his arms.

"I want a dog," she whispered, giggling at his momentary confusion as he realized what she was talking about, "And it has to be a big house, full of windows."

Ashlin grinned widely, showing her teeth. She had said it out loud right then, her words soft spoken, but the meaning of them enormous. Could she have that with him? A future? Her body nestled into him further, breathing in his scent. It's all she wanted now. Just him.

Braxton stared at her bewildered for a moment, blinking as he realized what she had really meant for him to repeat.

“A big dog?” He grinned, nuzzling her softly as they spoke, her words making his heart stop for a moment.

“And a house full of windows, and no short amount of sun. With a beautiful backyard, and no strangers. Only us and our beautiful family.” He whispered with a large loving smile on his face.

Her toes curled as he pleasured her, her speed increasing further as she took him in to the hilt, pulling his massive size down her throat as her hand stopped stroking and dug into his thigh. She moaned even with her mouth full, unable to see him anymore with her eyes facing the end of the bed, but knowing he was enjoying this as much as she was.

More...she wanted to groan as she pulled him in and out of her mouth quickly, flicking her tongue as she did.

"Hmmm...and I can plant a garden," she giggled, never, ever having thought of a future with anyone till now, "And I want fur blankets to sleep in, to keep us warm in the winter."

Her nightmares were quickly dispersing in her mind, being completely forgotten with his words. She could face them in the light of day, when they were on the road. For now she couldn't help but lose herself in his love, surrounding and protecting her from her own self.

Jay couldn’t help but moan into her, his finger applying more pressure to her pinkness as his tongue lapped her up, Reyns walls tightening around his tongue in pleasure. Pulling back, Jay grabbed her hips as he flipped her body and spun around, his member threatening to enter her as his lips crashed down on hers, his hands wandering her body greedily.

“And a fireplace…” He whispered, his arms wrapping around her. “So I can curl you up within those fur blankets and love you all night long.” Braxton grinned, knowing the future they’re planning to be something he could do for the rest of his life.

She pushed back, biting and pulling his bottom lip with a growl.

"Fuck me," she snapped, her body brimming with lust for her wolf.

Jay bit back, his hands sliding up to trap hers under his large and strong hands.

“Beg. Beg for me.” He growled against her lips.

"And a pond," she grinned, "Because they are pretty."

Her eyes wandered over his features, soaking him in. This was it: she could have this if she wanted it, could find peace with him in such a dark world, for the rest of her -their lives.

Her brow knitted as a new realization fixed over her, "Baby? How old are you?"

"I. Want. You. Inside. Me. Now," she clipped each word with a groan, as his lips sent shock waves through her, "Fuck me Jay. Oh...god, fuck me baby. All of me...I am yours....god Jay, I'm completely yours. You own me. Please...handsome."

Her body tightened, begging to be ravaged by him.

“With beautiful koi fish.” He grinned as he nuzzled affectionately again. But then Ashlin asked his age, the creature biting his lip as he thought.

“About…” His eyes looked off, trying to think about how old he really was. “1352… Almost 53 I think.” He replied, looking down at her in fear his age would disgust her.

Jay couldn’t help the arrogant smile pulling at his thin, yet soft lips.

“Good.” He muttered as she shoved himself within her. Jays hand gripped her wrists tighter as his hips thrusted himself inside of her with a certain ferocity. His mouth lowering to her neck as he sunk his growing canines into her neck, tasting her blood as he continued to grind within her lush, warm walls.

"Your old," she teased, laughing, "I'm dating an old man!"

But then it hit her, and her stomach dropped. If he was that old...he was immortal.

And she wasn't.

She would grow old, she'd pass away and he wouldn't have aged a day. Her body shot up in his arms, her hands cupping his cheeks to hold his face in front of her. For once, she couldn't think about she would feel, old and wrinkly with him still young and beautiful. Her ego was shoved aside, Ashlin's thoughts purely on her man.

"How can you do this to yourself?" she breathed, the humor gone from her voice and face, "Braxton, why did you do this to yourself? I'm going to grow old...I'll die one day. You knew that from the start. You had to know from the start."

He felt glorious. Reyn pushed down on him, meeting his hips with as much force, pushing him as far as he could go within her. Just the feel of him made her unravel, her lips parting as a breathy moan escaped in ecstacy. His teeth sunk into her neck and she bucked harder on him, willing Jay to quicken his pace as a second climax built inside of her.

She bent her neck to allow him access and the room spun suddenly, her head hitting his shoulder hard as her neck went instantly numb.

I've lost too much blood today, she realized, fighting off the overwhelming urge to pass out as he continued to suck, unknowing that her head on his shoulder was involuntary, Shit, Jay stop.

Her face felt numb, the blood rushing out of her brain as she tried to speak. Her arms pulled against his hands, but she was trapped against his strength, unable to stop him.

Finally the feeling came back to her lips, but only so quickly that she had time to breath a single word to him in his ear, hating that it would be the first time she had ever had to use it.

"Peaches," she voiced shakily, her body slacking against his.

Braxton’s muscles relaxed for the moment, chuckling at her playful banter… Until it sunk in. Both eyes lowered, he knew how bad the pain would be later on in their future. He hadn’t thought of it. But Braxton knew she wouldn’t think that, even if he’d admitted to not thinking that through. His heart sank a million miles while he thought about it. He had no doubt, even through age that he would happily stand by her.

“I age… I just age at a different pace…” He whispered letting it sink in. “I didn’t think about it Ashlin… “ He whispered, his voice once holding confidence, feeling ripped down.

Jay’s body felt her go limp under him, her blood tasting thin as his teeth sank in. Finally her word rang through his ears and his head ripped up, licking the wound closed as his eyes looked down on her. Pulling his body off of hers, he gently moved her into his lap as he curled up into his lap.

“Too much too soon?” He asked softly, watching her body as her skin seemed to pale. “Shit… Sorry Reyn…” He whispered biting his lip as he mentally hit himself.

"Brax!" his words cut her like a knife, feeling pain for him, " You don't have to do this sweetheart. Please, I can't let you not think this through. Is a few years with me really worth the hurt afterwards?"

"Too...much...blood...loss..."her voice cracked and sputtered but she got it out, fading quicker and quicker in his arms as utter exhaustion demanded at her, ""

Both white eyes looked up at Ashlin, shocked she wasn’t pushing him away in greed, but rather in complete worry for him. Without skipping a beat, he spoke.

“It’s worth another ten Millenia. Those few years, decades, with you make me the luckiest mate on this entire planet.”

Jay shook his head to her, kissing her softly.

“Don’t apologize Reyn, sleep.” He whispered, as he brought a blanket up to them as he bundled up the small siren within its fuzzy grip.

“I’m so sorry my little siren.” He whispered before her eyes closed.

Her mouth opened, speechless. Absolutely speechless.

Her eyes closed, her forehead pressing to his. Finally her voice came to her and she whispered so softly he could barely hear her.

"This has to be a dream. I've spent my entire life waiting for just a fraction of the man you are, and here I am with the whole damn prize. I'm either dreaming, or I'm in heaven."
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