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Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


She kissed him back in earnest, but as she felt herself slipping again she pulled back, her eyes rolling.

"Tell me," she begged, curling her head into his shoulder, "D-don't let me f-fall asleep."

“I think I have a pretty amazing girlfriend if she accepts me.” His words vibrated against her lips, allowing him to hover over her as he tightened her body to his protectively.

“Of course we are love.” He whispered kissing her forehead softly. Shuffling off his cloak, he wrapped her up and began to wander back to camp.


Over the last week, the small group chit chatted and enjoyed their time together. While they took the journey seriously, other needs seemed to come into play for the group as well, often distracting them and disturbing others. When finally they found themselves just up the hill from a town, chimneys smoking with life while the street’s looked quiet even from their distance. Wandering into the town, blood and death hit their nose’s, explaining the silence from the distance even up the hill.

Something was wrong, and the pit in her stomach told her she wouldn't like the answer. As they walked the empty streets, the smell of death was prominent but there was no blood on the streets. Ashlin gripped Braxton's cloak around her tighter, still annoyed that she had no clothes. Brax had spent most of the rest of the trip carrying her, sparing her feet and her indecency.

"Should we check the houses?" Xael asked, holding Luna to his side tightly.

Ash nodded, swallowing her nausea as she walked up to the nearest house and noticed the door was ajar.

"It's already open," she breathed, pushing the door lightly, scared of the horror's she was about to see.

Instead she only found two bodies, their chests ripped open and the guts splayed out, organs either shredded and missing. What was odd was the fireplace was still on, the logs should have long cooked down to ashes. She also noted tiny footprints in the pooled blood, leafing back and forth from the fireplace to the door.

A child survived, she sighed, feeling a mixture of relief and empathy, They've been tending to their dead parents for days.

"Check all the houses," she murmured as she stepped out, disgusted with herself, "I found bodies, and footprints. A child is somewhere around her, probably terrified.

As everyone split up she caught Braxton, leaning into his body to hide her tears.

"I did this," she squeaked out, so quiet he could barely here her, "This is my fault."[/align]


Nereyda was quick to follow Jay, not wanting to be alone in a place so deathly silent, nor wanting to get stuck with Elijah. Following the wolf in his natural form, they walked to the first door on the left of the one Ash checked. Reyn opened the door and stepped in, finding two bodies of a man and woman immediately in the living area, their organs displayed around them. The fireplace was cold in this house, but there was still a leery air to the place.

Shivering, she returned outside to where Jay waited, unable to squeeze through the door frame.

"It's disgusting in there," she rubbed her arms, squeezing them around her chest.

“Shhhh” Braxton’s arms wrapped around Ashlin, a hand sliding up to rest on the back of her head, petting her hair softly.

“We’ll fix this” He whispered into her hair, holding her tightly.

“I promise you we will.” Picking her up, Braxton quickly found his way to a small store, grabbing several pieces of clothes for her. “Well at least we can grab you some new clothes.” He smiled, offering the clothing and shoes to her kindly.


Jayson nuzzled her with his muzzle as he poked his head inside, whining softly at her comment on the situation in the house. Sniffing, the wolf ignored the odd scent within the house as they began to move on to the next house. As the wolf began to turn, something caught his ear and suddenly flew up to him, tiny hands tugging painfully at the fur on his lower chest.

“PUPPY!” It screamed, taking the wolf off guard.

Lunar naturally pressed herself into her mate, the scent of death and blood making her head spin while disorientating the rest of her sense’s.

“Oh god Xael…” She moaned softly, her hand holding her back cloak up to her nose to try and help.

“I… I don’t know if I can do this…” She whispered, trying to walk only to disrupt Xael as he walked. The wolf leaned her head into his chest as she tried to override the scent of decomposition with his earthy musk that always seemed to bring her back down to earth.

"I know love, I can barely stand it either," he wrinkled his nose, kissing her head and taking in the scent of her hair, trying to not gag on the smells around them, "At least Kayden is okay."

The young wolf was dodging in and out of houses, making quick checks. She seemed unfazed by the smell, or was moving too quickly to become overwhelmed just yet. Either way they barely followed her, both their senses overwhelmed with blood and decay.


"Hey," Reyn swooped over, wrapping the child in one of her arms and pulling him away from the growling wolf, "Not touching the giant puppy."

Instantly the boy began crying, whining and rubbing his snotty nose with his hand. Reyn wrinkled her nose at him, calling out for help.

Ash was first on the scene, taking one look at the kid and nodding.


"Hey there little guy," she plastered on a fake smile, freeing Reyn, "What's wrong?"

"Puppy!" he whined, pointing at Jay, "I wanted to pet it."

"He doesn't like pets," Ash explained, bending down so the boy could talk to her face-to-face, "What's your name?"


"Hi Benji, are you the only one here?"

"," he looked shyly at his hands, "We are hiding in the inn. But it was my turn to warm the houses, so they sent me out."

Warm the houses. The children don't know what to do so they are trying to keep their parents warm. Oh god. What have I done to them?

"Jay, Reyn? Can you find the rest of the group and steer them towards the inn. Brax and I will follow Benji. And Benji, can you lead me to your friends?"

The boy nodded vigorously, taking the sorceresses hand and tugging it, "C'mon."


She was surprised at the group in the inn, all looking scared and malnourished. While Braxton stood to the side, Ash counted heads, totaling fifteen kids, and moved them into a room upstairs. Returning to her man, she asked him to head off the group.

"I'll only need Xael to help with the kids," she smiled, "He's great with children. The rest of you should make some food and eat, and once we settle the kids we can decide what to do. Would you mind looking for them? I can't wrangle fifteen kids all on my own."

Jay growled, backing up as the hackles on the back of his neck stood up. While he knew the kid couldn’t help it, it didn’t favor his fur being touched by just anyone. Greatfull Reyn and Ashlin stepped in, the wolf continued to back up, fangs still bared as his growls died. As Reyn turned to the Ashlin, Jayson shifted his weight towards the rest of the group, waiting for the sensation of Reyns hand throughout his fur to signal to go forward.

His body slowly wandered behind the group, Eli’s hands shoved into his ragged jean pockets as he wandered the streets. Listening to the group from his distance, Eli poked his head into a house, a head popping out and beaming up at him. Eli’s head pulled back, the little creature reached out, pulling on Elis hand.

“Mister! Have you come to help?” She giggled, the little brown ringlets of hair draping around her small round face. Eli lifted a brow, trying to hide the disgust as the child pulled the door open more and began pulling his hand, leading him further into the town.


The wolf couldn’t help but chuff, unhappy with being called a puppy. As a child, he’d always hated it, and having grown into an adult, he found no excuse for calling him that. Leading her forward, the wolf found Xael and Lunar, with Kayden fluttering in and out. Barking at his younger sister, he nudged them in another direction, leading them towards the inn the child had pointed them towards.


Following Ashlin, he found himself in the inn with her, surrounded by kids. Watching nervously, the man looked at her.

“Why don’t I help wrangle them up for now, Xael will be on his way if Jays finding them.” He replied, grinning at his girlfriend and sliding over to several kids and scooping up one on his back, another in one arm, and while holding another older childs hand.

“We’ll find you guys somewhere a little less scary then down here.” He grinned, leading them upstairs. Making small chat with the children, Braxton found out things they all needed, and foods they liked so he could slide downstairs to gather several more children to bring them upstairs.

As Braxton slid downstairs from his second trip, the door opened, a small little girl in a floral dress, leading Eli in with a ridiculous look on his face as the small plucky little child chattered both happily and quickly.

While Braxton helped wrangle the children into one bedroom upstairs, Ash kept them entertained bringing forth her refreshed magic and creating blocks for them to play with, a pile of dolls, and a few books. She used the same spell she had for Xael's first night with Luna, so the toys would disappear eventually.

Brax came up a second time, with Eli in tow, being dragged by a small girl in a floral print dress. Ashlin couldn't help but laugh at the ridiculous look on Eli's face as the small girl chatted.

"Found a new friend?" she asked, smiling at the little girl, "What's your name sweetie?"

"Bethany," she beamed, letting go of Eli and taking a few steps inside, are these toys for us?"

"Mhm," she nodded, "go play with your friends."


They got to the inn to find the tavern portion quiet. They were about to head upstairs when Braxton and Elijah strolled down. Brax explained Ash's need for Xael's help with the kids, and that the rest of them could work on food or something.

"Can I come upstairs too?" Kayden asked and Xael nodded, kissing his mate, "Enjoy the peace and quiet, come get me for dinner okay?"

Strolling upstairs with his sister-in-law in town, they quickly got dragged into the room with the children, being put to work playing and keeping the kids entertained.

She looked up at her mate, her hand reaching for his hand as she pulled him in for a deeper kiss before he disappeared upstairs with the kids.

“Love you my sun, have fun. And take care of Kayden, make sure she does ok with the other kids.” She commented, making sure Xael knew if Kayden was up there, to just keep an eye on her incase she needed anything. Looking over at Braxton, he told her about the kitchen, what there was, what they needed for not just them, but the kids. Making her way out of the inn, the girl allowed herself to strip, her body falling to her knees as she willed her form to change.

After several minutes, the girl stood, her large wolfish form moving throughout the city and towards the edge as her brother joined her.

We’re hunting deer, we should find a couple.. You take one and I take one? She asked, shaking out her large head as the male wolf nodded.

Of course. He responded, pawing at the ground as they took off.

You drop the siren off? She asked grinning as they ran. Their strides where even and in sync as they found themselves sniffing for their prey.

Left her to cook some veggies. He chuckled.

Found them. Go left, I get the biggest. She grinned, her body rounding a nearing clearing as the other wolf went the opposite way.

We’ll see. The wolf laughed, the two going silent as they began to stalk a heard of deer. Finally, Lunar launched herself out of the forest, her teeth sinking into the side of a large stag, while the other wolf launched out as well, his force pushing another to its side as he sank his teeth into its jugular. Finding the creature as it scrambled, Lunars claws sank into its side as she pushed it to its side, her teeth repositioning to sink into its jugular as it kicked. With a dying kick, the wolf felt a hoof sinking into her rib, a loud snap ringing through the clearing as the rest of the herd stomped off.

Pulling herself up, the wolf yelped softly as she stood, grabbing it within her large jaws, the girl yanked it up on her back as she looked at her brother, pulling up his pretty on his back as well.

We alright? That sounded painful. He asked, whimpering softly as they walked back towards the town.

Yeah, I’ve had an antler to the face before, that’s nothing… Just don’t bring it up to Xael, he might get mad that I was being so reckless… I don’t want to worry the guy when it’ll snap back in a couple hours. She replied, her brother nodding.


Finally finding themselves back into town, dropping their pretty at the door to shift and change quickly. Opening the large doors, the two wolves angled the deer through the doors and into the kitchen, dropping the bleeding bodies onto the rather clean floor.

“We found food.” Jay declared while Lunar slid in beside him to grab a knife. Without a word, the wolf leaned over, watching her movements with her broken rib, so she could start skinning one of the deer.

Nereyda took over cooking the potatoes Braxton had cut, letting him help Jay and Luna cut up the two steer they caught and start up the rather large BBQ in the corner. While Brax worked on slicing the meat and cooking it, the wolves worked on the steer, and Reyn worked on the sides. No one spoke much, busy getting dinner ready for the masses.


Most of the children adored Kayden. While Ash had three of the girls with her, playing and dresses the dolls, Kayden had twelve of the children circling her, building a giant block castle with towers. Swivelling her head, she smiled at Xael sitting in the corner cross-legged, engrossed in a book with one of the youngest children, and five year old red-head named Emilia. Most of the other children were between eight and twelve, making Emilia the youngest and often excluded from what some of the children told her. Xael had already grown a soft spot for her, pulling the crying child into his lap as she sobbed over her missing parents. Pulling the pile of books to his side, they began reading, soon engrossed in books together.

Lunar shifted uncomfortably, having removed most the meat from one deer, she looked up at the others.

“I’m going to go check in. I’ll be back.” She sand out, stiffly standing as she wandered out of the kitchen and upstairs.

Wandering into the room with all the commotion, Lunar stayed in the doorway, her eyes locking on her perfect mate curled up with a little red headed child. A smile pulled at her lips as she melted watching them. While Kayden had had most of the children and Ash a couple. Stepping into the room, she found herself gravitating towards her mate, sitting next to him and poking her head up to see what they where reading. Grinning, she leaned her head on his shoulder as she curled her legs up beside her, occasionally poking in to gasp at certain things and make funny faces to the child, her giggle lighting the room up with each interaction.

As they finished up, Jay cleaned up and began helping set plates around the tables as they began to set dinner up. Once all three of them finished setting up, Braxton slipped upstairs, poking his head in with a large grin.

“Dinner kiddies!” He called, watching the kids scramble up and stampede out the door, and down the stairs, flooding poor Reyn and Jay as they all cried for food.


Jay growled, trying to get the kids to sit down and quiet down as they wanted to bring out the food, only to be flooded by small bodies all crying loudly for food. As Jay tried, a voice piped up from down the hall, Eli’s body quickly pulling up.

“Sit down, be patient and shut up or you won’t get fed.” He snapped, the kids quickly quieting down as they all sat nicely in their seats, allowing Reyn and Jay to step in and start serving food to the kids.

"Thank you," Ash purred, coming in from behind and wrapping her arms around Braxton, kissing his back, "Thank you for helping me. These kids...the horrors they've all seen. I'm surprised they can all still smile, let alone function."

She ducked under his arm, kissing his chin, "We should find a spot or we won't get fed. C'mon, I think Bethany saved us a spot."


Reyn carried a steaming plate up to Eli, handing it to him, "Please eat."

Her eyes wouldn't reach his, knowing the Halfling was gone, that all she'd see if she looked into his eyes was an empty hollowness. She'd been mucking up the courage to even speak to him, feeling like there were lines drawn into the sand now, and that one amazing night with him meant nothing to Elijah now. She still wanted to keep him fed though, so she made sure to get him a plate.

"Thank you for your help," she added, keeping her gaze down as she spoke to him.


Xael stopped Luna inside the room, before they went downstairs.

"Emilia really likes you," he smiled, "You are great with kids my love, did you know that?"

he swept her into a light hug, kissing her diligently, "I love how cute and funny you were with her. You'd make a great mother my moon."

Braxton’s arms wrapped around Ashlin, kissing her deeply before watching her.

“Anytime Love, you’ve been busy with them, so this is the least I can do.” He replied.

“They’re kids, at this age you just need to take the time to help turn things around.” He replied as he hugged her, his arm wrapping around her waist as he followed her downstairs as they found a spot, Jay and Reyn quickly floating up to help them out with food.


Eli looked down at the food, his stomach something he hadn’t thought of in over a week. Nodding, the halfing noticed her submissive behavior, his blackish green eyes observing her every movement.

“Thanks.” His words where colder then ice, lifeless and emotionless as the Halfling strode off towards the back of the room, sitting at the bar in hopes of being left alone.

Pulling out a glass and a drink, Eli pushed the food off to the side of him, only to have the small girl from earlier pull herself up on a barstool.

“Why are you sitting over here? Don’t you like us? We’re not that bad, Mommy used to say my smile would lighten up any world. See? Look! Pllleeeeeaaaaassssseee? Please? See? Seeeee?” She popped up, her perky little voice making the Halfling groan internally as a hand moved up to massage his temple. The child continued to go on, poking at his plate while continuing to chat with his wordless figure.


Lunar perked up, groaning inwardly as the stinging in her rib reminded her to take it easy. Slipping her hand through Xaels she pulled him up to lead him out before he stopped her.

Lunar couldn’t help but look down, a vibrant red blush spreading across her perfect porcelain cheeks at his remark.

“I never have really had the patience… But I saw you with the little red headed girl… I didn’t see someone else’s child…” She replied as the blush only thickened. Looking up under thick black lash’s, her arms curled around her mate, her head burying into his shoulder as she took in his comforting scent.

“I wouldn’t be as amazing as you would be a father.” She sang, kissing him as she looked up at him. She kissed under his jaw and along her neck.

“We should grab some food before they eat it all on us… We took down a couple game.” She beamed, leading him downstairs.

Everyone ate with a ferocious appetite, so Ashlin quickly made the two missing adults plates, hiding them at the bar for Xael and Luna to pick up when they came down. Then she returned to the long table they had formed out of many of the small tables, leaning into Braxton as they ate alongside the giggling, munching children. Kayden was at the far end of the table from them, deeply engrossed in a conversation with three of the oldest children about a book they had all read.

Jay hovered but kept his distance from the loud table, preferring to eat away from the crowd, and Elijah was still playing cold and indifferent, although the small girl who had come in with him earlier was at his side, trying to get him to speak with her. Somehow the roughed up hunters were taking care of sixteen children without fail, and Ashlin admired them for all their help.


She shouldn't have been expecting more from him, but the coldness in his voice was still a slap in the face. Flinching back, she left him to brood, helping serve the children. Her appetite was gone, so when food was offered by Braxton she declined, saying she'd already eaten. He's an ass. He's always been an ass. Just don't give him the time of day. Let him come to you.

As everyone munched on dinner, the children devouring their meals like they'd never seen such food, Reyn did a head count.

"Where have you all been sleeping?" she asked, realizing there were sixteen children but only six rooms upstairs.

"The floor ma'am," one of the oldest kids replied, "We let the younger ones take the beds, but there isn't enough blankets for all of us so those on the floor get the blankets to keep warm. It's not ideal ma'am, but we had no other choice."

Reyn wanted out of the inn, needing space from the Halfling ignoring her. Explaining that she was going to search for extra blankets and sheets, she assured them she'd stay safe, then left alone.

Wandering through the town, Nereyda stopped in the first shop she found, rummaging through it. Most of it was useless or broken, but she found a paint can in the back with a brush laid on the lid. An idea struck her, and after a bit more searching she found a cart and a lantern she could use. Starting on the far end of the tiny town, she walked in to each house, counting the bodies and painting the number on the front door, along with a warding sign she'd learnt in Australian from one of her previous men. It kept at bay the creatures that enjoyed feasting or possessing dead flesh, refusing them access to the house. The last thing any of the children or the hunters needed was the parents being puppeteered by a wraith or something worse.

Reyn also retrieved anything useful from the rooms inside. It was easy to tell which houses belonged to the children's families, the fireplaces cold but recently used. In each of those she made sure to retrieve the child's blankets, giving them something familiar and warm that assured her they'd be happy...and quiet tonight.

She continued her tiny mission, content to be alone. The smell was overwhelming for most of the group, but while her senses were heightened, they barely compared to the wolves or Elijah, so the stench didn't accost her nose.


"I'd love to be a father," he spoke honestly, humming as she kissed his chin,"Unfortunately that is a wish I will never get."

The undead couldn't reproduce. It made sense, since corpses shouldn't be animated in the first place, but he was. When he first heard from another vampire that they were sterile, Xael was heartbroken. Growing up he'd always wanted kids, and that hadn't changed after the outbreak. Over the years, though, he had grown used to the idea of never being a father. Now it stung again, having this gorgeous woman in his arms and knowing he could never give her that.

"I'm sorry," he added, whispering into her hair as they walked downstairs, "I'm sure you've always wanted children, and I tore away that chance without thinking about you, never telling you till well after we mated."

There were two warm plates of food for them at the bar, away from the bustling table. He angled them towards it, suddenly ravenous.

It had been well over an hour, and Nereyda had yet to grow tired. As she pushed the cart towards the inn, full of sixteen children's blankets and stuffed toys, she counted the number of houses she still hadn't checked.

There could be more children hiding in them,she mused.

Getting the cart inside the inn was too troublesome, so she placed it at the door and let the kids find their items after dinner. Each one cried out when he or she found their blanket, and then their stuffed animal wrapped inside.

"You're being offly generous with your time," Ashlin commented, watching the procession, "Thank you Reyn."

"I have a soft spot for kids," she shrugged, "I can't stand touching their germ ridden hands, but I can do this. Besides, they will all sleep better now tonight, so I can get my beauty sleep."

As the last child picked up their possessions, Reyn dodged out of putting them to bed too, excusing herself to put the cart and paint away. She had no intention of doing either, happy to be away from the group and doing something tedious that left her mind wander to think on things. It didn't hurt that her money pouch had gained three times in size as she searched, collecting any coin she found. She wasn't even grossed out as she usually felt around blood and guts; the beast that had killed most of the town had been unusually tidy, leaving the mess to only the room the adults were torn apart, no footprints or blood smatterings anywhere else. As long as she avoided looking at the destruction, she could stomach it, and always made sure to add the warding sign and number of bodies on the door, to respect the dead.

Another half hour past and Nereyda found herself on the north side of the town, quite a ways from the inn. Pocketing the three gold coins she'd found in a rather small house, she began painting on the door when something growled behind her, its claws clicking against the cobbelstone street.

"Not funny Jay," she turned around, ready to throw her paint brush at him.

It wasn't Jay. The beast was massive, easily eight feet tall, with a hulking body that took up most of the street. it had horns and back hooves like a stag, with it's front feet scaled and clawed, like a lizards. Matted, dirty fur clung in odd places all over its body and its long, thin tail swung, with a bloodied fur tuft at the end. It's face was more terrifying a mixture of deer and beast again, its teeth long and fanged, its eyes yellow with narrow pupils that stared her down. A small bump sat between both its eyes, and as she stared at it, the bump moved and blinked.

It blinked. Fuck, it's a third eye. What the hell is this thing?

That third eye opened, piercing her with its glare, making her suddenly dizzy and disoriented. Dropping the paint brush, Reyn stumbled then ran, trying to flee the creature. But the road was suddenly windy and very bumpy, trying to trip her every few steps. Her head craned back for a second, trying to see the monster and instead tripping, falling roughly into the stone.

As she turned it was there, its face directly over hers, its talons pinning down her arms and shredding her skin, making her scream in fear and pain. It answered her scream with one of its own, a loud roaring sound that sounded close to a deer call but distorted and evil. It's fangs snapped as it cut off its screeching, returning its cruel gaze on her. The beast's nostrils flared, taking in the smell of her blood and fear.

It came because of the smell of the town, she realized, watching it sniff her and begin drooling, It came to feast.

Her head flinched back as it leaned down closer, teeth inches from her face. Suddenly something caught its attention and its head snapped up as it roared, the ground under her shaking with the force of its bellow. It released her, moving to stomp on the ground as a threat to whatever was distracting it. Skidding backwards, Reyn made an attempt to flee again, but the monster was paying attention and as she stood an antler hooked into her shredded arm, pulling her back with a shriek. She fell into it, screaming in pain as her arm got caught in its antlers and and she was flung on top of its bulky head, the enormous creature standing tall. It shook her, trying to dislodge her. With one massive swing of its head she was free, and soaring across the street, slamming right into a stone wall as bones cracked and broke throughout her body. Dropping to the street, she lay paralyzed as the hulk of a creature snorted at her, ready to finish its meal off.


Lunar smiled at him tenderly, her hands moving up to cup his perfect, handsome face.

“Shhhh it’s ok.” She soothed, wishing she hadn’t brought it up. “Maybe someday… If we decide to settle down, we’ll take an orphan.” She smiled, pushing herself up on her tip toes to kiss him sweetly.

“I’m sorry handsome, I shouldn’t of brought that up.” She whispered against his lips. “I love you Xael, kids or no kids.” She whispered.

As they grabbed their food, the small red head stuck close to her mates side, hiding her inner nervousness towards the over-whelming amount of children. Quietly curling up to him, the wolf sank into her food as an unusual hunger bit into her stomach.

“Think there’s anymore meat…? I’m craving it something fierce.” She whispered to her mate as she quickly devoured her deer. Her stomach ached as the craving only bit deeper.



Something suddenly made the angel stand on edge forcing the man to stand, as the child began to shift, Eli barked a command, forcing her to slink back into her seat. Storming out, the angel followed his senses as something within him screamed. Finally turning a corner, he watched as a creature’s head snapped up, Reyns small pixie like body cowering uselessly underneath of it. He stared as he focused his mind.

Ignore her, come at me. His mind reached out, touching it, yet only forcing it to reach down and snatch the girl with an antler. Leaping forward, he watched as the siren was flung into a home off to the side.

Eli’s focus switched, his hands moving up to push the atom’s within the air together, forcing the darkness from each atom. The air pulsed as the atom’s exploded, a long blade appearing as his left hand eased off. Darting forward, he dodged the creatures antlers as it pawed at the ground and reared its head. Crouching down, he leaped up, gliding the blade through its neck to allow it’s head to slide to the ground. Standing, the Halfling waved off the blade as he turned back to the siren, her body lying in a crumpled up lump beside a house. Walking up to her, his cold arms reached down, picking her up tenderly before heading back towards the inn.

Slinking around the side, Eli wrapped around her as he looked around the building for an open window on the second floor. Quickly finding one, he jumped up and pulled them both in before he gently placed her down onto a bed. Exiting the room without a word, the Halfling moved downstairs and quietly stepped in and out of a back janitor room without notice. After several minutes of shuffling around, the man made his way upstairs, a small white box in hand before he entered the room.

Eli’s blackened eyes looked over the siren as he entered the room, his body quietly crouching next to her as he wrapped several of the larger cuts before he forced his hands over the gaping hole in her shoulder. He took a strong breath as he looked down, his eyes mostly closing as he focused his energy to his hands, calling on the light within as white heat flowed out of his hands. With each beat of his heart, he could feel the strands within her arm slowly mending, the pain disintegrating as the angel took it within himself, his heart beating with the rhythm of hers as he healed her. Slowly, the wound closed while other parts closer to it began to heal and mend. His breath began to slowly grow louder and more strained as pain fluttered up his veins, his body aching with each cell he healed.

Xael finished his potatoes and vegetables and slid the rest of his plate of untouched meat over to her.

"Eat," he ordered as he kissed her head, "I'll go find more."

Slipping into the kitchen, he heard a soft noise. Upon inspection, he caught Elijah rummaging in the janitor closest. Staying hidden, he watched the Halfling search until he found a first aid kit, then disappear upstairs. Returning to the kitchen, he quickly grabbed extra meat for his starving little Alpha, and brought it to her.

Jay was hovering near her, as he normally did, giving a chance for Xael to explain what he's seen.

"I don't see Eli needing a first aid kit," he whispered, so no one overheard, "And the only other member missing is Reyn. She might have gotten hurt and tried to sneak in. Mind checking on her, make sure Eli isn't being an ass? I'll hold the fort down here."

Something pulled at her, begging her to wake up. But her eyes were sore and didn't want to open, and her body felt tired. As her mind woke though, that tiredness she felt turned into nerve-searing pain. Gritting her teeth to keep from screaming, she forced her eyes open into the light. She could feel it now, her left ankle throbbing, her right leg torn and broken in several places. She even had broken ribs pressing into her lungs with every breath. There was more pain, but moving to inspect it would only aggravate the already throbbing pain throughout her body and in her head. Fuck do I ever have a headache too. What did I do?

Reyn noticed one of her arms didn't hurt though, instead feeling warmth she couldn't describe. Turning her head slowly and stiffly, she found Elijah hovering over her, his hands inches above her shoulder.

"What the hell are you doing!" she shrieked, baby blue eyes growing wide with fear.

She tried to move back, but one of her hips rippled with excruciating pain and she slipped. Her entire body was in agony as she fell over the side of the bed, hearing a loud crack in one of her arms that had already begun to sting. Her head hit the bed frame as she went and her eyes squeezed shut, the headache exploding in her ears. What the hell is happening? Wait, why can't I remember anything before waking up?

"Why are you hurting me?!" was the only question that fell from her split and bloody lips, crumpled on the floor in her blankets, her lungs screaming for air within her broken rib cage.

Her eyes refused to open again, and her body sagged as the pain dragged her down. An image flashed in her head. Teeth; talons; antlers. Antlers. She'd been mauled by a creature, hadn't she? Fighting the urge to sleep she opened her eyes and there it was. Staring down at her, drool dripping from its jagged teeth, breath pushing her hair around. And that eye...she couldn't stop staring at it, feeling that dizzy feeling once more, the pain growing numb and washing away. It was hypnotizing, making everything around her fall into nothingness as she stared. This is my end. This beast has given me release from my body as I die.

Then the eye closed and the beast dropped its head, picking her up in its antlers. They were soft though, not hard and rough as she remembered them. They cradled her like her men did. Like Elijah, after saving her from the stranger. Or Jay, after claiming her as his.

"Jay," she whispered, wanting to see him.

And he was there. He appeared in front of them, the beast stopping so she could stare at his beauty. His perfectly sculpted features, his wind swept dark hair. That quirky smile and sharp tongue she loved about him.

Loved? I don't love...I can't. It's not in my nature. I'm a siren, my heart cannot by tied down.

But something tied her to him, aching to feel his touch and one others.

"Elijah," Reyn murmured to the beast, hoping it would let her see her Halfling one last time.

The beast shook its head, and the antlers shifted -twitching then relaxing- moving her into a new position. And when she looked up, the darkness revealed Elijah, her Elijah. He was so close she could touch his emotionless face, feel those thin-set lips that rarely smiled. Her hand felt his pale skin, her thumb skimming those dark eyes. The green was almost gone in him, his dark side overpowering his angelic side for a week now.

"I don't want to see you like this," she whispered to him, stroking his cheek, "Let me...let me see him as he is when I sing to him."

The beast snorted and all around her the nothingness broke into a soft humming of her voice. It hummed louder, growing louder between her an Eli and enveloping them. Her eyes closed for the briefest moment, soaking in the last of her beautiful voice and when she opened them his eyes were a brilliant green, deep emerald pools that made her stop breathing. His fingers reached out and touched her wet stained cheeks, fresh tears at the thought of never seeing him again. Never see him, never feel him again. Never seeing either of them, as her eyes flashed to were Jay still stood, waiting in the darkness, watching.

And it broke her heart. The pain that rippled through her was immense, making her cry out, her tiny voice barely a squeak from her torn lungs. The tears rolled down, as she stared unbelieving at Elijah.

"I can't lose you," she breathed, her heart stopping as death seemed to grip her, dragging her down, "I can't leave you Elijah!"

Death tugged harder, squeezing her heart till she reached her other aching hand up to rake at her chest, trying and failing to stop it. Everything grew numb freezing her in place, one hand touching Eli's face, the other over her heart., The beast made one final cry out to her, a sorrowful warning that it was time.

"I don't want to die," she cried, "Please, I can't leave them. Don't take me from them."

But the beast was ignoring her, and death was dragging her fingers away from his sculpted face. There was nothing more she could do, her entire body numb and dead, save for her voice. Death was taking that last, letting her say her final words and find her peace.

"I came back for you!" she cried, unable to feel her tears but knowing they fell freshly down her face, "I came back only for you Eli! I..."

Her tongue slipped, her throat closing. Not yet. Please I have so much more to say.

Her eyes forced themselves shut, those emerald pools the last thing she ever saw. Death's bony grip enclosed on her throat, dragging her deep into nothingness as one final thought rang clear.

He'll never know I loved him.

Lunar looked up at Xael, tilting her head curiously as he slid his plate over to her.

“But you need you’re meat too Xael.” She argued, only to see her mates back to her as he disappeared into the kitchen. Turning back to her plate, the meat disappeared quickly as she scarfed it down. She looked over as her brother neared, lifting a brow. She shook her head as she shoved a forkful of meat into her mouth. Both eyes looked over to her mate as Lunar saw her mate slip over to her brother quickly to chit chat. Tilting her head, she took a mouth full of veggies.


Jay watched his sister curiously, her appitete seemingly large tonight. Nodding his head at her, he directed an inner thought towards his alpha, only to get a shake of the head in response. Nodding, his attention was quickly saught after as Xael wandered up to him, telling him about Eli.

“I’ll go check… I’ll be back in a couple minutes.” He whispered back as his head sunk down, slowly slinking upstairs as he entered the last room where he could smell Eli… And the scent of blood.

Slowly sliding into the room, he could hear soft humming. It seemed the world began to spin, yet he had full control. Feeling the pull to the room, Jay opened the door, still in full control of his body.

Eli’s hands continued to hover over her body as white hot energy flowed from him, his hands separating to target multiple parts of her body. Eli’s breath caught as the pain continued to flow up his arms and through his veins. His heart stuttered as Eli bit down, unwilling to give up just yet. Reyns life force seemed to only dwindle under him the more he tried to heal her.

“What the hell Eli?” The voice was loud and annoying, growling out each syllable as he stepped up and crouched next to the Halfling, just as her eyes snapped open, her voice shrieking out. Jay scrambled forward, grabbing her flailing body as she fell off the bed. Jay’s limbs struggled to pin her down as Eli continued to push himself to heal her.

“C’mon Reyn… Don’t give up on me.” He grunted, her voice cutting in as she whispered Jay’s name just as his large hands released her, leaving the Halfling to bite his lip as his energy began to dwindle. But then… Her mouth uttered his name… His name... The angel leaned forward as her lips mumbled something not quite audible as suddenly she gave up. Her heart stopped.

“Fuck.” Eli’s word was Harsh as Jay paled next to him.

“Put her down, Now.” His voice was strict, rising a layer as the wolf placed her down on the floor. Straddling her, Eli’s hand pressed to her chest as he leaned forward, pressing his lips to hers and he forced air into her lungs. His hands stung as the atom’s between her chest and his hands seemed to explode with electricity. Pulling his head up, Eli pumped her hands roughly against Reyns chest, shocking her heart to start while feeding her air between. It seemed to be hours as only minutes passed by while Eli continued his convulsions. But then, her heart beat under his hands, and Eli’s heart skipped a beat as he jumped off of her, collecting the only scathed siren into his lap. He could hear the soft growl from the wolf only to die down as Eli’s body curled over hers.
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