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Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


Allowing himself to release again, his hips pumped several more times inside her perfect warmth. Pulling out, the wolf puffed as he caught her before she slipped to the ground.

“Good.” He grinned, plopping down with her to cradle her within his lap. Wiping away her tears and kissing her, he allowed her to pass out while he protectively sat over her.

The minute he released her she fell, her eyes rolling back as her body succumbed to the numbness. Feebly she felt Jay's arms wrap around her and murmured a thank you before embracing her unconsciousness.

Grinning, the wolf chuckled, grabbing her clothes to dress themselves quickly. While Jayson found himself great at removing clothes, he’d never fully been the best putting them back on, taking several minutes to try and figure out how her clothes slid on properly.

Finally finding himself winding around the trees, he carried the sleeping siren back into camp, plopping beside his sisters and newly joined brother, grinning ear to ear towards the two.

“That poor girl… Didn’t know what she had coming… Quite literally.” His alpha giggled, while playing with her sisters hair and leaning happily into her mate.

Lazily she got dressed, her whole body humming after a second bout of sex.

"I could definitely get used to this," she purred, leaning into his tall frame and kissing him gently, "Do you know which direction we are heading handsome?"


Finally finishing grinding up the last of the ingredients, Savannah broke off the tip of one of the antlers from the deer, chipping away at it till it became hollow. Silently she stuffed the ground of herbs inside it , pressing it down till the hollowed tip was full.

Now I just need a little magic. I hope I can do this properly, she rubbed her hands together, closing her eyes. Pulling forth the other side of her being, she felt it fill her, making her body and skin hum. Opening her eyes only a crack to hide the color they had turned to, she cupped the antler and held it tightly between her hands, pouring her angelic essence into it as she whispered the age old incantation under her breath.

C'mon work, she thought, hoping she still had the talent for using her angelic side for small spells.

Licking his lips, Braxton looked up as Ashlin sighed happily. Her body was relaxed and content, but she was right, the sun was reaching the point in the sky that told them they needed to come back. As she dressed, he couldn’t help the soft laugh at her retort.

“Good, because this is a regular thing” He chuckled standing his hands pulled on his pants and cloak. Quickly snatching her up in his arms, he twirled her around before quickly propping her up on his back.

“I’ll give ya a nice view while I lead us back, how’s that sound?” He asked as he started walking back to camp.

After only several minutes, Braxton quickly stepped into camp, looking around at the happy group.

The wolf’s head tilted curiously as her attention wavered. The scent of ground herbs was strong and pulled her silent interest. Looking up towards Ashlin and Braxton, Lunar grinned at them, keeping tabs on Savannah.

“Why hello you two, are we done with the baby making?” She giggled, her brother greeting them with a wolf whistle.

“Baby making! We’re gonna have a couple young trouble makers to tend to!” Jay howled at a reasonable volume, his arms still cradling Reyn while they watched as Braxton couched down to gently let Ashlin down.

"What do you think Annah is doing?" Kayden asked Luna quietly, watching the demon work diligently, "It looks like something cool."


She felt the pop in her hands, her energy fading back into her body as she opened her hands. The antler looked encased in glass now, the whole thing glossy and hard. Cutting part of the lace from one of her boots, she tied it tightly around he antler, holding it up to the sun.

"Love?" Damion's voice cooed to her, wondering what she was up to.

"Hold on," she murmured, wanting to try it out.

Slipping the new talisman over her head she let it hang as she took her old one off slowly. Pooling the silver disk talisman in her hand, she let it fall to the ground and braced herself for her plan to fail.

But it didn't. She stood there waiting for any change and none came. Huh. First try is the charm then.

Replaced her talisman and taking the new one off, Savannah bounced up to the curiosity of everyone. Walking over to Xael, she handed him the talisman. While his mate and himself looked it over she gave them no warning and pulled his hood down in direct sunlight.

"Fuck!" he screamed into Luna's ear, flinching as the sun touched down on his skin...but didn't burn him.

"No kids, thank you," Ash shook her head, scooping up Braxton's hand as he let her down, "I'll be okay with just this hunk of a man. Why are you in such a good mood Jay? Finally got Reyn to sleep?"

There was a commotion with Xael, Luna, and Savannah and Ash jumped, raising her fists even though she had no magic, only to lower them as no threat seemed to be present.

Lunar nodded softly, looking at her sister.

“I’m curious too… It smells interesting.” She replied as she continued to play softly with the tips of Kaydens hair. She turned her head back to Ashlin and Jay, the wolf still grinning like the moron he was.

“Only took a little bit of work.” The wolf chirped.

“We want Ashlin babies! Think of uncle Jay with the kids!” He laughed. Lunar’s attention moved from their horseplay quickly to Savannah moving over to them, the whole scene flashing before the wolfs eyes in total terror.

“Xael!” Her voice went up six octaves, her own ear drum quaking with the sudden noise of her quake and his. Lunar reached up to try and shield him, her eyes looking down at the sudden notice that nothing was happening. Looking up at Savannah she tilted her head before inspecting her man thoroughly.

“Does anything hurt baby?” She asked, her voice filled concern as her hands flew up and fluttered around him.

"No babies," Ash smiled and shook her head at Jay, her eyes watching Xael like a hawk as she dragged Braxton along with her, "What the hell is going on over there?"


"I put him in no harm's way," Savannah raised her hands up by her face, like she was feigning off the guilt and laughed, "Your vampire is more than fine right now."

"Mischievous aren't we today?" Damion asked softly in her ear, having moved from his spot near the fire to her side, inspecting her work, "I was wondering what you were making. My devilish angel, tricking people into nice gestures."

"It's what I do," she giggled, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him gently, "Besides what's all this power for if I can't please people once in awhile?"


Her hands pulled at his head, checking then double-checking for burn marks. Xael stood their in dumbfounded glee, realizing the minute the sun hit his skin what Savannah had done.

Once Luna relinquished his head seconds later, satisfied he wasn't dying, he scooped her up and swung her, kissing her fiercely. Then he scoop Savannah up, making her squeal as he hugged her hard, squeezing the breath right out of the woman.

"Thank you," he breathed, "I'm not even sure...I don't know how you did it, but god, thank you Savannah."

He released her, and she gave him a thumbs up as she caught her breath. He scooped his beautiful mate up again, who looked rather dumbfounded, stealing another breathtaking kiss from her.

"He doesn't burn in the sun anymore," Kayden chirped, finally catching on to the news and a stupid grin broke out on her face, "Hey he doesn't need to hide his face anymore!"

"No," Xael exclaimed, planting yet another kiss on his beautiful red-head as he laughed in pure joy, "I don't. I can feel the sun on my face! I haven't felt that in thirty years. And I can look at my beautiful mate in the light, and see the sky reflected in those bright eyes I adore. Baby, I can walk in the light with you. I can finally walk in the light."

He tugged her back in, his lips pressing to Luna's until her knees got weak.

Braxton couldn’t help the small shudder at the thought of a child, let alone several. Curling his arm around her hip, they found themselves quickly making their way over to the commotion.

His hand tightened around her hip as he quietly watched.


She couldn’t help but inspect him, the sinking realization that he was fine overriding her terror at the thought of her mate getting hurt. A squeal left her mouth as her feet lifted off the ground, her arms flying up around Xaels neck as she kissed him deeply back before her feet quickly slipped back to the ground.

“I can’t even begin to thank you Savannah.” Lunars breathless words sung out, her large eyes taking in her mate in awe. Her hands slipped up to his face as he scooped her back up, both golden eyes unable to move from his face as the sun only seemed to make him more beautiful. The wolfs lips pressed back to his, hungry for his lips while her hands explored his skin.

“No, He’s free to be in the sun.” He words were soft and breathless, her eyes staring at him passionately. Lunar’s body melted at his touch, leaving her body humming with joy.

“I can take you in in the light.” She whispered softly, her hands stroking his face as she leaned in and kissed him over and over, unable to help the joy that filled her.

“My Sun, you glow brighter than any star.” She whispered against his lips.

"I love you," he breathed into her, clutching her to him and added louder, "I'm forever grateful Savannah. Thank you."

"Don't mention it," she smiled, "Just don't take that talisman off, ever. The spell has long been lost, mostly due to witches and warlocks are pretty unlikely to give any demon or vampire the chance to walk in the sun. But I got my talisman long ago, and the incantation always stuck in my head. I don't suggest you flaunt that Xael, many nightdwellers would kill for that freedom."

"I'll take responsibility over it," he touched the talisman, which looked like a crooked fang even though it was the tip of an antler, "It feels amazing to feel the sun and not burn."

"I love you so much," he cooed to his mate, kissing her forehead and forgetting the events of the past few days.


They watched the couple bask in happiness, and Savannah couldn't help the grin on her face, seeing the adoration and love between the two.

"Darling," Damion's voice was soft, only for her ears, "We got to go."

Her eyes flashed to his, the warmth spreading through her dying quickly as her eyes scanned the trees.

I smell them Annah, Nakeye was up and wandering, sniffing the bushes, they were just here, watching.

Savannah stiffened, trying to remain calm in front of the group, They are baiting us. They won't go near Luna, but they want my head. If we leave now, it'll be safest for the group. Before they start picking off stragglers to teach me a lesson.

"Kayden. Luna," Savannah tried to keep the fear out of her voice but a little snuck in, "I'm sorry to interrupt but the pack and I have to go."

Kayden jumped up, panic in her eyes as she realized she'd have to chose now. Holding her hand up, Savannah stopped her from saying anything, "Sweetheart, your staying with Luna."

Tears welled up in the white-haired beauty's eyes making Savannah tear up too. Rushing to her, Kayden through her arms around the demon.

"Why?" she breathed, crying softly.

"Oh Kayden," Savannah murmured, wiping her bloody tears from her eyes before they streaked her face, "You're safer with her. And you just got your sister. I'll visit though, okay? I'll come up North whenever you need me. We will find a way to send letters. Oh, sweetie don't cry."

My love, the pack is getting restless, we need to go.

"I'm sorry," she kissed her head, beckoning Luna forward with a nod of her head to take over, "I love you little wolf. I'll come back for you, I promise."

Dashing tears away, she handed the crying wolf over to her big sister as she made her rounds hugging everyone quickly. Damion and the pack waited patiently, Damion saying his goodbyes quickly as she rejoined him.

And like that they were off, disappearing into the woods as fast as their feet could carry them. They headed far south, where Abass' pack held no control, and they could live safely.

Ashlin physically relaxed into Braxton as she realized no one was in trouble. With that passed she pulled off to the side again with Brax.

Since almost the start of the trip, the two had stayed mostly wrapped in each other, participating when necessary but otherwise remaining on the sidelines. It helped Ashlin, since her nightmares continued each night, and she had been using spells to mute her screams, letting the others sleep. And her rock, Braxton, never strayed far, knowing when her nightmares started his touch and cooing voice could calm her like no other.

The last two nights, she had been scared to sleep, with no magic to quiet her nightmares. Fortunately she seemed too drained to dream too, instead floating in a dreamless state until she woke once more.

And now, with the full moon coming near, Ashlin was chewing on what to do. It was easy to slip into the forest, but her worry was more for when she lost control, if her friends would remain safe.

Her thoughts got cut as Savannah spoke up, saying they had to leave. Tears were shed and Savannah made her rounds, coming up and hugging each Ash and Brax in turn, murmuring thank yous and goodbyes. As they left, Ash curled herself into her man, feeling the sorrow for the young wolf and starting to ache to get back on the road.

"We should get going soon too," she murmured into his chest, "I think we've all waited long enough to leave."

“I love you my life” She whispered against his lips. Looking back at Savannah the wolf opened her mouth, but then her muscles stiffened. She could hear the buzz, she could feel it. Her muscles coiled and her canines instinctively grew. Both golden eyes flashed silver while she looked around, her hands kneaded themselves as she tried to ignore her instinct. She smiled up at him as his calming look pushed her needs back.

“I love you more than life itself Xael.” She breathed, tilting her up to kiss him sweetly.

The red-head moved back to look at Savannah, nodding in understanding as her mate kindly let her down. Holding her arms out to Kayden, she wrapped herself around her.

“She’ll be back sweety when we’re somewhere safe.” She mumbled softly to her as she curled the girls head into her shoulder.

“Shhhhh it’s ok, we’ll take care of you.” She whispered, kissing the side of Kaydens head.

“But we can’t stay either… We need to leave.” Her head tilted up to the group.

“Eli will find us, We’re not in danger but it’s the best idea to leave.” She told the group, her tight eyes looking over them all.

He nodded, ready to go wherever his mate went. Turning to Jay, Xael tried to let go of the tension between them. They still hadn't resolved matters, mostly shoving them aside and pretending they hadn't fought. It seemed both of their tempers ran high towards each other when it involved Luna.

"Is she okay?" he nodded to the sleeping siren still in his arms, "It's odd seeing her asleep in the day. Should we wake her, or are you comfortable carrying her Jayson?"

As Ashlin spoke, Braxton couldn’t help but nudge closer to her. Their goodbyes seemed too quick as Savannah and her pack made their way off into the brush.

“I think your both right.” He replied, his arms picking Ashlin up and swooping her onto his back as he grinned upwards.

“Lets go on an adventure.” He chuckled playfully.

As emotions ran high, Jay sat quietly in the background, his arms still cradling the small pixie like creature. Looking up curiously at Xael, he chuckled softly.

“She’s fine… She’s just exhausted.” He grinned. “She found her limit today. I was planning on carrying her anyways… She won’t be up for a while.” He continued shrugging as he stood.

“Kayden?” Jay grinned, “Why don’t you lead our little pack?”

Her head lifted from her sister's shoulders, sniffing as she wiped away her tears.

"Really?" she asked, her frown turning into a small grin, "Okay!"

Straightening her clothes, she took a few steps, looking back at the group as they readied themselves, "Ah Luna, where are we heading?"

Eli’s head tilted back in glee, his hands dropping to his sides as he lean body stood within the chaos in total relaxation. Opening his eyes, he took in the smoke fluttering up into the air as he breathed in. Looking back down Eli’s head tilted as the darkness seemed to distort his facial expressions.

“Shame… I’m done already.” He groaned as he crouched, his head looking up as he launched himself into the air.

Slowly, his body began to decline, his hand moving up to tear at the skin on his upper bare back. Like that, pain flourished across his back. The pain flourished into a lightening feeling, as rott filled the air around his descending body. As they flew out, his body shimmered and disappeared.

After an hour of travel, the Halfling’s feet swiftly and gracefully landed on the ground. With his landing, the rott filled the small clearing, the tree’s arms lowering to the ground and the grass wilting as everything around his body died. Yawning, the halfing looked down and shrugged yet again, his feet leading him through the death and finding himself back to a path, Eli stood with his hands in his pockets and waited patiently.


Winding around the corner, her nose picked it up before it came into view.


Her body stiffened, and then he walked into view. Eli’s half naked body, stripped of shoes and his shirt, with raggied, blood soaked clothes. A canine sunk into her bottom lip as she tried to hide her disgust. The halfing stood before them, with blood crusted to every inch of his body, even coating the blonde hair that framed his face. Swiftly moving back, her hand flew out to cover Kaydens eyes.

“Eli! What the hell man!” She cried with a shaky breath. He shrugged softly, his emotionless face showing nothing but a relaxed state of nothingness. While he had been on his best behavior, it had obviously been too much for the Halfling to handle, and had found a way to relax.

They rounded a corner and a man covered in blood stepped out, scaring Kayden. She yelped, and Luna's hands whipped up to cover her eyes as she yelled at him.

"That's Eli?" Kayden asked, confused, "What happened to him Luna?"


She slid off Braxton's back, staring at the Halfling in horror.

I used to like that? she thought, gagging. Running to the nearest tree she bent over and vomited, the smell of blood and death too much for her stomach to handle. A hand reached out and pulled back her hair, helping her as she heaved up her breakfast until all she was heaving was air.

Just another reason I should end you, Xael raged, his temper sky rocketing just looking at the man, Luna's memories flashing into his head, I'll start with his eyes...then his limbs...

Rolling his shoulders, Xael bit back the anger roiling in him.

"I can't even look at you," he snapped, turning away and pulling Kayden under his arm, "Luna, I got your sister. Please deal with that sore excuse of a man."

He pulled the white-haired wolf back a few feet and then into the trees, keeping her facing the way they'd come from, keeping Elijah out of sight.

"Let's find some water to fill the canteens," he offered loud enough that his mate would know where they were heading, and looking for something to occupy them.

"Okay," Kayden murmured, sounding confused but understanding.

She looked at him with slowly saddening eyes.

“Yes.” She responded, trying to think of an explanation.

“Better them then us. He’s got that much in mind.” Jay replied, his arms still holding the sleeping siren. “Someone has a temper when his things are being played with.” He chuckled.

Lunar nodded at her mate, her hand reaching out and gripping his shoulder softly as she stepped forward and pointed at him.

“There’s a lake that way… Lets go” She snarled, her voice darkening with the demand. She watched the Halfling yawn and think about it, turning disappearing into the wilderness as they made their way over only several yards. Stepping up behind him, the alpha glared as she looked away. Relaxed splashing was heard in the background before she turned around to see the blood seeping into the river. Her eyes tightened and her breath stuttered at the thought of the red liquid.

“I know you like it too.” The Halfling commented chillingly. Sighing she shook her head as the angel stepped out, his jeans soaking but clean along with his body.

“Now you’re going to go back to the group, quietly and say nothing for the rest of the trip. If I hear a word out of you you’ll fucking regret it.” Her voice growled, the demanding tone in her voice sounding deadly as the angel shrugged again before making his way back to the group. Slowly appearing after him, Lunar looked at the group.

“He’ll be quiet for the rest of the trip.” She called out sternly, her tight eyes looking over the group before she disappeared where Xael had taken Kayden.

“My sun? Kayden? We’re ready to go.” She called softly as she made her way to a small river.

"Over here my moon," he called, hearing her voice.

He stood at the river alone, staring around with the canteen at his hip. His eyes darted to and fro, watching the forest around him. As his mate appeared he smiled, but his eyes remained watching, looking for her.

The red head quickly made her way down the stream towards her mate, Her lips seeking his before she pulled back.

“Where did Kayden disappear to?” She asked, her eyes growing in size as she looked around.


Braxton fluttered behind her, his hands grasping her hair gently as she heaved. While one hand held her hair, the other rubbed her back delicately.

“I’m… I’m going to kill him.” He breathed through his teeth, trying to do what he could to help sooth Ashlin.

"Don't," she breathed, her eyes watering as she dry heaved again, "He doesn't deserve your hate. At this rate he doesn't even deserve our time of day."


Xael grinned, holding his finger up to his lips and whispering, "We thought you'd take longer. Playing a little game to take her mind off Eli. She's trying to remain hidden, we have to find her."

His smile widened as he decided to twist up the game, "Think you can find her first my love?"

With that he sped like lightning into the trees, seeing the briefest movement and running at it, only to find a scared squirrel. His laugh echoed through the trees as he called out, "Your sister has joined the game Kayden. One of us will find you."
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