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Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


Braxton shook his head and continued to rub her back.

“Well for now… Let’s worry about getting home and you won’t ever need to see his rancid ass again.” He replied softly.


Lunar grinned at the idea, glad to see her mate was accepting her sister as well as he was.

“You sure…?” She grinned, sniffing the air and twirling around. Her nose lead her around various trees, her eyes catching a streak of blonde up within the trees.

“Oooo I wonder what I see!” She giggled dancing through the trees as she followed her sisters scent.

Kayden let out a care-free laugh, her sister almost upon her and dodged into the bush, breaking out in a run. She could hear Xael catching up, his speed faster than his sense of smell, but using her laugh to pinpoint her. As he neared she double-backed, hoping to surprise Luna and feign around her but underestimating her Alpha sister.

Luna could hear her sisters gleeful giggle, her mind reaching out to feel her mate closing in. But as her mate closed in, the girl could hear the shuffle of leaves, and feel Kayden’s instincts on the edge of her mind. She danced around another larger tree, jumping out behind her sister as she back tracked. Her hands slid around Kaydens waist, a soft chime-like giggle leaving her lips.

“Caught ya” She smiled, hugging her sister softly.

The force of her speed and Luna's sudden arms around her forced Kayden to fall, taking her sister with her. They both hit the dirt and Kayden let out another laugh, her heart soaring. In seconds, Xael was above them, grinning at the two women lying in the dirt.

"I guess I lost," he shrugged, "Good catch my love."

The alpha flew down with her sister, slowly turning them into a bundle of giggles as she curled up to her sister and playfully swatted at her. Both playful, wide eyes looked up at her mate as she grinned.

“Pack mind is the best thing.” She giggled softly. Reaching out, Lunar caught her mates arm, tugging him down with them into the leaves. As they settled, Lunar thought about it, her mind wrapping around what she had. It felt odd, having something as amazing as what she had this second. Her whole life she’d spent being tortured, alone, and in some ways, miserable. Yet, what she had now was nothing short of a dream filled with happiness, family, and pure joy.

He got pulled into the giggle fest, landing on his side and immediately kissing Luna's forehead before tickling her till she was in tears laughing, enjoying the musical sound of her voice. Kayden let out a laugh at her sister, and as Xael let Luna catch her breath her sister tackled her, gently wrestling her in a tickle fest. Pushing himself up against a tree, he watched the woman play, enjoying the sun for the first time in thirty years and basking in the overwhelming feeling of joy filling his heart.


A short while later the three headed back, ready to handle Eli and get the group moving. As they broke through the trees, Xael beelined for Ash, who looked sickly as she bent over beside a tree, Braxton rubbing her back and holding her hair.

"She okay?" he asked, checking on his friend.

Ash nodded, standing up even though she looked paler than usual, "Just...Eli."

Xael understood, having felt sick to his stomach too looking at the bloodied halfling. He also knew Braxton was overly protective of her, and Eli wouldn't be getting near her any time soon.

"We are heading off again, if your okay to move," he stated, looking at both of them.

Ash nodded, leaning into Brax, "Stretching my legs and walking will help settle my stomach. We can go."

The red-head’s lungs screamed with the need for air as her mate and sister kept tickling her. Her hands flew out, tickling her sister as the two wrestled playfully.

“I-I Can’t! Need… Need air!” She squealed as the two slowly died down. Her sister lain next to her, she couldn’t help but reach out, grasping her hand softly and squeezing it as she looked up at her mate in awe, his stunning and broad form standing stunningly within the light.


Looking back at the group, Lunar looked over them all.

“We ready to go? We still have half a weeks travel.” She called out. Jay nodded, the siren still asleep in his arms.

“Next time… Don’t go full wolf on the poor girl… She can’t handle it.” She whispered softly as she walked past her brother. A soft chuckle rung through the air behind her as she waited ahead of the group.


Braxton stayed at her side, ready to pick her up the moment she asked.

“Are you sure babe?” He asked softly, his arm wrapping around her hips as he supported Ashlin. Softly he kissed the top of her head, trying to help sooth her as she slowly began to stretch.

“I’m sorry…” He whispered as he buried his face within her hair. “But you can always think about the time we can spend together in town.” He grinned softly, trying to lighten up her mood.

"Mmmm," she hummed, leaning into his kiss, "We better get there soon."


They pushed through the day, and then the next. Reyn had woken later on that evening the first night, and after being filled in on Elijah's new state of mind, stuck closely to Jay, not ignoring the halfling but avoiding him all the same. The whole group seemed at ease around each other but on edge when he approached.

On the third day, as the sun rose Ashlin jolted awake, her heart pounding. It was pulling at her, knotting in her stomach and nagging at her now.

The full moon is tonight. No...


The entire day she spent tensed and quiet, having no solution to her dilemma. When dusk came, she came up with the excuse of restlessness, and told Braxton she needed to walk it off alone. Once out of sight she broke into a run, her legs pounding till the moon rose and her body spasmed, hitting the rough dirt under her.

Just like before she felt the fire grow within her, pushing her into severe pain. Her magic had only just started to trickle back, her body still too weak for the pain she was enduring.

All too soon she blacked out.


Ashlin woke as dawn rays split through the leaves, catching her closed eyes. Waking, she yawned and stretched, disorientated for a second. Turning, she looked for her man only to find herself alone, surrounded by trees, in the middle of nowhere.

"Ashlin," her voice was being called from far off, making her strain to hear.

"I'm he-" she began to yell, pushing her hair back before her voice cut off.

Pulling her hand away from her sticky hair, she stared in horror at her hand, caked in blood. Looking down, Ashlin let out a terrified scream, her entire body naked and covered head to toe in dried blood, and flecks of what she could only guess were organs.

I look worse than Eli! she panicked, trying to smear the blood off but only making it worse, Get it off me! Get it off me!

The forest leaves crunched under his step, twigs snapping as he carelessly stepped around, calling out for her. The day before hand she had been quiet and out of sorts, figuring it still had one of two things that her disappearance could have tied in with.

“Ashlin!” He called again, her voice cutting in as she tried to call out. “Ashlin!” His voice seemed to break as concern filled him further, forcing his legs faster until he turned around a tree to find her blood ridden body twitching and freaking.

His eyes took her in, shock filling him.

“Full moon?” He asked softly, stepping carefully towards her as he held his arms out. While questions rung out in his head, he quieted them and waited for her response.

Her eyes flashed up as Braxton tumbled in. For a moment they both froze, taking the other in. He said something but she couldn't hear him, her heart jumping to her throat.

"Get away from me!" she screamed, kicking into the dirt to put space between them, "Just...just stay away!"

She got to her feet, feeling the sharp bite of twigs and pine needles on her bare soles as she bolted, racing through the trees blindly. All of her senses were overwhelmed, hearing nothing but her pounding heart, only able to see directly ahead of her, and smelling nothing but blood on her skin. Even her mouth was filled with the taste of flesh, making her sick.

Running wildly, she didn't see the figure up ahead till he was too close to avoid. Skidding to a halt, she froze, knowing she was caught by Braxton or someone else. Shaking she turned around and ran like hell, not slowing till she found a creek and fell to her knees in it, tears and sobs escaping her as she tried to wash the death off of her.

Braxton launched himself forward, his body propelling himself throughout the trees as he quickly placed himself on her heels. Braxton bit his bottom lip, seeing a stranger passing by and quickly crumpling up as Braxton turned with Ashlin and found himself at a creek. Stepping forward and out of the trees, Braxton carefully lowered himself to the ground, his thoughts racing as he stepped down to her, carefully helping her clean herself.

“Shhhhh, You’re ok Ashlin.” He whispered, trying sooth her.

His hands were on her, feeling her filth. Seeing it. More tears spilled over as she slapped his hands away, her sobs growing louder.

"Stop!" she cried, her whole body shaking in the cold water as she hyperventialated, "You don't want this! Stay away from me! Don't..."

He tried to touch her again and her whole body flinched away, "Don't touch me! Don't! I'm filth! I'm a monster. I'm...I'm rancid. You should hate me!"

She stood up on shaking legs, her voice getting louder, her body now soaked in blood and water as only half of her was cleaned, "Hate me Braxton. You should. Look at me. I'm nothing but a monster. I' better than Eli!"

His hands pulled back as he stared at her, a sadness sinking into his facial expressions as she tried to swat and push him away.

“Then tell me why. Tell me how you did this. Because it seems to me, whenever the full moon hits, you’re not in control. Not this side of you.” He calmly asked. He looked up at her, water drenching his clothes as he continued to sit in the water.

“Because I’ve seen allot worse, And yes, no matter what, I care for you.” His voice stayed at a calm, even level, questions still swirling around his head.

“Let me at least help you clean up Ashlin… Let me do that for you.” He asked, holding his hand up for her to take, his eyebrows pinching up in worry for her.

She backed away from him farther, her breathing growing harsher with each question.

He'll kill me once he knows. He'll turn on me, just like they all have!

"No," she shook her head, "No no no no-"

Her foot caught a rock and she fell back, landing hard in the water that splashed blood and guts everywhere, breaking her.

"Stop asking!" she screamed, hands over her ears as she let out a high pitched scream, "I didn't mean to! Stop it! Just stop it!"

Memories flashed in her mind. Horrid memories, memories of all the people who swore they cared for her and then walked away.

"Your just like the rest of them!" she screamed, rocking herself, "You don't care! I'm just a joke! A freak! You don't care. No one does! I can't be loved! I CAN'T! Stop asking! They all asked! They ALL ASKED! And their all dead now! DEAD! I had to! I HAD TO KILL THEM! WHY DON'T YOU ALL GET IT YET. I JUST WANTED TO BE LOVED. WHY? WHY CAN'T YOU LOVE ME?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!"

Her voice broke to sobs, her nails scratching into her cheeks, pulling at the skin till she bled.

"I'm unlovable!" she cried, digging her nails in till it hurt, "Stop mocking me! All of you! Stop pretending like you CARE!"

“Ashlin” His words came out softly. He listened to her scream, his hand still held out the whole time she spoke, offering her his hand.

“Of course you didn’t mean to love. You never meant any of it.” Braxton’s white and large eyes looked up at her, concerned and still warm while confusion still hovered within his head.

“They can’t understand because they’re not you, because they can’t step into your boots.” His words where soft, trying to ease her state. Standing, Braxton took several small and slow steps to her, his hands tenderly reaching out to loop under her wrists so he could lead her hands away from her face as he lowered himself down to her. His kind eyes looked at her shaking violet eyes.

“They weren’t me. No one is mocking you love, it’s only me here with my arms open.” He calmly stated. He could feel the shock on the inside, his face not even twitching from the concern that still consumed him. Her cries hurt his heart, filling him with worry more by the second. Braxton’s hands softly moved her hands outwards, his fingers lying flat as to not make her state worse.

“Why don’t we clean you up love?” Braxton asked softly, his body unwavering as he watched with only loving and caring eyes.

Her head tilted away from him, her whole body shaking violently as his hands held her wrists, stopping her from causing any more harm.

Why doesn't he get it? Why won't he run? What do I have to say to protect him?

He kept saying it wasn't her fault, that she hadn't meant it. Who was he bluffing? Himself or her? It had all been her fault. Every death, under her hand.

"One day you'll wake up and realize the monster that I am," her voice was deadpan, her whole body tense, "It's easier, isn't it, for a soul-eater like you to date something with no soul like me?"

Those words pulled something, the pain hitting his ghostly eyes as he slowly dropped her hands. Braxton let his hands fall into his lap as he stared at her. He closed his mouth as he looked down.

“Is that really what you think Ash?” He asked softly, knowing something felt off. They hadn’t spent these last couple weeks as tightly as they had if there wasn’t a reason. But he waited, his heart beat seemed to slow with each passing second.

"Maybe it is," she shot back, using her now free hands to splash water on her face, eager to be free of the blood.

She ignored him until she had her hair wrung out and her body cleaned, the despair in her turning to hatred in herself which Ash knew no better than to reflect off to him. Did she really believe her words? About herself, yes. But not about Braxton.

Standing in the creek, naked and clean she watched him, still kneeling in the water. Why hasn't he stormed off? Fought me? Left? He's just...there.

"What do you want to hear from me," she asked softly, her voice barely a whisper, "That I was cursed? That the mutagen gave me an adverse side-effect? That it's all a misunderstanding? Maybe if it was..maybe you me..."

Her voice cracked and she stared down at her hands, finishing what she couldn't say in her mind, I chose this for myself. Learn to hate me Braxton, your safest that way.

He continued to look down, listening to Ashlin.

“Ash, I care for you whether it’s a choice or it’s an effect or whatever the situation is. No matter what your perfections and your flaws are.” His words where unwavering as his heart sank.

“But… You’re right… What does it matter when its coming from someone who eats souls to live.” Braxton couldn’t stand, he couldn’t move as his thoughts spiraled.

“You’re not soulless and you know that. You knew that when you even accused me that I would try and eat your soul.” His words dropped as he looked down at his hands.

“I love you Ash.” His words were soft, his eyes looking up at her at the hurt continued to ring through his soulless eyes as they found Ashlin’s perfect face that he’d come to love so deeply.

"I...I..." she was speechless, tears glistening in her eyes.

Why now? Why now Brax? After what I just did, after all I'm doing to keep you safe, to push you away. How can you? How is that possible?

Her knees buckled and she sank back into the water, the weight of everything she ever done coming crashing down on her shoulders. How could he love her? How? No one could love her.

"I...I've murdered children," her tone was disbelief, her eyes staring at his reflection in the water, "I've leveled towns...I...I killed my parents Braxton, in cold blood. Do you still want to l-l-"the word refused to come out of her mouth now, and she squeezed her eyes shut, tears rolling down her porcelain cheeks freely, "How?"

Braxton watched her with weary eyes, his heart continuing to sink at the thought of how she viewed him.

“Ashlin, you’ve had a stupidly rough up bringing. I might not know it all, I only know a part of it, but I know enough that you live and you learn throughout life, what you’ve done in the past are lessons that you grow from. I might not of known you for long, but I know I’ve seen and heard enough to know that you’ve learned and grown in a way that’s built you as a caring person once you open up.” His words continued, soft and gentle but filled with nothing less than the warmth his heart felt for her.

“I can love you because beyond that hurt, and all your toughness, there is this amazing and caring girl who I want nothing less than to spoil. I’ve lived my life in an area of this world with people who murder and rape and never grow from it.” Brax stopped; flashes of his family made him suck his breath in.

“Ashlin, I’m a soul eater, I see down to the soul, I see the base of every intention and I can see the parts people try to hide.” He whispered.

“Under all of that pain, and that sorrow, under all those rough parts in life, you’re still an amazing person.” His kind words hung in the air, his hollow white eyes unmoving from her perfect little face.

“Of course I still love you Ashlin… There’s nothing in this world you can do to make that any different.” He explained.

They grew quiet letting the words sink in. Ash's body was frozen in place, unable to speak or move. Even when her body grew deathly cold from the water and her teeth chattered she remained stationary. She could care less if she was hurt; her mind was reeling from what he said.

They sat there for at least twenty minutes in silence, her now dry hair hanging in curls around her face, hiding her sad violet eyes and lips turned blue.

I have to keep him safe. How do I keep him safe from me? I can't hurt him. I won't.

Braxton stood slowly, his lean figure seeming to sway for a moment as he steadied himself. Slowly sliding over to Ashlin, his arms looped around her, his arms sweeping her up.

“You’ll catch a cold Ash” He whispered as he stepped out of the small river. Softly pulling her into him, he sat against a tree next to the river. His hand slipped up, softly brushing her hair back from her face as he looked down into her sad violet eyes.

“Instead of worrying about the future… We should focus on what we are lucky enough to have now.” He mumbled. His arms wrapped around her, attempting to help warm her shivering body.

"W-what do w-we have?" she asked shivering violently in his arms, her teeth chattering against her blue lips, her naked body covered in goosebumps.

She hadn't asked him to be rude or push him away. If anything, just his arms around her were finally calming the storm in her head. But she needed a distraction from the image of blood and guts covering her lean body every time she shut her eyes. Mostly, she needed to listen to his voice, the cold trying to pull her into unconsciousness.

“Do I really need to explain?” His voice was soft as his head leaned down, his lips pressing deeply against hers. The cold of her lips quickly warmed against his as he held her tightly to him, his lips pressing hungrily against hers as his warmth continued to spread through to her.
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